An Increasing Socioeconomic Gap in Childhood Overweight and Obesity in China

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An Increasing Socioeconomic Gap in Childhood

Overweight and Obesity in China
Wei He, MA, Sherman A. James, PhD, M. Giovanna Merli, PhD, and Hui Zheng, PhD

with these 3 factors to affect the magnitude

We used a new conceptual framework that integrates tenets from health
of the SES gap.
economics, social epidemiology, and health behavior to analyze the impact of
socioeconomic forces on the temporal changes in the socioeconomic status In highly developed countries, energy-dense
(SES) gap in childhood overweight and obesity in China. In data from the China foods are more widely accessible than are fruit
Health and Nutrition Survey for 1991 to 2006, we found increased prevalence of and vegetables. This is largely attributable to
childhood overweight and obesity across all SES groups, but a greater increase the relatively low price of mass-produced dairy
among higher-SES children, especially after 1997, when income inequality products, meat, and processed foods,11,12 made
dramatically increased. Our findings suggest that for China, the increasing possible by economy-of-scale production,
SES gap in purchasing power for obesogenic goods, associated with rising technological innovations in processing and
income inequality, played a prominent role in the countrys increasing SES gap storing foods, and government subsidies.13---15
in childhood obesity and overweight. (Am J Public Health. 2014;104:e14e22.
For example, in the United States, the relative
price of sweets and soft drinks decreased much
more than the price of fresh vegetables and
It is well documented that family socioeco- relationship between SES and overweight fruit between 1985 and 2000.11 Low-income
nomic status (SES) is associated with childhood and obesity in children and adolescents, in people who cope with food insecurity by
overweight and obesity1---3; however, the path- China or in any other developing country. consuming more energy-dense foods because
ways linking SES with overweight and obesity The direction of causality between SES they are available at low prices have an in-
may be strongly conditioned by a countrys and obesity for children is relatively easy to creased risk of becoming overweight.12,16 In
stage of economic development. For example, discern, because their SES is predetermined by Brazil, a country whose gross national income
an inverse relationship between SES and obe- that of their parents; hence, their obesity status per capita is among the highest in the de-
sity is typically observed among children in is unlikely to affect their childhood SES.1 We veloping world, studies found that food in-
developed countries,2,4 whereas in many de- developed a conceptual framework to address security contributed to higher obesity rates
veloping countries, overweight and obesity are specic contextual factors that could shape among female adolescents and adults.17,18
more common among socioeconomic elites.1,5,6 the SES---childhood overweight and obesity However, when a country is in an early stage of
Several questions are unanswered: What con- relationship. We test several major tenets of development, general population access to
textual factors connect the stage of economic this framework in data collected from 1991 energy-dense foods tends to be low, because
development with the sign and strength of the to 2006 by the China Health and Nutrition these foods are much more expensive than
association between SES and childhood over- Survey (CHNS).8 vegetables, grains, and meals made at home
weight and obesity? What is the relative im- from simple ingredients.19---22 Food scarcity
portance of these factors? What happens when CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK among the poor, when coupled with the greater
these contextual factors exert contradictory capacity of higher-SES groups to purchase
effects on risk for childhood obesity and over- Previous literature on the SES---over- energy-dense foods, might signicantly con-
weight? The dramatic social and economic weight and obesity relationship suggests that tribute to a positive association between SES
changes in China that took place after 1997 a countrys stage of economic development and overweight.21
provided a unique opportunity to explore these is key to understanding how this relationship Income inequality can also shape the SES---
questions. is manifested among its children and overweight and obesity prole by interacting
Until now, the only study of the change in adults.6,9,10 We derived a conceptual frame- with the price of energy-dense diets to inu-
the SES---overweight and obesity association work from this literature (Figure 1). The ence societal patterns of body weight. If per
among Chinese children focused on the annual contextual factors we incorporated were (1) capita gross national product is held constant,
change in overweight prevalence by income.7 the price of energy-dense (obesogenic) foods, when the price of energy-dense foods is high,
This study found that overweight prevalence (2) the degree of penetration of obesogenic higher income inequality should predict
increased fastest among high-income children physical inactivity environments, and (3) a larger gap between higher-and lower-SES
between 1991 and 2004. To date, however, general awareness of, and incentives to pre- groups in access to expensive foods. Moreover,
no study has thoroughly explored the contex- vent, overweight and obesity. We also con- if the general population lacks knowledge of
tual factors contributing to the changing sidered how income inequality interacted the health consequences of overweight and

