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W is the minimum cond ductor size for an overhea d service droop for aluminum or copperr lead
w or cable?
a. 30 squ uare millimeters c. 8 s quare millimeeters
b. 22 squ uare millimeters d. 14 square millimmeters

2. A baffle for difffusing light from

f ceiling hung
h fluoresccent fixture?
a. Escuth heon b. Opaque c. Eggcrate e d. C
Creep paper
3. Habitable room ms of building gs of more thhan one store ey shall have a ground floor minimum
eiling height of
a. 3.00 b. 2.40
2 c. 2.10 d. 2.70
4. What
W is the other type of laavatory asidee from a shelff back; ledge e back, slab a
and built-in
a. Siphon n jet b.. Wash down c. Flat b
back d. Reverse trapp

5. The current is amperes a conductor

c cann carry contin
nuously under the conditio
ons of use without
xceeding its temperature rating.
a. Ampac city b. Conductivity
C c. Resisttivity d. Capacity

6. Another term for womens urinal fixture

e is.
a. Stall urinal
u b.. Bidet c. Flatbacck wn
d. Washdow

7. What
W is a fittin
ng with a num mber of branc ches in line cconnected fro m a larger piipe used largely
as s an interchange connection from a larrger pipe from m which a nu umber of sma aller ones aree
coonnected in line from the side of the la arger pipe?
a. Cross over fitting c. M
Multiple tee fittting
b. Saddle e flange fitting d. MManifold fittin
8. The minimum number of a urinal fixture e required fo r an auditoriu um or theatre e with a malee
po opulation of 4014 to 600 persons.
a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 1
9. A vent pipe co onnecting from m a branch ofo the drainag ge system to a vent stack
a. Circuitt vent b.
b Branch ven nt cc. branch inteerval d. loop vent
10. Inn an automattic sprinkler system,
s if a fiire breaks ouut somewhere e in the building, rising he
frrom the fire ruptures
r the glass
g ampule e of the sprink kler head ope ening the oriffice. Water sp
ou ut of the sprinkler head. What
W triggerss the system to set an ala arm and if interfaced with a
building BAS sets s the fire pump
p to operrate to suppre ess the fire?
a. Alarm valve c. Alarmm switch
b. Water motor gong d. Conttrolling gate vvalve

11. What
W is the na
ame of the fra e moving steps of an esca
ames on either side of the alator?
a. Rail guuard b. Buffer
B c. Balustrad es d. Baluster

12. Clean out shalll be provided

d within the distance
d of ho
ow many feett inside the p
property line
efore the hou
use sewer con nnection?
a. 5 b. 15
5 c. 10 d. 20

13. What
W is the na
ame of a one--way rotatingg devise conssisting of horiizontal revolv
ving arm whic
ch is
on top of a post that contro
ols traffic?
a. Turnta able b. Turnstile
T c. Carouse l d. T

14. Water
W closet ty
ype includes siphon voltex
x, siphon jet,, reverse trap
p, blowout an
a. Shelf back
b c. Wash dowwn
b. Ledge back d. Flat back

g Utilities (20017)

15. A box with a blank

b cover which
w serves the
t purpose oof joining one
e different ru
uns of racewa
ays or
able, and pro
ovided with su
ufficient spac
ce for connecttion and brannching of the enclosed
a. Utility box c. Johnsonn box
b. Pull boox d. Junction
n box

16. Sanitary sewage for buildin ngs and neutrralized or pre

e-treated induustrial waste water shall b
discharged dirrectly into the
e nearest.
a. River b. San
nitary sewer c. Estero
os d. Draainage canal

17. In
n branch lines
s of an autom
matic sprinkle
e system, witth no exempttions, what is
s the maximu um
number of sprrinkler heads branching fro
om either sid
des of a crosss main for ord
dinary or ligh
azard occupaancies?
a. 6 b. 10 c. 4 d
d. 8

18. What
W is the na
ame of the va
alve installed by the local water utility firm to shut--off or contro
ol the
ow of water before
b the wa
ater meter?
a. Flow meter
m valve c. Water mete r seal
b. Check valve d. Corporation cock

19. A thermoplastic insulated material

m type of wire for sswitchboard w
wiring only.
a. TFB b. MTTW c. TSB d. SIS

20. What
W is the prroper method
d of protecting
g deep wells from contam
mination from
m upper part o
ground water? ?
a. Chlorin nation b.
b Drainage c. Filtrattion d. Water casing

21. A wall designe

ed to prevent the spread of
o fire, havingg a resistance
e rating of no
ot less than 4
a. Prosce enium wall c. Party
y wall
b. Parape et wall d. Fire w

22. The minimum size trap and

d waste brancch for a wateer closet is.
a. 2 diam
meter b. 5 diameterr c. 3 dia
ameter d. 4 diametter

23. What
W is R-lamp
a. Round d lamp c. Romann lamp
b. Rotary y lamp d. Reflecttor lamp

24. The minimum volume of cu

ubic meters of
o air space p
per person req
quired for wo
orkshops, factories
nd offices.
a. 12 b. 14 c. 8 d. 10

