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Consider: Stability, power gain, bandwidth, noise, dc bias.

with a set of speci cations and select proper transistor. Next,
determine transistor loading (source and load re ection coe .)
for particular stability and gain criteria.
Power gain equations
see g. 3.2.1 for various powers. Gain de nitions:
G = PL = power delivered to load = transducer (1)
P avs power available from source
G = PL = power delivered to load = operating
P power input to network
G = Pavn = power available from network = available (3)
P power available from source
 Microwave Circuit Design I
c B. Pejcinovic 1
Microwave transistor ampli er design
GT = 1 , j,sj jS21j2 1 , j,Lj
2 2
j 1 , ,IN ,sj2 j 1 , S22,Lj2
GT = 1 , j,sj jS21j2 1 , j,Lj
2 2
j 1 , S11,sj2 j 1 , ,OUT ,Lj2
1 1 , j,Lj2
GP = , j j S21j
2 = f (,L; [S ]) (6)
1 , IN j2 j 1 , S22,Lj2
G = 1 , j,sj jS j2 1 = f (,s; [S ])
j 1 , S11,sj2
1 , j,Lj2
,IN = S11 +
S12S21,L , = S + S12S21,s (8)
1 , S22,L OUT 22
1 , S11,s
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
 Source and load mismatch factors:
2 0 1
Ms = PIN = 1 , j,sj 1 , j,IN j @BB= 4RsRIN ACC
j 1 , , s,IN j2
jZ s + ZIN j2
2 0 1
ML = PL = 1 , j,Lj 1 , j,OUT j @BB= 4ROUT RL ACC
P AV N j 1 , , L,OUT j2 j Z OUT + ZLj2
Use Ms and ML to relate various powers and gains:
PIN = PAV S Ms = PAV S j, =, 
PL = PAV N ML = PAV N j, =,
IN s

G = PL = PL PIN = G PIN = GpMs
T p
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c B. Pejcinovic 3
Microwave transistor ampli er design
Stability = resistance to \spontaneous" oscillations. Possible if
either input or output port has negative resistance, i.e. j,IN j > 1
or j,OUT j > 1. For unilateral device that means jS11j > 1 and
jS22j > 1. See g. 3.3.1 .
Unconditionally stable at f if real parts of ZIN and ZOUT
are greater than zero for all passive load and source impedances.
If 2-port is not unconditionally stable it is potentially
unstable, i.e. some passive load and source terminations result
in input and output impedances with Re(Z ) < 0.
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Conditions for unconditional stability:
j,sj < 1; j,Lj < 1 (9)

j, j = S + S12S21,L < 1
IN 11 1 , S22,L

j,OUT j = S22 + S12S21,s
<1 (11)
1 , S 22,s
From this determine where j,IN j = j,OUT j = 1
, (S22 ,2 S11)2 = S212S21 2

,L (12)
j S 22j , jj jS22j , jj
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
, (S11 ,2 S22)2 = S212S21 2

,s (13)
j S 11j , jj jS11j , jj
with  = S11S22 , S12S21 is S-matrix determinant.
Geometrical interpretation: in polar coordinates these are two
circles displaced by some amount from origin.
For j,IN j = 1, ,L values satisfying the conditions for uncondi-
tional stability will be on one side of the circle which has:

