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Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

A Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is required by Engineers

Australia to assess the competency of an engineer with overseas
qualifications not covered by the Washington Accord.

What is a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) ?

It is not just one single written report.

A Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a collection of the following


the CDR Application Form.

a signed declaration that the report is all your own work

certified copies of your academic records

your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume

continuing profession development (CPD) listing

International English Language Test (IELTS) Result

3 (three) career episode reports (CERs)

Summary statement of competencies from the career episode reports

To get the full story on assessment of engineering qualifications go to the
Engineers Australia website and download a .pdf copy of the Migration Skills
Assessment booklet.

This booklet takes you through the whole process. Read it from cover to
cover before you think about writing anything.

A tribus lingua we receive many requests for assistance in writing career

episode reports (CERs). Sorry, we cannot do this. The CERs must be your own
work. However, we will continue to answer your questions on the CDR
preparation process via our blog comments.

Completing a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for Engineers

Australia to assess overseas qualifications not covered by the Washington
Accord is the first step in migration.

Skip to comment form

Amrit said on March 17, 2009 at 10:24 pm

Is it necessary that each career episode should be more than 5-6 pages or it
can just be 1-2 pages. I am writing CER and got confused in this matter.

ianlittle said on March 17, 2009 at 10:30 pm

Amrit The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details
on the format and length of the career episode reports. Read this from cover
to cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the
Engineers Australia website :

As a guide, each CER should be made up of:

Introduction: 50 words

Background: 200 500 words

Personal engineering activity: 500 1000 words

Summary: 50 100 words

Each career episode report (CER) should be 3 4 pages. Much less and you
will struggle to convince the assessors you have all the competencies. A lot
more and the assessors will not bother trying to read it.

m said on May 28, 2009 at 9:32 pm

hey ian, im a mech engineer and i have two career episodes selected. for the
third one, is it alright if i described my role in an assembly plant?
unfortunately there was no creativity or design involved, only managerial
tasks involving managing the work crews and meeting deadlines. i wonder
how id be able to present that. also, i see a lot of reports where applicants
have gone into considerable mathematical detail, even where there is no
apparent reason to do so. none of my career episodes have that level of math,
but only because it wasnt required, as we used software to do the number

ianlittle said on May 29, 2009 at 8:11 am

m- Here is a quote from the Migration Skills Handbook. A career episode is a

documented component of your engineering education and/or work
experience which captures a particular period or distinct aspect of your
engineering activity. It may be:

an engineering task undertaken as part of your educational program;

a project you have worked on or are currently working on;

a specific position that you occupied or currently occupy;

a particular engineering problem that you were required to solve.

So the answer is yes You can write about the general things you have done
or you may be able to write about a specific problem. You write aboout
things you have done and include details of the how and why to demonstrate
professional engineering competencies. I suggest you prepare a brief outline
for each of your CERs. About ten one line sentences. Assess which
competencies from the definition in the Migration Skills Assessment
Handbook each of these will demonstrate. Then assess what is missing and
what may be repeated more than once. Look for additional points to cover
competencies you have missed and to strengthen your reports. Do not start
writing in detail until you are satisfied that your outlines cover all the
competencies as best you can. Do not panic if you do not cover every
competency fully. No one gets 100% in an exam (almost no one anyhow).

Your CER must be related to mechanical engineering duties as defined in the

ASCO. It is about what you have done not what was achieved by a project,
job or company.

I would not expect mathematical detail. Computers do that. I would expect

there would be general words on analysis techniques mentioning principles
and hethods used. I agree there is no reason to go into mathematics.

kinjal said on May 29, 2009 at 8:59 pm

Hi i am a Mechatronics Engineer I have done my engineering from india. I

have two carrier episode done but iam bit confused about the third one.
After completing my Engineering i have worked for one and a half year in
Mechanical field. so can any body tell me what to write in my third carrier
ianlittle said on May 29, 2009 at 10:23 pm

Kinjal see the answer I gave to m yesterday on this topic. look at different
parts of your work experience. Look for mini projects.

Litesh said on May 31, 2009 at 6:49 pm

can u please tel me that is a Mechanical Engineer who is working in Sales is

eligible for the Immigration to Australia or not

ianlittle said on June 1, 2009 at 10:13 am

Litesh There is not enough information to judge. Make your own

assessment by reading the information on this site. Follow through the
reference sites given on our FAQ page and this blog.

sachin said on June 6, 2009 at 1:45 am


I am plnning to access my skills as electronics engineer.I have done my

BE(Electronics and communication ) from India.I have job experience of
technical support in microsft, Technical support in dell computers and
voluntary experience as web designer in export house.I have none
experience related to electronics except dell.

I am confused how to relate these experiences with career episode.

Please can anyone advise


ianlittle said on June 6, 2009 at 7:15 am

Sachin Have a look at the full definition of tasks for the electronics engineer
occupation in the ASCO code. You can get the full description of tasks for an
electronics engineer occupation from the ABS website.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Here is the definition : 2125-13 Electronics Engineer Designs, develops,

adapts, installs, tests and maintains electronic components, circuits and
systems used for computer systems, communication systems and other
industrial applications.

you also need the definition for a professional engineers competencies from
the Migration Skills Assessment booklet.

Your voluntary work as a web designer does not help you as it is notrelevant
work experience for an electronics engineer.

Your technical support work seems like it could be more like the tasks of an
engineering technologist. You should be able to get one CER from your final
year project. for the other two, look for mini projects or problems soled
which used engineering skills as givem the competency definition: analysing,
adapting etc..

Atan92 said on June 8, 2009 at 5:48 am

Hi to All,

I am attempting to start my CDR for migration to Australia.I am a

Manufacturing Engineer from Mauritius. I know that Manufacturing
Engineering is a subsidiary of Mechanical Engineering and Ive been working
in the automobile field.

Ian, will you please advise if I can write my CDR in this field.

ianlittle said on June 8, 2009 at 8:54 am

Atan There is some common areas between, production, manufacturing,
industrial and manufacturing engineering. I suggest you compare your CV and
work experience against the detailed subjects you have studied in your
course and the definitions and tasks of the different occupations. Think about
which occupation you can write the best career episodes for to match one of
the occupations. It depends very much on the work you have been doing in
the automobile field. Are you designing cars, designing car production plants
or machinery.

