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Behaviorism Essay

Name: ________________________ Teacher: Mr. Vazquez

Date : ___________________ Title of Work: ___________________
Criteria Points
1 2 3 4
The student
Student clearly did
not put any effort to The student
admirably with
editing simple clearly put
Spelling and
Spag. The entire Student put forth moderate
paper could some effort. The amount of effort
There is only
potentially be paper may still into editing.
one or two
unreadable due to have many errors There are few
Grammar spelling ____
the amount of Spag still but it is not mistakes in
error. Run on as visible in Spelling and
throughout the
sentences, and lack every line of grammar and
entire paper and
of proper text. only one or two
punctuation or run-on
punctuation is
capitalization is sentences.
seen through out
Student shows
some Student shows a Student shows a
understanding of good clear
material, and understanding understanding
Student's paper
reasonably of material. of material. All
shows a clear
explains what They use many key terms the
Understanding many key terms key terms student uses are
of material. The ____
of Theory mean throughout appropriately explained
student may fail to
their paper with only one clearly and
provide or use any
mean. Yet some or two being concisely
of the key terms.
of those key left vague and without any
terms may be up to unnecessary
left vague and up interpretation information.
to interpretation.
Relation to self The Student failed The student The student The student ____
to provide any provided only provided at provided at
examples that relate one or two least three least three
their theory of examples yet examples yet examples and
failed to use any
of the key terms
might have
we went over in correctly
choice to class incorrectly used
class to explain utilized all the
material. one of the key
why thier key terms.
example relates
to class material.
Student did
provided an
provide and
outside source
Student did not outside resource
Article to further
look for an outside to explain their
research (Point explain their ____
source to aid in theory of choice,
or no point) theory of choice
their explanation. but did not cite
and correctly
correctly at the
sited their
en of the paper
Total----> ____

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