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CBI Lesson Plan : Food Self-Portraits

By : Nicole Lavely
1. Context & Objectives
Grade Level: 10th- 12th
Name of Course: Drawing 1
Duration of lesson: 2-3 days, 1 hour 30 minute periods

State Standard/Common Core Standard:

Standard 1-Making
Students will assemble and create drawings by manipulating art
media and by organizing images with the elements and
Objective 1: Refine Techniques and processes in a variety of media.

Objective 2: Create drawings using art elements and principles.

a. Create expressive drawings using art elements, including line,
shape, form, value, contour and perspective.

Standard 3- Expressing
Students will create meaning in drawings.
Objective 1: Create content in drawings.
a. Identify subject matter, metaphor, themes, symbols and content
in drawings.
b. Create drawings that effectively communicate subject matter,
metaphor, themes, symbols, or individually conceived content.

Core Concepts:
Surrealism: The Surrealist artists sought to channel the
unconscious as a means to unlock the power of the imagination.
surrealists feasted on the unconscious. They believed that
Freud's theories on dreams, ego, superego and the id opened
doors to the authentic self and a truer reality (the "surreal"). Like
the Dadaists, they relished the possibilities of chance and
Collage: Collage is a technique of an art production, primarily
used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an
assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole
Symbol: a thing that represents or stands for something else,
especially a material object representing something abstract.
Symbolism: the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
Form: Form has depth, length, and width and resides in space. It
is perceived as three-dimensional.
Shape: Shape implies spatial form and is usually perceived as

Color: Colors all come from the three primaries and black and
white. They have three properties hue, value, and intensity.
Portrait: a painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a
person, especially one depicting only the face or head and
Self-portrait: a portrait of oneself done by oneself

Essential Question(s):
1 What is collage and what purpose can it serve in art making?
2 How can we create an image, using methods of collage, which
represent the varying aspects of our identity?
3 How can collage be a tool to create new meaning with in an
artwork using various symbols?

Performance Objectives:
Content PO(s):
SWBAT classifying works of art that use collage by viewing
PowerPoint presentation with a variety of images as a
SWBAT search for food imagery that symbolizes aspects of
their identity by looking through a variety of magazines
working independently.
SWBAT create self-portraits using surrealist collage
techniques working independently.
Language PO(s):
SWBAT explain why they chose certain food imagery by
writing a small statement about their final product using
paragraph templates.
SWBAT generate a written title that represents their final
PO Justification:
I chose to focus on writing for my language objectives because it will
provide students with the opportunity to explain their final product and
let me know what they were thinking about when creating their final
The language objective also allows students utilize the graphic
organizers they previously made that mapped out what specific food
symbolized certain aspects of their identity. The language objectives
relate to the content objective by having students write responses that
explain their final works.
Generating a title for their final product will be review from a previous
lesson we had that focused on how titles can give works of art new
meaning or clarify artist intent.

My POs relate to the lessons essential questions by having students
perform tasks that engage them in the processes of creating and
thinking about collage. These essential questions are embedded into
the activities and final project to provide a framework for which
students can think in.

Texts students will interpret:

Surrealist collage works
Photos of self
Variety of art works that incorporate food imagery.
Giuseppe Arcimboldo Rudolf II of Habsburg as Vertumnus, 1590
(oil on board)

Text students will produce:

Self-portrait using surrealist collage techniques.
Title of their final collage product
Small writing assignment explaining the images they chose to
incorporate into their collages and why.

2. Lesson Sequence/Narrative
Build or Activate Background Knowledge:
To activate background knowledge we will begin class by
reviewing the concept of symbolism. Through a PowerPoint
presentation, new concepts will be introduced and will
connect to what students have previously learned.
We will refer back to the graphic organizer that students
made in an earlier lesson that lists food names they have
chosen to represent and symbolize aspects of their identity.
The PowerPoint will contain the definition and visual
examples of symbolism for students who need further
language support.

Make POs explicit:

At the end of the PowerPoint I will present the performance
objectives on a slide and verbally tell them to the students.
The performance objectives will also be written on the
board and added to the daily module on canvas.

Communicate Essential Questions & Core Concepts:

Through the PowerPoint, the concepts of collage will be
introduced and defined, examples of surrealists collage will
be presented and as a class we will work together to
answer the lessons essential questions. The essential

questions will be written down on a poster and hung in the
Students will be instructed to take notes in their
sketchbook. Students have previously learned that bolded
words in the PowerPoint are key terms and need to be
written down.
Core concepts will be posted to the daily module on

For the through section of the lesson, I will begin by
demonstrating collage methods that students will be
expected to utilize when creating their final project. The
first through task will be for students to collect images
from magazines that symbolize aspects of their identity.
The second through task is for students to create a food
self-portrait using surrealist collage methods.
The chose the first task to give students the time and
support they need in finding and picking what imagery is
going to go into their final project.
I chose the second task because it gives students the
opportunity to create a work of art that symbolizes the
multiple aspects of their identity.

