Cara BLS

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BASIC LIFE SUPPORT DID you know? BIS increases survival rate by 20% when the victim is sent to a hospital compared to one who did nat have BLS performed on them. Don’t hesitate. Just act! Just Remember DR ABC Ensure safety of rescuer, any bystanders and victim Beware of environmental danger Traffic, electric, water, gas (Check viet fer response Shake victim's body gently Lao for injuries, Finger sweep gethelp Place your hand om his forehead and. ‘ently tit his head back. ‘With your fingertips, itt the chin (90") Look for chast mavement LUsten for breath sounds Feel for expired alr Check Pulse Interlock the fingers af your hands Position arm vertically & straight on the chest start chest compressions Repeat for S cycle ‘Stop to racheck-the wetin only if he starts breathing normally or move, ‘otherwise donot intarrupt resuscitation

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