(S22 , S11 ) S12S21
center: CL = jS22j2 , jj2 radius: rL = jS22j2 , jj2

This is output stability circle
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Figs. 3.3.2 and 3.3.3. Which side of the circle is unconditionally
stable (and which one is not)?
Observe: for ,L = 0; ZL = Z0 ) j,IN j = jS11j. For jS11j < 1
) j,IN j < 1 when ZL = Z0 (origin).
) Based on value of S11, origin is either in stable region or
not. For jS11j < 1 it is part of the stable region. Conversely, if
jS11j > 1 then origin is part of the potentially unstable region.
( g. 3.3.3).
Note that j,Lj < 1 is required in the above.
Similar analysis for input stability circle ( g. 3.3.4).
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
For unconditional stability circles do not cross S-chart ) for no
value of ZL or Zs will the circuit oscillate. for jS11j < 1 we have
jjCL , rLj > 1 and for jS22j < 1 we have jjCsj , rsj > 1.
Note that jS11j > 1 and jS22j > 1 are automatically excluded
from unconditional stability since ,s = 0 produces j,OUT j > 1
and ,L = 0 produces j,IN j > 1
Di erent form for the conditions (for unconditional stability)
De ne stability factor K
K = 1 , jS11j , jS22j + jj > 1
2 2 2
1 , jS11j2 > jS12S21j 1 , jS22j2 > jS12S21j (15)
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
written di erently:
K > 1 and B1 = 1 + jS11j2 , jS22j2 , jj2 > 0 (16)
or even simpler
K > 1 and jj < 1 ( = S11S22 , S12S21) (17)
Ex. on p. 223. : K > 1 but jj > 1 ) potentially unstable.
Unilateral ampli er: K ! 1 and for unconditionally stability we
only need jS11j < 1 and jS22j < 1.
It is always possible to make the circuit stable if the total input
and output loop resistances are positive ( g. 3.3.1)
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Re(Zs + ZIN ) > 0 and Re(ZL + ZOUT ) > 0 (18)
Accomplished by:
 resistively loading the transistor
 adding negative feedback
Not recommended for narrowband design.
Example 3.3.2.
By adding resistances we change ,s and ,L, but loose power too.
Added resistance can be absorbed into transistor S-matrix (how?)
Negative feedback could be used to make S12 = 0 to stabilize
transistor; not commonly done.
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Unilateral network: S12 = 0 ) ,IN = S11, ,OUT = S22. In that
case: Unilateral transducer power gain:
1 , j,sj2 2 1 , j,Lj
j1 , S11,sj2 jS21j j1 , S22,Lj2 (19)
Think of it as a product of three components: GTU = GS G0 GL.
see g. 3.2.2.
Gs a ects the degree of mismatch between ,s and S11. It is
passive, but can have gain > 1. Since there is an \intrinsic"
mismatch loss between Z0 and S11 (i.e. between , and S11) )
decreasing that loss provides gain. Same for GL.
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
For dB-s: GTU (dB ) = Gs(dB ) + G0(dB ) + GL(dB ).
Optimize (match) ,s and ,L for max. Gs and GL ) ,s = S11

