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The impact resistance of

composite materials---a review


(* Ecole Polytechnique Fdd#rale de Lausanne, Switzerlandl t Virginia Polytechnic

Institute and State University, USA)

In this paper the impact response of continuous fibre-reinforced composites

is reviewed. An attempt is made to draw together much of the work pub-
lished in the literature and to identify the fundamental parameters determin-
ing the impact resistance of continuous fibre-reinforced composite materials.
The effect of varying the properties of the fibre, matrix and interphase are
examined as well as the role of target geometry and loading rate on the
dynamic response of these materials.

Key words: composite materials; impact testing; impact resistance; residual

strength; failure mode; fibre properties; matrix properties; interphase;
laminate stacking sequence; geometry; loading rate

Fibre-reinforced composite materials such as carbon, low and intermediate incident energies, metals absorb
glass and Kevlar ~ fibre-reinforced plastics are finding energy through elastic and plastic deformation 1.
increasing use in a wide range of both low and high Although the latter may cause some permanent struc-
technology engineering applications. Composites offer tural deformation, its consequences on the load-
a number of distinct advantages over more conven- carrying capability of the component are usually
tional engineering materials such as aluminium and small 11. At high incident impact energies target perfo-
steel. These include higher specific strengths and ration may occur and the passage of the impactor will
stiffnesses, superior corrosion resistance as well as generally result in petalling, cracking and spalling 12.
improved fatigue properties. Coupled with these Although such damage will degrade the load-bearing
improvements in general overall performance is the ability of the structure, its effects can generally be
fact that the cost of manufacturing components from predicted using fracture mechanics principles t2. In
fibre-reinforced plastic is often less than with more composites, however, the ability to undergo plastic
conventional metals. This is true not only at the low- deformation is extremely limited with the result that
cost end of the market occupied by sheet moulding energy is frequently absorbed in creating large areas of
compounds (SMC) but also in the aerospace sector fracture with ensuing reductions in both strength and
where complex load-bearing shapes can be produced in stiffness 1.13. Furthermore, the prediction of the post-
a limited number of steps, saving time in both joining impact load-bearing capability of a damaged composite
and assembly. structure is more difficult than for metals since the
damage zone is generally complex in nature and
Composite materials do, however, suffer some serious consequently very difficult to characterize 12. The
limitations. Perhaps the most significant amongst these problem is further complicated by the lack of existing
is their response to localized impact loading such as standards or established testing techniques for impact
that imparted by a dropped tool or runway debris. In
of composite materials. Much of the work published in
recent years many research programmes have been the literature has been conducted on purpose-built
undertaken in an attempt to better understand the
impact response of these materials 1-9. The majority of machines using convenient specimen geometries. As a
result, direct comparisons between different material
this work has been undertaken on continuous fibre,
systems is often very difficult and immediate conclu-
high performance composites since these materials are
sions are sometimes hard to draw.
finding increasing use in the design of a large number of
civil and military aircraft, i.e., in circumstances where The objective of this article is to draw together the
the consequences of impact are likely to be most pertinent findings of many of the articles published in
serious. the field of impact of fibre-reinforced composites and
The manner in which composite materials respond to thereby present a global view of the state-of-the-art.
impact loading and dissipate the incident kinetic energy Initially, the paper will review briefly the techniques
of the projectile is very different to that of metals. For most frequently employed for assessing the impact
0010-4361/91/050347-16(~) 1991 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
response of composite materials. Following this, the
effect of varying fundamental parameters such as fibre
and matrix properties and stacking sequence on the Weig
dynamic response of these materials will be considered. Specimen
Since a substantial amount of the work published in the
literature relates to tests on carbon fibre composites,
the main focus of this report will be on this material. Notch ~I/-- ~pactor Inertiabar
However, work undertaken on other materials will be
used in order to supplement and substantiate ideas and
Straingauge--I [
Ideally, the impact test fixture should be designed to Specimen
simulate the loading conditions to which a composite
component is subject in operational service and then
reproduce the failure modes and mechanisms likely to
occur. In simple terms, the impact problem can be
divided into two separate conditions: low velocity
impact by a large mass (dropped tool) and high velocity
Specimen [ __
~ or

impact by a small mass (runway debris, small arms fire,
etc.). The former is generally simulated using a falling
weight or a swinging pendulum and the latter using a
gas gun or some other ballistic launcher. However, as
stated previously, due to a lack of experimental stan-
dards a wide variety of testing techniques is presently
being employed in order to assess the dynamic
response of reinforced plastics 1-4, 14-17, making direct b e
comparison difficult.
In this section the more commonly used techniques will
be presented and discussed as well as the problems
associated with the ensuing data analysis.

Low velocity impact

Machines currently used for simulating the low velocity
impact response of composite materials include the
Charpy and Izod pendulums, the falling weight fixtures
such as the Gardner and drop dart tests as well as
hydraulic machines designed to perform both in-plane
and out-of-plane testing at velocities up to 10 m s-1.

1. Charpy pendulum
Many of the early impact studies on composite materi- Fig. 1 (a) Charpy impact test; (b) Izod impact test; (c) tensile
als were undertaken using the Charpy test method Hopkinson-bar test; (d) gas gun
originally developed for testing metals 11'1s'19. The
reason for this choice was the fact that the Charpy The test set-up suffers a number of disadvantages such
pendulum is both simple to use and can be instru- as the fact that the load/time curves often contain high
mented, and therefore, in principle, can yield informa- frequency harmonic oscillations resulting from the
tion on the processes of energy absorption and dissipa- natural response of the impactor, etc. These effects can
tion in composites. The test specimen is generally a generally be filtered once the harmonic frequencies of
thick beam, sometimes incorporating a notch at its mid the various components have been determined 2. As
point as shown in Fig. l(a). The specimen is supported stated previously, the test specimen is a short, thick
in a horizontal plane and impacted by the swinging beam and is not therefore typical of engineering
pendulum directly opposite the notch. The energy components. Further, the test is destructive, inducing
dissipated during impact is usually recorded by a dial failure modes that are not necessarily observed under
on the test apparatus. Further information can be low velocity impact loading on operational structures.
obtained by instrumenting the impactor with a strain Bader and Ellis.21 showed that the Charpy energy of
gauge, thereby enabling the determination of the carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) varied with
variation of the impact force with time. The energy specimen geometry and doubt, therefore, the applica-
absorbed during impact can also be determined by bility of the technique. The Charpy test is only suitable
integrating the force/time signal. for ranking the impact performance of continuous fibre


