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Shresta, Dhriti and Maanya 6 MYP-C (Sreenidhi International School) Design Semester 2 Project

The Dead Sea Will Be Ranging) launched in 2004 and is

currently in the middle of an extended
Dead Soon Tiny Planet mission around Mercury.

The Dead Sea, also known as the Salt Sea,

Mercury Is For more information visit-
is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east Shrinking Faster
and Israel and the West Bank to the west. mercury-shrinking-fast.html
Its a hypersaline lake that is truly one of
Earths unique places. The surface and
shores of the Dead Sea are 423 metres
(1,388 ft) below sea level, making it
Earths lowest elevation on land.The Dead
Sea is 377 m (1,237 ft) deep, making it the
deepest hypersaline lake in the world. A
hypersaline lake is a landlocked body of
water that contains significant
The surface of Mercury is shrinking
concentrations of sodium chloride or other
faster than previously thought, photos
mineral salts, with saline levels surpassing
from a NASA spacecraft orbiting the
that of ocean water.. The Dead Seas
unusually high salt concentration means
tiny planet reveal.The first
comprehensive survey of the surface
Fun Facts
that people can easily float in the Dead Sea
due to natural buoyancy. In this respect the
of Mercury by NASA's MESSENGER Banging your head against
spacecraft shows that planet's crust a wall burns 150 calories
Dead Sea is similar to the Great Salt Lake
has contracted as it cooled by as much
in Utah in the United States.The Dead Sea
as 4.4 miles (7 kilometers),
an hour.
is roughly 8.6 times saltier than the ocean. When hippos are upset,
significantly more than previous
This salinity makes for a harsh
environment in which animals cannot
estimates. The findings clear up a their sweat turns red.
long-standing clash between scientists'
flourish (hence its name). The high salinity
understanding of the heat production
Billy goats urinate on their
prevents macroscopic aquatic organisms own heads to smell more
and loss and the contraction of
such as fish and aquatic plants from living
in it, though minuscule quantities of
Mercury. Over the billions of years attractive to females.
since its formation at the birth of the
bacteria and microbial fungi are present.
solar system, the planet has slowly
Polar bears can eat as
The level of the dead sea is decreasing many as 86 penguins in a
cooled, a process all planets suffer if
every year. According to Bromberg, the
two main reasons for the dropping water
they lack an internal source of heat single sitting. (If they
renewal. As the liquid iron core lived in the same place)
level are mineral extraction by Israeli and
solidifies, it cools, and the overall
Jordanian companies in the artificially An eagle can kill a young
volume of Mercury shrinks. When
shallow southern basin, and the fact that 95
percent of the Jordan River - the Dead Sea's
NASA's Mariner 10 mission deer and fly away with it.
circled the planet in the 1970s, it In the UK, it is illegal to
main source of replenishing water - is being
captured images of surface features
diverted. The river used to provide 1,350 eat mince pies on
created by the shrinkage. The
million cubic metres of water each year
(mcm), but that flow has dwindled to just
contracting planet pushed the crust up Christmas Day!
and over itself, forming scarps that Cherophobia is the fear of
20 mcm.
can extend miles below the planet's
surface. At the same time, the fun.
For more information, visit: shrinking surface caused the crust to If you lift a kangaroos tail wrinkle up on itself, forming so-called
off the ground it cant
"wrinkle ridges.
es-year.htm "The surface of Mercury is made up of hop.
just one continental plate covering the During your lifetime, you
entire planet. Its enormous iron core, will produce enough
estimated to be about 2,500 miles
(4,040 km) across, leaves only 260
saliva to fill two
miles (420 km) for a mantle and crust swimming pools.
an extremely thin skin for the solar
system's smallest planet. The Earth's
mantle, for comparison, is about 1,800
miles (2,900 km) thick, while the crust
above it averages 25 miles (40 km) in
thickness. NASA's MESSENGER
probe (the name is short for MErcury
Surface, Space ENvironment,
GEochemistry, and
or wheat. With a slightly sweet taste,
maltodextrin is a common ingredient
in processed foods such as potato
chips and salad dressings. Next, the
Milking chocolate for team added the mixture to milk
chocolate. This gave the chocolate
its health benefits antioxidant the levels typical of dark
chocolate. Best of all, there was no
change in the candys taste. Just to be
Research has shown that oxidation
sure, the team asked 100 volunteers to
underlies a host of illnesses, including
sample three pieces of milk chocolate.