25. An arrangemeent of venting

g so installed that one vennt pipe will se
erve two trap
a. Unit ve
ent b. Lo
oop vent c. Circuit vent d. Wet vent

26. Fllaring tools are used for jo

oining works of what pipe
a. PB b. GI c. CI d. PVC

27. What
W is the type of valve that regulated
d the flow of water in a ta
a. Check valve b. Glove valv
ve c. Gate valve d. Ba
all valve

28. Solvent cemen

nt is used forr the joining of
o what pipe?
a. CP b. PE c. PVC d. PB

g Utilities (20017)

29. What
W is the minimum size of a trap and
d waste brancch for stall urrinal?
a. 2 diammeter b. 3 diameteer c. 2
diameter d. 1 diameter

30. A light diffuserr is called.

a. Glass etching b. Eggcrate c. Tem
mpered glass d. opaqu

31. A plumbing fix

a. Boosteer pump c. Floorr drain
b. Water tank d. Wateer heater

32. PV
VC electrical conduit fittin
ng / accessory
a. Tee b. Cooupling c. Wye d. U

33. Ty
ype of pipe not
n used for water
w supply.
a. BI b. PB c. GI
G d. uPVC

34. A valve that co

ontrols the flo
ow of water supply
s into th
he water tank
k of water clo
a. Check valve b. Angle valve
e c. G
Gate valve d. Float va

35. Material
M for ele
ectrical conduuit.
a. Eslon blue b.. CPVC c. uP

36. What
W e of valve with somewhat cylindrical sh
is a type haped body wwith a manua ally raised or
owered disc which
w when closed rests on a seat so aas to prevent passage of a fluid?
nstallation of device requires non-reversible.
a. Gate valve
v b.
b Check valvee c. B
Ball valve d. Globe v

37. A striplight hanging from an overhead batten

b or pipe
e or ceiling and to produc ce general overall
ghting in a diisplay window
a. Borderr light b.
b Fluorescent light c. C
Chase light d. Tivoli light

38. Paassenger elev

vators are deesigned for maximum
m safeety. One optio onal safety feeature of a
paassenger elev
vator is to alllow a passenger to move out of the ca ar in no less tthan 60 seconnds
n the event off a power faillure to prevent panic at th
he time of poower outage. What is an
optional safety
y component of a passeng ger elevator wwhich is interrfaced with thhe control panel,
w operates independen ntly by its owwn DC power supply, which works by automatically
bringing the ca
ar to the nearest (upper or o lower) floo
or landing and d automatically opens the e bi-
paarking doors for safe acce
ess of trapped d passenger? ?
a. Standbby power gen nerator c. Automaticc transfer swiitch
b. Emerggency rescue device d. Uninterruppted power s supply

39. Minimum
M clearr distance of two adjacentt neon signbooards
a. 3.00 mts.
m B. 4.00
4 mts. c. 2.00 mtss. d. 5.00
0 mts

40. An important feature

f of the
e vicinity map
p or location plan of an ellectrical plan to obtain an
ellectrical wirin
ng permit from m the OBO (O Office of the Building Officcial).
a. Tree as a an obstructtion
b. Neares st waterline for
f grounding g wire
c. Neares st electrical post
d. Locatio on of transformer
41. Which
W is NOT Damp Proof Membrane
a. Polyethylene solution c. Inse
ecticide soluttion
b. Hot Bitumen solutio on d. Wasster bitumen

g Utilities (20017)

42. Where
W did you
u see shock absorber
a in th
he elevator shhaft?
a. Ground b. Basement c. Rooof d.. None of the above
43. The MEP cost is highest in which of thes
se building?
a. General Care Hospital c. M edical staff
b. Office building d. Peenetiary buildding

44. A vertical spac

ce in building intended forr ducts, pipess, wire and ca
a. Chase b. Sk
kylight c. Light w ell d. Ch

45. What
W is the recommended light level lu
ux for classrroom?
a. 200 lu ux b. 30
00 lux c. 400 l ux d
d. 500 lux

46. What
W is anothe
er name for Raft
R Foundatiion? Ans. _

47. Minimum
M glazing ratio in High Rise build
a. 20% b. 400% c. 70% d. 1

48. What
W device controls the power generattor so that th
he generator takes over th
he normal po
n case of pow
wer outage?
a. By-pas ss c. T
Transfer switcch
b. Circuitt breaker d. U

49. Why
W should an
n electrical sy
ystem be grounded?
a. Grounding makes it easier to de etect trouble in the syetem
b. To preevent power outage
c. To prootect appliancces fro voltag
ge fluctuation
d. To disssipate voltage increase duue to surge oor unintention
nal contact with higher voltage

50. What
W feature in
i the elevatoor car immeddiately assistss visually imp
paired passen
ngers in
etermining thheir location?
a. Signs with large lettters and sym
b. Voice synthesizer
c. Braille
e plates
d. Door sensors

51. How many ele

evators does the
t Building Code
C require for a 4 store
ey residential condominium
a. At leas
st one regard
dless of floor are
b. None
c. One foor every 1,00
00 sq.m floor area
d. One foor every 500 sq.m floor arre