composites and as a first step in determining the to geometries such as the DCB since the specimen may
dynamic toughness of these materials. not be deforming in the same mode as a similar
statically-loaded specimen24.
2. Izod test
Intermediate and high rate impact
The Izod impact test is shown schematically in Fig.
l(b). The test set-up and procedure are similar to those 1. Hopkinson-bar technique
outlined above. In the Izod test specimen is clamped in
The Hopkinson-bar technique is similar to the previous
the vertical plane as a cantilever beam and impacted by
a swinging pendulum at the unsupported end. The test test procedure in that it permits the determination of
suffers similar problems to those reported above and the variation of basic material properties as a function
of strain rate. Several different types of Hopkinson-bar
again is best suited as a tool for ranking the impact
are currently employed; these include the punch-
resistance of composite materials.
loaded Hopkinson-bar, the compression bar, the
tensile bar and the Hopkinson-bar shear test z~-27. The
3. Drop-weight impact tests set-up and experimental procedures associated with
these tests has been discussed in detail elsewhere25.
Here a weight is allowed to fall from a pre-determined
Here, a brief description of the tensile test will be
height to strike the test specimen or plate supported in
the horizontal plane. In general, the impact event does given. The test set-up for undertaking dynamic tensile
not cause complete destruction of the test specimen hut tests is shown in Fig. l(c) ~. Here, specimens waisted
rebounds, enabling a residual energy to be determined through the thickness are bonded into slots in the
if necessary. The incident velocity of the impactor can
inertia bar and input bar as shown in the diagram. This
be determined from the equations of motion or by configuration is then placed within the weighbar. Strain
using optical sensors located just above the target. rates approaching 1000 s-1 can then be achieved using
Frequently, the impactor is instrumented, enabling the gas-driven projectiles to accelerate the weighbar and,
force/time characteristics to be determined, and may in turn, load the input bar 25. The inertia of the inertia
also contain a displacement transducer in order to bar then enables the test coupon to be loaded dynami-
permit the determination of energy dissipation during cally. Strain gauges bonded to the input and inertia
the impact event. One of the advantages of this test bars enable the incident and reflected stress waves to
with respect to the Charpy and Izod tests is that a wider be analysed and permit the determination of a dynamic
range of (est geometries can be tested, thereby stress/strain curve for the material. The Hopkinson-bar
enabling more complex components to be tested. tensile test is destructive.
Although testing is generally undertaken using a Care has to be taken in order to ensure that the inter-
hemi-spherical impactor, it is possible to use other face between the specimen and loading bars is good,
impactor shapes such as blunt cylinders or sharp points. otherwise a shear failure within the gripping section is
Variations on the drop-weight theme include the likely to occur. Further, in order to minimize stress
Gardner test where a hemi-spherical impactor strikes a concentrations associated with the gripping area,
small diameter circular plate and the driven dart test relatively long specimens (approximately 60 mm) are
where a hemi-spherical probe is driven into the required when testing composite materials .

specimen at a pre-determined rate 22.

2. Gas gun impact testing
4. Hydraulic test machines Impact testing at ballistic rates of strain can be achieved
In recent years a number of workers have used hydrau- using a high pressure gas gun such as that shown in Fig.
lic test machines for assessing the deformation and l(d) ~9. Typically, a gas such as nitrogen is fed to a
failure characteristics of materials at high rates of chamber located at one end of the barrel. Here the gas
strain 23'24. Here, test geometries such as tensile dog- is restrained by a plastic diaphragm. When the gas has
bone specimens or double cantilever beam (DCB)type reached a pre-determined value the diaphragm is burst
specimens can be tested over a wide range of strain (by electrical heating or a mechanical puncturing
rates The strain history of the specimen can be device), accelerating a projectile down the barrel to
measured using bonded strain gauges or an optical strike a specimen or component supported vertically.
transducer. If a strain gauge or any other displacement The velocity of the impactor can be determined just
measuring device is bonded to the specimen, the strain prior to impact using optical sensors3 or by using a
rate sensitivity of the adhesive should be considered. simple break-wire technique 29. Generally, the test is
The advantage of this technique is that the test speci- not completely destructive but frequently results in
mens permit the evaluation of basic material properties large-scale damage and/or target perforation. Until
such as tensile strength, modulus and interlaminar recently the technique suffered the disadvantage that
fracture toughness without the contact effects associ- very little information could be obtained from the test
ated with falling weight impact. Extreme care has to be itself. However, instrumented gas guns have now been
taken in order to ensure that the mass of the load cell developed, enabling force/displacement histories to be
and gripping system are as low as possible since inertial measured and the impact event to be analysed in more
effects resulting from these components may conceal detail31,32. Gas guns can be used to test large structures
the true material response24. Caution should also be and are therefore useful for assessing the high velocity
exercised when applying fracture mechanics principles impact response of composite materials.


Conclusions fibre composites are given in Table 1. Generally
At present, no acceptable standard testing procedures speaking, failure modes that involve fracture of the
are available for impact testing of composite materials. matrix or interphase region result in low fracture
Consequently, a wide variety of testing procedures, energies whereas failures involving fibre fracture result
specimen geometries and data reduction techniques are in significantly greater energy dissipation.
presently being employed. Pendulum techniques such The following sections will investigate the role of the
as the Charpy and Izod tests often require specimen material constituents independently and examine the
geometries that are not representative of component influence of varying their properties on the overall
dimensions and so are essentially suitable only for impact resistance of the composite.
ranking the impact response of composites. Drop-
weight rigs and gas guns offer more representative
approaches for assessing the impact response of these
materials. Greater use of instrumented impactors has Fibre
led to a deeper understanding of the processes of The role of the fibres in a composite structure is
energy absorption and dissipation in these materials. extremely important since they are responsible for
More recently, hydraulic machines have been used to bearing a significant percentage of the applied load. At
examine the response of composite materials at high present, many types of fibre are available. In aeronau-
rates of strain. Although somewhat more expensive tical applications these include carbon, glass, and
than other, more conventional techniques, such KevlaP~ fibres. Within each of these categories fibres
machines are ideally suited for analysing the rate exhibiting a wide range of mechanical properties are
dependency of basic material properties. available. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to separate
the effects of mechanical properties (such as strength
and stiffness) from those arising from geometrical
INFLUENCE OF CONSTITUENT PROPERTIES ON factors (such as fibre shape and diameter) and interfa-
THE IMPACT RESPONSE OF COMPOSITE cial properties (such as the strength of the chemical
MATERIALS bond between fibre and matrix).
In sirqple terms, a fibre-reinforced composite is Early studies36, in which the relative performance of a
composed of three constituents: the fibres, the matrix number of continuous fibre composites was examined,
and a fine interphase region (sometimes referred to as suggested that the Cliarpy impact resistance of S-glass
the interface) responsible for assuring the bond and Kevlar~ fibre-reinforced composites was over five
between the matrix and fibre. The manner in which the times greater than that of a Modmor II carbon fibre-
material deforms and fractures depends upon both the reinforced composite. Beaumont et al. is examined the
chemical and mechanical properties of these three Charpy load/time traces of a number of materials and
constituents. Detailed analyses using both optical and showed that the curve corresponding to an HMS
scanning electron microscopes have identified a carbon composite was extremely brittle, failing cata-
number of failure mechanisms in fibre-reinforced strophically at maximum load. The E-glass and Kevlar~
composite materials29'3336. These include delamina- 49 composites failed in a more progressive manner
tion, intralaminar matrix cracking, longitudinal matrix indicative of energy dissipation through delamination,
splitting, fibre/matrix debonding, fibre pull-out and splitting and other failure processes. The authors
fibre fracture. The relative energy absorbing capability quantified the Charpy load/time traces by defining a
of these fracture modes depends upon the basic proper- ductility index (DI), this being the ratio of the energies
ties of the constituents as well as the loading mode. associated with the crack propagation phase (the area
Typical values measured for a number of continuous after maximum load) and the initiation phase (the area
Table 1. Typical values of the energy absorbing capability of various continuous fibre composites for
different failure modes

