Malory Robison

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Malory Robison

ED 410


Setting the Standard

KITE Case 1: 2006-1

Grade: 1st

Subject: Science

Technology Used: Internet searching and presentation software.

Summary: The first grade teacher was teaching a unit o dinosaurs. She had

eight first graders. She was going to help them learn about dinosaurs by allowing

them to conduct their own research and create a hyper studio presentation. Each

student was provided a laptop. The teacher showed how to conduct research.

She allowed them to pick what dinosaur they wanted to learn about. Then she

showed demonstrated how to use the hyper studio stack. After demonstrating

she gave them time to play around with how hyper studio worked. The teacher

told the students what information they should include in their presentations.

Once the students were done they presented their projects to the kindergartners
in their class. Then the teacher showed hem to other faculty. They assessed by

seeing if they presented the required information and by seeing the finished

product of the presentation. They did not give a pass/fail grade, they just

observed to see what the child learned.

Reflection: This case was a good example of using technology to transform

learning because the students were able to conduct their own research about

dinosaurs and show what they learned by creating a presentation. The

technology integration was appropriate for their grade level. According to the

SAMR model, the technology integration was in the Redefinition level because

the technology allowed students to create in a way that a traditional classroom

could not. This was a good way to introduce how to research and how to create

presentations. It also was a good way for students to express their creativity. The

students worked independently and collaboratively. They would work individually

on the projects but were there to help one another if needed. The teacher was

there to guide them and tell them the required information. The lesson allowed

the students to gain some 21st century skills. The teacher met the NETS for

teachers in the area of Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum by managing

student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. The

presentation reflected on what the students learned about their dinosaurs and

what they learned about the technology used.

Suggestion for improvement: The lesson could have been improved by having

either a list of guidelines or a rubric to follow. The students would have had a

constant reminder of what was expected of them. When students know what they

are expected to do, typically the changes of them successfully completing the

assignments improve. The teacher could also how a poster that reminded the

students how to conduct research and how to use hyper studio.

KITE Case 2: 2124-1

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject: English/Language Arts

Technology Used: Presentation Software

Summary: This kindergarten student-teacher created and presented a

PowerPoint on different colors. The purpose of this PowerPoint was for the

students to identify the different colors and spell them. Each slide covered a

different color. For each color there were images of things that were that color.

For example, for the color red there was images of a fire truck and a stop sign.

Then the teacher could click on the slide and a poem would pop up. The teacher

and students would say the poems. When the PowerPoint was no longer up the

teacher would as what was red and the students would spell it and say what

pictures was on its slide. The assessment was to see whether or not they could

spell and recognize the colors.

Reflection: This was a good way to introduce technology in the classroom. The

technology was used to enhance the learning experience. The technology used

was very simple but was appropriate for kindergarten lessons. According to the

SAMR model the technology used was in the substitution level because the

teacher used the technology to present and teach the material. It was a good

way to increase student engagement. The teacher even mentioned hearing the

students saying the poems throughout the day. The teacher was the director

during the lesson. She had more control over the learning process. The students

were active learners. The teacher met the NETS for teachers in the area of

Productivity and Professional Practice by applying technology to increase

productivity. Going through the PowerPoint and listening to what the students

said helped the teacher get an understanding of what the students knew.

Suggestions for improvement: This case could improve by having interactive

activities during the presentation. For example, a slide could have a group of

pictures on it and a student had to go and point the picture that was the color the

teacher told them to find. There could also be a slide where a student had to

write the color under the picture. These two things could be another way to

assess the students. It would assess their ability to identify and spell colors.
KITE Case 3: 2123-1

Grade: 1st

Subject: Science, social students

Technology Used: digital cameras, internet searching, email, webpages/linklist

Summary: The first grade class had been saying to get a classroom pet when

the teacher found a green snake in her home. She brought it to the school and

told her students they could only keep the snake if they knew how to take care of

it. The teacher and the students began to do research about different kinds of

snakes. They needed to know what kind of snake they had in order to know what

they needed to care for it. They came across a website that said if they sent a

picture of the snake they would tell you what kind it was. This gave the teacher

and her co-worker and opportunity to teach the students about digital cameras.

They took pictures of the snake and uploaded them to the website. The students

then wanted to see how long it would take to upload the images onto the

computer as well as how long it would take to attach them on an email and send

it out. The man never responded about the type of snake so the students,

teacher and parents conducted their own research. Eventually they determined

what they needed to care for the snake.

Reflection: This lesson did contain good use of technology. The students were

able to research about snakes and find out what information they needed to care
for the snake. They were able to use a camera and see how to upload and send

images. Using the internet allowed students to engage in their learning instead of

being presented with facts. The technology used was appropriate for the grade

level and the lesson. According to the SAMR model, the technology used was in

the modification level because it slightly altered but did not alter the initial task.

It was a good was to teach 21st century skills. It was also a good way for students

to learn about the importance of taking of a pet. The teacher was the facilitator

during the whole process. She showed them how o search on the internet and

how to upload and send pictures. The teacher met the NETS for teachers in the

area od Technology Operations and Concepts by demonstrating introductory

knowledge skills and understanding of concepts related to technology.

Suggestions for Improvement: Although the teacher did not have control over

the technology availability, future teachers that use this lesson should have better

usage of technology. If able, the students could have their own device to

research. That way the students could research on their own and then present

what they found and compare what they found with what others found. Also if the

teacher had a way to project her computer screen she would be able to teach the

whole class how to conduct research at one time.

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