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Ifa Of The Year 2013/2014


THE Annual Agbonniregun Festival took place, as usual, in Ile-Ife at Orunmila

Temple, Oke Itase on Saturday, June 1, 2013. Ifa was consulted in order to usher
in the new Ifa Year and at the same time determine for the coming year has in
stock for Ifa/Orisa devotees and all mankind in general. During the Ifa
consultation, Oturupon Isokun (Oturupon Irosun) was revealed. Ifa foresees ire
aiku for all devotees. Ebo riru will manifest the ire as predicted by Ifa.






Ifa enjoins all individuals or groups born by this Odu either during ikosedaye or
itenifa to offer ebo with two hens, and money. They also need to feed Ifa with one
mature she goat and invite many people to celebrate with them.


1. Ifa says that this annual ceremony shall bring progress, success, achievement
and overall wellbeing for all Ifa/Orisa devotees this year. There will be the need
for us to celebrate our success and achievements more than what we achieved in
the previous years. Ifa advises each temple, community, group or individual to
offer ebo with four pigeons, four guinea-fowls and money. They also need to have
Ibeji icon and celebrate its ceremony in a comprehensive way this year.

On this, Ifa says:

Aro abeyin wereke

Dia fun won ni Isokun Aromose

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won gbebo, won rubo

A sodun odunnii tan

A o se teemii towo tomo

Aro abeyin wereke

Ara Isokun Aromose o

Aro abeyin wereke

Aro abeyin wereke

He cast Ifa for the inhabitants of Isokun Aromose

They were advised to offer ebo

They complied

We have celebrated this years anniversary

We shall also celebrate the following years anniversary together with wealth and
our children

Aro abeyin wereke

The inhabitant of Isokun Aromose

Aro abeyin wereke

2. Ifa says that we shall be blessed with ire at home and from outside the
localities where we reside. Ifa assures us that we shall become highly respected
and respectable people within and outside our localities. Ifa advises us to offer
ebo with two pigeons, two ducks, two guinea-fowls and money. We also need to
feed our individual Ori as recommended by Ifa.

On this aspect, Oturupon Isokun says:

Ara oni ye mi

Ko ye olomu

Gbogbo re nii see ba mi lara a jo

Dia fun Onasokun

Ti yoo joba laarin Oyo rere

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Ero Ipo, ero Ofa

E wa ba ni bola ni peregede


The wonder of today befits me

It will not be transfered to other people

Everything is agreeable with me

Ifas message for Onasokun

Who will be installed as an Oba in the center of Oyo

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns

Come and join us in the midst of stupendous success

3. Ifa says that this Odu is also very good for mate selection. Ifa says that
marriages shall succeed and be very fruitful this year. Those who marry this year
shall enjoy compatibility with their spouses this year. Ifa advises those intending
to get married this year to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and one
mature she goat each. Two rats, two fish, one hen shall be used to feed Ifa.

On this, Ifa says:

Ajagajigi iroko nii fewon gbadi

Dia fun Orunmila

Baba yoo tori Ewa rePo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Mo tori Ewa mo rePo

Mo tori Ewa mo rAjase

Mo tori Ewa mo rePo


An old iroko tree is it whose base is surrounded by chains

Ifas message for Orunmila

When going to Ipo land because of Beauty

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Because of Beauty, I went to Ipo

Because of Beauty, I went to Ajase

Because of Beauty, I went to Ipo

4. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for Ifa/Orisa devotees this year.
They will be wealthier than ever before. Ifa advises all devotees to be more
prayerful and more dedicated to their respective professional callings and all
shall be well this year. Ifa advises each of us to offer ebo with two pigeons, two
guinea-fowls and money. Each of us also need to feed Ifa with four rats and four
fish. There is also the need to feed Aje with one white pigeon, ekuru and honey.