e14 | Framing Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | He et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2014, Vol 104, No. 1

Stage of economic development
In economically advanced societies, such as
the United States, the greater health knowl-
Price of Penetration of Ideal body shape and edge and access to healthy food and physical
obesogenic obesogenic awareness of obesity-
activity environments among higher-SES
(energy-dense) inactivity related health problems
foods environment groups undoubtedly explains much of the
well-known inverse association between SES
and overweight and obesity.12,23 Under these
conditions, it is difcult to determine the
Income gap relative importance of willpower derived from
between higher knowledge and access to healthy food and
and lower SES
physical activity environments in shaping risk
for overweight and obesity. By contrast, when
a country is in an early stage of economic
SES Child overweight/obesity development, only higher-SES groups have
easy access to sedentary lifestyles and expen-
Note. SES = socioeconomic status. sive, highly processed foods, the primary risk
factors for becoming obese or overweight.
FIGURE 1Framework for understanding childhood overweight and obesity.
Thus, for a limited time, the poor are largely
protected from becoming overweight or obese,
and they do not have to take special pre-
obesity, the growing advantage in purchasing Many underdeveloped countries have a cul-
ventive actions to remain thin. During this
power among the high-SES group can more tural norm that favors larger body sizes.10,21,25
early, transitional phase of economic devel-
easily be converted into a consumption gap, Knowledge about the health risks associated
opment, the higher-SES groups greater
which, in turn, can lead to an increasing SES with overweight and obesity have been slow
health-related knowledge and access to obe-
gap in overweight and obesity. Consistent to reach many developing countries,26,27 but
sogenic goods and environment could exert
with this formulation, Subramanian et al., in those at more advanced stages of development
contradictory inuences on risk for over-
a study in India, found that great income appear to benet from well-designed inter-
weight and obesity.
inequality was associated with both overcon- vention programs that increase health-related
The Ecological Obesity Framework23 posits
sumption among privileged groups and food knowledge and promote widespread changes
that willpower arising from knowledge may
insecurity among the poor.22 Another study in the physical activity and food environ-
have only a minor effect on obesity-related
found that in developing countries with great ments.28---32 Brazil has used mass media to
health behaviors, relative to environmental
income inequality, overweight increased more deliver public health messages designed to
inuences. The set point of an individuals
rapidly among the wealthy than among combat sedentary lifestyles and promote bet-
the poor, whereas in developing countries ter eating habits,17 but such large-scale in- body fat is determined not only by energy
with less income inequality, overweight and terventions have yet to be implemented in intake and expenditure, but also by physio-
obesity increased more among lower-income countries at earlier stages of development, logical adjustmentmechanisms to maintain
individuals.6 such as China. Phelan et al. plausibly argue a constant volume of body fat.23 Only after
Obesogenic physical inactivity environments that the widespread and persistent inverse an individual is exposed to a change of
discourage or restrict activities requiring high SES---health gradient in developed societies environment for a sufcient time will this set
expenditures of energy.23 The penetration of results, in part, from the higher-SES groups point change in response.23 This framework
obesogenic environments is highly correlated greater access to health-related knowledge33; treats obesity as a normal response to an
with a countrys level of urbanization, trans- however, the inclination of afuent families abnormal environment, rather than a per-
portation infrastructure, and rate of acquisi- in developing countries to indulge childrens sonal disorder requiring treatment.23 It
tion of new technologies.24 When a country is natural preference for sweet and fatty posits that individual-level approaches have
in the early stages of urbanization, only urban, foods34 could render anti-obesity educa- only limited efcacy and that understanding,
higher-SES groups are able to take full ad- tional efforts, if unaccompanied by other measuring, and altering the obesogenic en-
vantage of the new transportation infrastruc- strategies, ineffective.35 Thus, whether vironment is critical to success.23 From this
ture and other labor-saving devices. The SES-related parental advantages in health perspective, the power of knowledge alone
resulting reduced daily physical activity puts knowledge lead to anti-obesity health be- to inuence body weight may have only
them at greater risk than the poor of becom- haviors in children in developing countries limited impact on social patterns of over-
ing overweight.6 is an open question. weight and obesity in a given society.

