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List of topics for this chapter :

Trigonometric Fourier Series
Symmetry Considerations
Circuit Applications
Average Power and RMS Values
Exponential Fourier Series
Fourier Analysis with PSpice


Problem 16.1 [16.5] A voltage source has a periodic waveform defined over its period
as v( t ) = t (2 t ) V for 0 < t < 2 . Find the Fourier series for this voltage.

v( t ) = 2t t 2 , 0 < t < 2
T = 2 0 = 2 T = 1

1 2 t 3 2

1 T 1 2
a0 = f ( t ) dt = ( 2 t t 2
) dt = t 0
T 0 2 0 2 3
4 3 2 2 2
a0 = 1 =
2 3 3

1 2 2t 2

2 T
an = ( 2 t t 2
) cos( nt ) dt = 2 cos(nt ) + sin( nt ) 0
T 0 n n
an = [ 2nt cos(nt ) 2 sin(nt ) + n 2 t 2 sin( nt ) ] 02
n 3

2 1 -4
a n = 2 (1 1) 3 [ 4n cos( 2n )] =
n n n2

2 T 1
bn = ( 2 nt t 2
) sin( nt ) dt = (2nt t 2 ) sin(nt ) dt
T 0
2n 1 1
bn = [sin(nt ) nt cos(nt )] 0 [2nt sin( nt ) + 2 cos(nt ) n 2 t 2 cos(nt )] 02
n2 n3
- 4 4
bn = + =0
n n

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2 2
f (t ) = 2 cos(nt )
3 n =1 n

Problem 16.2 Evaluate each of the following functions and determine if it is periodic. If it
is periodic, find its period.

(a) f(t) = cos(t/2) + sin(t) + 3 cos(2t)

(b) y(t) = sin( 3 t) + cos(t)
(c) g(t) = 4 + sin(t)
(d) h(t) = 2sin(5t)cos(3t)
(e) z(t) = etsin(t)

(a) This is a periodic function with a period of 4 seconds.

(b) This is a nonperiodic function since the first term has an irrational
multiplier of t while the second has a rational multiplier.
(c) The integral of this function goes to infinity because of the dc function.
Thus this is a nonperiodic function.
(d) This is a periodic function with a period of seconds.
(e) This is a nonperiodic function since it continuously changes as t goes to


Problem 16.3 Determine the type of function represented by the signal in Figure 16.1.
Also, determine the Fourier series expansion.


2 1 0 1 2 t

Figure 16.1

This is an odd function since f(t) = f(t). Therefore, ao = 0 = an.

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2 T
T 0
bn = f ( t ) sin( n o t )dt , where T = 1 sec and o = 2 rad/sec.

For 0 < t < 1, f(t) = 20t 10

(20 t 10) sin( 2nt )dt = 2 20t sin(2nt )dt 10 sin( 2nt )dt
2 1

1 1
Solving for bn =
1 0
0 0

20 20 t

= 2 2 2 sin( 2nt ) cos(2nt ) cos(2nt )

4n 2n 0 2n 0

20 20 10 20
= 2 2 2 (0 0) (1 0) (1 1) =
4n 2n 2n n

20 1
Therefore, f(t) = sin( 2nt )
n =1 n

Problem 16.4 [16.15] Calculate the Fourier coefficients for the function in Figure 16.1.

5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 t

Figure 16.1
This is an even function, therefore b n = 0 . In addition, T = 4 and 0 = 2 .

4t dt = t 2
2 T2 2 1
a0 = f ( t ) dt = 1
0 =1
T 0 4 0

4t cos(nt 2) dt
4 T2 4 1
an = f ( t ) cos( 0 nt ) dt =
T 0 4 0
4 2t
a n = 4 2 2 cos(nt 2) + sin( nt 2) 10
n n

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16 8
an = [cos(n 2) 1 ] + sin(n 2)
2 2


Problem 16.5 Figure 16.1 and vs(t) is periodic with a period equal to 2 msec and has the
following values during that period,

Vs(t) = 10 volts 0 < t < msec

= 0 msec < t < 2 msec

100 k

vs(t) L C vout(t)

Figure 16.1

In addition, L = 1 H and C = 1 F. Determine the value of vo(t).

The first step is to find the Fourier series for vs(t). an = 0 since this is an odd function.

f(t) = ao + b
n =1
n sin( n o t )

T = 2x103 and o = 1000.

1 10 3 2 10 3 = 1 (10 t 0 ) 103 = 5 volts

210 3 0 10
ao = 10 dt + 3
0 dt 210 3 0

1 10 3
10 sin(1000 t )dt + 0
3 0
bn = f ( t ) sin(1000nt )dt =
210 3 0 10

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10 3
= 3
10 cos(1000 t )
10 x10 3 n 0

= (cos(n) 1)

for n = odd
Thus, bn = n
0 for n = even

Therefore, vs(t) = 5 + (1 + 2k ) sin(1000(1 + 2k) t ) volts
k =1

Now let us look at the first three terms.