52. Which
W mechan best cooling? Assume that there is agarden
nical ventilation system prrovides the b
a. Blower below the ceiling
c for air intake
b. Blower at waist levvel to suck in freshair
c. Exhaust fan below the ceiling
d. Ceiling
g fan

53. What
W is used to
t reove unpleasant smells and excesssive moisture e, introduce ooutside air and to
eep interior building
b air circulationg to
o prevent stag
gnation of the
e interior air?
a. Filtratiion c. Ve
b. Activated carbon d. Te
emperature ccontrol

g Utilities (20017)

54. What
W basic consideration does
d NOT dete
ermine the h eight for mounting windo
ow type air
a. Safety y fan blades s are dangero
ous for childrren
b. Physic cal properties & characteriistics of cold and hot air
c. Comfo ort of the users
d. Access sibility and an

55. What
W substancce produces refrigerating
r effect by abssorbing heat while expand
ding or
a. Coolan nt c. Carbon
b. Dry icee d. Refrigeran

56. Yo
ou are designning a high end hospital and
a the Owneer does NOT w want to use w
window type air
onditioners. What
W system will you reco
a. Centra alized: AHU on
o each floor,, air supply d ucted to room
b. Split tyype: FCU in every
e room, ACCU
A opposi te each FCU
c. Chilled d water: FCU in the roomss, cooling tow
wer at roof deeck
d. Combiination Split type
t and ducted: 10TR FC CUs, air supply ducted to corridors and

57. In
n some resideential condom
minium building, some toi lets do not have windows s for natural
entilation. Which vent sys
stem is NOT allowed?
a. Exhaust fan with duct running thru
t rooms abbove the ceiling
b. Exhaust fan with duct connected to vertical pipes
c. Exhaust fan connec cted to centraal exhaust sy
ystem from th he kitchen
d. Exhaust fan installe
ed in the ceiling

58. When
W is it idea
al to use a pipe chase?
a. When the number of fixtures ve ented must b e reduced
b. When toilets are arrranged back k to back
c. When the space prrovided betwe een fixtures i s limited
d. When there is insufficient waterr pressure

our client wants his house

59. Yo e to have a hip roof witho ut gutters. W
What is the m
most valid reason
w you should convince hi h to install gu
a. It is uggly
b. Water will be blown n into the houuse during a typhoon and d destroy the ground beloww
c. It will improve the ambient tem mperature insiide the housee
d. He nee eds it for sola
ar protection

60. Which
W pipes ca
annot be acco
ommodated in
i a 100mm CHB?
a. Water distribution line c. W
Waste pipe
b. Soil pipe d. Ve
ent pipe

61. What
W type of trap
t is norma i a residentiial or commercial kitchen sink assembly
ally installed in
nd is connectted to the waaste line?
a. P-trap b. Grease
G c. Seale d d.. S-trap

62. When
W designin
ng a residencce where a toilet Must be llocated in the
e basement, what must you
heck before deciding
d to usse a sup pum mp?
a. Existinng size of tran
b. Invert elevation of the main sew wer line
c. Alternative location n for toilet
d. Locatioon of the STP P

g Utilities (20017)

63. Why
W is it impo
ortant to adm
mit fresh air innto the plumbbing system?
a. To low
wer the tempeerature and relative
r dity
b. To imp
prove air excchange in the e toilet
c. To pre
event vacuumm that could suck
s waste ba
ack into the ffixture
d. To maintain properr air filtration

64. When
W foul smeell escapes from
f a toilet floor
f drain, w
water remediaal measure sh
hould be
undertaken if immediate reepairs cannott be done?
a. Hang odor
o absorbe
er c. Install ex
xhaust fan
b. Cover floor drain d. Pour watter in the floo
or drain

65. What
W foul smeell escapes fro
om a toilet flo
oor drain, whhat remedial measure sho
ould be
undertaken if immediate re epairs cannott be done?
a. Hang odor
o absorbe
er c. Install exh
haust fan
b. Cover floor drain d. Pour wate er in the floorr drain

66. What
W does a soil
s stack conv
a. Garbage c.
c Fecal matte
b. Air d.
d Liquid wastte only

67. When
W the pres
ssure from th
he water main he 2nd level o
n is not sufficcient to supplly water to th of a
wo-storey res
sidence, whatt must be ins
stalled, considdering legal w
waterworks rrequirements? ?
a. Underg ground tank c. Stoorage tank + booster pum mp
b. Water tank on the 2nd level d. Bo
ooster pump

O what type of pipes are Teflon

68. On T tapes NOT used?
a. PPR c. Castt Iron
b. GI or stainless
s stee
el d. PVC

69. What
W pipe is used
u for water service connections?
a. Polyethylene (PE) c. Galva
anized Iron (G
b. Polybu utylene (PB) d. Polyv
vinyl Chloride
e (PVC)

70. Frrom the wateer main, wateer passes thro

ough a meterr to read the volume of wwater enteringg
yoour property.. What device
e must be insstalled near t he meter to prevent wate
er from flowin
baack into the mains?
a. Booste er pump c. Butte
erfly valve
b. Check valve d. Gate valve




g Utilities (20017)

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