 (jS11j < 1; jS22j < 1).
and ,L = S22
1 1
) Gs;max = 1 , jS11j2
GL;max = 1 , jS22j2
) GTU;max = 1 jS21j2 1 2
, j (21)
S 11j , jS 22j
1 2 1
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Constant gain circles: unilateral case
G = 1 , j,sj jS j2 1 , j,Lj
2 2
TU (22)
j 1 , S11,sj2
j1 , S22,Lj2
or GTU = GS  G0  GL. For general analysis writeGS ; GL as
Gi = 1 , j,ij
j1 , Sii,ij2
Two cases:
1. unconditionally stable: jSiij < 1
2. potentially unstable: jSiij > 1
 Microwave Circuit Design I
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Case 1. Max. value of Gi ) match ,i and Sii, ie. ,i = Sii
) Gii = 1, j (24)
1 S iij2
Terminations that produce Gi;max are called optimum termina-
From de nition of Gi, if j,ij = 1 ) Gi = 0. Other values of j,ij
produce values 0  Gi  Gi;max.
Analysis of Gi via S-chart leads to constant gain circles.
Introduce normalized gain factor:
gi = Gi;max = Gi(1 , jSiij ); and 0  gi  1
2 (25)
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Also de ne ,i = Ui + jVi and Sii = Aii + jBii and plug it into
eq. 25. Many manipulations later...
" # " # p2 3
Siij2) 52
Ui , 1,jSg jA(1,g ) 2 + Vi , 1,jSg jB(1,g )
= 4 11,j,Sgiii(1j2,j
These are circles with gi as parameter. Centers are at:
gA giBii
i ii
Uc = , j ; V (26)
1 S iij2(1 , gi) 1 , jS iij2(1 , gi)
p 1 , gi(1 , jSiij2)
with radius Ri = 1 , jSiij2(1 , gi)
 Microwave Circuit Design I c B. Pejcinovic 15
Microwave transistor ampli er design
Writing di erently, distance from origin
di =
U2 + V 2 = gijSiij (28)
c c 1 , jSiij2(1 , gi)
and angle
tan = c ) = tan,1
,Bii (29)
U c A ii
Const. gain circles located at distance di along the line drawn
from origin to point Sii ( = Aii , jBii).
 Microwave Circuit Design I
c B. Pejcinovic 16
Microwave transistor ampli er design
Procedure for const. gain circle(s) construction:
 Locate S11 and draw line from origin to it. At Sii gain is
Gi;max = 1=(1 , jSiij2), and the radius is Ri;max = 0 (point).
 nd values for 0  Gi  Gi;max (using Gi = (1 , j,ij2)=j1 ,
Sii,ij2), and calculate gi = Gi=Gi;max.
 determine di, Ri for each gi (eqs. 28 and 27 )
 0 dB circle (Gi = 1) always goes through origin, or for Gi = 1
) ,i = 0 so that
gi;0dB = 1 ,jSiij 2 and R = d = jSiij (30)
i;0 dB i; 0dB 1 + jSiij2
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Example 3.4.1 shows calculation of optimum terminations, various
gains, construction of const. gain circles and design based on
those circles.
 determine impedances for optimum terminations
 nd Gs;max = 1=(1 , jS11j2) = 2:141 ( = 3.31 dB)
 nd GL;max = 1=(1 , jS22j2) = 1:046 ( = 0.19 dB)
 nd G0 = jS21j2 = 19:8 ( = 12.97 dB); for total sum them
 construct table of gs; ds; Rs for various Gi-s ( g. 3.4.4) (why
no matching for output?)
 construct matching network for given gain ( g. 3.4.5)
 Microwave Circuit Design I
c B. Pejcinovic 18
Microwave transistor ampli er design
Potentially unstable case (case 2)
Unilateral network: jSiij > 1 (i.e. negative input resistance is
present). Look at expr. 23; for ,i ! 1=Sii ) Gi ! 1. The
critical value is ,i;c = 1=Sii.
Under \normal" circumstances (jS11j < 1) above condition can-
not be satis ed by passive terminations.
For ,i;c = 1=Sii real parts of impedances associated with ,i;c and
Sii cancel ) no resistance in the circuit!! Oscillations follow.
Remember that for negative resistances we plot the inverse, com-
plex conjugate of the original value; here we plot 1=Sii on S-chart
and read resistance circles as negative and reactances as given.
 Microwave Circuit Design I
c B. Pejcinovic 19
Microwave transistor ampli er design
Normalized gain gi = Gi(1 , jSiij2) can be negative! However,
the same formulas for Ri and di hold (see eqs. 27, 28), except
the centers are located along the origin - 1=Sii line.
Need to determine stable region: use conditions:
Re(Zs) > jRe(Zin)j and Re(ZL) > jRe(Zout)j (31)
i.e., the total resistance in the circuit is still positive.
Example 3.4.2 ( g. 3.4.6).
 locate 1=S11 to nd Zin
 nd 1=S11 for line on which centers of const. gain circles will
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
 Stable region is where total resistance is positive, i.e. inside
the shaded const. resistance circle
 optimum output termination from ,L = S22 = 0:66 80. After
nding ,L on S-chart, read o the ZL value.
 Gs = 5dB = 3:16 ) gs = 3:16[1 , (2:27)2] = ,13:123
 plug gs into formulas for Rs and ds: Rs = 0:217, ds = 0:415
 for largest stability pick up ,s that has largest Re(,s) on any
given const. gain circle (pt. A).
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Unilateral gure of merit
When is it permissible to take S12 = 0 (unilateral device)?
G T 1 S S ,, s L
GTU = j1 , X j2 ; X = (1 , S11,s)(1 , S22,L)
12 21
bounded by
< GT <
(1 + jX j)2 GTU (1 , jX j)2
GTU max when conj. matching provided: ,s = S11 etc. giving
max error introduced by S12 = 0.
(1 + U )2
< GT < 1 )
G (1 , U )2
unilateral gure of merit U =
jS12jjS21jjS11jjS22j (35)
(1 , jS11j2)(1 , jS22j2)
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Simultaneous conjugate match: Bilateral case