On this, Ifa says:

Ajantiele awo ile Orunmila

Dia fun Orunmila

Ifa nsunkun oun o laje lowo

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Ifa pAje wa o

Ajantiele pAje wa

Oturupon Sokun nifa a wa o


Ajantiele the resident awo of Orunmila

He cast Ifa for Orunmila

When he was lamenting that he has no money

He was advised to offer ebo

He complied

Ifa please bring wealth

Ajantiele bring wealth

Oturupon Sokun is our Odu

5. Ifa advises all Ifa/Orisa groups to offer ebo in order for the groups to continue
to increase in number. Ifa says that the number of devotees is too small when
compared to other spiritual groups. Ifa says that we need to make conscious
efforts to increase the number of Ifa/Orisa devotees this year and at the same
time, ensure that quality of spirituality is not compromised. The ebo materials
here are two mature rams and money. One of the two rams will be used to feed
the ancestors. They also need to feed Ibeji as prescribed by Ifa.

Oturupon Sokun

Fagada lami
Dia fun won nIsokun

Won o ju ogun geerege

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Ko pe, ko jinna

E wa ba ni ba wowo ire gbogbo


Oturupon sokun

Fagada lami

Ifas message for the inhabitants of Isokun

When they were not more than 20 in number

They were advised to offer ebo

They complied

Before long, not too far

Come and join us in the midst of all Ire of life

6. Ifa advises all Ifa groups or communities the world over to offer ebo against
multiple deaths in quick succession. Ifa warns that there is going to be a higher
rate of natural disaster this year as compared to that of the previous year. There
is the need for all Ifa and Orisa devotees to take more active part in finding
solutions to the problems plaguing their respective communities. It is obvious
that the present solutions being found to societal problems have failed woefully.
There is therefore the need for all Ifa and Orisa devotees to bring original
solutions which only Ifa can provide to save the societies where they live. The
ebo materials here are two mature rams, two mature he-goats and money. One of
the he-goats will be used to feed Ogun while one the two rams will be used to
feed Oro. Part of the second he-goat that was used to offer ebo will be used as
Ipese for Obaluaye. This is in order to prevent malevolent spirits from entering
their midst.

Rogbarogba gbe

Rogbarogba gbe

Dia fun won ni Isokun

Nibi won n ku ni rogba-rogba

Ti won nku ni rewe-rewe

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

Won gbebo, won rubo

Nje Iku oran maa lo nile yi o

Arun oran maa lo nile yi o

Ejo oran maa lo nile yi o

Ofo oran maa lo nile yi o


Rogbarogba gbe

Rogbarogba gbe

Ifas message for the inhabitants of Isokun

When they were dying in their prime

And they were dying in their youth

They were advised to offer ebo

They complied

Death please move away from this land

Affliction move away from the land

Contention, go out from this land

Loss, get out of this land

7. Ifa says that one of the causes of multiple deaths this coming year is most
likely going to be flooding and large bodies of water overflowing their banks. This
is the reason why those living close to where there is large expanse of water,
especially oceans and lagoon will feel the impact of the threat more than any
other groups. It is therefore in their best interest to reconsider their location and
make adequate plans for such contigencies this oncoming year. Ifa advises us to
offer ebo with two he goats and money. One of the he goats will be used to feed
Esu Odara.

On this, Ifa says:

Osupa lo ti inu okun la wa

Dia fun Adegbola

Omo aderin eti okun

Ebo ogbo, ebo ato ni won ni ko waa se

O koti ogbonyin sebo

Igba aisebo, igba aisetutu

Adegbola foju dodo

O bomi lo o


The moon came out from across the ocean

Ifas message for Adegbola

Offspring of those who set traps by the bank of the sea

He was advised to offer the ebo of long live

He refused to comply

Falure to offer ebo and etutu

Adegbola underestimated the might of the sea

And he was washed away by the water

8. Ifa advises each peson or group to ensure that one project is successfully
completed first before embarking on another. This is in order to avoid failure and
unconsummated fortune. Ebo materials; three pigeons, three roosters and