Atan92 said on June 8, 2009 at 7:27 pm


Initially i was working in a service department for all mechanical and

electrical repairs of motor vehicles. ive been doing this for 3 years and i am
very well conversant with mechanical things. Now for the past three years,i
am now dealing with the manufacture of bus and trucks bodies. Ive got a
career episode whereby i was leading a project recently for the
transformation of a base vehicle into an armoured vehicle. Another career
episode, i have working on a project on the installation and comissioning of a
compressor system and line for my workshop using all air tools. Ive got
another project whereby i have reduce the man hours for manufacture bus

Do you think these projects are valid?

ianlittle said on June 8, 2009 at 7:51 pm

Atan They look like professional engineering tasks and valid topics for
career episodes. Remember it is not about the job you have done, it is the
competencies, your skills and actions you can demonstrate from doing the

Mohd Aminuddin Othman said on June 21, 2009 at 12:32 am

Dear Ianlittle,
I am professional engineer from Malaysia under Institute of Engineers
Malaysia and currently working in Perth, WA. Just passed my IELTS, now
applying skill assessment from EA. What does provisional status by
Washington Accord means, is that means I am accredited or not? Im a bit
confused here.

Thanks for your help.

ianlittle said on June 21, 2009 at 5:59 am

Mohd Provisional status means that Maylasi is in the process of having

coursee recognised under the Washington Accord. Until that process is
complete, and your course is listed, you still need to do a CDR. The test is to
go to the Washibngton Accord website and see if your course is listed there.
Courses are listed by institution, course and year. I do not think your course
will be listed. If your course is not listed you are not accredited. i do not think
you are.

Usman Akram said on July 8, 2009 at 3:29 am

Hi, I have done Bachelour in science in Electrical Engineering(Communication

and Electronics)Pakistan. I have 2.5 years experience in Mobiserve as
Operation and maintenance engineer and System engineer in NEC . Please I
am a bit confused in writing CDR. How to start.

ianlittle said on July 8, 2009 at 5:03 pm

Usman 1 Read the competencies for a professional engineer in the

Migration Skills Assessment booklet.

2 Read the ASCO occupation on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

3 Select three episodes from your work experience and engineering course
that you think will enable you to display the engineering conpetencies you
4 Write ten one line sentences, each starting with I (I analysed, I calculated, I
designed, I planned, etc.) for each of the episodes.

5 Check the competencies you are able to demonstrate from the episode

6 Fill in the gaps to show more competencies.

7 Write the complete CERs.

Remember the aim is to demonstrate what you have done in engineering.

Joel said on July 8, 2009 at 7:41 pm


I already received my positive EA skills assessment of Professional Electronics

Engineer, the CDR making pointers on your website really helped me a lot on
my assessment.

Saghir said on July 25, 2009 at 4:43 pm

Dear Sir,

I have written 3 career episodes, two of about 18 pages each with lots of
pictures in it. The third one is of about 45 pages and includes actual design
work carried out by me in my studies. I wanted to show Engineers australia
all the work performed by me. Please guide me are these CERs acceptable
upto the level of engineers australia?????

ianlittle said on July 25, 2009 at 8:02 pm

Saghir Not close. You have wasted a lot of time and energy.

Read and follow the instructions in the Migration Skills Assessment booklet.
Part of the assessment is to be able to write in a clear and concise manner.
Remove all pictures and any direct examples of your work. Then critically
review each CER, sentence by sentence. Delete every sentece which does not
show how you demonstrate a competency.

Do not write what you want to write. Write what Engineers Australia want to
see evidence of how you meet each and every competency. Many
sentences should start with I !

Saghir said on July 26, 2009 at 2:28 am

Dear Ianlittle,

Thankx a lot for your reply. yeah i have wasted time and energy as it is very
difficult to write career episodes during your job anyways i will correct my
CERs for sure, thnkx again for support. Ian, i have some more questions to ask
and hope you will answer them by giving your precious time to these are the questions:

1.Does Engineers Austrailia made any changes in Professional engineers CDR

case in the month of June? Any english language requiement changes? or in
Fees structure?? If there is any change made by Engineers Australia in the
month of June please update me.

2. What is the procedure to submit my IELTS original test report to Engineers

australia as i have to give a CID number to the authority who will send it
directly. In the booklet it is written after 5 to 7 working days CID number will
be send so after that i have to send my TRF to engineers Australia???

3. It is written in the migration skills assessment booklet on page 15 Section C

under the heading Curriculum Vitae that if a career episode is based upon
engineering work, then you must provide an employer reference letter. For
example if i have prepared one career episode of my previous employer then
should i have to submit an employer refernce letter of that firm???? please
explain this point in detail.

4.If a CV is of 4 pages then is it accptable????

Your kind and swift reply is highly appreciated.


Saghir Hussain

ianlittle said on July 26, 2009 at 1:15 pm

Saghir As a former Australian prime minister said Life was not meant to be

1. I have not seen anything to indicate changes in the Enlish language

requirements for professional engineer accreditation. The Engineers Australia
website will give you their current fees. They could have changed for a new
financial year. I will teach you to be self sufficient, but will not do the job for

2 As you have read in the Migration Skills Assessment booklet, DO NOT SEND
THE CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR APPLICATION. You send the test centre details
and tell the test centre to send the results to Engineers Australia.

3 Yes For any work experience used as a basis for a CER you must have the
work experience validated by the company. I suggest that your draft a letter
for the company to provide to you. keep it simple. Key words are that Saghir
was employed by XYZ Co for the period from A to B as a professional
engineer. Anything else you can have added is a bonus, such as He was
engaged in the engineering operations department an the ABC project doing
all sorts of good work (use appropriate professional engineering competency
words such as designing, assessing, managing). An alternative is to send
the company a copy of your CV with a draft letter and get them to simply say
Saghir was employed by XYZ for the preiod A to B and get the appropriate
manager to validate your experience by signing your CV. Read the details of
authorising and validating documentation in the Migration Skills Assessment
booklet to be sure you get this bit correct.
4 A 4 page CV is a bit on the long side for your length of experience. If you
have not already bought Project Australia, get it and read it. It tells you all
about Australian CV preparation. You will need this once you have a visa, so
get it now.

You need to make a huge shift in your thought processes. You questions
indicate you understand what is written but you are having trouble believing
that these Australians want something that seems strange to you. Australians
are different. The two legged animals and the kangaroos. Work hard to
understand and accept the differences. Read Australian engineering and
news sites. If you cannot, or are not willing to, make the effort to understand
and accept the differences you will not migrate successfully to Australia. You
will feel misunderstood and discriminated against.

Saghir said on July 26, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Dear Ian,

Again thank you so much for giving your valuable time for the questions i
asked. yes, Ian the prime minister was rite and if life is meant to be easy then
there will be no charm left in it. Struggle makes life harder and enjoyable in
my opinion. Anyways, i regularly search the site and but i couldnt find any major changes in
the fiscal year ended. Yes my previous employer gave an experience
certificate mentioning the time period i spent there in the particular
department and the idea to get a sign from a manager is a better one i will do
it as my previous boss lived just nearby my house :) but your idea was superb
and can help many others thnkx for tht again. Well you are rite Ian
australians are very differnt, on one side they said your CV should be very
brief and it should countain your experience and responsibilities in detail, :)
how one can show such things in a format of a 3 pages CV. Anyways as u said
i have to accept the changes and i will have to short down my CV to a 3 pages
Well Ian you have mention the booklet project australia, could you please
mention from where i can get it. if you can tell us the website from where we
can order it, it will be very beneficial for us.

