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Name of the person

2. Gender
3. Age
4. occupation
5. Number of family members
6. Adults and Children
7. Number of working members
8. Income level
9. Do household have bank account or not
10.IF yes, number of accounts
11.What type of accounts
12.Reason for opening the account
13.Who helped to open the account
14.How often do u use bank account
15.If no, what is the reason
16.Are you aware of banks opening zero balance accounts for everyone
18.Have you ever borrowed money from others
19.If yes, who are the sources
20.If borrowed from banks what is the reason
21.From others, what is the reason
22.Are you were able to repay the loan
23.If not, what were the difficulties in repaying the loan
25.Are you aware of other services offered by banks?
26.If yes what are the services
27.How often do you use it
28.Satisfaction level of the financial services
29.Influence of income ,number of family members ,locality,services ,bank brand

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