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Clinical Commentary

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Phenotypes

The Future of COPD
MeiLan K. Han1, Alvar Agusti3, Peter M. Calverley4, Bartolome R. Celli5, Gerard Criner6, Jeffrey L. Curtis1,7,
Leonardo M. Fabbri8, Jonathan G. Goldin9, Paul W. Jones10, William MacNee11, Barry J. Make12, Klaus F. Rabe13,
Stephen I. Rennard14, Frank C. Sciurba15, Edwin K. Silverman5,16, Jrgen Vestbo17, George R. Washko5,
Emiel F. M. Wouters18, and Fernando J. Martinez2
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 2Thorax Institute, Hospital Clinic,
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 3CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias, Fundacio Caubet-Cimera, Spain; 4School of Clinical Sciences,
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 5Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, and 16Channing Laboratory and Center for Genomic
Medicine, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; 6Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Temple Lung Center, Temple University School of Medicine; 7Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Ann Arbor VA Healthsystem, Ann
Arbor, Michigan; 8Department of Oncology, Haematology and Pulmonary Diseases, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Policlinico di Modena,
Modena, Italy; 9Department of Radiology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; 10Division
of Clinical Science, St. Georges Hospital Medical School, London, England; 11ELEGI Colt Research Labs, The Queens Medical Research Institute,
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland; 12Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, National Jewish Health, University of Colorado Denver
School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado; 13Department of Pulmonology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands; 14Division of
Pulmonary and Critical Care, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska; 15Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 17Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, United
Kingdom; and 18Department of Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital Maastricht, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Significant heterogeneity of clinical presentation and disease pro-

gression exists within chronic obstructive pulmonary disease AT A GLANCE COMMENTARY
(COPD). Although FEV1 inadequately describes this heterogeneity,
a clear alternative has not emerged. The goal of phenotyping is to Scientific Knowledge on the Subject
identify patient groups with unique prognostic or therapeutic Significant heterogeneity of clinical presentation and dis-
characteristics, but significant variation and confusion surrounds ease progression exists within chronic obstructive pul-
use of the term phenotype in COPD. Phenotype classically refers to monary disease (COPD). Although FEV1 inadequately
any observable characteristic of an organism, and up until now,
describes this heterogeneity, a clear alternative has not
multiple disease characteristics have been termed COPD pheno-
types. We, however, propose the following variation on this defini-
tion: a single or combination of disease attributes that describe
differences between individuals with COPD as they relate to clinically What This Study Adds to the Field
meaningful outcomes (symptoms, exacerbations, response to ther-
apy, rate of disease progression, or death). This more focused We propose that COPD phenotypes should be associated
definition allows for classification of patients into distinct prognostic with clinically meaningful outcomes. This more focused
and therapeutic subgroups for both clinical and research purposes. definition allows for classification of patients into distinct
Ideally, individuals sharing a unique phenotype would also ulti- prognostic and therapeutic subgroups for both clinical and
mately be determined to have a similar underlying biologic or research purposes. Establishing a common language for
physiologic mechanism(s) to guide the development of therapy future research will facilitate our understanding and man-
where possible. It follows that any proposed phenotype, whether agement of this disease.