Ian, I must appreciate the efforst you are making in the development of the
future of so many people. Your valuable input is priceless, God bless to you
and your company who are doing such a great job for the human race.

Now i can understand that australians are really different and we have to
accept the changes they want to look in our presentations.

Thank you so much again Ian to guide me and assist me as those were the
final points in which i was stucked and you have just clear the

God Bless You

Take care and have a healthy and bright future i wish.



ianlittle said on July 27, 2009 at 8:52 pm

Saghir Thank you. I can see why you have writen so many words. Whenever
you write or speak stop and think, What does the recipient of my message
want to know? Give them just that, not one bit more. You must work hard
to give them only the relevant iinformation. That is your challenge.

Here is the link to Project Australia.

Good Luck.

Sadik said on July 28, 2009 at 8:37 pm

Dear Ian,
I am civil engineer in telecommunication field, all the past three years i have
been with orascom telecom as a construction engineer, but last 1.5 years i
am doing the management job, main responsibilities of my job are to follow
up the project, preparing reports for upper mgt take initiative to solve the
problem management problem in the field, liasion with consultants and
clients etc (In a word coordination) i have done nothing with designing,
we have just implementedso in order to complete the demonstration
report i am thinking to face some problems

1. how can i divide my tasks into three reports as i am following almost the
same format

2. there is no mathematical equation or stuffs like that so far i have followed

doing my regular tasks except estimation

please advise as i think u have been familiar responding such problem.

best rigards//


ianlittle said on July 28, 2009 at 8:50 pm

Sadik I suggest you look at one CER from your university project where you
should hsve done analysis and design, the second look for a problem you
have analysed and solved or improvements you have initiated or a mistake
you had to correct, then look at your overall job so you can bring together a
number of different aspects to display your engineering skills.

Have a good look at your CV and update it to include the engineering skills
you have demonstrated.

Start writing the summary report first so you are thinking about the

sadik said on August 5, 2009 at 2:55 am

Dear Ian,

Thanks a lot for your precious suggestion. Ian can i select my under grad
thesis for episode 1? was about establishing a effluent treatment plant for
industrial discharge to river..though i work in telecom sector now. I decided
to prepare the CERs as follows:

1. Undergrade thesis as episode 1

2. Problem faced in implementing design during present job

3. highlighting overall responsibilities of present job with respect to engg.


Would you please kindly advise regarding this issue.

Best Regards//


ianlittle said on August 5, 2009 at 12:24 pm

Sadik You can use an undergraduate project. These are good for
demonstrating design competencies. You do not talk about responsibilities,
you need to talk about competencies. Your next step is to write about ten
one line ideas on what your CER will cover for each CER. Then put the
competency number each linewill demonstrate. Next complete the Summary,
check out what is missing and find new evidence to filll in the gaps. Do not
start writing the detail until you have done this.

Bright said on August 13, 2009 at 9:36 pm

Can I include diagrams (flow charts, photos, schematics) in my CER.

ianlittle said on August 14, 2009 at 6:45 pm

Bright All that seems too much. Remeber this each part must
demonstrate how you can demonstrate an engineering competency. This
need action words, not pictures. Its not a primary school project. a CDR is a
serious engineering report.

Bobby said on August 17, 2009 at 11:40 pm

I have a bachelors degree in electrical engineering and have worked as an

electrical design engineer on one of my previous jobs. However most of my
technical working experience is on Instrumentation and control systems
engineering. 4 year ago I have moved to project engineering. Can I still use
electrical engineeri as my nominated engineering occupation? I have a total
of 20 years combined working experience in electrical, instrumentation &
control systems, and project engineering.

ianlittle said on August 18, 2009 at 5:06 pm

Bobby Nothing wrong with any of that. Instrument and Control is a

legitimate part of electrical engineering, as is project management. I would
expect you will have no trouble writing three CERs to demonstrate you have
professional engineer competencies and knowledge of electrical engineering
as a discipline with control systems as a specialist branch. Going back to
earlier work may provide you with problemes getting the work experience
validated for the period relating to a CER.

Ahsan said on August 19, 2009 at 2:40 am

I have a bachelor degree in mechanical engineering but have 5 years of work

experience in manufacturing industry i-e project management of production
activities ( plan, schedule, costing, budgeting etc) so wat should i write in

ianlittle said on August 19, 2009 at 2:00 pm

Ahsan go ot the Australian Bureau of Statistics website and look at the

ASCO job definitions. You need to draw out the engineering competencies
you use in making decisions related to the other project management type
activities you do. You need to demonstrate the engineering thinking you use
behind the management decisions you make.

RC said on August 19, 2009 at 11:27 pm

Hello ianlitle

Can you give the link to the Handbook Download (for those writing CERs)of
the Engineers Australia website ?


ianlittle said on August 20, 2009 at 1:00 am

RC Follow the references on our FAQ page.

Miq said on August 27, 2009 at 7:41 am

Dear Ian,

Recently, I lodged a Washington Accord (Professional Engineer) application

for the accreditation of my Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) qualification in
Automotive Engineering. A UK University awarded my degree and I know that
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers UK and the Engineering Council UK
recognise it.

I have been told by Engineers Australia that my qualification (BEng) is not

accredited under the Washington accord since a further learning from the
student intake year of 1999 is a requirement stipulated on the Engineering
Council UK website. As a result, they have invited me to write a CDR.

Do they mean that my qualification does not allow me to register as a

Professional Engineer? What about my eligibility as an Engineering

From what I understand, in order to be eligible for a Chartered Engineer

status in the UK, the above degree + further learning is required, however,
for an Incorporated Engineer status only a engineering bachelor degree is

If they consider a UK Chartered Engineer to be an equivalent of a Professional

Engineer in Australia (based on what they have said), why did not they offer
me an Engineering Technologist instead since it is equal to an Incorporated
Engineer in the UK?

Most CDRs written by engineers are submitted for a Professional Engineer

status but most of them only get a positive assessment as an Engineering

I will be grateful for your comments.