Failure mode Material Typical fracture energy Reference

(kJ m-2)

Splitting Type II CF/epoxy 0.1-1 11

AS4/PEEK 3.8 60
Delamination T300/epoxy 0.1 102
IM6/PEEK 2.2 62
Transverse Treated CF/epoxy 20 72
fibre fractu re Untreated CF/epoxy 60 72
AS4/PEEK 128 60
Fibre pull-out CFIpolyester 26 104
CF/bismaleimide 800 105
Debonding CF/epoxy 6 106


up to maximum load). The resulting ductility indices and fibre pull-out. Beaumont 4 gives expressions for
for the Kevlar-49, E-glass and HMS carbon/epoxy work associated with micro-mechanical fracture
composites were 23, 0.4 and 0.0 respectively, indicating processes such as debonding and fibre pull-out. The
clearly the superior energy absorbing capability of the wot'k for debonding is given as:
Kevlar fibre.
Wd = ad2o2fld24Ef (1)
Hancox 37 and Bader and Ellis 21 compared the low
velocity impact response of composites containing type where d = fibre diameter, of = failure strength of the
I and II carbon fibres. In both cases it was shown that fibre, ld = length of the debonded zone and Ef = fibre
the materials containing type II fibres (higher failure modulus. The work to pull-out is given as:
strength) offered superior impact resistance. Similar Wp = ~d~Fg2 4 (2)
results have been observed following low velocity
impact tests on E- and S-glass fibre composites 15. where lc = critical transfer length (-- otd/2x) and x =
constant frictional shear stress.
In an attempt to better understand the fundamental
parameters controlling the processes of energy absorp- Beaumont concluded that post-debond fibre sliding is
tion and dissipation in composite materials, Chamis et the primary energy absorbing mechanism in glass fibre
al. 3s undertook Izod impact tests on a wide range of composites, whereas fibre pull-out is responsible for
systems. They concluded that flexure and interlaminar much of the toughness in a carbon fibre composite. An
shear deformations are dominant energy-absorbing examination of Equation (2) indicates a strong depen-
mechanisms in composites and that the area under the dency of work to pull-out on fibre diameter. In theory,
material's linear stress/strain diagram represents a increasing the diameter of the reinforcing fibre should
useful approach for predicting the impact resistance of result in a composite with an improved resistance to
a composite. Essentially, composites with large areas pull-out and perhaps improved toughness 1L34. Morris
under the stress/strain curve are more effective energy and Smith41 reported results that appear to support a
absorbers. Fig. 2 presents the experimental data fibre diameter dependence in continuous fibre-
obtained by Chamis and Sinclair39 plotted as a function reinforced composites. Their conclusions are based,
of the energy absorbing capability of the fibre as however, on differences between glass and boron fibre
determined by the energy under the static tensile composites with different fibre volume fractions and
stress/strain curve. An examination of the data suggests are not, therefore, conclusive.
a possible relationship between these two parameters, In recent years, fibre manufacturers have been improv-
with materials containing fibres with a greater strain ing the strain to failure of carbon fibres by reducing
energy absorbing capacity offering improved lzod their diameter. Typically, the first generation of carbon
energies. It appears, therefore, that this technique fibres such as T300 and AS4 had diameters of 7--8 ~tm.
forms a useful guide for assessing and evaluating the More recent fibres such as IM6 have diameters of
impact resistance of composite materials. This tech- approximately 5 tim. By improving the strain to failure
nique also explains the results of Hancox 37 and Bader of the fibres in this way the manufacturers have also
and Ellis 2~, reported above, who found that composites improved the strain energy absorbing ability of com-
based on type II carbon fibres outperformed type I posites and thereby improved their impact resistance.
carbon fibre composites. The former has an elastic Davies et al. 42 showed that the interlaminar fracture
energy absorbing capability some four times greater toughness of IMr/polyetheretherketone (PEEK)
than the latter. (superior strain energy absorbing capability) is superior
Although the above approach is valuable for evaluating to that AS4/PEEK. Curson et al. 4 drew similar conclu-
the impact resistance of a composite, a complete #ons following low velocity impact tests on these
analysis should take into consideration energy dissipa- materials.
tion in failure processes such as fibre/matrix debonding
Under conditions of low velocity impact loading, it
appears, therefore, that the improved toughness gained
35 by increasing the fibre diameter is offset by the reduc-
I tion in fibre failure strain, resulting in a loss of strain
E 30 ~- energy absorbing capability. It may be, however, that
25 ~- increasing the fibre diameter might lead to improve-
E ments in the high velocity impact response of compos-
2O ite materials. Under such loading conditions, the target
response is more localized with energy being dissipated
.E 15-- over an area immediate to the point of impact. Conse-
10 quently, the overall energy absorbing ability of the
structure is less important and local mechanisms such as
fibre pull-out and fracture become dominant.
0 I t{, , I, , , I , ii { ,,, 1, I I As well as influencing the impact resistance of a com-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 posite, the properties of the fibre also have a significant
Normalized strain energy effect upon the residual load-bearing capability of the
Fig. 2 Variation of Charpy impact energy with normalized
material. Composite systems that offer excellent impact
strain energy absorbing capacity of fibres (data taken from resistance do not necessarily exhibit superior post-
Ref 39) impact residual properties. For example, polyethylene