defined by symptoms, radiography, physiology, or cellular or mo-
lecular fingerprint will require an iterative validation process in
which candidate phenotypes are identified before their relevance The diagnosis, assessment and management of chronic obstruc-
to clinical outcome is determined. Although this schema represents
tive pulmonary disease (COPD) are currently facing an impor-
an ideal construct, we acknowledge any phenotype may be etiolo-
tant dilemma. On the one hand, COPD is defined by the
gicaxlly heterogeneous and that any one individual may manifest
presence of airflow limitation that is not fully reversible, and
multiple phenotypes. We have much yet to learn, but establishing
a common language for future research will facilitate our under-
its treatment is mostly guided by the severity of this limitation
standing and management of the complexity implicit to this disease. (1). On the other hand, it is now widely recognized that COPD
is a complex syndrome with numerous pulmonary and extrap-
Keywords: prognosis; mortality; decline; therapy; outcomes ulmonary components. Importantly, significant heterogeneity
exists with respect to clinical presentation, physiology, imaging,
response to therapy, decline in lung function, and survival. As
a result, there is consensus that FEV1 by itself does not
(Received in original form December 11, 2009; accepted in final form June 2, 2010)
adequately describe the complexity of the disease and that
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to MeiLan K. Han, FEV1 cannot be used in isolation for the optimal diagnosis,
M.D., M.S., University of Michigan - Pulmonary and Critical Care, 1500 E. Medical
Center Drive, 3916 Taubman, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. E-mail:
assessment, and management of the disease. However, a clear
alternative has not yet been defined. Considering that almost all
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 182. pp 598604, 2010
Originally Published in Press as DOI: 10.1164/rccm.200912-1843CC on June 3, 2010 we currently know about pathophysiology, mechanism, and
Internet address: response to treatment is regarding COPD caused by or associ-
Clinical Commentary 599

ated with cigarette smoking, the discussion that follows relates represents the best way forward. Ideally, by identifying patient
only to COPD observed in smokers. subgroups that have unique characteristics as they relate to
The identification and subsequent grouping of key elements clinically meaningful outcomes, we may ultimately discover the
of the COPD syndrome into clinically meaningful and useful etiologic mechanisms. However, it should also be pointed out
subgroups (phenotypes) that can guide therapy more effectively that an understanding of mechanism is not necessarily required
is a potential solution to this dilemma. Caution, however, is to significantly benefit patients and that the process of pheno-
warranted when clustering patients with similar symptoms and type validation is an iterative one. As an example from the field
clinical manifestations, as phenotyping in COPD is still a rela- of cardiology, the clinical effects of HMG-CoA reductase
tively young endeavor as compared with other fields. The inhibitors (statins) were initially believed to be due largely to
novelty of COPD phenotyping is illustrated by the fact that their cholesterol-lowering effect. Clinical trials, however,
a MEDLINE search revealed just over 400 phenotyping papers revealed benefit beyond what might be expected from changes
published in the field of COPD, whereas, for instance, it in lipid levels alone, suggesting that statins likely have pleio-
identifies more than 5,000 in breast cancer. Moreover, there is tropic effects. This has led to further clinical trials, and the
significant variation, confusion, and uncertainty surrounding use subgroup of patients who might benefit from statins has
of the term phenotype in COPD. A common language for expanded from those with elevated cholesterol to those with
future research should facilitate our understanding of the elevated CRP. In COPD, the National Emphysema Treatment
heterogeneity implicit to this disease and help us design better Trial identified a subgroup of patients with upper lobepre-
alternatives for the prevention and management of the disease. dominant emphysema and low exercise capacity who benefit
This article discusses and refines the concept of phenotyping in from lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS), although a mech-
COPD and presents a possible schema that can serve as anistic explanation for benefit in this specific subgroup is not
a framework for future research. readily obvious. Such examples indicate how similar clinical
response can identify phenotypes with immediate and direct
implications for patients in the absence of a well-defined
The classic definition of a phenotype reflects the observable It should be noted, however, that not all outcomes may be
structural and functional characteristics of an organism de- modifiable by (current) therapy, and that some outcomes may
termined by its genotype and modulated by its environment: arise from multiple etiologic mechanisms. Furthermore, re-
the interactions between nature and nurture (2). Although sponse to therapies can also be difficult to measure reliably
this definition has been historically useful in a variety of and many of the treatments and measures we typically use (for
contexts (3), in medicine in general, and in COPD in particular, example, FEV1) may not be specific, well targeted, or sensitive
we believe this concept must be refined to more efficiently fulfill enough to uniquely identify a phenotypic subgroup.
the following clinical and research goals. From a clinical and
patient-centered perspective, a COPD phenotype should be POTENTIAL PHENOTYPES
able to classify patients into distinct subgroups that provide
prognostic information and allow us to better determine Here we discuss how disease attributes fit within the phenotyp-
appropriate therapy that alters clinically meaningful outcomes. ing framework we have proposed. As patient outcomes are
From a research standpoint, phenotyping should allow us to a key component of the operational definition of phenotype
select a uniform group of patients and assess the most important proposed above, potential phenotypes are discussed within the
outcome measures in that group for therapeutic clinical trials. clinical outcomes to which they relate.