Best regards,


ianlittle said on August 27, 2009 at 10:25 am

Miq Correct. They will not recognise you as a professional engineer, but
they could recognise you as an enginering technologist. I have no idea why
they did not do that. You need to check whether you are accredited as an
engineering technologist under the Sydney Accord. You do this from the
Wasshington Accord web site. It is possible to migrate as a technologist and
apply for recognition as a professional engineer after you have migrated. I
think many people fail to e accredited as professional negineers because they
do not directly address the engineering competencies when they write their
CDRs. Learn more:strong>

Miq said on August 27, 2009 at 7:32 pm

Many thanks for your reply Ian, I really appreciate your effort.

I have just been on the phone to the Engineering Council UK and I have been
told that my degree is only eligible for an Engineering Technologist
assessment under the Sydney accord. They also explained me the
requirement for a Professional Engineer, which is an MEng (Master of
Engineering Undergraduate, not Post graduate) and not a BEng (Hons).

Now that I know that my assessment will be successful as an Engineering

Technologist under the Sydney Accord it will, however, have the title
Automotive Engineer on it since the title of degree says Autmotive

This brings me down to one final question. I would like to be assessed as a

Mechanical Engineer and I know that 95% of my course shares similar
modules with Mechanical Engineer. I believe they will ask me to write a CDR
in order to expect an outcome as a Mechanical Engineer even though the
courses are pretty much similar and Auutomtive Engineering is Mechanical

Are there are any specials requirements for a CDR in this case (where you
only expect a different outcome)? Would a print out of modules comparing
the two courses be enough in my case? If I do end up writing a CDR, why not
then just submit it for a Professional Engineer Status instead and for an
outcome as a Mechanical Engineer?

Thanks once again in advance.


ianlittle said on August 27, 2009 at 8:32 pm

Miq Are you looking for work? I would apply under mechanical engineering
technologist under the Sydney Accord no CDR required. The occupation
classifications are broad with few specialist areas. the specialities areas are
covered under the major disciplines. I agree if you write a CDR certainly go
for professional engineer.

Miq said on August 27, 2009 at 8:53 pm

Thank you Ian.

I am actually working in the UK and planning on emigrating to Australia. I do
fit in a specialist area (thermal fluid systems etc) described in the tasks
definition of Mechanical Engineer occupation but do degree titles matter that

If I apply as a Mechanical Engineering Technologist (2128-13), it is not

included in the critical skills list where as a Mechanical Engineer (2126-11) is.

I think this may affect my visa application, do you agree?


ianlittle said on August 27, 2009 at 8:59 pm

Miq Totally and absolutely. Start writing your CDR.

Miq said on August 29, 2009 at 3:41 am

Thank you Ian for your comments.

I have read the Migration Skills booklet and writing a CDR should not be a
problem. Looks straight forward!



ianlittle said on August 29, 2009 at 6:50 am

Miq That is the first time I have aeen that written or heard said. Having
good English makes CDR writing easier. The most important thing to keep in
mind is that the stage 1 competencies are those expected at a graduate level.
Most people dont realise the engineering skills they use doing simple tasks.

Jason said on August 30, 2009 at 5:47 pm

Ive been working in Australia for 17 months under 457 visa and my visa
occupation is Civil Engineer. Im currently working for a project of building
houses in cyclonic area in WA as a project engineer. I plan to write a CDR
based on this project.

I had 5 years of working experience in China before coming to Australia,

however, only 1 year where I worked on a bridge construction project was
relating to Civil Engineer position, My enquiry is Can I write 2 CDR based on
this bridge project? For examle, Can I write pile construction in complex
karst area as a CDR and bridge superstructrue construction as another CDR?
The reason I put forward this question is I noticed item 3.6 say: You are
required to present a narrative on each of three seperate career episodes on
page 15 of Migration Skills Assessment brochure.

Can you explain? Much appreciate!

ianlittle said on August 30, 2009 at 9:44 pm

Jason Yes you can write two, or even all three career episode related to the
same job or project provided they cover different aspects of the job or
project. For example, jou may write one CER about the job in general
covering project management competencies and write a second CER covering
a particular problem or technical issue you had to deal with. The way to test
if it will all work out is to write one line outlines for each CER episode. Write
about ten one liners to cover the story for each CER. Then you assess which
competencies you will cover for each of these one line items when they are
expanded into a full narrative. Next complete the summary report referring
back to the competencies in the one liners for each CER. You will need to
revise your outlines to cover all the professional engineering competencies.
You will find that you have repeated some competencies several times and
missed others. After you have revised your outlines you should be able to see
how it will all work out. Good Luck.

Jason said on August 31, 2009 at 1:30 am

Thanks so much for your reply!

I have some problems with understanding of engineering competencies:

1. you wrote in writing a CDR- Secrets of success To claim the element you
need to give evidence of actions which tell of things you have done to meet
every sub-element. Lets take PE2.3 as an example, there are 8 sub-
elements contained, I can only figure out writing selection of pile
construction method(percussion pile and bored pile) in karst area to
demonstrate the 5th to the 8th sub-elements, I have no idea where I can dig
out to demonstrate the first 4 sub-elements. Obviously, thats not follow your
stands. (1)Can you advise me the sequence of importance of these sub-
elements, in another word, which sub-elements are more important than the
rest? (2)what can I do if I could not cover them all, or even half?

2.How to extract the competency from what I did? For example, during the
bridge project, once our site was raided by hurricane which showed no signs
and warning, I immediately checked the site and took the pictures of the
damage(materials were drown, power equipment damaged) and extracted
yesterdays weather forecast, I then sent all the documents to the
Employer(Client) to help them to claim the insurance because it belong to
Force Majeure. I also referred to related clause from FIDIC contract
conditions and applied for 2 days extension of working time. the problem is I
cant see which competency I can demonstrate from this action!! Can you

3.Do you have any other essay talking about the detailed competencies? I
believe writing appropriate materials to demonstrate all the competencies is
now my biggest challenge!

Thanks again for your prompt reply!!

ianlittle said on August 31, 2009 at 2:33 am

Jason How many exams have you got 100% in? It is unrealistic to expect to
be able to get every part of every element. Obviously the more you can
demonstrate the better your chance of accreditation. You have to try and
show your strengths are greater than your weaknesses. You probably wont
cover all the elements in one episiode. Look to other episodes to cover other
elements. Writing one CER about one of your jobs provides a good path to
pick up bits and piecs of elements missed out elsewhere.

I can see by your questions that you are only thinking about your actions in a
superficial way. You must try and recognise the engineering thoughts and
actions. This is not taking pictures and sending off reports for insurance
claims. How did you know what to take pictures of? You assessed the damage.
You estimated repair and recovery times. You probably made assessments of
whether some things could be repaired or had to be rebuilt or replaced. You
analysed the damage and made engineering decisions. You recognised the
contractual situation was force majeure thats a bit of project management.
Read the competecies again and again think engineering thoughts behind
your actions. Ask yourself What was the engineering reason for me doing

It is all so simple everyone overlooks the obvious. Remember the

competencies are only at a graduate level. Quite frankly graduates dont
know much. Become a student meber of Engineers Australia (its free) As a
member you can see examples of stage 2 competency report episodes. The
style in these is very similar.

