Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology: Chia-Ren Chu, Ssu-Ying Chien, Chung-Yue Wang, Tso-Ren Wu

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

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Numerical simulation of two trains intersecting in a tunnel

Chia-Ren Chu a,, Ssu-Ying Chien a, Chung-Yue Wang a, Tso-Ren Wu b
Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, ROC
Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan, ROC

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study uses a three-dimensional, compressible, turbulence model to investigate the pressure waves
Received 9 December 2013 generated by two trains passing each other in a tunnel. The turbulent ow around the train bodies is
Received in revised form 14 February 2014 computed by the RNG ke turbulence model; a sliding mesh method is utilized to treat the moving
Accepted 25 February 2014
boundary problem. The numerical results are veried through the results of laboratory experiment and
eld observation. Then, a series of numerical simulations are carried out to examine the inuences of
the tunnel length, the blockage ratio, the train speed and the intersecting location on the interactions
of aerodynamic waves generated by the trains. The simulation results reveal that the pressure and drag
High speed train
Compressible ow
coefcients of the trains reach a maximum when the two trains intersect at the mid-point of the tunnel
Train/tunnel interaction and the values of pressure and drag coefcients increase as the train speed and the blockage ratio
RNG ke model increase due to the train/tunnel interaction. However, the side force coefcient is dominated by the
Computational Fluid Dynamics train/train interaction and its maximum value occurs when the two trains are aligned side by side.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction boundary problem. Their results showed that when two trains
meet, the high pressure region around the train noses rst pushes
The aerodynamic pressure generated by high-speed trains the trains laterally away from each other, but the lateral force
travelling through a long tunnel is an important factor with regard changes direction and pushes the trains toward each other when
to the design of tunnel facilities and to the comfort of passengers they are aligned side by side. In addition, they found that the lift
(Gawthorpe, 2000). Notably, the interaction of pressure waves force was small compared to the drag and side forces; therefore,
generated by two high-speed trains intersecting in tunnels is able it could be neglected in this problem.
to cause fatigue load and signicant damage to the train bodies Hwang et al. (2001) applied a three-dimensional inviscid
(Raghunathan et al., 2002). The pressure variation and ow phe- numerical model and the domain decomposition method to inves-
nomenon are much more complicated than those of a single train tigate the inuences of several parameters, such as the shape of the
in a tunnel and the rapidly uctuating aerodynamic loading on train nose, the location of the trains (inside or outside the tunnel),
the train bodies may result in instability and lead to an undesirable the length of the trains and the gap between two trains on the
snake-like motion (Hwang et al., 2001). With the advancement of intersecting problem. Their results showed that the side force is
high speed trains in many countries, such an aerodynamic problem proportional to the square of the train speed and the variation of
becomes an important issue for the designers of the railway tech- the side force is primarily dependent on the nose shape. Also, the
nology (Howe, 1998; Uystepruyst et al., 2011). maximum side force increased as the gap between two trains de-
There are several studies on the aerodynamics of two trains creased and the drag force was mainly affected by the intersecting
moving in opposite directions and which pass each other inside a location (inside/outside a tunnel) but insensitive to the train nose
tunnel. Fujii and Ogawa (1995) solved the three-dimensional, com- shape.
pressible Euler equations by using the domain decomposition Zhao and Sun (2010) used a two-dimensional incompressible
method and the Fortied Solution Algorithm to handle the moving model and a rotational symmetric boundary system to simulate
the train-passing problems in open space. Their numerical results
show that the peak positive pressure generated by the train-pass-
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Civil Engineering, National
ing event is larger than that of by a single train, while the peak neg-
Central University, 300 Jhong-Da Road, Jhong-Li, Taoyuan 32001, Taiwan, ROC. Tel.:
+886 3 4227151x34138; fax: +886 3 4252960.
ative pressure is nearly the same as that in the single train case.
E-mail addresses: crchu@cc.ncu.edu.tw (C.-R. Chu), armani.chien@gmail.com However, the variation of their simulated pressures is too small
(S.-Y. Chien), cywang@cc.ncu.edu.tw (C.-Y. Wang), tsoren@cc.ncu.edu.tw (T.-R. Wu). to be true.

