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Development/learning goals

Goal 1

The first development/ learning goal that I am aiming to achieve once I have successfully
completed EPT123 and the 20 days of professional experience placement is to be able to
plan and implement lessons. To achieve this successfully I must plan and map out my
lessons before class to know exactly what needs to be achieved. This includes all syllabus
outcomes that can be achieved.

A lesson plan must be developed in a format that can be referred to quickly and easy to
read. Achieving this goal will mean that AITSL teaching standards will be met and provides
me with a greater knowledge on managing a successful class. It will also provide me with
assistance on how to achieve classroom goals more effectively and modifying lesson plan
templates to ensure future classes can be run successfully and efficiently.

AITSL standard:

- 3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs

Graduate: Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and
effective teaching strategies.

Planed action to achieve the goal:

Develop clear and concise lesson plans for each lesson. and review whether lesson
outcomes were met each lesson

Goal 2

My second development/ learning goal is to be able to demonstrate beginning capabilities

in managing students in TAS teaching environments. This relates well with my first goal as
the initial step to achieve this is to plan and implement successful lessons. Due to TAS
teaching environments generally being in practical workshops, it can be difficult to manage
the class. This is because machinery generates excessive noise and can make it difficult to
hear. This not only adds more difficulties in managing the class, but also acts as a safety

To achieve this goal, I must be able to implement strategies of controlling the class and
gaining attention. Depending on the location of the class, these strategies will change. For
example, in a wood work class, the teacher can simply switch the dust extractors off which
will immediately gain the attention of students; however, in a theory room the teacher can
simply stare at particular students and they will tend to stop talking and give attention.

AITSL standard:

- 4.2 Manage classroom activities

Graduate: Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide
clear directions
- 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
Graduate: Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging
- 4.4 Maintain student safety
Graduate: Describe strategies that support students wellbeing and safety working
within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.

Planned action to achieve the goal: Demonstrate authority to the class in every lesson with
a respect for each student. Establish a hierarchical control, especially in the practical rooms.

Goal 3

Goal three is to be able to reflect on my development as a teacher and establish learning

goals for subsequent professional placements. Achieving this goal will mean that I can
review what I have learnt from feedback provided by my supervising teacher. This goal will
relate to my first to as I will be able to see what opinions my supervising teacher has on my
teaching abilities. From this feedback I can gauge my own opinions on my teaching to the
supervisors opinions, enabling me to establish whether or not I have achieved my set out

Knowing what I can improve upon from this reflection will benefit me and future students
for subsequent professional experience placements and when I transition into my teaching
career. Having reflected upon what I can improve on will ensure that I know exactly what to
change or develop in my teaching methods to successfully teach TAS in following
professional experience placements and throughout my teaching career.

AITSL standard:

- 6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs

Graduate: Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers in identifying professional learning needs.
- 6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
Graduate: Seek and apply constructive feedback from supervisors and teachers to
improve teaching practices.

Planned action to achieve this goal: Ask supervising teacher for verbal feedback after each
lesson so that as many improvements as possible can be made during the professional
experience placement. Review all written feedback and keep it well documented for future

Expected evidence to collect

I expect to collect evidence to support and demonstrate the achievements of my set out
goals for my professional experience placement. I anticipate there to be a variety of
evidence in forms of verbal, written and visual information. The verbal information will be
from my supervising teacher throughout my placement. During placement I will hope that
my supervising teacher gives me quality feedback after all lessons when I ask for it. The
written information will be my own documented feedback as well as my supervising
teachers feedback. This feedback will be documented so that I can review it prior to
placements following EPT123 and during my teaching career. The visual information will be
how the classroom can be seen whilst teaching it. This will be evidence that can be seen
throughout the lessons and help establish good classroom management strategies. Visual
feedback will help form and knowledge of what does and doesnt work in a variety of
classroom situations.

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