Phenotypes can also form the basis for biological mechanistic
Clinical Manifestations
investigations. Hence the ultimate goal of phenotyping in
medicine is to allow the identification of patient groups with Age, smoking history, sex, and ethnicity may all significantly
unique prognostic or therapeutic characteristics. In COPD until impact disease presentation and progression. For example, lung
now, disease characteristics and/or disease severity have fre- function declines with increasing age (4). Female sex appears to
quently been termed COPD phenotypes (3). be associated with worse quality of life (QOL) and higher rates
Accordingly, we propose the following variation on the of depression and anxiety; data suggest female sex may also be
traditional definition of a phenotype: a single or combination associated with higher susceptibility to the toxic effects of
of disease attributes that describe differences between individ- smoking (5). Women may also differ from men in the extent
uals with COPD as they relate to clinically meaningful out- and distribution of airway abnormality and emphysema (5),
comes (symptoms, exacerbations, response to therapy, rate of which in themselves are not clinically relevant outcomes, but
disease progression, or death). In other words, it is proposed may relate to clinically relevant outcomes (see Radiologic
that phenotypes in COPD should have real predictive value. It Characterization section below). Body composition and dysp-
follows, therefore, that any proposed phenotype must be pro- nea can be assessed with various instruments, and both de-
spectively validated and refined for each of the outcomes to scriptors appear to have independent prognostic value either as
which it relates. Identifying the outcome is important as certain sole measures or as components of the body mass index (BMI),
attributes, such as dyspnea, depression, or exacerbations, could airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise capacity (BODE)
be viewed as outcomes or phenotypes depending on the clinical Index (6). Similarly, depression and anxiety have been in-
context. dependently associated with an increased frequency of hospital
Ideally, individuals clustering within a unique phenotype and admissions and COPD exacerbation relapses (7, 8).
exhibiting similar clinical outcomes should also exhibit a similar
therapeutic response profile because of a similar underlying Physiological Manifestations
biologic or physiologic mechanism. At this point in time, Spirometric indices, including FEV1, FVC, and their ratio, are
however, the field of COPD phenotyping has not yet reached used to define the presence and severity of disease. Unfortu-
the stage at which we have significant understanding regarding nately, these features explain less than 10 to 25% of the disease
the mechanism(s) behind every clinical presentation. We there- impact on patient symptoms, QOL, and exercise performance
fore believe that at this juncture, the proposed approach (911). Rapid physiologic progression as indicated by change in

FEV1, however, may indicate a distinct phenotype. Rapid day-to-day variations, that is acute in onset and necessitates
decline in FEV1 is not only predictive of morbidity, mortality, a change in regular medication in a patient with underlying
and hospitalization rates (12) but has also been linked to distinct COPD (32). This general description poses numerous opera-
plasma biomarker signatures (13). Bronchodilator reversibility tional challenges for use in clinical phenotyping. It remains
and airway hyperresponsiveness are highly variable in patients unclear if these changes are quantitative or if there is also
with COPD from patient to patient, and also within a given a qualitative element. Similarly, the normal variation in symp-
patient when measured serially over time, and thus have limited toms in patients with COPD remains relatively unexplored; how
sensitivity or specificity in distinguishing COPD from asthma long changes in symptoms must be sustained before being
(14, 15). Airway hyperresponsiveness has been associated with characterized as an exacerbation varies according to study.
a greater longitudinal decline in lung function; bronchodilator Sputum color is a marker of bacterial-infective exacerbations
reversibility defined as change in FEV1 may be less common that has validity in populations of patients (33). Although the
with an emphysema-dominant phenotype (14, 16). Hyperinfla- consensus definition states: necessitates a change in regular
tion may also define patient groups associated with varying medication, the criteria invoked by health-care providers to
mortality or functional impairment (17, 18). Similarly, diffusing judge when to alter medication remains unclear. Importantly,
capacity impairment is an independent predictor of the magni- patient-recorded increases in symptoms that appear to be
tude of radiologic emphysema (19), presence of resting hypox- exacerbations outnumber those that cause them to present for
emia, exercise-induced arterial oxygen desaturation (20), and medical attention (34). In addition, events with worsening
functional impairment (21). Although we cannot say with symptoms that do not lead patients to seek additional care
certainty, this may reflect unique biologic processes (22). Other may, nevertheless, impact prognosis.