Clearly, for the dc term, Vo = 0 since the inductor looks like a short for dc. For all the other
values of n,

n L/C
, = 1000n, for n = odd
j(L 1 /(C))
vo =
10 +

j(L 1 /(C))

20L 20x10 6
= nC = n
j10 (L 1 /(C)) + L / C j10 (1000n 1000 / n ) + 1000
5 5


For n = 1, = 1000. Therefore, Vo = 20/.

For n = 3, = 3000. Therefore,

L/C 1000
the value of L||C = = = j0.375
j(L 1 /(C)) j2667

This value of impedance is so much smaller than the value of the resistor that we can neglect this
term and all of the others. Thus,

vo(t) = sin(1000t ) volts

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Does this answer make any sense? If we look at this term and the values of L and C, we find that
L and C are in parallel resonance when = 1000. Thus, this circuit is actually a filter that filters
out a single sine wave from the input signal.

Problem 16.6 Refer to Figure 16.1. Change the value of L to (1/9) H. with everything else
remaining the same. Now solve for vo(t). Everything remains the same as Problem 16.5 up till
equation (a). The new value of L changes equation (a) as shown below.

20x10 6
Thus, our new equation for Vo = n9
1000n 1000 10
j10 5 +
9 n 9

For n = 1,
0.7074x10 6
Vo =
j10 5 (111.11 1000) + 0.1111x10 6
0.7074 x10 6
= j0.007958
j888.9 x10 5

Clearly, this can be considered to be equal to zero.

For n = 3,

0.2358x10 6
Vo = = 2.122 volts
j10 5 (333.3 333.3) + 0.11111x10 6

For all other values of n, Vo is essentially equal to zero. Therefore,

vo(t) = sin( 3000t ) = 2.122 sin( 3000t ) V

Problem 16.7 [16.25] If v s in the circuit of Figure 16.1 is the same as function f 2 ( t )
in Figure 16.2, determine the dc component and the first three nonzero harmonics of v o ( t ) .

1 1H

vs 1F 1 vo

Figure 16.1

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2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 t

Figure 16.2

The signal is even, hence, b n = 0 . In addition, T = 3 , 0 = 2 3 .

v s (t ) = 1 for all 0 < t < 1

v s (t ) = 2 for all 1 < t < 1.5

a0 =
[ 1 dt +


2 dt = ] 4

an =
[ cos(2nt 3) dt +

0 1
2 cos(2nt 3) dt ]
4 3 6 -2
an = sin(2nt 3) 10 + sin( 2nt 3) 11.5 = sin( 2n 3)
3 2 n 2 n n

4 2 1
vs (t) = sin (2n 3) cos(2nt 3)
3 n =1 n

Now consider this circuit,

1 /3

j3/2n 1 vo

- j3 1 - j3
Let Z= =
2n 1 j3 2n 2n j3

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Thus, vo = v
Z + 1 + j2n 3 s

Simplifying, we get
- j9
vo = v
12n + j (4 n 2 2 18) s

For the dc case, n = 0 and v s = 3 4 V and v o = v s 2 = 3 8 V .

We can now solve for v o ( t )

3 2nt
v o ( t ) = + A n cos + n V
8 n =1 3

(6 n ) sin( 2n 3)
where A n =
16n 2 + [(4 n 2 2 3) 6]2

n 3
and n = 90 tan -1
3 2n

9 sin(2n 3)
where we can further simplify A n to An =
n 4 n 4 4 + 81


Problem 16.8 Given the signal shown in Figure 16.6, determine the exact value of the rms

10 volts

2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 t

Figure 16.1

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value of this wave shape. Using the Fourier series of the wave shape, calculate the estimated rms
value using all the terms up to and including n = 5.

We can use the definition of Vrms to calculate the rms value of the wave shape.

1 T 2
T 0
Vrms = v ( t ) dt where T = 2 sec.

1 2 2

2 0
1 1
2 0 1
2 1
v ( t ) dt = (10) 2 dt + (10) 2 dt = 100 t 0 + 100 t 1
1 2
= 0.5[100 0 + 200 100] = 100

Thus, Vrms = 100 = 10 volts.

We now proceed to the Fourier series. Please note, this is just the Fourier series of a standard
square wave.

40 1
v(t) = sin(nt ) , n = 2k 1.
k =1 n

For this problem, we want all the terms through and including n = 5 (k = 3).

For a Fourier series, we can solve for the rms value using,

1 2
Frms = a o2 + (a n + b 2n )
2 1

1 40 40 40 40 1 1 1
2 2 2

Thus, Vrms + + = 1 + +
2 3 5 2 9 25

= (40/)(0.7587) = 9.66 volts.

Although this answer is only within 5%, it is still significant enough for some cases. The reason
that this is not closer to the actual value of 10 volts is that the coefficients for the Fourier series of
a square wave do not decrease in value as fast as they do for other signals.

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Problem 16.9 Given the triangular voltage wave shape shown in Figure 16.7, determine the
exact value of the rms voltage. Then, calculate the approximate value of the rms value using the
Fourier terms up to and including n = 5.