January 2014, Vol 104, No. 1 | American Journal of Public Health He et al. | Peer Reviewed | Framing Health Matters | e15

CHINA knowledge, and the idealization of the Western by the square of height in meters) cutoff.
body shape among higher-SES groups27 sug- For children aged 2 to 6 years, we used the
With the newly developed framework as gest that the SES---obesity gap should narrow international BMI categories, because the
a guide, we explored how the SES---childhood over time. However, increasing income dis- Chinese reference did not encompass the
overweight and obesity gap in China changed parity and the subsequent gaps in purchasing younger ages. The international reference de-
over time in response to changes in selected power, along with the relatively high price of nes overweight according to data from 6
contextual factors. Along with rapid economic energy-dense foods and labor-saving devices, countries or regions, including Singapore and
growth, China experienced a declining relative augur a widening of the SES---obesity gap over Hong Kong. The Chinese reference is derived
price of energy-dense foods (except for oil and time. According to the Ecological Obesity from data on Chinese children and adoles-
dairy products, which remained more expen- Framework,23 purchasing power is the most cents. Previous studies50,51 indicated that the
sive),19,20 the spread of Western ideals of body important constraint on access to obesogenic Chinese reference is the most relevant for
shape,27 and increasing penetration of obeso- goods and environment, and because this detecting metabolic syndrome among Chinese
genic physical inactivity environments with ur- constraint was relaxed for higher-SES groups children and adolescents.
banization and adoption of labor-saving devices. after 1997, the positive SES gap of childhood Independent variables were gender (1 =
Since 1997, China has experienced a sharp overweight and obesity in China should have boy; 0 = girl); age; survey period (1 = after
increase in income inequality as a result of the increased after 1997 when income inequality 1997; 0 = 1997 or earlier); residence (1 =
deepening of market reforms, especially in in China accelerated. urban; 0 = rural); daily energy, fat, and protein
urban areas. These reforms have featured intake; active commuting; per capita household
large-scale privatization of state-owned enter-
METHODS income (adjusted according to the 2006 Con-
sumer Price Index); parental education (1 =
prises, massive layoffs of urban workers, dis-
To test our research questions, we used data high school; 0 = < high school); parental polit-
mantling of the Mao-era social welfare system,
from the 1991, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2002, ical elite status, dened as a political ofcial or
restructuring of the banking system, and, in
2004, and 2006 waves of the CHNS. This manager in the state-owned economic sector
preparation for Chinas entry into the World
survey uses a multistage, random-cluster pro- (1 = political elite; 0 = other); and parental
Trade Organization in 2001, reduction of
cess to create samples in 9 provinces that vary height. We obtained parental variables from
tariffs, trade barriers, and regulations.36---43
substantially in geography, economic develop- the linked data of parents. Wave 2000 and
These reforms triggered rapid growth in earn-
ment, public resources, and health indicators. beyond represented the period when market
ings for the better educated, widening urban---
Details on the survey methods are available reforms intensied.
rural income disparity,43 and advantages for
elsewhere.47 Like many longitudinal data sets, The survey measured childrens and ado-
administrative and political elites in managerial
CHNS data are vulnerable to attrition. Our lescents eating behavior and physical activity
positions in various levels of government.37
analyses showed that, conditional on the set with a set of questions responded to by chil-
After uctuating between 0.35 in 1991 and
of observed variables, overweight status in dren or adolescents themselves if they were
0.37 in 1997, the Gini coefcient, a widely the previous wave was not related to attrition aged 10 years or older. Parents assisted with
used measure of income inequality, increased status, indicating that attrition was condition- younger children. The CHNS research team
from 0.38 in 1998 to 0.44 in 2004, where it ally at random (Appendix A, available as constructed several measures of energy intake
stayed through 2006.38 These gures may a supplement to this article at http://www.ajph. derived from eating behavior responses. More
underestimate the true magnitude of income org). After listwise deletion of all the missing information on the measurement of nutrition
inequality in China because they do not ac- data, our analytic sample comprised 10 186 intake in the CHNS is provided in Appendix B
count for grey income, the fraction of income children and adolescents, aged 2 to 18 years. (available as a supplement to this article at
that is unreported and is primarily acquired Daily intake of energy
by high-income groups.44 Measurement (in kilocalories), fat (in grams), and protein
During this same period, physical activity The dependent variable was childhood (in grams) were all 3-day averages. Because the
in higher-SES families declined with urbaniza- overweight and obesity, a binary variable (1 = majority of respondents lacked a direct mea-
tion, increased access to television and video overweight and obesity; 0 = other) derived sure of energy expenditure, and because com-
games,14,45 and increased use of motorized from weight and height measured by trained muting to school has been identied as an
vehicles to transport adults to work and chil- survey team members. We dened childhood important indicator of energy expenditure in
dren to school.46 Collectively, these develop- overweight and obesity according to a com- China,52,53 we used mode of commuting to
ments made China an ideal setting to examine posite scale derived from the Working Group school (by foot, bike, bus, or car) as a proxy for
how the contextual factors outlined in Figure 1 of Obesity in China reference48 and the In- energy expenditure. We dened active com-
affect the changing association between SES ternational Obesity Task Force reference.49 muting as traveling by foot or bike and non-
and childhood obesity and overweight. For children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 active commuting as traveling by bus or car.
The declining cost of energy-dense years, we used the Chinese body mass index We measured obesity-related health knowl-
foods,19,20 the spread of obesity-related health (BMI; dened as weight in kilograms divided edge by the following questions, asked of