0886-7798/ 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
162 C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174


Atunnel cross-sectional area of tunnel s lateral distance between the two trains
Atrain frontal area of train Up mean velocity at point P
Br = Atrain/Atunnel blockage ratio of the train to tunnel Vt train speed
c speed of sound Xsc = x/Ltunnel intersecting location of two trains
CS side coefcient YM dissipation rate due to of the uctuating dilatation
CD drag coefcient yp the distance from point P to the wall
Cp = DP/0.5qV2train pressure coefcient y dimensionless distance
E total energy yT dimensionless thickness of thermal sublayer
k turbulent kinetic energy q air density
keff effective thermal conductivity e dissipation rate
kp turbulent kinetic energy at point P d Kronecker delta
Lr = Ltunnel/Ltrain ratio of the length of tunnel to train l dynamic viscosity of the air
m = M2Lr a parameter used to evaluate the compressible effect lt turbulent dynamic viscosity
M = Vtrain/c Mach number leff effective dynamic viscosity
Mt turbulent Mach number j von Karman constant
Prt turbulent Prandtl number

In view of the above studies, there is a need to use a true three- l is the dynamic (molecular) viscosity of the air and the subscripts i,
dimensional turbulence model to investigate the aerodynamic ow j = 1, 2, 3 represent the x, y, z directions, respectively. The Reynolds
eld induced by two trains passing each other inside a tunnel. stress tensors qu0i u0j are related to the mean velocity gradients via
Most of the previous numerical studies used symmetry effect in the Boussinseq approximation:
their calculation and assume a train intersecting with a virtual    
@ui @uj 2 @u
train under the same speed at the mid-point of the tunnel. How- qu0i u0j lt  qk lt k dij 3
ever, the intersecting location x may not be at the mid-point of @xj @xi 3 @xk
the tunnel (x/Ltunnel = 0.5) and the intersecting location may affect where lt is the turbulent viscosity and k is the turbulent kinetic
the pressure waves in the tunnel; the aerodynamic forces acting on energy. The turbulent viscosity can be computed from the kinetic
the trains may vary when two trains are traveling at different energy k and the dissipation rate e:
Therefore, the objective of this study is to utilize a three-dimen- k
sional, compressible, turbulence model to investigate the variation lt qC l 4
of pressure waves and aerodynamic loading on the trains when
two trains are passing each other in a tunnel. The simulation re- where the model coefcient is Cl = 0.0845. The transport equations
sults were analyzed to understand the inuences of the length ra- of the turbulent kinetic energy and energy dissipation rate are:

tio, the train speed, the blockage ratio and the intersecting location @ @ @ leff @k 
on the interaction of pressure waves in the tunnel. qk qkui Gk  qe  Y M 5
@t @xi @xj ak @xj

2. Numerical model @ @ @ leff @ e  e e2
qe qeui C 1e Gk  C 2e q 6
@t @xi @xj ae @xj k k
2.1. Governing equations
where leff is the effective dynamic viscosity equal to the sum of the
The aerodynamics of the train/tunnel systems was solved by a molecular and turbulent viscosities. The model coefcients:
three-dimensional, compressible, RNG ke turbulence model. The C1e = 1.42 and C 2e is given by:
RNG ke model was developed by Yakhot and Orszag (1986) using
the Renormalization Group (RNG) method. It is similar to the stan- C l g3 1  g=go
C 2e C 2e 7
dard ke model but includes an additional term in the dissipation 1 bg3
rate e equation for interaction between the mean shear and turbu-
where C2e = 1.68, go = 4.38, b = 0.012, g = Sk/e, S is the skewness fac-
lence dissipation. It also improved the predictions of heat and mass
tor of turbulent velocity. The term Gk is the generation of turbulent
transfers near the wall. The governing equations are the continuity
kinetic energy by the mean velocity gradients, YM represents the
equation and the Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes equations:
contribution of the uctuating dilatation in compressible turbu-
@q @ lence and is calculated as follows:
qui 0 1
@t @xi
Y M 2M 2t 8
@qui @ @p where Mt (=k1/2/c) is the turbulent Mach number, c is the speed of
qui uj  qgdi3
@t @xj @xi sound. The transport equation of the total energy, E, is:
@ @u @u 2 @u @  
l i j  dij l @
ui qE p
ui sij eff 9
@xj @xj @xi 3 @xl @xj
@t @xi @xj @xj
 q u0i u0j 2
where T is the temperature, keff is the effective thermal conductivity
where u and P are the mean velocity and pressure, q is the density (sum of the molecular and turbulent conductivities). The two terms
of the air, g is the gravitational acceleration, d is the Kronecker delta, on the right-hand side of Eq. (9) represent the energy transfer due
C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174 163

Region 2

Region 1 Train

Grid interface
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the sliding mesh method.