Chris de Kock said on September 1, 2009 at 5:48 pm


I am currently working in Australis as a Technical Officer (Mechanical Drafter).

I have a T4 Diploma (National Higher Diploma, Mechanical Engineering) from
the Vaal Traiangle Tehnikon South Africa. I have been working as a
Mechanical design drafter in South Africa and have 14 years work experience.
I want to start my application for PR and this will be done as Mechanical
Engineer Associate (Mechanical Engineer Technical Officer). Do I need to
have my qualifications assessed in order to proceed with the PR process?

ianlittle said on September 1, 2009 at 6:53 pm

Chris I would say yes if you are applying for a general skilled migrant visa.
The good news is that your qualification may be accredited under the Sydney
Accord. You can check this out by going to the Washington Accord website.
Go to our FAQ page and you can follow ther various links to acquanit yourself
with the requirements. You really need to talk to a registered migration
agentabout visa matters.

Chris de Kock said on September 2, 2009 at 8:29 am

Ian, thank you for coming back to me. I went and had a look and my
qualification is accredited with Washington Accord . The course, the
institution and the years that I have studied is listed so I take that this is a
yes for the Washingon Accord?

ianlittle said on September 2, 2009 at 6:10 pm

Chris Just think how useful it will be to have the whole Migrate Australia
Course. The blog is only a teaser sample. It certainly looks like you were
heading for the wrong queue. Your migration path appears very straight
forward. You can apply under the Washington Accord as a professional
engineer. Follow the links to Engineers Australia site from our FAQ page

Chris de Kock said on September 3, 2009 at 12:56 pm

Dear Ian,

The more I look at this the more confusing it gets. I am sure that I actually do
not qualify under the Washington Accord because they ask for degrees and I
only have a National Diiploma (studied 1991 finished 1992) and National
Higher Diploma( 1992 to end 1992). In the list that I am looking at they
mention a Nasional Diploma 3 years and in the same section a BTech 1 year.
The B Tech degrees only came in after I have finished my National Higher
Diploma. They brought this in for the engineers that did their 3 year diploma
and then the 1 year BTech in order for them to register as proffesional
engineers in South Africa.
The thing is I can still not find any list that states the accredited courses and
institutions for the Sydney Accord regarding South African qualifications.

My next issue is that I do not want to register as an engineer this is not why
my qualifications needs to be assest. I am in the process of applying for PR
and therefore needs my qualifications assest according to the ASCO code
3125-11. According to the code skills requirement it is as follows: an AQF
Diploma or higher qualification or at least 3 years relevant work experience.

Therefore I am looking at your first reply and would like to ask you if we
should do this assestment with the Sydney Accord.

Kind Regards,


ianlittle said on September 3, 2009 at 3:45 pm

Chris I think we have both been misleading each other. I am now totally
unclear on what you really meant to tell me last time around. so I think it
goes like this. Starting from the Washington Accord site you saw your
qualification mentioned down to course institute and year. So by mutual
recognition your course will be recognised by Engineers Australia as it is
recognised in South Africa at some level under the Accords. If I was you I
would fill out the paperwork , pay my $200 hard earned and see what
happens.. To take some of the risk out of it, why not go along to the
Engineers Australia office in Adelaid and talk to an assessor there? Stick with
it mate.

Arvinder said on September 21, 2009 at 3:32 pm

Hello Ian,

I am an electronics engineer from India being working for more than 1.5 yrs. I
want to apply for Australian Immigration. I have cleared IELTS test. Can you
please guide me regarding the basic procedure to proceed further in order to
get through australian immigration successfully.
Thank you,


Arvinder Singh

ianlittle said on September 21, 2009 at 8:53 pm

Arvinder Go to our FAQ page and follow the many links there. You will need
to talk with a migration agent. We can only advise on qualifications
recognition and general migration matters. Buy Project Australia. Its all in

Donato said on October 3, 2009 at 4:57 pm

Dear Ian,

I am a Civil Engineer from the Philippines but my entire experience is in

Project Controls as a Cost Engineer/Quantity Surveyor for 12 years, 7 years in
Phils and 5 years abroad all in Construction Projects.

I read the requirements for accreditaion as Quantity Surveyor but I am not

qualified as it requires BS for Quantity Surveying. I am confuse and hope that
you can shed light to below questions:

1) Am I eligible to be accredited by EA as a Civil Engineer?

2) Since my 2 previous employers are from other countries and its hard for
me to obtain a new Employment Certificate, is it ok to use the old ones which
I got years back?

By the way I am cleared of IELTS taken last February 7, 2009

Many thanks


ianlittle said on October 3, 2009 at 6:28 pm

Donato The occupation I think you will best fit in is under the Engineer
Building and Engineering Professionals not elsewhere classified 2129-79. I
think you would have trouble as a civil engineer as you are not directly
involved in using the technical skills of a civil engineer.

You may need to make statutory declarations and have your documents
witnessed by an approved person if your are using career episodes as part of
your CDR. The process is given in the Engineers Australia Migration Skills
Assessment booklet. Follow the links to this from our FAQ page.

Rehmat said on October 6, 2009 at 8:07 pm

Sir I have already written career episodes now I am getting confused how to
prepare summary report as it says how you have applied the element can I
get some words from professional engineer guide e.g.

PE 2.1 Ability to identify the nature of a technical problem, make

appropriate simplifying assumptions, achieve a solution, and quantify the
significance of the assumptions to the realibility of the solution.

My brief answer in summary report is I identified several problems in the

designing and commissioning of projects, using basic knowledge, experience,
technical skills, investigating system behaviour and developed its casue and
effects. and then refering with the CE paragraph.

Could you please guide me, am I on the right track?

Kind Regards,


ianlittle said on October 6, 2009 at 9:07 pm

Rehmat Your summary should talk of specific events, not general as you
have done. Something like For the XXX project, I improved the preformance
of the whatsist by analysing the plant preformance. It is better to mention
one or two by name than put in a general statement. two or three dot point
pointing to the refence will do.

Faizan said on October 12, 2009 at 12:37 am

I am an Electrical Engineer specialisation in Electronics & Telecommunication.