physiologic measures, such as hypercapnia, physiologic exercise Despite limitations in defining AECOPDs, numerous in-
impairment, or even measures of physical activity derived from vestigators have highlighted the negative implications of these
actigraphy, may also reflect unique biological processes and events in patients with COPD. Reviews of the published data
consequently potential opportunities for unique therapeutic confirm that AECOPDs exert significant short- and long-term
interventions (23, 24). negative effects on health-related QOL in patients with COPD
(35). AECOPD episodes also result in modest, yet measurable,
Radiologic Characterization acute effects on pulmonary function (36). Perhaps most impor-
tantly, repeated AECOPDs have also been suggested to result
Quantitative assessment of emphysema by computed tomogra-
in negative effects on longitudinal lung function (37) and can be
phy (CT) scanning offers an objective measure of parenchymal
identified by previous history of AECOPD (38), suggesting that
disease that correlates well with histopathologic findings and is
patients with COPD with recurrent AECOPDs may reflect
predictive of the degree of expiratory airflow obstruction (25).
a distinct phenotypic group. This subgroup may be particularly
Objective measures of proximal airway wall thickening
relevant in consideration as a phenotype because it appears to
obtained via CT are inversely correlated with lung function
be responsive to therapy with inhaled bronchodilators either
and relate to a subjects burden of small airway disease (26) and
alone or in combination with inhaled corticosteroids (39).
exacerbation frequency (27). More recent work suggests that
Furthermore, a chronic bronchitic subgroup with sputum pro-
the correlative strength between CT measures of airway wall
duction and prior exacerbation history has recently identified
thickening and lung function increase when examining more
a COPD cohort who experience improvement with the novel
distal fourth- and fifth-generation airways (28), although such
phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor roflumilast (40). Here we have an
structures approach the limits of accurate measurement using
example of targeting a drug for a specific COPD subpopulation
most currently available CT imaging reconstruction protocols
that was identified by post hoc analysis of prospectively
and should therefore be used with caution.
collected data from well-conducted clinical trials. This method-
Whether or not the presence of specific lung structural
ology may have value when considering variables not defined by
abnormalities (including emphysema, airway wall thickening,
therapeutic responses and is analogous to the widely adopted
and/or bronchiectasis) predict meaningful clinical outcome is
approach of identifying and then confirming genotypic infor-
an area of current research interest (29, 30). Increasing
mation in replicate data sets. Post hoc analysis of well-done,
emphysema severity as defined by CT has been associated
prospective, placebo-controlled clinical trials conducted in
with worse health status (27) and increased mortality (31). The
patients with COPD with a range of disease severity and
National Emphysema Treatment Trial provides the most
symptoms may be a fertile area in which to conduct responder
compelling evidence supporting distinct CT-based phenotypes
analyses. This method of retrospective analysis may help to
in defining an increased risk of mortality in patients with
uncover patient attributes that indicate differential responses to
homogenous emphysema and impaired FEV1 or diffusing
treatment and may lead to the discovery of separate COPD
capacity of carbon monoxide undergoing LVRS, whereas
clinical phenotypes potentially linked with molecular finger-
upper lobepredominant emphysema and a low postrehabili-
prints of disease pathogenesis.
tation exercise capacity identify a group of emphysema
patients who experience a mortality and functional benefit
from LVRS (16). These compelling data strongly support that Systemic Inflammation
a combination of CT imaging and physiological testing can
The presence of systemic inflammation may represent a unique
clearly impact therapeutic decision making, thus validating its
COPD phenotype.
value as a phenotype according to our operational definition.