fibre composites are capable of absorbing large given incident energy. The reductions in plain compres-
amounts of energy before failure but still offer rela- sive properties of the composite appear to be offset by
tively poor compressive properties due to the low the reduction in damage area.
stiffness of the fibres themselves. In most circumstances
a compromise is required. The following section
considers briefly the effect of fibre properties on the 2, Conclusions
post-impact strength of composite materials. The properties of the fibres in a continuous fibre
composite have a significant effect on the impact
1. Effect of fibre properties on post-impact resistance and subsequent load-bearing capacity of
residual strength components made from such materials. For low
velocity impact loading, the ability of the fibres to store
In recent years a concerted effort has been made by the energy elastically appears to be the fundamental
manufacturers of high performance fibres to improve parameter in determining impact resistance. Kevlar
both the short- and long-term mechanical properties of fibres, which have large areas under their stress/strain
advanced composites. Much of this improvement has curves, offer excellent impact resistance. The role of
been achieved by increasing the strain to failure of the the fibre diameter is not completely clear. A simple
reinforcing fibres. In the previous section, the energy pull-out model suggests that composites with larger
absorbing capacity of the fibres was identified as an diameter fibres should be inherently tougher.
important parameter in determining the level of However, current trends are towards smaller diameter
damage incurred in a composite laminate. Often, fibres offering higher strains to failure. Any reduction
materials that satisfy this condition also offer excellent in toughness is thereby hidden by the increased energy
residual properties. Cantwell et al. 43 showed that this absorbing capacity of the fibres.
was the case for low and high strain carbon fibre
composites. An AS4 carbon fibre composite with a
superior strain energy absorbing capacity than that of Matrix
an XAS carbon fibre composite offered superior The polymeric matrix in a fibre-reinforced composite
residual properties, Fig. 3. This is not always the case, serves to protect, align and stabilize the fibres as well as
however. For example, if the stiffness of the fibre is assure stress transfer from one fibre to another. In
very low and its strain to failure high, a composite general, both the stiffness and strength of the matrix
containing these fibres will be capable of absorbing are considerably below those of the reinforcing fibre.
large amounts of energy but will exhibit poor residual The latter is therefore responsible for carrying most of
compressive properties. In order to overcome this, the applied load in a composite component. The role of
hybrid composites are frequently used, combining the the matrix is nevertheless critical. For example,
energy absorbing capability of low modulus fibres with damage to the matrix such as impact-induced delamina-
stiffer fibres capable of resisting compressive loads**. tion can reduce the load-bearing capabifity of the
composite by up to 50% 46. As a result of this relatively
As stated previously, many of the latest generation of
composites are based on fibres with smaller diameters. poor behaviour, much work has been undertaken in
recent years in an attempt to identify the fundamental
Since the compressive strength of a composite depends
matrix properties that influence the impact resistance
upon the stability of the fibres, it would be expected
that smaller diameter fibres would result in a material of composite materials. Since the first generation of
with poorer compressive properties. This indeed matrix systems for advanced composites lacked tough-
appears to be the case 45. However, reducing the fibre ness, a number of techniques have been developed to
impro~,e the toughness of these materials. These
diameter increases the energy absorbing capability of
the composite, resulting in lower levels of damage for a
the use of plasticizing modifiers11;
the addition of rubber particles such as carboxyl-
terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile (CTBN)47--49.;
~- 1000
the addition of thermoplastic particles such as
polyethersulphone (PES)and polyetherimide
e- (pE0~52;
? ~.~ ~ " ' - o ..... o.. Tension
~ 600 a reduction in the cross-linking density of thermosets
such as epoxy resins53'54;
~, 400 the use of thermoplastic matrices such as PEEK; and

the inclusion of thin, tough layers at ply

200 Compression/I'I" interfaces 5,5s-57.
Early work by Bradshaw et al. 11 showed that adding a
0 2 4 6 8 10 plastidzer to Epikote 828 epoxy resin increased the
Impact energy (J) Mode I fracture toughness by over two orders of
magnitude. When used as a matrix system in a carbon
Fig. 3 Variation of tensile and compressive residual strength
w i t h impact e n e r g y for l o w and high strain fibres (Ref 43): e,
fibre composite, increases in toughness did result;
high strain fibres; o, l o w strain fibres however, in this case the Izod impact energy was


improved by only 25%. This disappointing transfer of polymers, the resin toughness is fully transferred to the
toughness was explained by the fact that the Izod test composite, whereas with tougher polymers the resin
induces crack propagation across fibres rather than toughness is only partly transferred to the composite.
between them. Improvements in the interlaminar In the latter it is proposed that the presence of the
toughness and resistance to splitting are hidden, fibres restricts the crack-tip plastic zone size, thereby
therefore, by the higher energy fracture energy associ- reducing the positive effect of the tougher matrices.
ated with transverse fibre failure. Masters3s'~ extended this approach by conducting
Mode I, Mode II and compression after impact (CAI)
Husman et al. 17conducted high velocity impact tests on tests on a number of epoxy and bismaleimide-based
a limited number of Modmor II carbon fibre compos- carbon fibre composites. He showed that no correlation
ites. Their data suggested that the impact resistance of existed between the Mode I interlaminar toughness and
these materials did not depend upon the properties of the CAI properties, Fig. 6, whereas a very good agree-
the polymeric matrix. ment was found between the Mode II resistance and
In a more detailed analysis by Williams and Rhodes 49, residual compressive strength, Fig. 7. Similar observa-
the impact resistance of 24 modified and unmodified tions have been made by other workers58 . It is
carbon fibre/epoxy composites was examined. Their that the matrix in a flexurally loaded composite will be
experimental analysis showed that both the level of subjected to a large Mode II component and that the
damage incurred as well as the residual compressive forward shear properties of the matrix will be impor-
properties of the laminates varied enormously. It was tant in determining the level of damage incurred. It is
found that the brittle laminates tended to fail by somewhat less clear why the residual compressive
extensive delamination whereas the tougher systems properties of the composite should be Mode II con-
failed in transverse shear near the impact location. The trolled since the failure process is undoubtedly complex
authors concluded that the tensile performance of the containing a significant Mode I component. Master's
neat matrix has a significant influence on the impact results are impressive nevertheless.
behaviour of a composite structure. For improved
Materials that satisfy the above condition and therefore
impact resistance, the strength of the matrix should
exceed 69 MPa and its strain to failure should be I
greater than 4%. Finally, in order to ensure adequate E
compressive strength, the shear modulus should be
greater than 3.1 GPa.
Hirschbuehlers7 examined a large number of plain and 2
interleaved composite systems under a variety of
different loading conditions in an attempt to relate
matrix properties and post-impact compressive
strength. It was found that the residual compressive
E 1 J -~ Thermoset
properties of the composites increased with the flexural
-- / o + o Experimental
strain to failure of the pure resin, Fig. 4. 0 O0
'- O J 0 Toughened
Hunston47 analysed data from three sources in an ~ thermoset
attempt to identify a link between matrix properties '~ + Thermoplastic
and composite fracture toughness. He identified a E
O 0 I 1 I L I L
definite correlation between the resin Mode I fracture o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
toughness and composite interlaminar fracture energy Resin fracture energy (kJ m -2 )
as measured by the DCB specimen, Fig. 5. With brittle
Fig. 5 Variation of composite Mode I interlaminar fracture
energy with resin fracture energy (Ref 47)