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anyone aged 12 years or older in the house- fraction of boys also increased, probably be- groups between 1991 and 2006, but the rate
hold: Do you agree that lots of fruits/vegeta- cause of a strong son preference among Chi- of increase was greater among higher-SES
bles are better? Do you agree that lots of nese parents and an increasing gender imbal- groups (i.e., children of more educated fathers,
sugar is better? Do you agree that a diet high ance in births. This imbalance could be children of members of the political elite,
in fat is better? Do you agree that lots of attributable to selective abortion of female and children living in urban areas) than
staple food is better? Do you agree that lots of fetuses, underreporting of female births,55---57 lower-SES groups. This was especially true
animal foods are better? Do you agree that being and higher attrition among girls (Appendix A, after 1997, resulting in a widening gap in
heavier is better? Responses to these questions available as an online supplement). overweight and obesity by SES. These in-
were strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, creased gaps were also in line with the rapid
agree, strongly agree, and dont know. Socioeconomic Status Trends for increase in the income gap by SES (Figure 3).
Childhood Overweight and Obesity Before 1997, the income gap for each in-
Statistical Analysis As shown in Figure 2, the prevalence of dicator was relatively small, but after 1997
We rst calculated the prevalence of child- overweight and obesity increased among all the gap increased dramatically.
hood overweight and obesity for higher- and
lower-SES groups dened by parental educa-
tion, parental political elite status, per capita
family income, and residence type from 1991
a b
to 2006. We age-adjusted childhood preva- 0.3
Father high school 0.35 Father political elite
lence with the 2000 census age distribution.
Father < high school Father not political elite
Overweight/Obesity Density