cancer and heart disease.All chocolate is
Only one piece in the three contained
made from cocoa beans, which contain
the peanut-skin extract and
antioxidants. To produce chocolate, the
maltodextrin. Eight in every 10
beans are broken down into cocoa solids
volunteers tasted no difference
and a type of fat called cocoa butter. Put
between the regular milk chocolate
those two parts back together and you have
and doctored sweet. The other 20 Find the differences...
unsweetened chocolate, which doesnt taste
percent picked up on some extra
very good. Adding sugar produces the
bitterness. These volunteers are what
tastier, though still somewhat bitter, dark
scientists call supertasters. They are
chocolate. Milk chocolate contains cocoa
particularly sensitive to bitter tastes.
solids and cocoa butter. It, however, has
Dean says about 20 percent of people
more sugar than dark chocolate. It also has
are supertasters. That means that few
milk or cream. This makes the candy
people should notice whether
lighter in color and smoother in taste. But
antioxidants had been added to milk
gram for gram (or ounce for ounce), milk
chocolate. Some candy makers are
chocolate contains less cocoa than dark
experimenting with adding
chocolate. That means it also has fewer
antioxidants to their milk chocolate.
antioxidants. Yet scientists can't just add
But Dean says she hasn't heard of any
antioxidants to make milk chocolate
who have used peanut extracts. "By
healthier without affecting its taste,
using an extract, you can put in tiny
anyway. After all, these chemicals tend to
taste bitter. "It gives you that
amounts so it doesn't affect flavor," Riddles
mouth-puckering feeling," explains Lisa L.
she says. Dean cautions that milk What belongs to you but
chocolate containing peanut extracts
Dean. This food scientist is an author of the
would need clear labels so that people
others use it more than
new study. Dean works for the U.S. you. Name
with peanut allergies could avoid it.
Department of Agriculture at North
Carolina State University in Raleigh. Dean
Suzanne Johanningsmeier studies food What starts with a T ends
science for USDA at North Carolina
and her team now report having found a
State, but was not involved in this
with a T and has T in it.
way to top up the antioxidants in milk Teapot
study. Roughly 100 million pounds of
chocolate without making it bitter. Their
secret ingredient? Peanut skin extract. (An
peanut skins are thrown out every You will always find me
year, she notes. The new research, she in the past. I can be
extract is a substance, often in concentrated
observes, could reduce food waste by
form, that has been removed from its created in the present, But
using peanut skins to create a new,
natural. The researchers weren't actually
trying to make a healthier milk chocolate.
health-boosting food ingredient." the future can never taint
They were merely looking for a way to use me. What am I? History
up peanut skins. Most peanuts in the United For more information visit-
States go to make peanut butter. Their skins https://www.sciencenewsforstudents
end up buried as wastes in landfills. Recalls .org/article/milking-chocolate-its-he
Dean: "We thought, what can we do with alth-benefits
this food waste?" She and her team decided
to extract antioxidants from the skins.
Then, to mask the bitter taste of the
antioxidant, they mixed the peanut-skin
extracts with an edible powder called
maltodextrin. Its made from starchy foods
such as potatoes, rice.

gases in the atmosphere, such as

carbon dioxide and methane, trap
Arctic Sea Would Be Ice Free By some of the suns heat. As CO2 levels
climb, less of the suns heat bounces
2050 back into space. Instead, it remains
trapped near Earths surface. This VANILLA SPONGE CAKE RECIPE -
increases the amount of ice-warming VERY SOFT AND MOIST
infrared radiation hitting the Arctic.
