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The Public Library of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC

Meeting, Board of Library Trustees

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The regular meeting of the Board of Library Trustees will be held at 6:00 pm Wednesday, July
21, 2010 at the Benning Neighborhood Library, 3935 Benning Road, NE

Mr. John W. Hill, Jr. President, presiding

6:00 -6:30 1. Welcome and Call to Order – John Hill, President, presiding
2. Roll call to establish a quorum
3. Introduction of those attending
4. Adoption of Agenda*
5. Approval of May 26, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes* Document #5

6:30 – 7:00 6. Public Comments

7:00 7. President’s Report – John Hill

Naming of Benning Library*

7:15 8. Chief Librarian’s Report – Ginnie Cooper

Report to the Board Document #8

Report on American Library Association and Urban

Libraries Council Conferences – Nancy Davenport,
Director of Library Services, David Robinson and Tracy Sumler,
Conference Local Arrangements Co-Chairs

Benning Neighborhood Library Report and Introduction

of Staff – Chang Liu, Associate Director, Neighborhood Libraries
and Bettye Smith, Neighborhood Library Manager

Please Note: Documents under reports that are in bold text will be discussed. Others are
presented for your information and will be discussed only if Board members have
questions or comments.

7:30 9. Board Committee Reports

A. Contracts Review Committee – Myrna Peralta, Chair

B. Finance Committee – Bonnie Cohen, Chair

FY 2010 Year-to-Date Report - Tammie Robinson,
Agency Fiscal Officer, and Eric Coard,
Chief Business Officer Document #9B
FY 2011 Budget Update - Tammie Robinson
and Eric Coard Document #9B.1

C. Facilities Committee Report – Richard Levy, Chair

Facilities Report – Edward Hampton, Director,
Facilities Management Document #9C

Capital Construction Report – Jeff Bonvechio Document #9C.1

Neighborhood Library Openings 2009-2011
Jeff Bonvechio Document #9C.2

8:00 10. Public Services Report – Nancy Davenport, Director of

Library Services
FY 2010 Third Quarter Library Performance
Measures – Nancy Davenport Document #10
Job Seekers Project/Portal – Kim Zablud,
Manager, Special Collections Document #10.1

8:20 11. Language Access Annual Public Meeting/

Report - Nancy Davenport

8:30 12. Foundation President’s Report – Gregory Chernack

13. Federation of Friends President’s Report – Susan Haight

8:40 14. New Business

15. Library Tour

Note: All documents are provided a few days in advance of the meeting on the DC
Public Library web-site:

*= Requires Board Action

Next meeting: Wednesday, September 22, Watha T. Daniel/Shaw Neighborhood

Library, 1630 7th Street, NW.

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