To identify SES gaps in childhood overweight 0.3

Overweight/Obesity Density
and obesity and changes in these gaps before
and after 1997, we used generalized estimating 0.2 0.25
equations (GEEs), with controls for childrens
demographic characteristics, parental height, 0.2
and province xed effects. We adjusted for
province xed effects with province-specic 0.1
dummies to mitigate unobserved heterogeneity 0.1
among provinces that could affect correlations
between SES and childhood overweight and 0.05
0 0
We used GEE models because the time- 1991 1993 1997 2000 2004 2006 1991 1993 1997 2000 2004 2006
varying error terms within each unit (child) Year Year
were correlated, violating the independence
assumptions of traditional regression proce-
c d
dures. GEE estimators adjusted for the corre- 0.6 Urban
Mother political elite
lation among repeated measures. The advan-
Overweight/Obesity Density

Mother not political elite Rural

Overweight/Obesity Density

tage of this approach is that, under the
assumption of missing at random and with a
number of clusters (number of repeated in-
dividuals in this case) larger than 40, it provides 0.3
consistent parameter estimation even if the
correlation structure is misspecied.54 We 0.10
treated the correlation structure as unstructured.
Because the outcome variable was binary, we 0.1 0.05
used the logistic specication of the GEE model.
0 0.00
1991 1993 1997 2000 2004 2006 1991 1993 1997 2000 2004 2006
Year Year
Appendix C (available as a supplement to FIGURE 2Trend of overweight and obesity density among children and adolescents aged 2
this article at presents to 18 years by (a) fathers education attainment, (b) fathers political elite status, (c)
variable means by survey year. The prevalence mothers political elite status, and (d) urban or rural residence: China Health and Nutrition
of childhood overweight and obesity increased Survey, 19912006.
from 8.2% in 1991 to 18.3% in 2006. The

January 2014, Vol 104, No. 1 | American Journal of Public Health He et al. | Peer Reviewed | Framing Health Matters | e17



Per Capita Family Income,






1991 1993 1997 2000 2004 2006
Father high school diploma-father no high
555 490 898 1412 2697 3518
school diploma

Father political elite-father not political

1002 1273 921 2153 5293 6026

Mother political elite-mother not political

1210 1244 1518 2672 3383 5946
Urban-rural 1029 1486 1086 2009 2288 2502

Note. Family income adjusted according to the Consumer Price Index.

FIGURE 3Mean difference in per capita family income for children and adolescents aged 2 to 18 years between higher and lower socioeconomic
groups: China Health and Nutrition Survey, 19912006.

To identify the most robust socioeconomic moved to the right after 1997 only for We next controlled for energy expenditure,
predictors of childhood overweight and obesity children whose fathers earned a high school for which commuting mode was the proxy.
and the magnitude of the increased SES gap diploma (Appendix D, available as a supple- Because information on commuting was col-
after 1997, we estimated a set of GEE models. ment to this article at, lected only for children and adolescents aged 6
In model 1 (Table 1), we only controlled for conrming a pronounced effect of fathers to 18 years surveyed in waves 1997, 2000,
childrens age, gender, parental height, logged education in elevating risk of overweight 2004, and 2006, we rst estimated models
per capita family income, post-1997 period, and obesity following the intensication of with and without controls for energy intake,
parents highest degree and political elite status, market reforms and the concomitant rise in separately for children and adolescents aged
urban or rural residence, and province xed income inequality. 6 to 18 years (Table 1, models 4 and 5). Except
effects. As expected, logged per capita family for gender differences in overweight and
income was positively associated with risk of Energy Intake and Expenditure obesity among children and adolescents aged
overweight and obesity. Being an urban resi- To identify proximate mechanisms contrib- 6 to 18 years, we found a similar set of
dent increased the risk of becoming overweight uting to the widening gap in childhood over- coefcients as in the models that incorporated
or obese; risk of overweight and obesity also weight and obesity by fathers education, we children and adolescents aged 2 to 18 years.
increased after 1997. rst examined trends in energy intake. Gaps in Boys were more likely to be overweight or
In model 2, we added the interaction total daily energy, protein, and fat intake by obese in the older age group (6---18 years),
terms of the socioeconomic indicators with the fathers education increased, especially after consistent with ndings by Hsu et al.58
post-1997 period. Compared with 1997 and 1997 (Appendix E, available as a supplement We then restricted the sample to waves from
earlier, having a father with a high school to this article at In model 1997 onward with and without controls for
degree or more had a stronger positive effect 3 (Table 1), control for energy intake reduced commuting mode (Table 1, models 6 and 7).
on the likelihood of being overweight or obese. the coefcient and the signicance level of Active commuting by foot or bicycle reduced
In fact, the upper tail of the BMI distribution fathers education by post-1997 period. the risk of overweight and obesity among