That causes the outermost edge of the
sea ice to retreat northward, moving
away from the shore. And that shift
northward begins to reduce the total
area covered by ice. Sea ice cover in
the Arctic reaches its peak during
winter, she notes. At that time, little
The average Americans carbon footprint
light shines on the area. During these
shrinks Arctic sea ice. Not by a little. By a
months of dark or near-darkness, the
lot about the area covered by 16
greenhouse effect is less important,
queen-size beds. And that happens each
she explains. But just as the summer
year.A carbon footprint is the number of
minimum of Arctic sea ice has been
tons of carbon dioxide a person produces in
falling, so has the maximum sea ice
their daily activities. The average American
present in winter. After declining for INGREDIENTS
produces about 16 metric tons of carbon
decades, it reached a record low in
dioxide each year. Each metric ton of this
March 2016. Why the ice is declining 60 grams / cup confectioners sugar
CO released into the atmosphere directly
in the winter is not yet clear, she says. 100 grams butter (Approximately
results in a 3-square-meter (32-square-foot)
More study is needed. Scientists need cup)
loss of sea ice cover at summers end. 1 can/tin (400 grams) condensed milk
to figure out whether warming from
Thats similar to losing an area of ice just a like milkmaid
below or above the ice plays a larger
bit smaller than a two-seat Smart car, 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
role, says Zhang. Indeed, she adds: 1.5 cups milk
scientists say. How much CO each person
Theres not just one explanation. 250 grams / 1.75 cups flour
produces leads to a lot of melting ice. And
We together need to start saving the 1 teaspoon baking soda
there are some 7 billion people
planet. 2 teaspoon baking powder
contributing. Altogether, humanity is
responsible for the release of some 36
billion metric tons of CO each year. With For more information visit - INSTRUCTIONS
another trillion metric tons, the Arctic -https://www.sciencenewsforstudent
Ocean will have a completely iceless 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F /
free-2050 180 degrees Celsius. Line an 8
summer.This might be the first time the inch square pan with butter paper
summer Arctic has been ice-free in 125,000 or parchment. Grease and flour the
years. And it could happen before 2050, pan. Set aside.
Notz estimates. Dwindling ice at the top of 2. Cream the butter and sugar until
the world is important to watch. Its light and fluffy.
disappearance threatens Arctic species. Its 3. Add in a teaspoon of real vanilla
extract and one whole can/tin of
melting also can spread pollution. And, milkmaid to the creamed butter
disappearing ice could open the region to sugar mixture. Beat well for a
polar shipping. Each winter, the Arctic sea couple of minutes.
surface freezes solid. As snow falls on it, 4. Sift the dry ingredients to remove
more and more accumulates and eventually any lumps in the flour and to
melts into ice. Some of that ice melts in distribute the raising agents
uniformly in the mixture. Add in
summer. Still, a great deal of the Arctic
the sifted flour mixture slowly
retains its ice cover even throughout the until a thick batter is formed.
summer. But that situation is threatening to 5. Measure 1.5 cups of milk. Heat the
change and in our lifetime. Satellite data milk until it's hot but not boiling.
show summertime Arctic ice cover has Add the hot milk to the batter and
been falling. To do that, the researchers mix well to combine.
analyzed records of Arctic sea surface 6. Pour it in a 8 by 8 square pan and
bake it immediately in a preheated
temperatures and the minimum sea area 350 degree F oven for about 50-60
covered by summer ice. They looked at minutes or until a toothpick
records going way back to 1953. The inserted in the middle comes clean.
average ice cover by the end of September Do not open the oven for the first
had dropped. And it fell in lockstep with 30 minutes of baking.
the rising releases of CO2 from human 7. Cool on a wire rack for 10
minutes. Run a knife on the edges
activities, the team found.The researchers of the pan to ensure smooth
think they now understand why there is release.
such a simple relationship between CO2 8. Turn the pan upside down and
emissions and ice loss. As CO2 builds up gently release the pan. Remove the
in the atmosphere, it strengthens the butter paper/parchment. Invert the
so-called greenhouse effect. This is where cake and cool the cake completely.