If defined by the presence of elevated biomarkers (including
C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, proinflammatory cyto-
COPD Exacerbations kines IL-6 and IL-8, tumor necrosis factor a, and leukocytes),
Within the framework we have proposed, an acute exacerbation systemic inflammation does not appear to be present in every
of COPD (AECOPD) could be viewed as outcome or, in the patient with COPD (41, 42). In fact, the prevalence of systemic
context of describing a frequent exacerbator, a phenotype. inflammation in COPD appears to vary significantly depending
AECOPD is currently defined as: A sustained worsening of on the particular marker (or combination of markers) chosen.
the patients condition, from the stable state and beyond normal Evidence of systemic inflammation can also be detected in
Clinical Commentary 601

patients who appear otherwise clinically stable (41, 42) but with erbations) (53), and BODE-x (substitution of exacerbations for
evidence of further increase during exacerbations (43). Addi- exercise capacity) (53), as well as the ADO index (dyspnea,
tionally, the presence of systemic inflammation does not appear FEV1, and age), which are all better predictors of mortality in
to be unique to COPD but also occurs in other chronic diseases COPD than FEV1 alone (6, 54). Other indices that have been
and even during normal aging. As it relates to phenotyping, thus described include the COPD Prognostic Index (QOL, FEV1,
far no clear relationship between systemic inflammation and age, sex, BMI, exacerbation history, cardiovascular disease
a particular aspect of COPD (such as the severity of airflow history) (55) that predicts mortality, hospitalization, and exac-
limitation or the presence of emphysema, airway colonization, erbation frequency, the SAFE Index (QOL, FEV1, 6MWD)
arterial hypoxemia, comorbidities, or symptoms), has clearly (56) to predict exacerbation frequency, and the DOSE Index
emerged. Thus, at this point in time it is unclear what mech- (dyspnea, smoking status, FEV1, and prior exacerbation his-
anisms drive the presence, type, and/or severity of systemic tory), which also predicts exacerbations (57). From the stand-
inflammation in any given patient. It is also unclear whether point of clinical phenotyping, such multidimensional indices are
therapy aimed at optimizing pulmonary function in COPD useful in their ability to group patients in terms of clinically
results in a reduction of systemic inflammation in these patients relevant outcomes. However, from a research standpoint, a note
(44, 45) or whether the direct targeting of systemic inflamma- of caution is warranted. Although it is possible that the
tion influences the natural history of COPD. seemingly diverse measures included in a multidimensional
index actually relate to a shared latent variable responsible
Comorbidities for the clinical presentation, it is also possible that by grouping
Patients with COPD often present with comorbid diseases, patients in this fashion we may be blurring distinct features of
including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, osteopo- the disease that may hamper our understanding of the biologic
rosis, depression, and skeletal muscle wasting and dysfunction or physiologic basis for the shared outcome.
(46, 47). Systemic inflammation may contribute to the develop-
ment of comorbid conditions and these disorders can be seen as WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?
manifestations of COPD or vice versa (48). Accelerated aging is
a further process that could account for both the local lung The identification of COPD phenotypes will require an iterative
effects of COPD and its comorbidities (49). Aging is character- validation process in which candidate phenotypes are identified
ized by a progressive, generalized impairment of function and before their relevance to clinical outcome is determined (Figure
amplification of the inflammatory response (50) that results in 1). As research is currently advancing on all fronts simulta-
an increased vulnerability to environmental challenge and an neously, there are multiple points of entry into this process of
increased risk of disease. The presence of many of these phenotype identification (see Figure 1). Borrowing from the
comorbidities appears to have a deleterious effect on several field of breast cancer, initially hormone-based therapies were
outcomes in COPD (51). In particular, diabetes, hypertension, tested in the general breast cancer population, but it was
cardiovascular disease, and cancer increase the risk of death in ultimately determined that that the presence of estrogen and
COPD (51). However, whether treatment of comorbid condi- progesterone receptors within the tumor determined the re-
tions alters the natural history of COPD or whether treatment sponse to therapy (58). In asthma, cellular phenotypes of
of COPD is altered by the presence of a concomitant comor- asthma (eosinophilic, neutrophilic, and paucigranulocytic) were
bidity awaits further study. identified by analyses of sputum and subsequently used to direct
the successful application of mepolizumab (antiIL-5) therapy
(59). In COPD, roflumilast was initially studied in a general
COPD population, but it was ultimately determined that it is
Recently several multidimensional indices have been described a subpopulation of patients (FEV1 , 50% predicted, chronic
for prognostic purposes in COPD. Perhaps best well known of cough, and sputum production) who demonstrate the greatest
these is the BODE Index to predict mortality, which incorpo- clinical response. Mechanistic studies, however, will be needed
rates dyspnea, BMI, FEV1, and exercise capacity as measured to understand the biologic basis for response in this subgroup.