For the beyond section of the lesson there are two tasks.
For the first tasks, students will write a paragraph about
their final works of art and explain the imagery they chose
and why. The second task will be for students to generate a
title for their final work. These tasks were chosen to
engage students in the process of critically thinking about
the decisions they made in creating their artwork.

Revisit POs: Performance objectives will be revisited during
small group critiques of their final works. Students will be
asked to talk about the woes and wonders of the process
and project.
Revisit Essential Questions & Core Concepts: As students
work, core concepts will be further discussed and reviewed.
Essential questions will also be answered as students
engage in the process of creating their final works.

Formative: I will quickly mark off if students have collected
images that relate to foods that were in their graphic

organizers. This will show me if students are thinking about
the images they are selecting for their final project.
Summative: Students will be formally graded on two
things, the final project and the written paragraph about
their work. The skills learned in this project will be
reviewed as part of their final portfolio at the end of the

3. Ensuring Lesson Quality

Managing Demands on Cognition

Higher order thinking skills Ss use in this lesson:
Students will refer back to their food graphic organizers.
Students will choose the food imagery that represents their
Students will experiment with chosen imagery when creating
Students will develop skills in using collage techniques.
Students will create a work of art that represents their identity.
Students will explain their final product.
Students will generate a title for their final product.
Strategy/strategies students will use to manage their learning
Students will use their graphic organizers when making decisions
on imagery to incorporate into collage.
Students will use collage techniques demonstrated by the
Students will be provided with a sentence framing structure to
aid them in writing explanations of final projects.
Students will use previous knowledge of writing titles for works of
art to generate a title for final project.

Modeling I will do in this lesson:

How to use collage techniques: through a demonstration.
How students are expected to collect images: during
How students will store collected images: show students where
to find small yellow envelopes to hold cut out imagery.
How to write a paragraph explaining a work of art: using a
sentence framing structure.
Where to find supplies and how they are labeled so students can
find them.


Content: I will explicitly define new vocabulary by presenting it
written and verbally.
Process: How to use collage techniques: through a
How students are expected to collect images: during
Where to find supplies and how they are labeled so students can
find them.
How students will store collected images: show students where
to find small yellow envelopes to hold cut out imagery.
How to write a paragraph explaining a work of art: using a
sentence framing structure.
Products: Students will be given the opportunity to use a
sentence frame structure to guide them in writing the paragraph
explanations of work. L1 ELL will be given the option to verbally
explain their work.

Principles of Engagement
Student choice: Students have the option of including an image
of themselves or to not because there are a variety of ways to create a
self-portrait. Students will have the option of printing out food imagery
if magazines do not have specific imagery needed for the final product.
Some students may have the option of verbally communicating
explanation of final work.
Explicit connections to prior learning: connections to prior
learning will happen at the beginning of the lesson during the
PowerPoint presentation and again when students are generating titles
for their work.
Explicit connections to Ss lives: This lesson directly relates to Ss
lives because it is asking students to think about their identities. This
connection will be explicit when introducing the concept of self-
portraits and relating it to how food can symbolize aspects of identity.
Plan for responding to students questions: Questions that I
anticipate are what students are to do when they cant find specific
imagery they want. To address this I have made an option to find
images on the internet and print them off to incorporate them.
Students will be able to use the classroom computers to search for
Plan for inspiring Ss to ask questions: To inspire question asking I
will pose questions during the PowerPoint about art works that will get
students thinking about their projects. I will encourage students to ask
questions about specific collage techniques and how they can modify
these techniques.

Opportunities & tools to collaborate: Students will be encouraged
to have conversations about their work as they work. Projects are to be
done individually but quiet classroom talk is encouraged.
Your rationale for selecting the texts you will use in this lesson:
The text I chose are images of art works that use collage methods.
There is a variety in the way the collage is implemented in the works to
give students a range of ways they can utilize techniques.

I am being sensitive to students various cultural needs and
helping to bridge students home and school cultures by providing
students with the opportunity to create work about important aspects
of their identity. Aspects of identity that we have covered: culture,
personal experiences, gender, sexuality, history, etc.
I plan to support productive classroom discourse in this lesson by
walking around and working with students during the class period.

Lesson Materials


Sentence structure for paragraph explanation of final project:

In my work I chose & because it symbolizes of my

identity. This is important to because .

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