Assessment Timeline: Miss Ruiz Portrait Unit

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Miss Ruiz Portrait Unit

Day 1
Art Terms Survey
Students will be assessed on their knowledge of art terms that will be pertinent to the unit.
Students will build background knowledge for the subject of portraiture.

Formative Days 2-3

Guided Notes for Teacher Lecture
Students will use guided notes to scaffold their learning when viewing the teacher lecture.
Students will be assessed on their ability to follow directions.
Students will gain a greater understanding of the process of creating a digital portrait.
Study Sketch
Students will sketch ideas of their portrait in each of the three mandated styles.
Peer Progress-Monitoring Critique
Students will review their peers study sketches and write commentary on how they can be altered to better fit the project criteria.

Summative Days 4-10

Digital Portrait
Students will create a portrait that displays knowledge of digital tools and follows the assignment rubric.
Graphic Organizer for Critique
Students will display knowledge of digital tools and awareness of how the elements of art and principles of design are used when constructing a depiction of a person when critiquing the works of peers.

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