by 6-minute walk distance (6MWD). Modifications of the From a practical standpoint, validation of phenotypes in
BODE index have also been described, including the mBODE COPD will require longitudinal data collection in carefully
(replaces 6MWD with V _ O2) (52), e-BODE (BODE plus exac- characterized patient populations. Studies such as Evaluation

Figure 1. Ideal phenotyping construct wherein candidate

phenotypes are validated once their relevance to clinical
outcomes is established. There are multiple potential
points of entry into this iterative process of phenotype
identification. For instance, similar clinical outcomes may
define a subpopulation that leads to the identification of
a biologic target and focused therapy. Alternatively, the
process might begin with the differentiation of subgroups
based on a biologic marker that is then validated by
similar clinical response within subgroups.

of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate from GlaxoSmithKline, $1,001$5,000 from Merck Sharp & Dohme, $1,001
$5,000 from Novartis, $1,001$5,000 from UCB, $1,001$5,000 from Roche,
Endpoints (ECLIPSE), Subpopulations and intermediate out- and $1,001$5,000 from Pfizer in advisory board fees; $1,001$5,000 from
come measures in COPD (SPIROMICS), and COPDGene that AstraZeneca, $1,001$5,000 from Abbott, $1,001$5,000 from Boehringer
are systematically gathering clinical, physiologic, radiologic, Ingelheim, $1,001$5,000 from Chiesi Farmaceutici, $1,001$5,000 from
biologic, and genetic data on COPD subjects will aid in this GlaxoSmithKline, $1,001$5,000 from Merck Sharp & Dohme, $1,001$5,000
from Novartis, $1,001$5,000 from Sigma-Tau, $1,001$5,000 from UCB,
regard. Additionally, advanced statistical techniques may also $1,001$5,000 from Roche, and $1,001$5,000 from Pfizer in lecture fees.
prove useful in identifying candidate phenotypic subgroups. L.M.F.s dependent received $50,001$100,000 from Nycomed, $50,001
One such example is cluster analysis, which has a basis both in $100,000 from Abbott, $50,001$100,000 from AstraZeneca, $50,001
$100,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim, $50,001$100,000 from Menarini,
mathematics and biology and is a technique for data explora- $50,001$100,000 from Schering Plough, $50,001$100,000 from Chiesi
tion. Cluster analysis encompasses a number of different Farmaceutici, $50,001$100,000 from Sigma-Tau, $50,001$100,000
algorithms for grouping subjects without an a priori hypothesis. from Novartis, $50,001$100,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, $50,001$100,000
from Merck Sharp & Dohme, $50,001$100,000 from UCB, and $50,001
A related statistical technique, factor analysis, may also prove $100,000 from Pfizer in industry-sponsored grants. J.G.G. received more than
useful in COPD phenotyping. Although the goal of cluster $100,001 from MedQIA in an industry-sponsored grant. P.W.J. received $5,001
analysis is to reduce the number of observations or cases by $10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, $1,001$5,000 from Almirall, $5,001$10,000
Spiration, and $5,001$10,000 from Novartis in consultancy fees; $5,001
grouping them into a smaller set of clusters, the goal of factor $10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, $5,001$10,000 from Almirall, $1,001$5,000
analysis is to reduce the number of variables by grouping them from AstraZeneca, $1,001$5,000 from Roche, and $5,001$10,000 from
into a smaller set of factors. Cluster and factor analysis have Spiration in advisory board fees; and $10,001$50,000 from GlaxoSmithKline
been used in conjunction in COPD to identify key variables on and $1,001$5,000 from AstraZeneca in lecture fees. W.M. received $1,001
$5,000 from Pfizer Pharmaceuticals in consultancy fees, $1,001$5,000 from
which to select clusters of related patients (6063). These types GlaxoSmithKline and $1,001$5,000 from Pfizer in advisory board fees, $5,001
of analyses would still, however, require longitudinal validation $10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline and $5,001$10,000 from AstraZeneca in lecture