e18 | Framing Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | He et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2014, Vol 104, No. 1
TABLE 1Unstandardized Coefficients of Childhood Overweight or Obesity From Generalized Estimating Equation Models: China Health and Nutrition Survey 19912006

Children and Adolescents Children and Adolescents Children and Adolescents Aged 618
Aged 218 Years Aged 618 Years Years in 1997, 2000, 2004, 2006a
Variable Model 1, b (95% CI) Model 2, b (95% CI) Model 3, b (95% CI) Model 4, b (95% CI) Model 5, b (95% CI) Model 6, b (95% CI) Model 7, b (95% CI)

Boys 0.07 (0.07, 0.21) 0.08 (0.06, 0.21) 0.09 (0.06, 0.23) 0.20* (0.03, 0.38) 0.19* (0.01, 0.37) 0.29* (0.001, 0.57) 0.25* (0.001, 0.51)
Logged per capita family income 0.08* (0.004, 0.16) 0.08* (0.002, 0.16) 0.08b (0.003, 0.16) 0.12* (0.02, 0.22) 0.12* (0.02, 0.22) 0.03* (0.01, 0.06) 0.03* (0.02, 0.03)
Fathers education high school 0.03 (0.14, 0.20) 0.11 (0.32, 0.10) 0.13 (0.34, 0.09) 0.0549 (0.28, 0.18) -0.05 (0.33, 0.23) -0.20 (0.60, 0.21) -0.20 (0.68, 0.28)
Mothers education high school 0.08 (0.12, 0.28) 0.07 (0.16, 0.30) 0.06 (0.18, 0.30) 0.01 (0.30, 0.31) 0.05 (0.27, 0.37) 0.18 (0.08, 0.43) 0.41 (0.09, 0.90)
Urban residence 0.28** (0.12, 0.45) 0.25** (0.07, 0.44) 0.22** (0.08, 0.37) 0.36* (0.13, 0.60) 0.34* (0.09, 0.59) 0.34* (0.04, 0.65) 0.32b (0.03, 0.68)
Father member of political elite 0.19 (0.09, 0.47) 0.17 (0.16, 0.50) 0.16 (0.19, 0.51) 0.16 (0.22, 0.54) 0.14 (0.27, 0.54) 0.36 (0.27, 1.01) 0.38 (0.26, 1.02)