10 volts

2 1 0 1 2 t

Figure 16.0

First we will calculate the exact value using,

1 2 2
2 0
Vrms = v ( t ) dt , where v(t) = 20t for 0 < t < 1/2.

Note that due to symmetry, we only need to use the range, 0 < t < 1/2.

1/ 2
1 2 2 4 1/ 2 800 t 3
2 0
v ( t ) dt = 400 t dt =

2 0 3 0

= (800/3)[(1/8) 0] = 100/3

Therefore, Vrms = 10/ 3 = 5.774 volts.

Now we can solve the Fourier series. The student can verify that the Fourier series for this wave
shape is given by,

80 1
v(t) = sin(nt ) , where n = 2k 1.
2 k =1 n 2

Through n = 5 we get,

80 1 1
v(t) 2
sin( t ) + sin(3t ) + sin(5t ) volts.
9 25

80 1 1 1
Vrms 1 + + = 5.771 volts.
2 2 81 625
Clearly, this compares very favorably to the exact value of 5.774. The reason for this is because
the Fourier series for a triangular wave shape converges very quickly.

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Problem 16.10 [16.31] The voltage across the terminals of a circuit is

v( t ) = 30 + 20 cos(120t + 45) + 10 cos(120t 45) V

The current entering the terminal at higher potential is

i( t ) = 6 + 4 cos(120t + 10) 2 cos(120t 60) A

(a) the rms value of the voltage,
(b) the rms value of the current,
(c) the average value of the power absorbed by the circuit.

1 2 1
(a) Vrms = a 02 +
2 n =1
(a n + b 2n ) = (30) 2 + (20 2 + 10 2 ) = 33.91 V

(b) I rms = 6 2 + (4 2 + 2 2 ) = 6.782 A

Vn I n cos(n n )
(c) P = Vdc I dc +
P = (30)(60) + (0.5) [(20)(4) cos(45 10) (10)(2) cos(- 45 + 60)]
P = 180 + 32.76 9.659 = 203.1 W

Problem 16.11 Determine the rms value of a triangular wave shape with a peak-to-peak
value of 40 volts. If this wave shape is placed across a 10-ohm resistor, determine the average
power dissipated by that resistor.

As we saw in problem 16.9, the rms value of a triangular wave shape is given by,

Vrms = Vpeak/ 3 = 20/ 3 = 11.547 volts.

Average power = Vrms2/R = (11.547)2/10 = 13.333 watts.


Problem 16.12 Given the sawtooth voltage wave shape shown in Figure 16.8, find its
exponential (complex) Fourier series.

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10 V

2 1 0 1 2 t

Figure 16.1

1 T
cn =
T 0
v( t )e jno t dt , where T = 1 and v(t) = (20t 10) for 0 < t < 1.

Since T = 1, o = 2.

1 1
(20 t 10) e j2 nt dt = 20 te j2 nt dt 10 e j2 nt dt
1 1
Therefore, cn =
1 0 0 0

1 1
te j2 nt e j2 nt e j2 nt
= 20 2
j2n ( j2n ) 0 j2n 0

e j2 n e j2 n 1 j j
= 20 + 2 2 2 2 10 e j2 n
j2n 4 n 4 n 2n 2n

j 1 1 j j 10
= 20 + 2 2 2 2 10 = j
2n 4 n 4 n 2n 2n 2n

In addition, co = 0.

j10 j2nt
Thus, v(t) =
n = n
n 0

Problem 16.13 [16.37] Determine the exponential Fourier series for f ( t ) = t 2 ,

- < t < , with f ( t + 2n ) = f ( t ) .

0 = 2 T = 1

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t e dt
1 2 - jnt
cn =
2 -

Integrating by parts twice gives,

c n = 2 cos(n n 2 ) = (2)(- 1n n 2 ) , n0

For n = 0 ,

1 2
c0 = t dt =
2 - 3

( 2)(-1) n jnt
f (t ) = + e
3 n = - n 2
n 0


Problem 16.14 [16.51] Calculate the Fourier coefficients of the signal in Figure 16.1
using PSpice.


4 2 0 2 4 6 8 t
Figure 16.1

The Schematic is shown below. In the Transient dialog box, we type Print step = 0.01s, Final
time = 36s, Center frequency = 0.1667, Output vars = v(1), and click Enable Fourier.

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After simulation, the output file includes the following Fourier components,


DC COMPONENT = 2.000396E+00


1 1.667E01 2.432E+00 1.000E+00 8.996E+01 0.000E+00
2 3.334E01 6.576E04 2.705E04 8.932E+01 6.467E01
3 5.001E01 5.403E01 2.222E01 9.011E+01 1.801E+02
4 6.668E01 3.343E04 1.375E04 9.134E+01 1.813E+02
5 8.335E01 9.716E02 3.996E02 8.982E+01 1.433E01
6 1.000E+00 7.481E06 3.076E06 9.000E+01 3.581E02
7 1.167E+00 4.968E02 2.043E02 8.975E+01 2.173E01
8 1.334E+00 1.613E04 6.634E05 8.722E+01 2.748E+00
9 1.500E+00 6.002E02 2.468E02 9.032E+01 1.803E+02

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