500 ~-
0 t
a. 350 I E 450 7
,'- 300 .." 400 ~- AS4/907
AS4/1808-fi(m E
250 ~ 350
== C6000/1827-film A ]M6/1808-film A
_= 300 AS4/1808-filrn A
E 2I
150 AS4/1808
AS4/1808-fitm C

A$4/3502-fi{m A
~ l I '~ 150
$ AS4/3502
~: 50 - 100
o 50
0 , , I , , , I I ~ , I. ,. , , I , , , I , L ,
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 0 I 1 I I I

Neat resin flexural strain to failure (%) 0 100 200 300 400 500
Residual compression strength after impact (MPa)
Fig. 4 Variation of residual compressive strength of impact-
damaged composites with neat resin flexural failure strain Fig. 6 Variation of residual compression strength after impact
(Ref 57) with Mode I strain energy release rate (Ref 56)


4000 tive to compressive loading since impact-generated
AS4/1808:film E delaminations tend to reduce the stability of the
E 3500 load-beating plies resulting in premature failure
IM6/1808-film A eAS4/1808-fiim A
AS4/ A through buckling. In the previous section it was shown
~ 3ooo AS4/1808-film C that composites with high Mode II interlaminar
_~ 2500 IM6/3100-film E
C6000/18274ilm E fracture toughnesses offer superior CAI propertiess5,56.
It appears that the majority if not all of this improve-
IM6(3100-21-film E AS4/907
2000 ment in CAI behaviour results from the lower levels of
damage incurred during impact.
c 1500 A54/1808
....... AS4/1808
l M o / I ~ u ~ C6000/1827 The residual tensile properties of toughened compos-
I M 6 / 3 1 0 0 e I M 6 / 3 1 0 0 - 2 1
ites do not appear to be significantly better than those
of standard epoxy systems, Fig. 8. This results from the
fact that composites with tougher matrices tend to be
0 t I i I I more notch-sensitive due to reduced splitting and
0 100 200 300 400 500 delamination around stress concentrations such as
Resin compression strength after impact (MPa) notches or damage6s.
Fig. 7 Variation of residual compression strength after impact
w i t h M o d e II strain e n e r g y release rate (Ref 56)
Toughening composites using elastomeric particles
reduces the level of delamination and therefore
offer superior impact properties include thermoplastic- enhances residual compressive properties, Fig. 9.
based composites and interleaved laminates. In recent However, the presence of such inclusions often reduces
years considerable interest has been generated by the glass transition temperature of the matrix material
carbon fibre-reinforced PEEK (APC2), a semi- which in turn reduces the hot-wet properties of the
crystalline thermoplastic compositea'~'59-62. Interlami- composite. In many situations a compromise is there-
nar fracture testing and impact loading have shown that fore necessary.
this material offers excellent static and dynamic tough-
ness and is capable of absorbing a considerable amount
of energy whilst incurring only small amounts of <.
damage4,63,64. Scanning electron micrographs of the O - -- -- Tough epoxy
1200' Brittle epoxy
fracture surfaces indicate extensive drawing and plastic
flow65. Another advantage of this material is that its 1000
thermoplastic matrix allows rapid repair using fusion
techniques such as the hot press technique66. Here, 80o

impact damage can be reduced or removed by simply

"0 ..... 0
heating the component to a temperature above the ~ 600
melting point of the matrix, reforming and cooling. The
high velocity impact response of carbon fibre/PEEK has g 4o0
received very little attention. Initial testing has sug- n-

gested that its high velocity impact response is perhaps 200

relatively poor. Dan-Jumbo et al. 59 showed that beyond
a certain velocity threshold, APC2 experienced a ,IL J ,I, f ~
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0
sudden drop in flexural strength. Similar observations
Impact energy (J)
have been observed by Morton and Godwin63 following
ballistic impact tests on this material. This will be Fig. 8 Variation of residual tensile strength with impact energy
discussed in more detail in the section on rate effects. for tough and brittle epoxy-based composites (Ref 75)
These observations suggest, therefore, that care should
be exercised when attempting to relate static properties
such as interlaminar toughness and strength to charac-
terize tlynamic properties such as impact resistance.
~ 900, Toughened epoxy
Polymer interleafing involves the use of high toughness o Brittle epoxy
films or layers at ply interfaces in relatively brittle - -

materials. The inclusion of such layers increases the 700

laminate's interlaminar fracture toughness56 as well as 600
reducing the level of damage incurred for a given ~ s~
incident energy67. The load-bearing properties of
damaged intedeafed composites are significantly ~ 400
superior to those of conventional epoxy composites67.
Interlayer technology is still in its infancy; however, 72 200
early results are very favourable and the technique 8
offers enormous potential.
2a 4I 6f 8~ 110 112 14
1. Effect of matrix properties on post-impact Impact energy (J)
residual strength
Fig. 9 Residual compressive strength of toughened and brittle
Impact-damaged composites are probably most sensi- epoxy-based composites as a function of impact e n e r g y (Ref 75)


2. Conclusions 1000
~ Surface-treated fibres
It is clear that matrix properties play a significant role (3.

in determining the impact resistance and subsequent 800 0 Untreated fibres

load-beating capability of a fibre-reinforced plastic. At " --- Penetration
present, a significant effort is being made to improve 600 ..- - O - -

the post-impact compressive properties of composites.