I have 2 years of IP communication experience (Cisco). I am bit confused
whether should i go for ACS or Engineer Australia. I guess i do not have ample
experience for ACS (needs 4 years). Please guide me as i have designed and
deployed many projects related to IP communication but feels like that are
more related to IT TELECOMMUNICATION. Please guide.



ianlittle said on October 12, 2009 at 8:33 am

Faizan It looks like you could fit into the electronics engineer ASCO
classification. You could probably pitch a case either as an IT professional or
an electronics engineer. You need to look closely at the ASCO definition to
ensure you can write CERs which display the engineering and occupation

Rehmat said on October 14, 2009 at 2:19 am

Dear Sir

Could you plz give me a hint for PE 1.4 regarding General Knowledge, what
can I mention in this point keeping EPC experience in Petrochemical sector.

Kind Regards,


ianlittle said on October 14, 2009 at 6:14 pm

Rehmat How about an easy question? This really relates to being able to
demonstrate that, in making engineering decisions, you have considered the
broader issues such as the business, political, environmental and general
public opinion issues. Can you relate your engineering to what is going on in
the world? This is very difficult because it is often so obvious you do not
deliberately think about it. So the sort of thing may be: I did it this way
because the alternatives did not meet todays standards for emmissions. You
have worked outside the stantards due to community standards being ahead
of the statutory requirements.

Hammad said on October 20, 2009 at 11:59 pm

Hi Ian,

With reference to the below mentioned statement from the Migration Skills
Assessment Booklet, could you please elaborate that amongst hundreds of
different applications, how does the IEAust relate the candidates IELTS score
with his CDR application as both these document sets will reach them from
two separate sources and at different timelines.

Original English language test (IELTS) result [if necessary]. You must
arrange for this to be forwarded directly to Engineers Australia from the Test

Should I send them the reference IDs for my IELTS test report or the copy of
my test report itself?



ianlittle said on October 21, 2009 at 12:25 am

Hammad I dont know how they do it but they do. Do not send the test
report, send the reference IDs with your application and CDR and give the
test centre the Emgineers Australia adress you are sending your application
to. Make sure the name you use all all your applications and documents is the
same. It should be the name on your passport to avoid any confusion.

Lasitha said on October 22, 2009 at 9:31 pm

I have a Electrical Engineering 4 year degree from a recognized Sri Lankan

University. But my work experience are more related to the Electronics
Engineering filed under (ASCO) 2125-13 code description. Can I write the CDR
as an Electronics Engineer. Does my degree title matter for the Skill
Assessment ?

ianlittle said on October 22, 2009 at 10:00 pm

Lasitha Good question. It really depends on the types of subjects you did in
your course (not the title), your project work and the specific engineering
work you are doing now. It helps a lot if they are all consistent. The line
between electronics and electrical engineering can be blurred, particularly in
the areas of power electronics. So it depends on your specific training and
how you demonstrate the competencies for an electronics engineer. It is
certainly possible.

ej said on October 26, 2009 at 12:20 am

Hi ian,

Is it proper to include illustrations such as diagrams or graphs to visualize

what you are explaining in a CDR?


graphs to show the causes or effects

diagrams to illustrate the positions of certain problem in a circuit or


Thank you very much!

ianlittle said on October 26, 2009 at 8:30 pm

ej Engineers Australia are not keen on diagrams. They want to hear about
the engineering skills you have used to do your engineering rather than the
engineering itself.

global123 said on October 27, 2009 at 12:04 am


Im an Electronic and telecommunication graduate with 2 years work

experience in the telecommunication industry. I have included 2 projects I did
in my current work place and the other one is an Electronic project I did @
university. My question is, what are my chances of being successful in CDR
process? Ive got an overall band score of 7.0 in my IELTS.

Also another small issues Do I need to send my secondary education

certificates (ordinary and advanced level) as well along with university
transcript when applying for CDR?

Thanks you in advance for your concerns.

This site is really helpfull for us thanks again.. :)

ianlittle said on October 27, 2009 at 2:19 am

global123 If you write your CER reports well and your experience
demonstrates engineering competencies you should have no trouble. You do
not need to send your secondary educationcertificates. With IELTS you need
7.0 or more in all categories to get extra points in the points test.

Arshad Masih said on October 27, 2009 at 10:06 pm

Hi Ian,

can you help me to know about the GSM Mobile Commuincation scope in

Arshad Masih

ianlittle said on October 27, 2009 at 11:49 pm

Arshad Type Australian broadband network into youir web browser. This
will get you to a range of sites to tell you what is planned and wher it is at. It
is early days for jobs yet, but it takes a lot of people to spend $42 billion

keeki said on November 3, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Hi ianlittle,

Thank you on behalf of so many you help through this site!

I am graduate with an Electronic and Telecommunication degree. I have two

years of work experience in the field of telecommunication. I have written
two CERs one about my final year project and one on a project I did at my
current position. Im hoping to write the third on general work at my current

My question is on my second CER I have written about a computer based

application I wrote for my company. There is no electronic hardware directly
associated with it. But I have used my telecommunication knowledge on it. it
covers several of the competencies stated in the handbook. Please tell me if
its a bad idea to use this CER to get my skills accessed for electronics

ianlittle said on November 3, 2009 at 7:51 pm

Keeki Have a look at the ASCO definition of an electronic engineer on the

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) site. This includes reference to software
development, in particular embedded software. It really depends on what
the cpmputer based application was about and the engineering
competencies you can demonstrate. Things like analysis, project
management, problem solving and all the other engineering skills. It also
depends on how well you demonstrate your electronic engineering skills in
your other CERs. Do the outlines for all CERs and you summary report first.
All this before you write any CER in detail. Go to or FAQ page to find the links
to the ABS site.

A.A said on November 10, 2009 at 9:03 pm

I have completed my Bachelors degree (04 years after 12 years education)in

Mechanical Engineering. Kindly guide is it fall in professional engineer
category or engineering technologist. Your reply shall be appreciated.

AA This depends on the University course you did and how well you can
demonstrrate the professional competencies in a CDR. You certainly should
apply for assessment as a professional engineer. IKL

keeki said on November 11, 2009 at 9:07 pm

Hi ianlittle,

Thank you for your great advises. I have one more question. Sticking to word
limits a CER would come to about 1500 words if Im correct? What would the
typical word count for the summary statement be? Thanks again!!!

Keeki Cant you read? Its all in the Migration Skills Asssessment Booklet. It
is also in a blog on this site.

Keeki said on November 14, 2009 at 1:19 pm

Hi Ianlittle,

Thanks for your advises. But I couldnt find any word count indication for the
field a brief summary of how you have applied the element. I figured it
would be a sentence around 20 words, but was it for each competency
element or each applicable sub-element? I have heard people submitting
summary statements of about 10 pages long, but it sounded weird as it is
supposed to be a summary statement!!!

Keeki You have figured it correcly. A short sentence is all you need for each
competency. Do not try to address every sub-element. The summary really
provides a cross reference so the assessors can find the competencies easily
in the 3 CERs from the references in the Summary Report. IKL

Eeman said on November 14, 2009 at 9:48 pm


With reference to your first comment, I am astound to have been assessed

positively by Engineers Australia despite having my CERs each comprising of
not less than 20 pages.