Agbe tigbole

Pakiti feyin jagbon

Dia fun Akanko Esu

Ti nrenu igbe ree he Ahun

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O koti ogboyin sebo

Akanko Esu

Ahun too gbokan le ja lo o

Iwo Akanko Esu


Agbe tigbole
Pakiti feyin jagbon

Ifas message for Akanko Esu

When going to the forest to pick the land tortoise

He was advised to offer ebo

He failed to comply

Akanko Esu

The tortoise that you relied upon had disappeared

You Akanko Esu

9. Ifa says that many Ifa/Orisa devotees shall be placed in leadership positions
this coming year. Ifa assures them that if well handled, they will become the
favorites of many people for the rest of their their lives. Ebo materials here are
two pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two ducks and money.

Inu san, eyin san

Dia fun Oore

Ti yoo joba eni

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gbebo, o rubo

Ero Ipo, ero Ofa

E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire


The inside is agreeable, and the outside is equally agreeable

Ifas message for Oore

Who will become the king of all Mats

She was advised to offer ebo

She complied

Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns

Come and join us in the midst of all ire of life

10. Ifa warns all devotees to be very careful in the way that they tell their stories.
Even though everything that they are saying will be the truth, unfortunately this
truth will very offensive to many people, because it will bring them ridicule and
makes them very uncomfortable. This may lead the speakers of the truth to find
it difficult if not totally impossible to achieve their ambitions in life. It may also
lead to a situation where they will be segregated and discriminated upon in the
community. Ebo materials; two roosters, two hens and money.

Itan amoju nii meye oko o sungbe

Dia fun Adaba suusuu

Ti nloo bu ara Isokun leru

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Won koti ogbonyin sebo

Otun Isokun eru

Osi Isokun eru

Ni won ba le Adaba Suusuu kuro niluu

Lo wa n so wipe

Otun Isokun

Gbogbo won ni won nse bi Oba bi Oba

Osi Isokun

Gbogbo won ni won n se bi Oba bi Oba

Won ni o tip e awon leru naa

Ko gbe ninu igbe e

Gbogbo isowo ope

Eni gbebo nibe ko sebo o


Excessive knowledge of history is it that leads a bird to sleep inside the forest

Ifas message for Adaba suusuu, the Dove

When going to abuse the inhabitants of Isokun as slaves

Otun Isokun is a slave

And Osi Isokun is also a slave

She was advised to offer ebo

She refused to comply

She was then driven out of the town

After this she was saying

Otun Isokun they were all behaving like kings

And Osi Isokun they too are behaving like kings

They said that she had already called them slaves

She must remain in the forest where she was

All Ifa devotees

Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly

Aboru Aboye


1. Ifa for direction, progress, success, elevation, support, victory, achievement,

contentment, and overall wellbeing

2. Ori for fulfillment of destiny, guidance, sanctuary, protection, support,

elevation, achievement, victory, contentment and self actualization

3. Esu-Odara for support, sanctuary, victory, elevation, success, and general


4. Obatala for direction, leadership, protection, sanctuary, victory, contentment,

peace of mind and overall success

5. Egbe for comradeship, leadership, progress, success, and self realization

6. Ogun for victory over enemies, success, leadership, and general wellbeing

7. Ibeji for success, multiplication, achievement, security, progress,

childbearing, childrearing and general wellbeing


1. Must never be too flippant with our utterances to avoid unconsummated

fortune, retrogression, regrets and failure

2. Must never swear on false oath to avoid regrets and disaster

3. Must never wear red and black dresses to avoid unconsummated fortune and
the wrath of Obatala

4. Must never play with any dangerous weapon to avoid regret and disaster

5. Must never consume snake to avoid failure and regrets

6. Must never work on two major projects at a time to avoid failure and regrets
in both

7. Must never wish anyone evil to avoid evil befalling us

Aboru Aboye

Solagbade Popoola,

Chairman, Ethics and Scriptures Commitee

International Council for Ifa Religion I.C.I.R.


Ifa International Training Institute I.I.T.I.

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