January 2014, Vol 104, No. 1 | American Journal of Public Health

Mother member of political elite 0.02 (0.50, 0.53) 0.10 (0.61, 0.80) 0.21 (0.50, 0.91) -0.50 (1.45, 0.46) 0.05 (0.35, 0.45) 1.36 (3.41, 0.67) 1.36 (3.42, 0.68)
After 1997 market reforms 0.37** (0.20, 0.50) 0.20b (0.004, 0.41) 0.15* (0.04, 0.27) 0.23* (0.005, 0.40) 0.22* (0.02, 0.41) 0.17 (0.04, 0.39) 0.08 (0.25, 0.41)
Fathers education high school 0.46** (0.09, 0.82) 0.42* (0.12, 0.73) 0.47* (0.04, 0.89) 0.43b (0.01, 0.87) 0.44b (0.03, 0.84) 0.42 (0.14, 0.99)
after 1997
Mothers education high school 0.05 (0.44, 0.34) 0.07 (0.48, 0.34) 0.00 (0.46, 0.45) 0.08 (0.56, 0.39) 0.42 (1.02, 0.18) 0.40 (1.00, 0.20)
after 1997
Urban residence after 1997 0.09 (0.24, 0.41) 0.03 (0.37, 0.31) 0.02 (0.38, 0.35) 0.07 (0.45, 0.32) 0.05 (0.59, 0.48) 0.10 (0.61, 0.41)
Father member of political elite 0.08 (0.53, 0.69) 0.04 (0.61, 0.69) 0.14 (0.51, 0.79) 0.11 (0.58, 0.80) 0.08 (0.76, 0.91) 0.07 (0.78, 0.91)
after 1997
Mother member of political elite -0.19 (1.21, 0.83) -0.38 (1.43, 0.68) 0.12 (1.16, 1.40) -0.14 (1.47, 1.18) -0.14 (1.27, 0.99) -0.12 (1.05, 0.81)

after 1997
Energy intake, kcal 0.0002** (0.00012, 0.00028) 0.0002** (0.00013, 0.00026) 0.0002** (0.0000065, 0.0004) 0.0002* (0.0000084, 0.0004)
Active commuting 0.38b (0.81, 0.06)
Model statistics
Observations, No. 10 186 10 186 10 186 8053 8053 3414 3414
Children, No. 5295 5295 5295 4740 4740 2482 2482
Wald v2 487.75 497.31 508.01 356.61 369.93 182.67 187.30
p 0
Note. CI = confidence interval. The generalized estimating equation model was specified as log 1pij ij a Xij , where pij was the probability of overweight or obesity for individual i at time j, andXij was a vector of covariates
incorporating all the explanatory variables and childs age, parental height, and province fixed effects, which were controlled in all the models; b was a vector of coefficients representing the log odds of overweight or obesity. We treated the
correlation structure as unstructured.
Because information on commuting pattern was collected only for children and adolescents aged 618 years surveyed in waves 1997, 2000, 2004 and 2006, model 6 and model 7 incorporated data from these 4 waves.
Estimate approached significance at P < .1.
*P < .05; **P < .01.