to determine how such clustered subjects differ with respect to fees, and more than $100,001 from GlaxoSmithKline and more than $100,001
from Pfizer in industry-sponsored grants. B.J.M. does not have a financial
important clinical outcomes. In addition, such analyses may or relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this
may not ultimately be useful in defining specific biologic manuscript. K.F.R. received $10,001$50,000 from Nycomed and $5,001
pathways or therapies. $10,000 from Forest in consultancy fees; $5,001$10,000 from AstraZeneca,
$5,001$10,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim, $5,001$10,000 from Chiesi,
The suggested schema for phenotype identification, however, $5,001$10,000 from Novartis, and $1,001$5,000 from Pearl in advisory board
represents an ideal construct, as almost every outcome measure fees; $1,001$5,000 from Merck Sharpe and Dohme, $1,001$5,000 from
other than death displays inherent difficulties with measure- GlaxoSmithKline, $1,001$5,000 from Chiesi, and $1,001$5,000 from Boeh-
ringer Ingelheim in lecture fees; and $5,001$10,000 from Nycomed and
ment. Furthermore, for every phenotype, a specific therapy may $5,001$10,000 from Forest for serving as an expert witness. K.F.R.s dependent
not be ultimately identified. An individuals phenotype may not received more than $100,001 from Chiesi, $50,001$100,000 from AstraZe-
be readily apparent at an early stage of disease. It may also be neca, more than $100,001 from Boehringer Ingelheim, and $10,001$50,000
that any one individual has the potential to express a range of from Novartis in industry-sponsored grants. S.I.R. received $1,001$5,000 from
Able Associates, up to $1,000 from Adelphi Research, $10,001$50,000 from
phenotypes that are ultimately determined by the individuals Almirall/Prescott, $1,001$5,000 from APT Pharma/Britnall, $1,001$5,000
unique biology and exposures. Finally, it should be recognized from Aradigm, $1,001$5,000 from AstraZeneca, $5,001$10,000 from Boeh-
that most cellular functions (and their perturbations in disease ringer Ingelheim, up to $1,000 from Chiesi, up to $1,000 from Common Health,
up to $1,000 from Consult Complete, $1,001$5,000 from COPDForum, up to
states) are performed by a complex network of genes, proteins, $1,000 from Data Monitor, up to $1,000 from Decision Resources, up to $1,000
and metabolites that interact through biochemical and physical from Defined Health, $1,001$5,000 from Dey, up to $1,000 from Dunn Group,
interactions. The new field of systems biology has begun to up to $1,000 from Eaton Associates, up to $1,000 from Equinox, up to $1,000
from Gerson, $10,001$50,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, up to $1,000 from
relate these omic networks to disease networks (comorbid- Infomed, up to $1,000 from KOL Connection, up to $1,000 from M. Pankove,
ities) and even social networks (smoking, obesity). Conse- up to $1,000 from MedaCorp, up to $1,000 from MDRx Financial, up to $1,000
quently, the concept of a diseasome, linking cellular networks from Mpex, $10,001$50,000 from Novartis, $10,001$50,000 from Nycomed,
$1,001$5,000 from Oriel Therapeutics, $1,001$5,000 from Otsuka, up to
and phenotypic manifestations, is beginning to emerge. Such $1,000 from Pennside Partners, $5,001$10,000 from Pfizer (Varenicline), up to
research strategies may also prove valuable in identifying $1,000 from PharmaVentures, $1,001$5,000 from Pharmaxis, up to $1,000
relevant and novel phenotypes in COPD. from Price Waterhouse, up to $1,000 from Propagate, up to $1,000 from
Pulmatrix, up to $1,000 from Reckner Associates, up to $1,000 from Recruiting
Author Disclosure: M.K.H. received up to $1,000 from Novartis in consultancy Resources, $1,001$5,000 from Roche, up to $1,000 from Schlesinger Medical,
fees, $1,001$5,000 from CSL Behring in advisory board fees, $5,001$10,000 up to $1,000 from Scimed, up to $1,000 from Sudler and Hennessey, $1,001
from GlaxoSmithKline in lecture fees, and up to $1,000 from UpToDate in $5,000 from TargeGen, $1,001$5,000 from Theravance, $1,001$5,000 from