Eeman I am amazed

andre said on November 18, 2009 at 5:42 pm

i graduated with a degree in industrial engineering, but worked as an actual

industrial engineer for only 2 years, after which i was promoted to
supervisory/management roles in the company i worked for, currently i
changed jobs and am now doing quality work for the same industry

how do i choose an occupational category? i cant seem to determine to

which i belong (prof. engr/associate engr)

but my biggest dillema is how to make a CDR of being and industrial engineer
when i am doing a completely different job and not the skill which i want to
be assesed.

hope you can give me some insights.

Andre You are assessed on your skills and not on your current job. Even if
your are supervising your are probably making engineering decisions using
engineering skills. Apply for assessment as an engineer and let Engineers
Australia make the decision. Look in your Career episodes to use the words of
engineering competencies. IKL

suyash said on November 24, 2009 at 10:12 pm

are there any sample CDRs available or can i access them from somewhere it
gives a fair idea plea.

Suyash Not any I would recommend. IKL

mohamed nuri said on December 7, 2009 at 8:53 pm

Hi ,

This is mohamed.I have prepared my 3 career episode and i am preparing the

sumary statement.whether one summary statement is enough or should
prepare seperate statement for each episode.kindly help.

ianlittle said on December 7, 2009 at 10:05 pm

Mohamed Each CER has a summary statemnet of 50 -100 words to

summarise your assessment of the engineering activity in that CER.

There is only one Summary Statement for the three CERs. This summarises
the competencies demonstrated and provides references to the paragraphs
in the three CERs.

Rav said on December 12, 2009 at 3:03 pm

Hi Ian, Ive done my bachelor of engineering in electronics and

communication in India. In Australia, I did my Masters in information and
communication technology (related to ACS). Im just wondering whether I
can show my final year engineering project as one of my career episode and
two career episodes from my Masters degree.

ianlittle said on December 12, 2009 at 3:49 pm

Rav Have you looked at the requirements for applying as a computer

professional, maybe doing their professional year. This may be an easier path.

For engineering assessment the CER topics must relate the nominated
occupation. It all depends on the specific competencies you can demonstrate
from each CER.
Have a test run first. Select your three topics and do an outline (ten single
line points) for each and assess the competencies each CER will demonstrate.
Complete the Summary Statement before you start writing the detail CERs.
This will help you make sure you are not demonstrating one competency
several times and missing out on others. Remember to look at both the
Engineers Australia competencies and the occupation requirements as listed
in the Australian Burea of Statistics (ABS) definition for the occupation. The
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides detailed descriptions of
typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

umm said on December 12, 2009 at 9:54 pm

Hello Sir/Maam. I submitted my CDR in August and I got a reply from the
officer who is assigned to assess my CDR stating that two of my CDRs lack
sufficient detail of engineering work personally undertaken by me in my
nominated occupation- Mechanical field (Bachelors degree).

Although my Masters in in Environmental Engineering, I have written two

career episodes based on my Masters degree which are directly related to my
Mech drgree (one being research in alternative waste treatment technologies
and the other in design of a renewable energy system using software tools). I
decided to give my qualifications accessor a call to ask him specifically what
he expected from my I have written the whole report based on what
I did in the projects and they both are clearly Mech related. However, my
assessor did not clearly communicate what he was expecting from my report.
Also, his accent being oriental, I had a very hard time trying to understand
him. I am very worried now as I dont really know what to improve in my
existing CDR as I followed each and every guideline. Please help. Is there a
way I could request for another assessor. If that is possible, would it take
another 3 months for the assessment?

ianlittle said on December 12, 2009 at 10:07 pm

Umm The appeals process is provided in section 9 of section A of the

Migration Skills Assessment booklet. Before having to pay $200 for a formal
appeal, your case officer can refer your case to the associate director who
will have another officer review it.

Have you read the occupation description for a professional mechanical

engineer on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website? The Australian
Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides detailed descriptions of typical
tasks for your chosen occupation.

Look at your CERs again, Do fhey talk IN DETAIL about things mechanical
engineers do? Such as designing mechanical elements, pipe stressing, writing
specifications for mechanical equipment, using engineering skills to solve
mechanical problems. Using software tools can be a trap. It is the mechanical
engineering aspects that are important, not the software.

Rav said on December 13, 2009 at 9:12 am

Hi Ian,

I can apply with my Australian Masters via ACS and I already have 8 in
academic IELTS. So I guess I wont have to spend again on professional year.
But the problem is the processing time. It is around 2 years and as I dont
have any work experience it is highly difficult for me to get a job here. Also
wondering whether to apply as a professional engineer as my bachelors is a
four year program or technologist or associate. Thanks for your valuable

ianlittle said on December 13, 2009 at 1:35 pm

Rav I think the time for either path will be similar. Unless you can be
sponsored you are in for a long wait. Certainly apply as a professional
engineer if you take that path. Let the assessment process work through
you will not have to re-apply if the assessment is a lower grade. If your
computing skills are on the Critical Skills List that looks the best path to me.
The professional year could provide a path to a job.

Nidhi said on December 14, 2009 at 7:31 pm

hello ian

i have done biomedical engineering. i m writing my CDR currently. i intend to

include a software project which i have done in engg will this be considered
relevant? i designed a software for iris identification(biometrics). this has
helped me in acquiring image processing skills which form an important part
of medical imaging which is a branch of biomedical. do you think stating this
as a reason for doing the above project will make this an important career
episode for my occupation?

thanks in advance.


The challenge in doing a CER involving softwaer is that the CER is about the
biomedical application and the software is a tool to solve a biomedical
problem. Concentrate on the application and biommedical issues, not on the
tool to develop the solution to a problem.

Do a test run. Do an outline (ten single line points) and assess the
competencies the CER will demonstrate. Complete the Summary
Statementfor all three CERs before you start writing the detailed reports. This
will help you make sure you are not demonstrating one competency several
times and missing out on others. Remember to look at both the Engineers
Australia competencies and the occupation requirements as listed in the
Australian Burea of Statistics (ABS) definition for the occupation.

ianlittle said on December 16, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Dimu- I doubt if you will be able to succeed applying as an electronics

engineer. You look more like a computing professional to me.

Ala said on December 16, 2009 at 10:46 pm

Dear Ian,
Im about to prepare my CDR. I have done my bachelor back home in
fuel and energy engineering , and I have done my master in chemical
engineering here in Australia. My question is I dont have too many stuff to
write about 3 episodes except those projects that I have done it during my
Master. I already had three projects on design and research. Can I use them
as my Episodes? how about my undergraduate certificate, in Australian
university they accepted my undergraduate certificate as equal to chemical
engineering certificate as most of my units where the same as chemical
engineerings unites.