to thermal conduction and viscous dissipation. The term (sij)eff is the where Uc is the mean velocity at y yT and the term B was com-
deviatoric stress tensor, which is dened as: puted by (Jayatilleke, 1969):
  " #
@uj @ui 2 @uk 3=4
sij eff leff  dij leff 10 Pr
@xi @xj 3 @xk B 9:24  1 1 0:28e0:007Pr=Prt  14
In this study, the standard wall function is used to bridge the
wall-affected region and the fully-turbulent region (Launder and where Prt is the turbulent Prandtl number.
Spalding, 1974). The dimensionless velocity, U, at the near-wall The above governing equations were solved by the commercial
region is related to the dimensionless distance, y, to the wall: code Fluent 6.2.12. The computational domain was discretized by
qC 1=4 1=2 the Finite Volume Method (FVM). The convection and diffusion
l kp
y yp 11 terms were discretized using the second-order upwind scheme.
l The time derivative was discretized using the second-order impli-
cit scheme for unsteady ow calculation. The velocitypressure
Up 1=4 1=2
U 12 coupling and overall solution procedure are based on the PISO
C l kp (Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operators) algorithm. The con-
vergence criterion of the continuity and momentum equations
where kp and Up are turbulent kinetic energy and mean velocity at
were 105 and the convergence criterion of the energy equations
point P, yp is the distance from point P to the wall and u is the shear
was 106.
The temperature in the near-wall region was inuenced by the
wall function. A linear law is described for the thermal conduction 2.2. Sliding mesh
sublayer and a logarithmic law is applied for the turbulent region.
However, since the thickness of the thermal conduction sublayer is The sliding mesh method was utilized to implement the moving
different from the thickness of the viscous sublayer, the dimen- train relative to the tunnel. The ow eld is divided into two com-
sionless thickness of the thermal sublayer, yT , is used to evaluate putational regions as shown in Fig. 1. Region 1 consists of the space
the near-wall mean temperature: around the train body, Region 2 consists of the region far away
8 1=4 1=2 from the train, and a grid interface is utilized to describe the inter-
< Pry 1 qPr C l kp U 2 y < yT 
 2 q_ p face of two regions. During the computational process, these two
T 1  1=4 1=2
: C k independent regions can slide relative to one another along the
Prt j lnAy B 12 q l q_ p fPrt U 2p Pr  Prt U 2c g y > yT
grid interface without mesh regeneration, and the grid faces do
13 not need to be re-aligned at the interface.

Cell zone 1


A B C D E interface zone 1

a b c d e f g h i j

interface zone 2

Cell zone 2

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of sliding mesh method for computing the ux across the two non-conformal interface zones of each grid interface.
164 C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174

Fig. 3. Grid arrangement. (a) Side view and (b) cross-sectional view.

time step in order to compute the uxes. The number of intersec-

600 tion grids will vary as the interface zones move relative to one an-
other. The uxes across the grid interface are computed using
400 E1
intersection grids rather than the grids on each interface zone.
N For example, the interface zones are composed of faces A-B, B-C,
200 C-D and D-E as well as faces F-G, G-H, H-I and I-J in Fig. 2. Faces
Pressure (Pa)

d-e and e-f are used, instead of face G-H, to compute the ux across
0 the interface and bring information from Cells II and III into Cell VI.
Therefore, the physical information can be communicated between
-200 two adjacent zones.
Experiment (Ricco et al., 2007) Both Regions 1 and 2 were divided into several smaller zones
-400 Compressible model and discretized by non-structured and non-uniform grids (see
Incompressible model E2 Fig. 3). The smallest grid size around the train body was 0.3 m
-600 and the total number of the grid was 1,071,139. The maximum
-0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
stretching ratio of the adjacent grid was 1.08. The grid indepen-
Time (s) dence was checked by comparing the simulation results of the grid
Fig. 4. Comparison of simulated and measured pressure variation at x = 0.9 m as of 1,924,331 against 1,071,139. The difference of the positive pres-
regards the laboratory experiment of Ricco et al. (2007), Vtrain = 30.6 m s1, length sure peak of the compression wave was 4.6%. Therefore, the grid of
ratio Lr = 10, blockage ratio Br = 14.4%. 1,071,139 was adopted for the rest of the simulation.

The sliding mesh method requires a technique with which to 3. Model verication
compute the uxes across each grid point inside the non-confor-
mal interface zones. The intersection grids (grid points: b, c, d, In order to demonstrate the accuracy of the present model, the
. . ., i in Fig. 2) between the interface zones are determined at every simulation result was compared with the results of laboratory

BC: P = 0 BC: P = 0
Pressure sensor:

454 230
Ltrain= 114
Train z Br = 11.2 % 9.074

234 150 Ltunnel = 1140 150

Br = 12.56 % Br = 12.56 %
unit: m
Fig. 5. Computational domain and boundary condition of Glockle and Pfretzschner (1988). The pressure sensor is located 200 m from the tunnel entrance.
C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174 165

CN ET N T The present model was also applied to simulate the eld obser-
vation of Glockle and Pfretzschner (1988). They measured the
1200 aerodynamic pressure generated by a train ICE/V (Inter-City Ex-
press V) entering into the Einmalberg tunnel. The tunnel length
was Ltunnel = 1140 m, train length was Ltrain = 114 m and the length
Pressure (Pa)

