Excel Questions

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Prepare a payroll statement in MS-EXCEL with the following constraints

The employees department conditions
If the department code is 1 calculate DA= 50% of basic, CCA = 20% and HRA = 30%
and PF = 5% of BASIC pay
If the department code is 2 calculate DA= 70% of basic, CCA = 30% and HRA = 40%
and PF = 10% of BASIC pay.
Calculate the following
Gross Pay and Net Pay for Individual Employees
Total Net pay and PF
Average Gross pay and Average Net of the company
Prepare Department Code wise report using filter options
2. In a worksheet enter the fee payment details with the following fields

Receipt No, Roll No., Date, Course, Semester, Amount

Set the following validation Condition

1. Roll No., should be a maximum of 7 characters

Enter data in random order (Minimum 6 records)

Make multiple copies of the formatted data and perform the following
2. Semester should be selected from the list (I/III/V)
3. Highlight the cells with Red colour for the amount greater than Rs. 30000/-
4. Sort the fees payment details a) Date Wise b) Course Wise
5. Get the semester-wise total fees payment details
6. Count the number of students paid the fees
7. Create minimum of three pivot table reports with all different combinations
3. In a worksheet enter the fee payment details with the following fields
Receipt No, Date, Course, Roll No, Semester, Amount

a) Set the following validation Conditions

i. Receipt Number Should be a Whole Number > 0
ii. Fees Payment date should be between July 2012 and Current Date
iii.Semester should be selected from the list (I/III/V)
iv. Course should be selected from the list (BCOM/BCA/BSc/BBM)
v. Amount should be greater than 0

b) Enter data in random order (Minimum 10 records covering all the

The data should be in the format with proper titles.

c) Make multiple copies of the formatted data and perform the following operations
1. Highlight the cells with Blue colour for the amount greater than Rs. 20000/-
2. Sort the fees payment details a) Semester Wise b) Course Wise
3. Get the course-wise total fees payment details
4. Find the date-wise total fees payment details
5. Count how many students paid the fees in BCOM course
6. Find the total fees paid on a particular day
7. Create minimum of three pivot table reports with all different combinations

4. Create a work sheet to enter the details of the students Internal marks (5 Students)
1. Enter I Internal Marks for 3 subjects in the sheet named I Internal
2. Enter II Internal Marks for 3 subjects in the sheet named II Internal
3. Consolidate the I internal and II internal in the sheet named Final Marks
4. Red circle the students marks who got less than 40 marks (1st Internal + 2nd

Consolidated Internal marks should be in the following format.

Internal Marks (Out of 100)
Financ Costin
Roll No Name MIS e Total
g Grade

Grade is calculated as follows

If Total Marks >=80 - Grade A, If Total Marks >=60 and < 80 Grade B and
If Total Marks < 60 Grade C

5. In a worksheet enter the sales payment details with the following fields

Receipt No, Date, Item, Roll No, Cost, Quantity, Total Amount
a) Set the following validation Conditions
Receipt Number Should be a Whole Number > 0
Payment date should be between July 2012 and Current Date
Item should be selected from the list (TV, Refrigerator, AC, Water purifier, Microwave)
Cost should be greater the 0
Total amount should be done by formula.

b) Enter data in random order (Minimum 12 records covering all the items)
The data should be in the formatted properly with proper titles.

c) Make multiple copies of the formatted data and perform the following
Perform the following operations
a) Highlight the cells with Blue colour for the amount greater than Rs. 20000/-
b) Sort the payment details a) Item Wise b) Count Wise
c) Get the item-wise total payment details
d) Find the date-wise total payment details
e) Count how many customers purchased TV and AC
f) Find the total amount on a particular day.
g) Create minimum of three pivot table reports with all different combinations
h) Prepare corresponding charts also.
6. Enter the share value of a particular company for a period of 1 year and find the following:
i. Lowest share value
ii. Highest share value
iii. Average share value
Represent the share vale by a chart with all possible titles and options.

7. Construct the following report and enter appropriate data into the fields. The values for
Earnings and Deductions must be attained through calculations and also calculate the
Total Net Salary.

Name of the Company

Name of the
Employee : Salary for the month :
Employee No. : P.F.A/c No. :
Designation : Loss of pay Days :
Name of the
Department : Sunday/ Holidays :
Present Days : Use of CL's :
Balance Leave
Days : CL : EL : SL : No.of days Elg.Pay :

1.BASIC : 1.P.F. :
2.V.D.A. : 2.P.TAX :
3.H.R.A. : 3.Others :
4.Others :

Total Gross Salary : Total Deductions :

Total Net Salary :

Authorised by Received by

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