-=E I/J
It appears that materials with high Mode II interlami-
nar fracture toughnesses offer superior compression
strengths after impact. Care should be exercised,
however, when correlating data obtained under static
'\l /
loading conditions with results from dynamic tests.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
The strength of the bond between the matrix resin and
Incident energy (J)
the fibre reinforcement is a controlling factor in deter-
mining the mechanical performance of most polymer Fig. 10 Residual flexural strength vs. impact energy for ballisti-
composites. In general, the surface of the fibres is cally impacted surface-treated and untreated carbon fibre
composites (Ref 72)
treated by an oxidative process in order to improve the
level of adhesion between matrix and fibre. Initially,
this interracial zone was considered as being a two- McGarry et al. TM attempted to enhance the impact
dimensional surface with effectively zero thickness. resistance of T300/MY-720 carbon fibre/epoxy by
However, more recent studies have shown that this coating the surfaces of the fibres with a thin layer of
region is in fact three-dimensional, having its own CTBN rubber. Gardner impact tests showed that
distinct properties 69. treating the fibres in this way improved the threshold
energy for first damage significantly. Further, above
Studies have shown that varying the level of surface this threshold the level of damage for a given impact
treatment applied to a carbon fibre composite can energy was less in the modified composite.
change the mode of failure as well as many fundamen-
tal mechanical properties H'69-7z. Composites with low
levels of fibre surface treatment fail at relatively low 1. Effect of interphase properties on post-impact
stresses when loaded transversely to the fibres, leaving residual strength
smooth fibres on the fracture surface. Increasing the Dorey 75 has shown that increasing the strength of the
level of treatment applied to the fibres increases the fibre/matrix bond increases the interlaminar shear
transverse failure stress and failure occurs within the strength (]LSS) of the composite until a plateau is
matrix, i.e., the interphase region is no longer the reached beyond which point no significant increase is
weakest link in the composite. possible, Fig. 11. Over this range of treatment levels
Rogers e t al. 71 showed that improving the fibre/matrix the notched tensile strength falls dramatically. Increas-
bond strength in a carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy ing the ILSS in this way suppresses the formation of
resulted in a fourfold increase in the incident impact delaminated zones in the region of stress concentra-
energy required to initiate damage. At higher energies tions, rendering the material more notch-sensitive.
the load-bearing properties of composites with surface- Consequently, even though surface treatment of the
treated fibres drops dramatically until the perforation fibres reduces the level of damage for a given energy,
limit is reached72. Bless and Hartman 73 showed that the the increased notch-sensitivity of the laminate results in
perforation threshold energy in a surface-treated poorer residual tensile properties, Fig. 1 2 7 5 . Con-
composite is significantly lower than that of a similar versely, treating the fibres improves the post-impact
untreated laminate. compressive properties as shown in the lower part of
Fig. 12. Clearly, the level of surface treatment applied
This behaviour has been explained by Dorey~'2, who to the fibres in a multidirectional composite will depend
showed that the transverse fracture energy of a com- upon the operational conditions the component will
posite, a fundamental parameter for determining encounter. In general, a compromise is sought in which
resistance to penetration and perforation, depends the fibres are given intermediate levels of treatment.
strongly upon the fibre/matrix bond strength. Carbon
fibre-reinforced epoxies with untreated fibres offer
transverse fracture energies as high as 60 kJ m-2 (Ref 2. Conclusions
72). Transverse failure in composites with high levels of The level of treatment applied to the surface of the
fibre surface treatment absorbs considerably less fibres in a composite material has a significant effect
energy, with quoted ~2 transverse fracture energies upon both its impact resistance as well as its residual
being as low as 20 kJ m-2. At energies levels above that load-carrying capability. In general, impact on compos-
required to achieve perforation, damage in a surface- ites with low levels of fibre surface treatment generates
treated composite tends to be localized around the large areas of splitting and delamination with severe
point of impact, often taking the form of a clean hole 71. effects on the compressive properties of the material.
The post-perforation residual properties of treated Localized impact loading on highly treated fibre
composites are generally superior to those of untreated composites results in a smaller, more localized damage
composites as shown in Fig. 10. zone, a lower perforation threshold and improved


'[ Fibre stacking sequence
Composite materials offer a unique advantage in that
properties such as strength and stiffness can be tailored
to meet specific design requirements through a careful
selection of the fibre stacking sequence. Considerable
work has shown that the impact resistance of composite
materials also depends upon the specific order in which
the plies are stacked6'~'76-s. For example, unidirec-
T/T100 tional composites having all their fibres aligned in one
direction fail by splitting at very low energies and are
1.0 therefore highly unsuitable for applications where
impact loading might occur 11. Following impact tests
on a series of (0, +/-45 ) laminates, Dorey 1~as well as
Morton and Godwin 63 showed that composites having
+ / - 4 5 surface plies offered a superior impact resis-
tance and improved residual strengths. It was sug-
gestedsl that + / - 4 5 plies increased the flexibility of the
composite, thereby improving its ability to absorb
energy elastically. Further, placing such plies on the
surface of a composite serves to protect the load-
bearing 0 plies against damage induced by the imping,
ing projectilesl. These ideas were supported by Ste-
0.5 vanovic et al. s, who conducted instrumented Charpy
tests on a series of multidirectional T300 carbon fibre
composites. They showed that (+/-45 ) composites
were capable of absorbing considerably more energy
than (0,90), (0,+/--45 ) and (00,900,+/-45 ) lami-
A somewhat different approach was adopted by Nolet
and Sandusky in the design of a composite leading edge
for the A10 Thunderbolt 8z. They proposed that the
leading edge be very stiff in order to 'split off' the
0 I I I I
impinging bird with little or no loss in strength or
0 100 200 700
stiffness. They suggested that in order to achieve this
Surface treatment (%) requirement, a high percentage of carbon fibres should
be oriented in the spanwise direction of the aircraft's
Fig. 11 Variation of interlaminar shear strength and notched
strength of carbon fibre composites as a function of fibre leading edge.
surface treatment (Ref 75) The authors s3 showed that damage initiation in a series
1.0 of (+/-45 ) laminates subjected to low velocity impact
Treatment level
depended upon the thickness and therefore the stiffness
0% of the composite. Initial failure in thin, flexible targets
0~ o . . . . . 5%
occurs in the lowermost ply as a result of the tensile
A ~ _ Tension " - - - - 100%
component of the flexural stress field. Damage in
.c 0.6 thicker, stiffer targets initiates at the top surface due to
~,+\ \ ............ o 1.6
\~,\ ".. . . . . . . ... Lower [ Upper
-~ 0.4 '~,,. ~. '1,4 surf~rface
X~O~ ~'II~
..... ~ ~
"~_=t .- - . _--. .. .. .. . + 1,2
/ 1.0
0.0 I I I I O3 o.8
0 2 4 6 8 10
Impact energy (J) 0.6
Fig. 12 Residual strength of treated and untreated carbon fibre 0.4
composites vs. impact energy (Ref 75)
compressive properties. However, the increased notch
sensitivity associated with fibre surface treatment 0.0 ,,l..,n , , , l . . , l , , , J , , , l . , , l , , , f . , , l , , ,

results in a reduction in the post-impact tensile strength 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

of the material. The level of treatment applied to the Target thickness (mm)
surface of the fibres will depend, therefore, upon the Fig. 13 Low velocity impact energy to initiate damage vs.
desired application. target thickness for (+/-45 ) CFRP composites (Ref 29)