400 ratio Lr = 10. The cross-sectional area of the ICE/V was A = 10.3 m2
and the train speed Vt = 242 km h1 (=67.2 m s1). The cross-sec-
tional area of the tunnel expanded at x = 454684 m from the tun-
-400 nel entrance (see Fig. 5) and the blockage ratio became Br = 11.2%.
-800 At other locations, the blockage ratio was Br = 12.56%. The total
number of the computational grids was 1,143,757. The computa-
-1200 Measured (Glockle & Pfretzschner, 1988) tion time step Dt = 0.018 s over a time interval of 12.654 s, and
Predicted (Present study)
-1600 the train started 150 m from the tunnel entrance.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The simulated pressure variation at x = 200 m from the tunnel
Time (sec)
entrance is shown in Fig. 6. The empty symbols are the measure-
Fig. 6. Comparison of simulated and measured pressure variation at x = 200 m for ments of Glockle and Pfretzschner (1988), and the solid line repre-
the eld observation of Glockle and Pfretzschner (1988), Vtrain = 67.2 m s1, length sents the simulation result. It shows that the simulated pressures
ratio Lr = 10. compared satisfactorily with the eld observations. On the top of
the gure, marker CN represents the time t = 0.58 s (=200 m/
347 m s1) that the compression wave generated by the nose entry
experiment of Ricco et al. (2007) and eld observation of Glockle
reach the sensor location x = 200 m, and c = 347 m s1 is the speed
and Pfretzschner (1988). The experiment of Ricco et al. (2007)
of sound; marker ET at t = 2.27 s (=114 m/67.2 m s1 + 200 m/
was conducted by using circular cylinders (diameter 0.038 m) trav-
347 m s1) represents the expansion wave caused by the tail entry
eling in a circular tube (diameter 0.099 m). The cylinders have dif-
to the tunnel; marker N (at t = 200 m/67.2 m s1 = 2.98 s) is the
ferent nose angles between the axis and directrix. The length of the
time that the train nose passed x = 200 m; and T (at t = 200 m/
tube was Ltunnel = 6.0 m, the length of the cylinder was Ltrain = 0.6 m
67.2 m s1 + 114 m/67.2 m s1 = 4.67 s) is the time that the train
and the length ratio Lr = Ltunnel/Ltrain = 10. The blockage ratio of the
tail passed x = 200 m. Note that the pressure peak P = 834 Pa
tunnel was Br = Atrain/Atunnel = 14.4%, and the train speed Vt = 30.6 -
(Cp = 0.295) at t = 0.58 s was caused by the compression wave CN.
m s1. A pressure sensor was installed on the wall of the tube at
The pressure coefcient is dened as:
x = 0.9 m from the tunnel entrance. All the boundaries were no-slip
boundaries except for the zero pressure at the far-eld outside the P  Po
CP 15
tunnel. The total number of grids was 274,012. The computation 1
qV 2t
was carried out with a constant time step Dt = 5  104 s over a
time interval of 0.07 s and the train started x = 1.0 m from the where Po is the reference pressure.
tunnel entrance. The time of the nose entry is set as t = 0.
Fig. 4 shows the time history of pressure variation at x = 0.9 m 4. Results and discussion
computed by the present compressible model and an incompress-
ible turbulence model. The nose angle between the axis and direc- This study used the RNG ke turbulence model to investigate
trix was 60. The symbols are the experimental results of Ricco the inuences of the length ratio Lr, the train speed Vt, the blockage
et al. (2007), and the solid and dash lines are the simulation results ratio Br and the intersecting location Xsc (=xsc/Ltunnel) on the pres-
of the compressible and incompressible models, respectively. It sure waves generated by two trains passing each other in a tunnel.
shows that the results of the compressible model compared favor- The dimensionless distance X is dened as X = x/Ltunnel. The aerody-
ably with the experimental results, while the incompressible mod- namic drag coefcient CD and side (lateral) force coefcient CS are
el failed to predict the negative peak pressure caused by the dened as:
expansion wave at t = 0.032 s. In other words, the compressibility
effect must be taken into account for the simulation of high speed CD 1 16
trains in tunnel. 2
qV 2t Atrain

Fig. 7. Geometry of the Taiwan High Speed Train 700T.

166 C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174

(a) side view

BC: P = 0 BC: P = 0
Pressure sensor:

Intersecting location

Ltrain= 304
152 8.625 VB
Train A Train B
x 2.5

1062 400 Ltunnel = 912 400 1062

tunnel entrance x = 0 unit: m

(b) cross-sectional view



z 3.65

Pressure sensor: 2.25 unit: m

Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of computational domain and boundary condition. (a) Side view and (b) cross-sectional view.