He et al. | Peer Reviewed | Framing Health Matters | e19


children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years. of the Ecological Obesity Framework.29 Our that in Chinese families, children could inu-
Interestingly, for this subsample, after we con- analysis of CHNS data from 1991 to 2006 ence as much as 70% of their parents spending
trolled for active commuting mode, the inter- revealed an increasing prevalence of over- decisions, by contrast with just 40% in the
action effect of fathers education and weight and obesity among children and United States.59
post-1997 period was no longer statistically adolescents across all socioeconomic groups, Our ndings show that public policies are
signicant. but with a faster acceleration among urgently needed to limit the availability of
higher-SES groups. This led to an increasing obesogenic foods and alter obesogenic envi-
Effects of Gender and Health Knowledge SES gap in childhood overweight and obe- ronments to protect Chinas youths from be-
Gender-specic analyses (Appendix F, avail- sity, especially after 1997. We also found coming overweight or obese. Such policies
able as a supplement to this article at http:// a widening gap in per capita family income could include raising taxes on obesogenic revealed that the ndings ob- after 1997, a result of the intensication of foods. In addition, Chinas Ministry of Educa-
served for the entire sample were mainly market reforms. The resulting increasing SES tion could take action to increase awareness
driven by data for boys. For boys, income income gap increased the purchasing power among school-aged children of the health
was positively associated with overweight of high-SES families for obesogenic goods, consequences of obesity and the benets of
and obesity, after control for other covari- which amplied their childrens risk for regular exercise. Incorporation of regular
ates. For girls, income was no longer a risk overweight and obesity despite those chil- physical activity into the school days of Chi-
factor. After 1997, the risk of being over- drens documented greater obesity-related nese children would improve not only their
weight or obese increased for boys but not health knowledge. Although this general body weight status but also their academic
for girls. The increase in the effect of fathers pattern held for both boys and girls, it only achievement.60 The Chinese government
education level on overweight and obesity approached signicance for girls. This mod- should also assist consumers to make wiser
after 1997 was signicant for boys, but only est gender difference could be attributable food choices by strengthening regulations on
approached signicance for girls. Energy in- to the fact that girls are generally more nutrition content labeling. Currently, the
take did not explain the observed associa- attuned to information about healthy diets power of consumers in China to make in-
tions between the SES indicators and over- and lifestyles, a tendency that may be formed food decisions is severely limited by
weight and obesity. strengthened by the emerging family and inadequate labeling.61
We compared obesity-related health societal norms of an extremely slim body A limitation of our study was that the survey
knowledge by SES and gender in CHNS 2004 ideal for girls, but not boys, in China.27 data covered only 9 of Chinas 34 provinces.
and 2006 survey data, which included in- Overall, our results conrmed key tenets of The data were not representative of the poorest
dicators of health knowledge for respondents the Ecological Obesity Framework23; namely, provinces or the richest, most urbanized re-
aged 12 years and older. Results indicated compared with environmental factors, will- gions. The inclusion of the richest and poorest
that many adolescents understood diet con- power derived from knowledge has only areas could have strengthened the validity of
cepts concerning obesity (Appendix G, avail- minor effects on obesity-related health be- the framework by exploiting the cross-sectional
able as a supplement to this article at http:// haviors, at least for children and adolescents in variation of stage of economic development to We observed signicant SES post-1997 China. That the observed positive assess the relationship between SES and over-
gaps: higher-SES groups were more likely to relationship between parental SES and child- weight and obesity.
disagree or strongly disagree that heavier is hood overweight and obesity in China may Our study provides a useful framework to
better, more high-fat food is good for your eventually become an inverse one, as eco- examine how contextual factors relating to
health, and more sugar is good for your nomic development continues and as pre- a countrys stage of economic development
health, despite a larger increase in childhood dicted by Phelan et al.s fundamental social can shape pathways through which SES
overweight and obesity during 2004 and cause of diseases perspective,33 is a distinct affects childhood overweight and obesity. It
2006 among the higher- than the lower-SES possibility. also contributes to the literature on how
groups. Indeed, such a shift in the SES---obesity income inequality affects population health
relationship may already be under way in by illuminating how income inequality in-
DISCUSSION China, at least among adults. For example, teracts with other contextual factors to alter
Dearth-Wesley et al. found that between 1991 the relationship between SES and over-
We developed a conceptual framework and 2004, the prevalence of overweight in- weight and obesity. Our ndings for children
highlighting contextual factors that may un- creased faster among low-income than high- and adolescents in China may have impor-
derlie changes over time in the relationship income Chinese adults.7 These different trends tant implications for understanding similar
between parental SES and childhood over- for adults and children could stem from a shift processes under way in other rapidly de-
weight and obesity in developing countries. We in the control of childrens and adolescents veloping countries, which, like China, may
took advantage of social processes in China that food choices, from parents to their children. be following paths to development that differ
were set in motion by the deepening of market Children have a strong preference for sweet from those taken by todays high-income
reforms after 1997 to test several major tenets and fatty foods.59 One recent study concluded countries. j

e20 | Framing Health Matters | Peer Reviewed | He et al. American Journal of Public Health | January 2014, Vol 104, No. 1

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