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The river clubtail or yellow-legged dragonfly

(Gomphus flavipes)
It is found in Europe.
Its natural habitat are rivers and large
The dragonfly flies from June to September
depending on the location.
As a medium sized dragonfly Gomphus
flavipes is 5055 mm long and with an
average wingspan of 7080 mm
Gomphus flavipes, as all dragonflies, are
predators; they capture smaller insect in flight.
The black-backed meadow ant
(Formica pratensis)
It is a species of European red wood ant
Formica pratensis can reach a length of 4.59.5
millimetres (0.180.37 in) in workers. Queens reach a
size of 9.511.3 millimetres (0.370.44 in).
Nests are built from grasses, pine needles and straw.
The diameter of the nests can reach a meter and
have a single or just a few queens.
This species mainly feeds of insects and other small
animals and honeydew from the aphids.
It can be found in dry heathland, meadows and

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