Fy t = tNT, two trains are aligned side by side; at t = tTT, the tails of both
CS 1 17
qV 2t Atrain trains are at the position Xsc and the intersection is nished. In this
study, the time of the nose intersection was set as tNN = 0 s, the
where Atrain is the frontal area of the train. The direction of the drag intersection of the train nose and the tail was tNT = 1.83 s and the
force is opposite to the travelling direction; the positive CS indicates time of the tail intersection was tTT = 3.65 s (=Ltrain/Vt).
that the lateral forces push two trains toward each other.

4.1. Reference case Top view

The train parameters were based on the Taiwan High Speed
Train 700T (see Fig. 7). The train was 304 m in length, 3.38 m in CS
t = tNN = 0.0 sec B
width and 3.65 m in height. The train nose (length is 8.0 m) has
the same shape as the tail. The tunnel was a double-tracked tunnel A CD
with the cross-sectional area Atunnel = 86.9 m2, the blockage ratio Pressure sensor:
was Br = 14.2% and the train runs with an offset from the centerline
of the tunnel. The gap (lateral distance) between two trains was
s = 1.12 m. The tunnel length Ltunnel = 912 m, the length ratio B
Lr = 3.0, and the train speed VA = VB = 300 km h1 (=83.3 m s1). t = tNT
This ow condition is hereinafter referred to as the reference case.
Fig. 8 presents the schematic diagram of the computational do-
main and the boundary condition. The numerical sensors for mea-
suring pressure are located on the train nose A and on the tunnel
wall at X = 0.167, 0.333, 0.50, 0.667 and 0.833 (x = 152 m, 304 m, B
456 m, 608 m and 760 m) from the tunnel entrance at a height of t = tTT
2.5 m from the ground.
Fig. 9 portrays the top view of the relative position of two trains
at three important times: the intersection of the train noses (NN), Xsc
the intersection of the train nose and the tail of other train (NT) Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of two trains pass each other, tNN, tNT and tTT are the
and the intersection of the train tails (TT). At t = tNN, the noses of times of the intersection of the train noses, the intersection of the train nose and the
both trains come to the intersection point Xsc in the tunnel; at tail of other train, and the intersection of the train tails, respectively.
C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174 167

(a) NN NT TT
NB 4
608 EAN2

Pressure (kPa)
x (m)

-2 x = 152 m
x = 304 m
304 EBT CAN2 EBN2 -4
CAN CBN x = 456 m
EBN EAT EAN x = 608 m
152 -6
NA CBT x = 760 m
0 -8
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Time (sec) Time (sec)


Fig. 11. Time history of wall pressures at different locations for the two trains
10 intersect at Xsc = 0.5 (x = 456 m).
of train A passed the nose of train B at t = 0.0 s, pressure PA was af-
6 fected by the low pressure region near the shoulder of train B and
decreased more rapidly than the pressure drop caused by the
Pressure (kPa)

