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Mission 2 Adventures in Middle-Earth

So, after the adventurers have completed their task to go and rescue the
merchants son, the player return to lake town and return to the lake town
square, ready for their next adventure. When they return they will see the town
square mainly empty however a sign points the adventurers to a small building,
with an open front and iron bars set into the window almost like a bank front.
Once they get there are have waited in line they will be met by another man,
different that before, older and broader than the previous man they met. He will
greet them and ask them their administration name and if their previous task
was complete, once they confirm this and get the previous mission out the way
they will be handed 2 tasks to be chosen, they will be as follows:

Mission 1: Explore some old ruins to the south of the Old Forest Road and at the
end of the Long Marshes, it is rumoured that these ruins may of once been a
great watchtower or beacon tower but was lost early in the 3 rd Age however is
important that these ruins be cleared and checked in case the tower can be
rebuilt and reused, this mission is on behalf of the City of Dale and the Lake-Town
Ruling Council. Payment 2 Gold coins. (The group will realise that this is the same
mission as offered before however it was never taken by any group)

Mission 2: The Village of Hundbrooke have asked for help exploring a series
caves near the village, they have long thought to be forgotten and uninhabited
however a number of livestock has gone missing and some strange noises have
been heard coming from the caves. They would these caves scouted and cleared
of any threat to the village of the area as a whole. Payment for this will be 3 Gold
The players will more than likely choose mission 1, they will be handed some
sealed parchment and told to report to the Town-Hall which is just
behind the players and asked to speak to Adwarin
of Rivendell an elven architect working
on behalf of King Bard and the City of Dale, he will
advise the adventurers on what they must do
and how they will proceed.

It is assumed that the players will go

right to the town hall as it is right there
next to the players, when they enter
this very large building they will be
met by a desk and a number of doors
coming off what can only be described
as a reception area. When they enter
they are met by a women sitting at the
desk. Can I help you love? unless the
players ask directly about Adwarin or
mention an elf she will not have any
idea what the players are talking
about, if they mention Adwarin she will
smile and stand Oh yes the elf, he is
lovely, erm I think he was residing in
the historical records and deeds room,
please follow me and Ill show you
through. She will lead the players through one of the doors and places a little
Ill be right back sign on her desk, again the fresh smells of wood and burning
candles fills the larger rooms she shows the players through, they come to a
large main roon right in the centre where there are table upon tables of clerks
working tirelessly, their desks brimming with papers and parchments. She will
lead the players down from stairs where the air get very dry, even on a town in
the middle of a massive lake this area feels dry little water resides in the air. She
will push open a large oak door into a roll filled with racks upon racks of shelves
filled with scrolls, wrapped up rolls of parchments and leather scroll wraps fill this
room, the room is dry and very little light is inside, however in the centre of the
room darkened by the lack of windows is a table with a number of candles
burning, sat at the table is an elf, dressed in fine grey and silver robes, his hair
blonde and flowing down around his face, he is eyeing a scroll however as the
door opens he will lower the scroll to see who enters the room. The lady will
speak Ohh Mr Adwarin, I hope I am not interrupting, its just there are some
people here to see you and well they look important and asked for you by
name. Adwarin stands and smiles, his teeth gleam even in the darkened room.
Thank you Priscilla, I once again owe you a great deal, please allow they people
some privacy and I will return later She will nod, bow and stutter a curtsy, he
faces flushed and red and she will leave the room, the doors slam shut as she
exits. Adwarin smiles again, Please be seated my friends, I am to suppose that
you have accepted the hiring to go and investigate the ruins in the Long
Marshes? When they confirm this he will take a deep breath, clearly relieved by
this revelation. Wonderful, you have chosen very wisely my friends. So this is
what be done He clears the table and reveals an aged parchment, clearly many
years old, possibly hundreds if not thousands, This was the watch tower of
Amon Galad, in Elven tongue this means Hill of Light, or Hill of the Sun, it was an
ancient watchtower, possibly a fortress housed on a large hill, similar to Amon
Sul, also known in common tongue as Weathertop however nowhere near as
large, however due to the size this creates a unique opportunity for us and the
Kingdom of Dale He stands and takes a drink from the cup on the table, clearly
an elven wine or drink I want to help rebuild Amon Galad, I want to rebuild the
watchtower and rearm and refortify it again. This task will not be easy and it is
only due to its size and that it is not so large that this can be accomplished. He
will sit again and look over the parchment However, no one has set foot in
Amon Galad in I think over 300 hundred years, and its last explorers He
pauses They didnt come back, however what I need is a group of people such
as your selves to go to Amon Galad, explore what you can of the ruins, clear
whatever denizens are taken up refuge there, if any of course and I need for you
to check the condition of 4 foundation pillars, these large pillars will hold up the
rebuilt building, however if more that 2 of them are damaged then we will be
unable to rebuild, such stones and their quality no longer exist in this world He
looks up from the parchment Also if you find anything in Amon Galad that may
of historical value, please return it to myself and I can petition for additional
funds to be made to yourself, I do not know what you will find there, if anything
so please be careful and be prepared. I have a boat arranged with a local
bargemen, he will take you all the way down to the top of
the Long Marshes, from there you must travel south east,
as you get clear of the marsh you will find Amon Galad,
explore the ruins, find what is needed, confirm if those
pillars remain standing and if any documents or treasures
remain, and then travel back through the marsh and back
to the bargemen, I have paid him to remain in the area
where he disembarks you however he may not be there
exactly as you return, just wait for him and he will pick you
up. Once this is done return to myself and we will sort
through the information found

He will bid the players a good day and will take questions,
if they ask regarding supplies and things, he will offer a
small amount to assist them however he is unable to offer
a great deal to help them.

Perform a travel test to start the players off, it will take the
players 2 days to get down to the top of the marshes, do
tests and see how the players do, the players will wrap up
for rest and such and even the bargeman will need to rest and recuperate at
some points. At this point attacks can occur and the players may have to defeat
their adversaries. Once the bargeman reaches a small pier the players will be
dropped off, he will tell the players that he will stay around in the area as he has
some other local trips and transports to make, and Adwarin said it would take
them around about 5 days down to the ruins, 1 or 2 days there and 5-6 days
return so I will return in about a fortnights time to pick them up.

Again perform another journey test to see how the party do, getting down to the
ruins themselves as the land is darkened by shadow and death the players will
have to take some tests to resist the influence of the shadow, and its dark
corrupting power over the players. The marshes are long, and some rumour that
they are full of mewlips, evil creatures of the bog that collect bones to put into
their sacks that they carry, they are undead creatures created by Morgoth in the
Elder days.

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