What to do if S12 6= 0 (or, U is not small)?
Most general expressions for ,IN and ,OUT still hold:
,IN = S11 +
S12S21,L (= , 
1 , S22,L s) (36)
S S ,
,OUT = S22 + 12 21 s (= ,L ) (37)
1 , S 11,s
For max. power transfer ,IN = ,s and ,OUT = ,L . g. to
Solve two eqs. with two unknowns: ,L, ,s. Call the solution ,Ms
and ,ML (for simultaneously matched case).
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
r r
, = 1
B  B12 , 4jC1j2 , = B2  B22 , 4jC2j2 (38)
2C1 2C2
C1 = S11 , S22 B1 = 1 + jS11j2 , jS22j2 , jj2 (39)
C2 = S22 , S11 B2 = 1 + jS22j2 , jS11j2 , jj2 (40)
Which sign to use above? First, j,Msj; ,ML < 1 is necessary for
unconditional stability.
Further analysis shows the necessary condition to be K > 1 where
K is stability factor! From before we know the additional require-
ment: jj < 1 ) B1 > 0 and B2 > 0
 Microwave Circuit Design I
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
All of this ) negative signs (-) should be used in ,Ms; ,ML when
calculating the simultaneous con. match for unconditionally sta-
ble two-port network.
Potentially unstable case: analysis done in terms of GP ; GA (but
see recent literature).
What is the max. GT associated with ,Ms; ,ML?
(1 , j,Msj2)jS21j2(1 , j,MLj2)
G T;max =
j (1 , S11,Ms)(1 , S22,ML) , S12S21,Ms ,MLj2
jS j2 1 , j,MLj
1 2
= (41)
1 , j,Msj2 21 j1 , S22,MLj2
(see eq. 3.2.1 | no ,IN or ,OUT present there).
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Further manipulation:
GT;max = jS21j (K , K 2 , 1)
j (42)
note: GT;max depends only on transistor parameters (S-matrix).
,Ms; ,ML don't enter the picture because they are determined by
conjugate matching requirement.
p some control of [S], what would max. GT;max be? Since
If we had
K , K 2 , 1 falls monotonically to 0, max value is for K =
1. The value of GT;max for K=1 is called maximum stable gain
(MSG), GMSG = jS21j=jS12j. Condition K=1 can be achieved by
resistive loading or by feedback
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Constant gain circles: bilateral case
Conditions: K > 1 and jj < 1.
Design may call for GT 6= GT;max (produced by conjugate match-
ing); what to do then? Need to choose ,s; ,L di erently. Start
GT = 1 , j,sj jS21j2 1 , j,Lj
2 2
j1 , ,IN ,sj2 j 1 , S22,Lj2
1 , j,sj2 1 , j,Lj2
j1 , S11,sj2
j S 21 j 2
j 1 , ,OUT ,Lj2
= G s G0 GL
1 , j,sj2 1 , j,Lj2
Gs =
j1 , ,IN ,sj2 G0 = jS21j GL = j1 , S22,Lj2
0 2 (44)
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Compare this with expressions in unilateral case
1 , j,sj2 1 , j,Lj2
Gs = j1 , S11,sj2 GL = j1 , S22,Lj2 (45)
) ,IN replaced S11
General procedure follows unilateral case, but it is iterative be-
cause ,IN depends on choice of ,L.
 Pick ,L for given GL gain (see eq. above). Const. gain circles
can be drawn using unilateral gain formulas
gL = GL=GL;max = GL(1 , jS22j2) (46)
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
p 1 , gL(1 , jS22j2)
RL = 1 , jS22j2(1 , gL)
dL = gLjS22j (48)
1 , jS22j2(1 , gL)
angle determined by S22  : line connecting the origin with S22 will
have centers of circles on it.
 Calculate ,IN from ,IN = S11 + S12S21,L=(1 , S22,L)
 Gs const. gain circles drawn using the same eqs. ( 46, 47,
48) but ,IN goes where S11 would normally go:
gs = Gs=Gs;max = Gs(1 , j,IN j2)
0 0
 Microwave Circuit Design I
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
Rs = 1 , gs(1 , j,IN j )
 , j (50)
1 ,IN j2(1 , gs)
ds = gsj,IN j (51)
1 , j , IN j2(1 , gs)
angle determined by ,IN  (instead of S  )
Select the desired ,s for a given Gs0 gain. The available values
of Gs0 may not be satisfactory, e.g. Gs;max = 1=(1 , j,IN j2)
may be too small, or values of possible ,s may not be good
etc ) go back to start and choose di erent ,L and repeat
the procedure.
 Once ,s and ,L are picked up, design matching networks as
Example 3.6.1. Operate at 6 GHz with GT;max. Fig. 3.6.3.
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
 calc. K and jj for stability: K = 1:504,  = 0:3016 109 (is
it unconditionally stable?)
 is FET unilateral? calculate U = 0:1085 so that
,0:89 dB  GT < 1 dB ) S12 6= 0
G (52)
 calc. simultaneous conjugate match (need B1; B2, C1; C2) )
,Ms = 0:766 177, ,ML = 0:716 103
 from K; S21; S12 ) GT;max = 11:3 dB.
 given ,Ms; ,ML nd matching networks. From S-chart: YMs
= 7:2 , j 1:23= 0:144 , j 0:0246 S, and YML = 0:414 , j 1:19,
= 0:0083 , j 0:0238 S. See g. 3.6.3 and 3.6.4 for design.
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Microwave transistor ampli er design
 calc. real lengths for given material (say, Duroid)
 check other frequencies to make sure that chosen ,-s provide
stable operation.
How about potentially unstable bilateral case (K < 1 or jj >
Turns out that design procedure based on GT is not good and is
better done based on operating power gain equation.
Conclusion on bilateral case: anything but design for GT;max is
tedious (and better alternative exists); if transistor is uncondition-
ally stable simultaneous conjugate match can be found resulting
in GT;max.
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