expansion waves. Then, the expansion waves EAT and EBT generated
by the train tails further reduced the pressure PA until t = 0.79 s.
The minimum nose pressure was P = 2670 Pa (Cp = 0.65). After
0 that, due to the compression waves CBN2, CAN2 and CAT (generated
by the entry of the tail of train A), the nose pressure PA started to
-2 increase. After the nose of train A passed the tail of train B at
tNT = 1.83 s, the compression waves further increased the pressure
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4
PA. However, the intersection of the train tails at tTT = 3.65 s has no
Time (sec) inuence on the nose pressure PA because the nose of train A is far
away from the tails.
Fig. 10. (a) Train displacement and the propagation lines of the pressure waves. (b) Fig. 11 presents the time variations of wall pressure at
Pressure variation on the nose of train A when the two trains intersect.
X = 0.167, 0.333, 0.50, 0.667 and 0.833 from the tunnel entrance.
The results demonstrate that the pressure at X = 0.167 was in good
agreement with the pressure at X = 0.833; and the pressure at
Fig. 10(a) shows the propagation line of the pressure waves as X = 0.333 agreed with the pressure at X = 0.667, i.e., two trains with
well as the displacements of the train nose and tail. The horizontal the same speed passing each other in the middle of the tunnel has
dot lines represent the positions of the sensors on the tunnel wall, a symmetric effect. In addition, the maximum positive and nega-
the black lines (marked by NA and TA) and red lines (marked by NB tive pressures at the mid-point of the tunnel X = 0.50 was larger
and TB) are the positions of the noses and tails of train A and B at than the pressures at other locations in the tunnel. In other words,
different times. The dash lines with steeper slope represent the the maximum wall pressure occurred at the intersecting location.
propagation of pressure waves (CAN and CBN are compression In Fig. 11, the pressure rise between t = 4.3 to 1.6 s (before
waves; EAN and EBN are expansion waves). The propagation lines the intersection) at X = 0.50 was attributed to three processes.
have steeper slope is due to fact that the speed of sound The rst pressure peak Pn = 3437 Pa (CPn = 0.83) at t = 4.3 s was
c = 347 m s1 is faster than the train speed Vt = 83.3 m s1. Each purely due to the nose-induced compression waves and the
intersection of the horizontal lines and the propagation lines pressure slightly decreased at t = 4.0 s because of the low pres-
(CAN, CBN, EAN, EBN) correspond to a pressure wave passing through sure region of the train shoulder. The pressure slightly increased
the pressure sensors. Notably, these two trains enter the tunnel between t = 3.8 to 2.6 s, owing to the viscous effect (Ogawa
simultaneously and the nose-induced compression waves CAN and Fujii, 1997). As two trains move toward each other, the de-
and CBN are generated by the train nose A and B, respectively. crease of the space between the two trains caused the pressure
The compression waves CAN and CBN are propagated along the tun- to rise to the maximum pressure Pmax = 4000 Pa (CPmax = 0.97)
nel and reected back from the other end of the tunnel as expan- around t = 1.6 s. Note that this maximum wall pressure was
sion waves EAN and EBN (Achetz, 2001). Because part of the wave smaller than the maximum nose pressure on train A but the max-
energy is released to the exterior as micro-pressure waves, the imum pressure coefcient induced by two intersecting trains was
strength of the expansion waves EAN and EBN are always weaker larger than that of a single train, as compared to the eld measure-
than the rst compression waves CAN and CBN (Baron et al., 2006). ments of Glockle and Pfretzschner (1988).
Fig. 10(b) shows the time variation of pressure PA on the nose of The pressure variations along the tunnel axis at different times
train A during the intersection. The vertical dot lines correspond to are shown in Fig. 12. When the compression waves CAN and CBN
the times of the compression waves CAN and CBN, as well as the met at x = 456 m (X = 0.5), the interaction of two pressure waves
expansion waves EAN and EBN. The maximum positive pressure reinforced the pressure inside the tunnel. The maximum pressure
on the train nose was Pmax = 7010 Pa (Cpmax = 1.70), which occurred P  4000 Pa occurs in the middle of the tunnel x = 456 m at time
when the train nose A met the compression wave CBN at t = 1.51 s. After t > 1.0 s, the expansion waves EAN and EBN (the
t = 1.95 s. The following pressure drop at t = 2.0 to 0.0 s was reection waves of CAN and CBN) and the tail-induced expansion
caused by the expansion waves EAN, EBN EAT and EBT. After the nose waves EAT and EBT propagated toward x = 456 m. The resulting
168 C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174










Fig. 12. Pressure variations along the tunnel axis at different times for the two trains intersect at Xsc = 0.5 (x = 456 m).

minimum pressure Pmin  6000 Pa (CPmin  1.46) occurs at which was smaller than the pressure rise induced by the rst
t = 0.89 s. Then the next compression waves CAN2 and CBN2 (the compression waves CAN and CBN. This is because part of the wave
reective waves of EAN and EBN) raised the pressure to P 2000 Pa, energy was released to the exterior as a micro-pressure wave, so
C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174 169








Fig. 12 (continued)

the pressure variation in the tunnel diminished with time. Fig. 12 Finally, the pressure distribution during the intersection of train
also demonstrates that the pressure value inside the tunnel is all tails is shown in Fig. 15. When the train tails are moving toward
negative between 0.09 and 1.85 s due to the expansion waves each other during t = 2.813.61 s, the pressure in the tunnel are
EAN, EBN, EAT and EBT; the pressure inside the tunnel is all positive all positive, owing to the inuences of the compression waves
between 2.81 and 3.61 s due to the new compression waves CAT, CAN2 and CBN2. At time t = 3.77 s (the tails have passed each other),
CBT, CAN2 and CBN2. the un-occupied area near the train tails suddenly increased, the
Fig. 13 shows the top view of the pressure distribution at height ow deceleration in the un-occupied area caused the pressures
z = 2.5 m during the intersection of the train noses. Before the train at the train tails to increase. When the two trains moved further
noses intersected (t = 0.55 s), the pressure is positive in the space away from each other (t = 3.93 s), the pressure at the train tails de-
between the two trains. Note that the train noses have a maximum creased gradually.
positive pressure, while the pressures around the shoulder were Fig. 16 shows the time history of drag coefcient experienced by
negative. As the train noses pass each other, the stagnation pres- train A during the intersection. It is highly correlated with the pres-
sure at the train nose decreased rapidly between t = 0.090.41 s, sure variation PA of the train nose. The maximum drag coefcient
owing to the expansion waves. Fig. 14 depicts the pressure distri- CDmax = 2.20 occurring at t = 1.81 s results from the nose-induced
bution during the intersection of the nose of train A and the tail of compression waves; it is close to the time (t = 1.95 s) of the
train B. After the nose of train A passed the tail of train B, the pres- maximum nose pressure. As the nose pressure PA weakens by the
sure at the nose of train A became positive again at t = 1.85 s. expansion waves EAN, EBN, EAT and EBT, the drag coefcient CD
170 C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174