royalties. A.A. received $5,001$10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, $5,001$10,000 UBS, $1,001$5,000 from Uptake Medical, and $5,001$10,000 from Vantage
from Almirall, and $5,001$10,000 from Nycomed in advisory board fees; Point Mgmt in consultancy advisory board fees; $10,001$50,000 from Astra-
$5,001$10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, $5,001$10,000 from AstraZeneca, Zeneca, $5,001$10,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim, $10,001$50,000 from
and $5,001$10,000 from Almirall in lecture fees; and more than $100,001 Creative Educational Concept, $5,001$10,000 from the France Foundation,
from GlaxoSmithKline, $10,001$50,000 from Pfizer, $5,001$10,000 from $1,001$5,000 from Information TV, $1,001$5,000 from the Network for
Boehringer Ingelheim, and more than $100,001 from Almirall in industry- Continuing Ed, $10,001$50,000 from Novartis, $1,001$5,000 from Pfizer,
sponsored grants. P.M.C. received $5,001$10,000 from Pfizer, $1,001 and $1,001$5,000 from SOMA in lecture fees; $50,001$100,000 from
$5,000 from AstraZeneca, and $5,001$10,000 from Chiesi in consultancy fees; AstraZeneca, $50,001$100,000 from Biomarck, $50,001$100,000 from Cen-
$5,001$10,000 from GlaxoSmithKline in advisory board fees; $1,001$5,000 tocor, $50,001$100,000 from Mpex, $50,001$100,000 from Nabi, $50,001
from Altana and $10,001$50,000 from GlaxoSmithKline in lecture fees; and $100,000 from Novartis, and $50,001$100,000 from Otsuka in industry-
$10,001$50,000 from Nycomed, $50,001$100,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsored grants. S.I.R. filed provisional patent applications from the University
and $10,001$50,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim in industry-sponsored grants. of Nebraska Medical Center covering microRNA applications for the treatment of
B.R.C. does not have a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an diseases (currently marketing to various commercial entities). S.I.R. received
interest in the subject of this manuscript. G.C. received $1,001$5,000 from funding from RJ Reynolds to evaluate the effect of a harm reduction product in
Boehringer Ingelheim, $1,001$5,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, and $1,001 normal smokers (1996) and in subjects with chronic bronchitis (1999) and to
$5,000 from Aeris in industry-sponsored grants for a research study. J.L.C. assess the effect of smoking cessation on lower respiratory tract inflammation
received $1,001$5,000 from AstraZeneca in honorarium for a nonpromotional (2000); participated in a Philip Morris multicenter study to assess biomarkers of
lecture (November 2007), and $10,001$50,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim in smoke exposure (2002); received funding for a clinical trial from the Institute for
industry-sponsored grants (BI Protocol 205.325, which ended September 30, Science and Health (2005), which receives support from the tobacco industry, to
2008). L.M.F. received $10,001$50,000 from Nycomed, $10,001$50,000 evaluate biomarkers in exhaled breath associated with smoking cessation and
from GlaxoSmithKline, $10,001$50,000 from Merck Sharpe & Dohme, reduction. This study was supplemented with funding from Lorillard and RJ
$10,001$50,000 from Sigma-Tau, $10,001$50,000 from AstraZeneca, Reynolds. S.I.R. received a grant from the Philip Morris External Research
$50,001$100,000 from Boehringer Ingelheim, and $50,001$100,000 from Program (2005) to assess the impact of cigarette smoking on circulating stem
Chiesi Farmaceutici in consultancy fees; $1,001$5,000 from Nycomed, $1,001 cells in the mouse. S.I.R. has consulted with RJ Reynolds on the topic of harm
$5,000 from AstraZeneca, $1,001$5,000 from Abbott, $1,001$5,000 from reduction until 2007, but did not receive personal remuneration for this. There
Boehringer Ingelheim, $1,001$5,000 from Chiesi Farmaceutici, $1,001$5,000 are no active tobacco industryfunded projects. All ties with tobacco industry
Clinical Commentary 603

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