9. Store in an airtight container in the
keeping water in your glass but bad refrigerator for up-to two days.
for cleaning, Nathan explains. Their
Teen studies better hydrophobic heads stick out into the
air while their hydrophilic tails stay
Nathan filled his syringe with water and
slowly pushed it out over the scale.
cleaning through comfortably in the water. This film of Bigger drops have more surface tension.
molecules means water cant form its So by weighing his drops, the teen could
chemistry usual bonds at the surface. The whole find out if changes he made to the water
mixture has lower surface tension.At increased or decreased the surface
high concentrations of SLSA, tension. Nathan started with drops of
something else happens. The surface water that had different temperatures. As
of the water is filled with the water gets hotter, the molecules in it
chemical, and the rest of the move faster. The teen hypothesized that
molecules are stuck under the water. this would make it harder for the water
There they form clumps called to form a film on the surface and its
micelles. These clumps are very good surface tension would decrease. He
for cleaning up oil, Nathan notes. Oil tested water at 5, 15, 20, 35 and 50
WASHINGTON, D.C. Inspiration for
is also hydrophobic, and a micelle Celsius (41, 59, 68, 95 and 122
science projects can be found almost
isolates the oil from the water. Finally, Fahrenheit). Nathan avoided water at 0
anywhere, even in the most common of
Nathan wanted to see what would C (32 F) since ice doesnt drip well.
tasks. Nathan Deng, 14, found his doing the
happen if he added regular old table He also avoided boiling water, which
dishes. The teen wondered why hot water
salt. He thought that salt might could get dangerous. The teen dripped
worked better than cold water when
decrease surface tension, because water at each temperature and weighed
washing, and what made soap a good
adding the tiny molecules to the water it to determine the size of his drops,
cleaner. The simple experiments he devised
would stop the water bonding to itself running each temperature test three
to investigate these matters earned him the
at the surface. But he found that salt times. As the temperature of the water
Lemelson Award for Invention here at the
made very little difference. The teen increased, the size of the drops
Broadcom MASTERS. Nathan now a
ended up with an answer to why we decreased, which suggested the surface
freshman at San Marino High School in
use hot water and soap to clean dishes tension was also decreasing. Nathan
California doesnt like his household
instead of cold water alone. Both concluded that cleaning a dish with hot
chores any more than anybody else. But he
reduce surface tension. And this helps water is probably more efficient than
said doing them made him curious about
water get into the nooks and crannies cold. Next, he tested soap or rather a
why we use hot water and soap to clean.
of our dirty dishes. If you have no main ingredient in it, sodium lauryl
The teen was further inspired something he
soap, he says, use hot water. But sulfoacetate (or SLSA). This chemical is
read about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
adding soap is usually a good idea. a surfactant a chemical that decreases
in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010. To clean up
Nathan found that his apparatus a the attraction between water molecules,
the mess, planes sprayed the water with a
syringe and tube with a scale was which lowers surface tension. Nathan
chemical mix called Corexit. It was
great for measuring surface tension. tested pure water, water with 0.01375
supposed to help disperse the oil,
He wants to sell his setup as a surface percent, 0.01275 percent, 0.055 percent,
preventing it from clumping on the surface
tension kit for classrooms, so other 0.1 percent, 0.2 percent and 0.5 percent
and coating the wildlife, though it didnt
teens can do his experiments. Then SLSA. (All were held at the same
work well.
they, too, can learn that invention and temperature of 20 C.) He dripped and
research dont require fancy materials weighed his mixtures again. The
or expensive equipment. Riddled with addition of the surfactant decreased
tiny cracks and pores places where surface tension more than simply
dirt and germs can hide. Surface heating water, Nathan found. After
tension holds water together, keeping reading more about the chemical, the
it out of these itty bitty spots. Instead teen discovered that SLSA is a chemical
of going into the pores where it can with two ends. One is hydrophobic it
reach the dirt, the water bridges over is repelled by water. The other is
these places, Nathan explains. And hydrophilic, or attracted to water. When
that can make it difficult to clean the SLSA with its two ends is placed in
stuff stuck in the crevices, he says. water, the molecules of the chemical
The teen wanted to see how he might line up at the waters surface.
reduce the surface tension of water.