(Pa) Unit: Pa
train B

train B

train A


train B
train B

train A train A


train B train B

train A train A


train B
train B

train A train A


train B
train B

train A train A


train B

train A train A
Fig. 13. Pressure distribution during the intersection of the train noses (NN). Fig. 14. Pressure distribution during the intersection of the train nose and the tail of
other train (NT).

gradually decreases between t = 1.81 and 0 s. Once the two noses

passed each other after tNN = 0.0 s, the drag coefcient became rel- pulling side force (CS = 0.58) was less than that of the nose
atively small until the nose of train A intersected the tail of train B at intersection.
t = tNT. Although the drag coefcient rose after t > tNT, its value was Following are four simulation series to examine the inuences
still smaller than the drag coefcient CDmax before two trains rst of the length ratio, the blockage ratio, the train speed, and the
meet (t = 0); this is resulted from the diminished compression intersecting location on the maximum pressure and force coef-
waves CBN2 and CAN2. cients. In these simulation series, only the key parameter was var-
The time evolution of the side force coefcient CS of train A was ied, while all other parameters were are identical to the reference
presented in Fig. 17. When the two trains moved toward each case.
other, the high pressure region around the train noses push the
trains laterally away from each other and the side force coefcient 4.2. Length ratio effect
is negative (CSmin = 0.72). When the two trains were aligned side
by side (the nose of train A intersected the tail of train B), the side This section investigated the effect of the tunnel length on the
force coefcient changed direction and pushed the two trains to- pressure and force coefcients. Three different tunnel lengths Ltun-
ward each other. The maximum suction force (CSmax = 0.96) occurs nel = 912 m, 1520 m and 2128 m, with the length ratio Lr = 3, 5 and
when tNT = 1.83 s. Once the train tails passed each other at 7, respectively. Two trains intersected at the mid-point of the
t = 3.65 s, the side force coefcient became negative again but the tunnel Xsc = 0.5 with the same train speed. Table 1 shows that
C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174 171

Unit: Pa NN NT TT

train B

train A 0.0


train B -1.0

train A -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Time (sec)

Fig. 17. Time history of side force coefcient during the train intersection.

train B Table 1
Parameters of simulation series for different tunnel length.

Ltunnel (m) Lr CPmax CPmin CDmax CSmax

train A
912 3.0 0.97 1.46 2.24 0.96
1520 5.0 1.01 1.43 2.33 0.96
2128 7.0 0.90 1.10 2.08 0.98

train B
Table 2
Parameters of simulation series for different blockage ratio.
train A
Atunnel (m2) Br (%) CPmax CPmin CDmax CSmax
102.8 12.0 0.76 1.15 1.90 0.95
86.9 14.2 0.97 1.46 2.24 0.96
68.5 18.0 1.46 2.07 2.96 1.00
train B

train A Table 3
Parameters of simulation series for different train speed.

Vt (km h1) CPmax CPmin CDmax CSmax

Case B1 200 (=56 m s1) 0.81 0.80 1.84 0.96
train B Case B2 250 (=69 m s1) 0.90 1.12 2.00 0.93
Case B3 300 (=83 m s1) 0.97 1.46 2.24 0.96

train A
Fig. 15. Pressure distribution during the intersection of the train tails (TT). the values of the maximum and minimum wall pressures CPmax,
CPmin and drag coefcient of the train CDmax for the length ratio
Lr = 7 are all somewhat smaller than the results of Lr = 3 and 5. This
NN NT TT is because the interactions of compressive waves and reective
expansion waves are less concentrated and intense in long tunnels
(Lr P 7). Moreover, the maximum side force coefcients CSmax for
all three cases are about the same. This indicates that the inuence
1.5 of the length ratio on the side force coefcient CSmax is insigni-
cant. The reason is that the side force is closely related to train/
train interaction, while the train/tunnel interaction (and the rela-

tive length of the tunnel) only has minor inuence on the side force
0.5 coefcient.

