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Mohd Shah Reza B Abd Razak,

138, Jalan Bayam, Taman Molek,

72400 Simpang Durian,
Negeri Sembilan.

18 March 2012

Agriculture Officer,
Pejabat Pertanian Daerah Simpang Durian,
No.15, Pekan Desa Permai,
724000 Simpang Durian,
Negeri Sembilan.


Unbearable Bad Smell from A Agriculture Land Behind My Residential Area And
Poor Service From Your Department

Hi, my name is Mohd Shah Reza B Abd Razak, I am resident from Simpang Durian. I
had made a complaint several times regarding environment issue in my residential area
via hotline and direct call to your head office and office in Simpang Durian.

2. My first call was in early this year but very sadly, until now I still hear nothing
from your staff and also no action was taken from your department. I have no choice,
since lodging a phone call is not workable. Thus, I have to write this letter to you.
Hopefully this system works for me and for all Malaysian.

3. I stay in a residential area in Taman Molek, less than 5 minutes drive from
Simpang Durian town. There is a piece of agriculture land behind my house. They use
fertilize their land every 3-4 month using a very unbearable smelly fertilizer. Instead of
putting the fertilizer under the soil, they just simply put above the soil which cause bad
smell stay there for about a week. This is a very intolerable to have the bad smell in house
for a week especially before Hari Raya Aidilfitri this year. We had to keep all our doors
close to avoid strong smell coming in. This is very unhealthy, physically and mentally.

4. To resolve this problem, I hope you can investigate and take necessary action to
solve this issue. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I hope to hear from you
soon. Please do not be hesitating to call me at 017-6667778. Thank you.




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