356 C O M P O S I T E S . S E P T E M B E R 1991
the contact stress field. This is shown in Fig. 13. This The impact resistance of carbon fibre composites can
curve clarifies Dorey's sl claim that increasing the be enhanced considerably by incorporating plies of
flexural stiffness of a target, for example, by placing lower modulus fibres 16,s6-s8. In order to assure compat-
fibres on the surface of a laminate, can enhance its ibility, the matrix resin is usually the same in the two or
impact resistance. This is true for the range of stiff- more constituent materials. Hancox and Wellsa7
nesses where initial failure occurs at the top surface of showed that the Izod impact energy of an HT-S carbon
the component. In more flexible targets, however, fibre composite could be increased by 500% through
reducing the flexural stiffness may precipitate failure at hybridization with E-glass fibres. As well as reducing
a lower incident energy. the basic price of the composite, the addition of the
glass fibres was found to change the mode of fracture
A detailed study by Hong and Liu 6 identified funda- from a clean break to a delamination-type non-
mental aspects in the development of damage in glass catastrophic failure Similar conclusions were drawn by
fibre-reinforced plastic (GFRP) subjected to high Helfinstine 16following Charpy impact tests on Kevlar-
velocity impact loading. They showed that increasing T300 carbon fibre hybrids. However, the absolute
the angle q in a (~,q,0~) laminate resulted in greater magnitude of the increases was less impressive than
delamination-type damage for a given incident energy, that reported by the previous workers for GFRP.
Fig. 14. Increasing q in this way also had the effect of
reducing the first damage threshold energy. The Dorey e t al. ~ assessed the high velocity impact
authors als0 showed that for a given energy, increasing response of a number carbon-Kevlar hybrid laminates.
the thickness of the GFRP target resulted in an increase They showed that the addition of the lower modulus
in delaminated area. This increase in damage area may Kevlar fibres increased the threshold energy for the
result from the reduction in the target's energy absorb- onset of damage by up to four times.
ing capability as proposed by DoreySL Lius4 extended At present many workers are assessing the feasibility of
this work by developing a simple model for predicting using weaving and braiding techniques in order to
the likely delamination sites in a number of different improve the damage tolerance of fibre-reinforced
composites. It was suggested that delamination in polymer composites s9-93. Su 93 conducted Mode I
multi-angle composites is more likely to occur at delamination tests on both stitched and non-stitched
interfaces where the mismatch in bending stiffness is AS4 carbon fibre/J1 (a semi-crystalline thermoplastic).
greatest, for example, between +/--45 plies. Liu His results showed that stitching with Kevlar fibre
showed experimentally that the level of delamination in resulted in a 100% increase in interlaminar fracture
a glass/epoxy composite increased as angle q in a (0,q) toughness. Instrumented drop-weight impact tests on a
laminate increased, i.e., as the bending stiffness number of 2- and 3-D composites indicated that the
mismatch increased This evidence suggests that if latter offered a superior impact resistance, the presence
delamination needs to be suppressed, laminates with of the third dimension reinforcement served to inhibit
sudden large changes in fibre direction should be the propagation of delaminated zones. Fabricating 3-D
avoided. structures is clearly more expensive and time consum-
Other techniques to reduce impact-induced delamina- ing than constructing with conventional 2-D prepregs.
tion include the use of woven fabrics46"85, In order to reduce these costs, it has been proposed
hybridization 16'a6-88 (for example, carbon fibres with that a selective procedure be adopted, that is, 3-D
Kevlar fibres) and three-dimensional stitchings9'9. The reinforcement be used at critical ply interfaces or at
first of these techniques involves replacing the unidirec- component edges 93.
tional +/-45 plies in a multidirectional composite by a
+/-45 woven fabric. The three-dimensional nature of
the fabric helps suppress the formation of delaminated 1. Effect of fibre stacking sequence on
zones at this critical interface. post-impact residua/ strength
In this section the role that the fibre stacking sequence
plays in determining the residual properties of impact-





[ 05/90s/05
[ 0s/605/05
[ 05/455]0s
[ 05/30s/05
[ 05/15~/0~
damaged composites is discussed As outlined above,
much of the work published in the literature concerns
the residual compressive properties of damaged
composites since this is considered to be the most
critical form of loading condition Certain conflicts may
exist, however, when considering the optimum fibre
20 stackin.8 sequence for residual compressive strength.
DoreyTM suggested that for improved impact resistance
the +/--45 fibres should be located on the outermost
r~ 10 O surface of the composite. This may not be an ideal
+ lid
stacking sequence for stability in compression Here,
stiffer laminates, for example, those with surface 0
fibres, are better suited to in-plane compressive
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 loading. Nevertheless, Morton and Godwin have
Impact energy (J) shown that an APC2 ( ~ , +/-45)2s laminate offers
Fig. 14 D e l a m i n a t e d area vs. i m p a c t energy for i m p a c t e d
inferior properties to those of a (+/-45,~,+/--45,0)s
(0s*,05",05") GFRP l a m i n a t e s (Ref 6) plate, Fig. 15.


1400 they split and fail at low energies. The mismatch in
bending stiffness between two plies appears to have a
45 outside
1200 I
significant effect upon the level of damage incurred at
/ ~ 0 outside
that interface. Damage appears to be greatest where
ply orientation changes of 90 occur. This suggests that
I000 r
for containment of damage laminates with abrupt
== changes in fibre direction should be avoided. Other
800 " ways to suppress damage include the use of woven
L fabrics, the use of hybrid composites or stitching at
6OO desired locations.
oo Jk
4O0 A Geometry
r~ Geometry is a fundamental parameter in determining
200 i the impact response of a composite compo-
nenta,rt A5,63,75,83.Low velocity impact tests on CFRP
0 have shown that the mode of failure in a simple beam
0 5 10 15
may vary depending upon its span-to-depth ratio. Short
Incident impact energy (J) thick specimens tend to fail in an interlaminar mode
Fig. 15 Effect of placing 45 plies on the outer surface of a whereas as long thin beams failed in a flexure 11.
16-ply carbon fibre/PEEK laminate (Ref 63! Broutman and Rotem 15 showed that increasing the size
of a GFRP beam increased its energy absorbing capabil-
ity under low velocity impact conditions. However,
(3 Non-woven
Mixed-woven doubling the size of the beam did not result in an
.~ 8o0 equivalent increase in energy absorption. Similar tests
o n CFRP 83 have shown that both the low velocity first
e- damage threshold energy and perforation limit of a
g, coo CFRP (0,-I-/---45 ) beam increased linearly with increas-
ing beam length. These results indicated that the
A target's ability to absorb energy in elastic deformations
.o_ 400 W
determines its low velocity impact resistance. However,
increasing the volume of the target does not necessarily
increase its impact resistance, for example, small beams
may be capable of absorbing greater energy than a
large circular plate s3. Further, the process of failure in
a large component often differs from that in a simple
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
laboratory specimen. Clearly, care needs to be taken
Impact energy (J}
when using small, simple specimens to characterize the
Fig. 16 Effect of replacing the + / - 4 5 plies in a 16-ply (0,+/- impact response of larger, more complex structures.
45) CFRP composite with a woven fabric (Ref 46)
High velocity impact tests on CFRP indicated that the
areal geometry of the target is less important at high
In the previous section it was stated that the use of rates of strain 93. Ultrasonic C-scans of impacted
woven +/--45" fabrics in (0", +/--45 ) laminates serves to specimens showed that the level of damage in a small,
reduce the overall level of delamination under impact 50 mm long beam was the same as that in a 150 mm
loading. The subsequent residual strengths of the coupon, Fig. 17. This suggests that high velocity impact
mixed-woven composites were superior to those of the loading by a light projectile induces a localized form of
standard material manufactured from unidirectional target response in which much of the incident energy of
plies, Fig. 16. the projectile is dissipated over a small zone immediate
to the point of impact. Tests on large plates have
Similar improvements in residual strength have been substantiated this claim 93 and it appears that under
noted following impact on stitched carbon fibre com- certain conditions small simple coupons can be used to
posites 92. Compression after impact tests on a number characterize the high velocity/low mass impact response
of AS4/3501--6 laminates92 showed that stitched lami- of composite structures.
nates offered residual strengths up to 100% greater
than their unstitched counterparts. One of the disad- Few workers have undertaken tests on full-size engi-
vantages of this process is that the undamaged com- neering components primarily as a result of the high
pressive strength of the material is reduced by up to costs involved. Gause et al. 94 showed that the curvature
20% 92. of the test component or structure influences the level
of damage incurred during impact loading. It appears
that negative curvatures inhibit delamination growth.
2. Conclusions Madan and Sutton 95 conducted low velocity impact
The impact resistance of a multidirectional laminate is tests on a number of stiffened panels designed for use
strongly dependent upon the specific orientation of the in advanced wing structures. Their results indicated
plies. Unidirectional laminates should be avoided since that the impact resistance of the structure was poor if