0.0 4.3. Blockage ratio effect

-0.5 The inuence of the blockage ratio on the pressure and force
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
coefcients is examined in this section. The blockage ratio was
Time (sec)
set to 12%, 14.2% and 18.0%, by changing the cross-sectional area
Fig. 16. Time history of drag coefcient during the train intersection. of the tunnel Atunnel. The simulated results are summarized in
172 C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174









Fig. 18. Pressure distribution along the tunnel axis for the two trains intersect at Xsc = 0.67 (xsc = 1015 m), tunnel length L = 1520 m.

Table 2. The increase of the blockage ratio led to the increase of the CSmax only slightly increased as the blockage ratio increased. Fur-
maximum and minimum pressure coefcients as well as the max- thermore, the maximum side force coefcient CSmax = 0.95 (block-
imum drag coefcient CDmax. However, the side force coefcient age ratio Br = 12.0%, train speed Vt = 300 km h1 and the gap
C.-R. Chu et al. / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42 (2014) 161174 173

between two trains s = 1.12 m) compared favorably with the passing each other in a long tunnel. In addition, a series of numer-
numerical results of Fujii and Ogawa (1995): CSmax = 1.09 ical simulations were performed to study the effects of the length
(Br = 12.0%, Vt = 270 km h1 and s = 0.858 m). This also demon- ratio Lr of the tunnel, the blockage ratio Br, the train speed Vtrain
strated that the side force coefcient CSmax is related to the train/ and the intersecting location Xsc on the interactions of the train/
train interaction, rather than the train/tunnel interaction. tunnel system.
The parametric study revealed that the maximum and the min-
4.4. Train speed effect imum wall pressure coefcients CPmax and CPmin occurred at the
mid-point of the tunnel when two trains with the same speed
In order to investigate the train speed effect, three different intersect at Xsc = 0.5. Furthermore, the magnitude of CPmax, CPmin
train speeds VtA = VtB = 200, 250 and 300 km h1 were simulated. and drag coefcient CDmax increased as the train speed and the
The length ratio, blockage ratio and the intersecting location are blockage ratio increased. However, when the two trains inter-
the same as the reference case. The simulated results (listed in Ta- sected each other at Xsc = 0.67, the pressure coefcients CPmax
ble 3) revealed that the maximum and minimum pressure coef- and CPmin became smaller, as compared to that of Xsc = 0.5. This is
cients as well as the maximum drag coefcient CDmax increased because the pressure distribution in the tunnel is asymmetric
as the train speed increased. However, the inuence of the train and the maximum and minimum pressures were generated by
speed on the maximum side force coefcient CSmax was trivial. This the reective waves, rather than the rst waves, which were stron-
is in good agreement with the nding of Hwang et al. (2001) that ger. Also, it was found that the maximum side force coefcient
the side force coefcient is independent of the speed of the train. CSmax occurs as two trains are aligned side by side and the side
force pushes two trains toward each other. Nevertheless, the mag-
4.5. Intersecting location nitude of CSmax is insensitive to the tunnel length, blockage ratio
and train speed because the side force was dominated by the
Finally, the effect of the intersecting location on the pressure train/train interaction. Whereas the pressure coefcients CPmax,
and force coefcients is studied by comparing the results of two CPmin and drag coefcient CDmax were controlled by the train/tunnel
different intersecting locations: Xsc = 0.5 and 0.67. The tunnel interaction.
length Ltunnel = 1520 m and the length ratio Lr = 5, train speed Notice that the maximum and minimum pressure and force
VtA = VtB = 300 km h1. Fig. 18 shows that the pressure distribution coefcients are functions of the length of tunnel and trains, the
along the tunnel axis for the two trains intersect at Xsc = 0.67 train speed and blockage ratio. A different setting, for example,
(xsc = 1015 m). Note that the pressure distribution is asymmetric two trains entering a long tunnel right after a third train just left
and the maximum pressure Pmax = 2850 Pa (CPmax = 0.69) occurred the tunnel could lead totally different extreme pressure. Hence,
at x = 608 m; while the minimum pressure Pmin = 5610 Pa the peak pressure coefcients shown in the paper only applied to
(CPmin = 1.35) occurred at the intersecting location xsc = 1015 m. the described setting. However, the present numerical model could
Table 4 shows that the magnitude of maximum and minimum be applied to simulate the aerodynamic forces and pressure waves
pressure coefcients of Xsc = 0.67 where both are smaller than under other scenarios.
the corresponding values of Xsc = 0.50. This is because the maxi-
mum pressure coefcient CPmax resulted from the interaction of Acknowledgment
the nose-induced compression waves CAN and CBN when the inter-
secting location was Xsc = 0.50. Notably, the maximum pressure The nancial support from the China Engineering Consultants
CPmax was caused by the compression waves CAT and CAN2 when Inc. (CECI) of Taiwan, R.O.C. under grant no. 00940 is gratefully
Xsc = 0.67. These reective waves CAT and CAN2 were weaker than appreciated.
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