That would break up the bridging over For more information visit-
the pores, he explains. Then, the water
could flush through and rinse out the https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.o
dirty substances. Nathan didnt have a rg/blog/eureka-lab/teen-studies-better-
I decided that I wanted to find a method lot of fancy equipment to work with. cleaning-through-chemistry
for cleaning that is both efficient and That didnt stop him. To measure
environmentally friendly, he says. But this surface tension, he gathered a large
is a big goal, so the teen started small. He plastic syringe, some tubing, a kitchen
decided to look at surface tension an scale and of course some water. If
effect that occurs when molecules bond to a water droplet has a high surface
each other on the surface of a liquid. tension, it holds together longer
Surface tension is why, when you fill a and gets bigger before a drop
glass just a little too much, the water forms breaks apart.
a tiny lump at the top. This is great for "Based on the data from the
Atlas, we know that some bird
species have disappeared from
Researchers investigate these forests. But we do not know They are working not only on
whether this implies a decline in birds, but other animal groups as
decline in South population or whether they are well. "We predict that if birds --
simply moving somewhere else" perhaps the most mobile of animal
Africa's forest-birds he says. "When a forest is taxa as they are able to fly
Forest-dwelling bird species are destroyed or becomes degraded, relatively long distances between
disappearing from some of South the bigger and stronger bird forest fragments -- are being
Africa's indigenous forests, with forest
species can fly elsewhere to find negatively affected by forest
birds in the Eastern Cape being the most
food and refuge. But smaller bird degradation, than other animal
species could be stuck if there is species are likely to be worse
A new study, published in Bird not another forest patch within affected," he says. Indigenous
Conservation International recently, range."Often plantations of alien forests are not only threatened by
showed that the ranges of 28 of South trees, usually pine or gum, are deforestation. Forests are also
Africa's 57 forest-dwelling bird closely associated with under pressure from rural
species were declining, while those of indigenous forests. These trees communities who collect forest
22 species were increasing and seven are planted so that they can be products for firewood, building
remained stable. The findings are harvested either for timber or for materials, food and traditional
based on 25 years of citizen science pulp.He says while some medicines. "If humans and birds
data collected by the Southern forest-bird species are able to are targeting the same tree species
African Bird Atlas Project. The data benefit from plantations, others, as resources, then the quality of
can be used to indicate the such as the Bush Blackcap, the these resources declines for both,"
conservation status of a species, Yellow-throated warns Cherry. "The challenge is to
depending on its known range and Woodland-warbler and the develop a forest management
how it is changing. The first survey Orange Ground-thrush, were lost policy which minimizes forest
took place from 1987 to 1992, and the from areas where plantations degradation to the benefit of both
second survey started in 2007 and is increased."Plantations are humans and birds," he concludes.
ongoing.Researchers from unsuitable habitats for these
Stellenbosch University (SU) and species as they build nests in the
South Africa's Department of understory of indigenous forest,
Environmental Affairs used data on which is vulnerable to trampling
57 forest-dwelling species to if cattle are allowed to graze
investigate links between deforestation, there. This is often the case, as
species characteristics and range forests are not usually fenced
declines for these species over the last unless they fall within park
20 years.Indigenous forests make up boundaries," he explains.
less than one percent of South Currently Prof. Cherry leads a
Africa's landscape, but are home to major research project, funded by
some 14% of our terrestrial birds, the Foundational Biodiversity
many of which are endemic or Information Programme, that will
range-restricted. But these forest try to ground-truth the results of
patches are highly fragmented, with this study in the forests of the
most remaining forests being smaller Eastern Cape. Research partners
than 1 km2.Prof. Michael Cherry, a include four South African
behavioural ecologist from SU and universities and six museums, as
one of the co-authors, says they are well as Harvard University in the
particularly concerned about the United States of America.During
disappearance of forest birds from 2016 and 2017 the group has
indigenous forests in the Eastern already undertaken three field
Cape, and especially the former trips to the Amathole and
homelands of the Ciskei and Transkei mistbelt forests and the
Transkei. These areas form part of the Pondoland scarp forests, and
Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany another three field trips are in the
Biodiversity Hotspot. pipeline.

For more info, visit:

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