Impact energy = 1.8 J Impact energy = 7.0 J
the material's behaviour as well as the structural
response of the target. The latter has already been
discussed in some detail above. In summary, it appears
that the low velocity impact resistance of a composite is
strongly dependent upon its ability to absorb energy
elastically. Consequently, the strain energy absorbing
Length = 50 mm Length = 50 mm capability of the fibres as well as the geometrical
configuration of the target are of great importance. At
very high rates of strain the structure responds in a
local mode and the strain energy absorbing of the fibres

n D Length = 75 mm Length = 75 mm
and structure is less important. Here, the magnitude of
the energy dissipated in mechanisms such as delamina-
tion, debonding and pull-out may become important.
In recent years more and more attention has been given
to determining the rate dependence of the ultimate
properties of composites and their
constituentsz~'24`26'28,~-gs. Harding and
co-workers25'27'2s'96 have examined the strain rate
sensitivity of Kevlar, GFRP and C'FRP. They have shown
that carbon fibre composites are rate-insensitive when
Length = 100 mm Length = 100 mm tested in fibre-dominated modes, whereas GFm' and
Kevlar composites exhibit a distinct rate-dependent

behaviour with modulus and tensile strength increasing
with rate. Other workers have assessed the rate depen-
dence of matrix-dominated modes of failure such as
interlaminar fracture23'99. Such tests are particularly
useful since delamination (a matrix-dominated mode of
Length = 150 mm Length = 150 mm failure) is particularly detrimental to the compressive
Fig, 17 Effect of beam l e n g t h o n d a m a g e d e v e l o p m e n t in a strength of a laminated composite ~'11. DCB tests on
16-ply (0,+1-45 ) CFRP composite subjected t o h i g h v e l o c i t y carbon fibre/epoxy composites t2 have shown that the
i m p a c t l o a d i n g (Ref 29) Mode I interlaminar toughness does not vary with
strain rate, Fig. 18. Similar tests on carbon fibre/PEEK
(APC2), a thermoplastic matrix composite, have
the flanges were either too stiff or too flexible. This is
identified a distinct rate dependence :3, Fig. 18. Over a
clearly related to the structural stiffness effects shown
wide range of strain rates the Mode I fracture tough-
previously in Fig. 13. For optimum impact resistance a
ness remains invariant of strain rate. However, beyond
compromise is again required.
a certain threshold, the toughness drops dramatically to
approximately 20% of its original value. This gives
2. Conclusions cause for concern, suggesting that the impact resistance
of this material may be poor at high rates of strain.
In order to design components and structures for
Indeed, high velocity impact tests on APC2 have
impact resistance, geometrical effects need to be fully
suggested that beyond a certain threshold velocity a
understood. In the case of low velocity impact loading,
change in failure mode o c c u r s 63 and the material
the size of the specimen or component is a critical
parameter in determining its dynamic response. Here experiences a sudden drop in mechanical perfor-
again the response of the target as well as the amount
of damage incurred is related to the target's ability to
store energy elastically. As a result of the lower level of 5O00
transverse constraint, beams tend to be capable of CF/PEEK D Unstable
absorbing more energy than larger structures such as 4000 Stable
circular plates. Care has to be taken, therefore, when
using simple beam-like specimens to evaluate the CF/epoxy
dynamic response of more complex structures. I
3000 ,
D= o
ta Q o
mo o o []
o o oo o o o oo oo
High velocity impact loading by a light projectile o o o o o o o o

induces a very localized form of target response,

resulting in much of the incident energy being dissi-
pated in a very small volume. Here, the areal geometry 1000
of the target is less important and simple coupons can
+,, %
often be used to characterize the response of the

full-scale structure.
10-6 10-s 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 10 o
(s -~ )
Fig. 18 Variation o f Gic w i t h s t r a i n rate f o r c a r b o n fibre/PEEK
The rate at which the structure is loaded affects both and a carbon fibre/epoxy composite (Refs 24 a n d 102)


These results suggest that care should be taken when the target response. Low velocity impact loading by
using data obtained from static tests in order to charac- a heavy object induces an overall target response,
terize the dynamic response of composite materials. whereas high velocity impact by a light projectile
Brittle thermosets such as epoxy resins do not appear induces a localized mode of target deformation
to exhibit a significant rate-dependent behaviour resulting in energy being dissipated over a small
whereas tougher systems such as the latest generation region immediate to the point of impact. In the
of thermoplastic-based composites do 12. Clearly, latest generation of tough composites matrix-
simple static tests would fail to identify such strain rate dominated modes of fracture appear to show a
sensitivity and may rank the materials incorrectly. distinct rate dependency and care should be taken
when using static tests to characterize dynamic
Concerns expressed regarding the impact resistance of
fibre-reinforced composites are without doubt well- The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
founded. Low energy impacts are capable of generating support of the National Science Foundation Science
large areas of delamination, resulting in significant and Technology Center for High Performance
reductions in residual strength. In recent years a Polymers, Adhesives and their Composites at Virginia
concerted effort has been made by the materials Tech. This paper was originally submitted for 'Bonding
manufacturers to improve the impact resistance and and Repair of Composites II', Zurich, Switzerland,
damage tolerance characteristics of continuous fibre March 1991 (this conference was cancelled).
composites. In this review some of the fundamental
parameters governing the impact response and subse-
quent load-bearing properties of components manufac- REFERENCES
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