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WATI Assistive Technology Consideration Guide

1. What task is it that we want this student to do, that they are unable to do at a level that
reflects their skills/abilities (writing, reading, communicating, seeing, hearing)?
Document by checking each relevant task below. Please leave blank any tasks that are
not relevant to the students IEP.
2. Is the student currently able to complete tasks with special strategies or
accommodations? If yes, describe in Column A for each checked task.
3. Is there available assistive technology (either devices, tools, hardware, o software) that
could be used to address this task? (If none are known, review WATIs AT Checklist.) If
any assistive technology tools are currently being used (or were tried in the past),
describe in Column B.
4. Would the use of assistive technology help the student perform this skill more easily or
efficiently, in the least restrictive environment, or perform successfully with less personal
assistance? If yes, complete Column C.

Task A. If currently completes task B. If currently completes

with special strategies and / or task with assistive
accommodations, describe. technology tools, describe.

Motor Aspects of Writing

Computer Access

Composing Written Material


Reading Student uses assistive technology Student uses assistive

for vision purposes when reading technology for vision purposes
printed text and electronic text. when reading printed text and
electronic text.


A. If currently completes B. If currently C. Describe new or

Task task with special completes task with additional assistive
strategies and / or assistive technology technology to be
accommodations, tools, describe. tried.

Recreation and
Activities of Daily
Living (ADLs)

Positioning and
Vision Student uses assistive Student uses assistive Student is able to keep
technology for vision technology for vision up with peers using the
purposes when reading purposes when already mentioned
printed text and electronic reading printed text assistive technologies.
text. and electronic text. No further assistive
technology needed at
this time.

5. Are there assistive technology services (more specific evaluation of need for
assistive technology, adapting or modifying the assistive technology, technical
assistance on its operation or use, or training of student, staff, or family) that this
student needs? If yes, describe what will be provided, the initiation and duration.

Currently the student does very well with the assistive technology to assist her vision
when reading. She has used the magnifier, and a reading app for several years. She
is also comfortable using highlighters and line readers to help her focus on smaller
areas of text. Teachers zoom printed papers by at least 50% or more when possible.

If her vision changes, updates and changes might be necessary.

Assistive Technology Implementation Plan

Student Name Grade Date of Birth
Student CP 9 Unknown

School Date AT Plan Review Date

Marietta HS Summer 2016

POINT OF CONTACT (Individual assigned to keep the Implementation Plan updated)

A.Shaffer, summer school teacher, special ed

EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE TO BE USED STATUS (e.g., owned by school, will purchase, will borrow, etc)
Reading assists highlighter, line reader, reading app, zoom feature, magnifier Owned by student

TASK (e.g., order/procure AT, load software, adapt/customize devices/software, set up PERSON RESPONSIBLE DATE DUE
at home/school, maintain/repair, etc.)
Student currently owns devices she needs to assist her vision when reading.

NAME (List all individuals who will implement the AT with the student.) ROLE (e.g., administrator, teacher, family member, service provider, etc)
Amy Shaffer teacher



math, science, PE, art, etc) AT and customized settings if appropriate)
Use appropriate strategies and devices to All areas AShaffer, JVaughn Highlighters, line readers, zoom features, reading app,
assist vision. magnifier.
Teacher will zoom printed text whenever All areas teachers Copy machine with zoom feature
possible by at least 50%

math, science, PE, art, etc) AT and customized settings if appropriate)

(How will you teach student to use equipment (e.g., task analysis recording system; score + or - on IMPLEMENTATION / DATA COLLECTION
and/or how to achieve goals.) data recording sheet)
Student will implement strategies and devices Remind student to use when Monitoring daily in class AShaffer, JVaughn
to assist her vision when reading on paper and needed, equipment is not new to
electronic devices. the student.
Jessica Vaughn

ITEC 7445

AT Module Final Reflection

1. Provide your original "Initial Thoughts" responses. Your instructor will read these
along with your reflections.

Initial thoughts
1. What should teachers know about assistive technology and how it is used by
students with disabilities?
Teachers need to be familiar with the disabilities of any student on their rosters. They also
need to be well versed on any possible assistive technology needed by that student. It is
possible that a student will have a device that they have been using, but it is new to the
teacher. It is the teachers responsibility to educate themselves on the use of the specific
device. It is also important to know what services can be provided to assist students with an
IEP to be able to achieve the same level of content as all other students.

2. What are the school's responsibilities regarding assistive technology?

It is the schools responsibility to research, educate, and provide any assistive technology that
could be beneficial for students with IEPs. Often schools have seen successes with other
students and can share this information with students and families of any other students that
might need similar assistance.

3. What can classroom teachers do to help their students fully succeed in their use of
assistive technology?

The most important thing for a teacher to do to help students succeed by using assistive
technology is to make the student feel comfortable using the devices and services. Many
times students arent familiar with something new, or they dont feel like they fit in if they
are using something different than other students. It is the teachers job to reduce the
embarrassment or feelings of being different. This can be done by encouraging more students
to use some of the more basic assistive technologies. It is also necessary for teachers to be
educated in the appropriate assistive technologies in case the student has a problem with the
actual device or using a specific service.

2. Reflection.

Write your new (reflective) responses to the same "Initial Thoughts" questions. In
each response, clearly connect your reflections with the module, your readings
(resources), and your experience working with a student with a disability using
assistive technology.

1. This was a difficult model to complete during the summer, as I did not have direct (or
convenient) access to students, especially students that required assistive technology. I
dont know that the field experience was as valuable as it would have been if I could have
completed during a traditional semester in which I could work with a larger selection of
students using assistive technology. However, in my experience, I did learn how
important it is for teachers to be familiar with disabilities and impairments of their
students, and what assistive technology can benefit their learning. The specific reasoning
of using assistive technology is to allow a student to access a general education
curriculum, like their peers, and participate in a general education setting. If the teacher
isnt knowledgeable and comfortable, it will be difficult for the student using the specific
AT and other students that arent familiar with different devices and strategies.
2. I still belief it is important for the school to know what to offer and provide any assistive
technology that a student might not easily have access to. Im sure it is common that
students dont have their own devices, especially when something is being introduced to
a student. It is critical for teachers and administrators to be aware of what is available and
how to obtain AT devices whenever necessary.
3. Again, any AT that isnt used often might seem awkward or even embarrassing, so it is
extremely important that the classroom teacher make the student (and classmates) as
comfortable as possible. Students should not be singled out for using AT. If assistive
technology is used and encouraged often, it will become normal. Address questions, and
keep consistency in the classroom for the benefit of all students.

Briefly describe what you would have done differently (now that you know)

I need to be more willing to ask students about their AT devices, especially if they have been
using them for previous courses. Its hard to learn about devices without actually seeing them
and using them. If I have students that are comfortable, Id love to ask them to demonstrate how
they are used. This will be beneficial for me and other students. I will also try to incorporate
more AT for all students so that there isnt a stigma of being singled out when a student is in need
of AT.

Briefly state what questions you still have.

The biggest question that I still have, is where to get basic information about possible assistive
technology devices that might benefit students. In any previous experience I have had with a
student that needed an assistive technology, either they were already using a device, and familiar
with it themselves, or a special education teacher or case manager introduced a new form of AT. I
dont know where to go to find whats available. At this point its just knowledge that I have
accumulated through the years and I wouldnt be comfortable recommending an assistive
technology to a student that needed one without first consulting a teacher more proficient with
special education.

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