Thanks very much for your concern and reply.


ianlittle said on December 16, 2009 at 10:55 pm

Ala Being accepted by a university for study to a htgher degree does not
mean Engineers Australia will accept your qualifications. With your studies
you should be able to write three career episode reports from your course
project work and be accepted as a chemical engineer..

Nishan said on December 26, 2009 at 4:13 pm

hello ian,

i have Bsc civil engineering degree & have 6 yrs working experiance in Civil
eng feild which catagary can i apply for Aus Eng Assesment? washington
accord or non recognize qualification?

there is no summury statement shown in booklet for non recognize

qualification please advise.

ianlittle said on December 26, 2009 at 4:30 pm

Nishan I think you will need to work on your English to be able to write a
CDR. Your spelling is poor and you are obviously having trouble
understanding the Migration Skills Assessment booklet. Summary statements
are on pages 18 to 21 of Section C Washington Accord signatories are listed
on page 10. You need to go to the Washington Accord website to find your
country, univereity, course and year.

With your standard of English you would not get a job as a professional
engineer in Australia.

Nishan said on December 26, 2009 at 4:38 pm

dear ian,

is it need IELTS results to attached with CDR Or result sent to drectly from
test center?

ianlittle said on December 26, 2009 at 6:03 pm

Nishan Do not send the test results with your CDR. Provide test details and
test centre.

Mike said on December 29, 2009 at 6:46 pm

Hi Ian, I am a Mechanical Engineer and I am in process of writing my first

Episode. As per comment stated on the 12th, I dont know if I should provide
mechanical or mathematical details like: formulas, Numbers, steps in
designing for example a brake system or I should just say: I started by
choosing the hydraulic system. After I measured the pipes and I chose the

Please help me, I am really desperate!

ianlittle said on December 29, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Mike Skip the formulae, but use engineering words.To choose an hydraulic
system you must develop a specification for the system requirements. You
need to write about the things you thought about (that is engineering) the
what, why and how. Look at the words used in the detailed description of
competency elements in the Appendix of the Migration Skills Assessment
booklet. These sorts of words should be in you career episode reports.

TuCa said on January 6, 2010 at 3:32 pm

Hi Ian,

I was so lucky that I found your website. Happy new year! Wish you and your
family happiness and success.

I am preparing to write my CDR for Engineer Australia assessment. I have just

graduated form an Australian university with a Master degree of Electrical
Engineering (2 year course-work). Before studying in Australia, I finished my
Bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering (5 year course work) in Vietnam.

1. As mentioned in the Booklet: Professional Engineer: Academic

qualification is an Australian four year professional engineering degree
following twelve years of schooling, or equivalent. Are there any chances for
me to apply successfully as a professional engineer?

2. I have no working experience. I am thinking to use my 3 month internship

while I was studying my Bachelor degree to my first Career Episode, and my
final thesis of Bachelor course to my second Career Episode. That is all I have,
since I didnt do any thesis or project in my Master course. Could you please
give me some suggestion for my third Career Episode.

Thank you very much.


ianlittle said on January 6, 2010 at 5:03 pm

TuCa Your should have a good chance of being assessed as a professional

engineer. You could do 2 career episodes on your internship: one around
your general work experience and another around a specific task (project)
that you did, something like a special assignment you were given. Maybe you
could use your masters course as an episode. You must be able to
demonstrate a range of engineering competencies from your participation in
the course. Remember to do the outlines for all three CERs at the beginning
m and then complete a draft Summary Report BEFORE you start writing any
CER in detail. Study the competencies so that when you start to prepare your
outlines you are thinking about the competencies you need to demonstrate
to Engineers Australia.

Jabra said on January 18, 2010 at 11:08 am

Hi Ian, I am just having trouble with understanding the following sub-element

Understanding of the importance of employing

feedback from the commissioning process, and

from operational performance, to effect

improvements . So could you please explain it to me with little example?

Thanks very much


ianlittle said on January 18, 2010 at 4:25 pm

Jabra What the examiners want to see is that you are able to get
information about how a plant has been started up and is running and learn
from that how to do a better job next time. Evidence could be that you have
designed a piece of machinery or a plant system more than once and have
used information from an existing plant to improve the starting up and
operation of the new plant you have designed. You need to provide an
example of a job you have done where you have used the experience from an
existing design, by talking with the people who started the system and are
operating and maintaining it to make your design better.

Mattias Simonsen said on January 23, 2010 at 7:56 am

To Mr. Ian Little

I have some questions which I hope you can help me sort out. For you to be
able to understand my questions, I have to provide you with a brief outline of
my education and work experience.

In Denmark I have obtained a degree as Msc. of civil engineering as well as

a within the same area of engineering.

However, it seems that what is labelled Civil engineering in Denmark, is not

quite the same as in Australia, and I therefore expect to apply for assessment
under the ASCO-code of a Mechanical Engineer.

My majot thesis as well as my PhD degree evolved around experimental and

numerical analysis of natural ventilation and airdistribution in rooms.

I have worked different places and my jobtitles there have been Product
Manager and Technical Manager. However my duties undertaken were that
of a mechanical engineer, such as the design of ventilation systems, writing
of tecnical information for Air handling units and solving ventilation problems
using the mechanical and technical engineering skills obtained at Uni.

My questions are as follows:

1. Does my PhD disqualify me for obtaining assessment as a Mechanical


2. Does my jobtitles as Product Manager and Technical Manager disqualify

me for obtaining assessment as Mechanical Engineer?

3. In a precious job I had, I lost my appointmentletter, does this present a

problem for the assessment authorities? Naturally I will provide them with a
reference letter from this past employer (since I am using it for one of my

4. Do I need to provide an appointmentletter from my current manager?

5. Does the fact that my title is Msc of Civil engineering present a problem
regarding assessment as a Mechanical Engineer?
In Denmark the Engineering Msc is 5 years long and during those years you
specialize into different fields of cengineering, one of those specialities being
Natural ventilation, the one I chose, and the one I believe fit the
description of Mech. Engineering.

Thanks in advance (and sorry about the lenght of this commment ).

Mattias Simonsen

ianlittle said on January 23, 2010 at 9:11 am

Mattias Your PhD does not disqualify you, but your qualifications will be
assessed on your undergraduate degree. You need to provide a transcript
which lists the subjects you studied. This will show the assessors you have
studied subjects which would come under an Australian mechanical
engineering degree.

You will be assessed on you duties and responsibilities. It is important these

are clearly stated in your CV.

Get the reference letter to include the information the appointment letter
had, such as date of appointment and job title and duties.

Yes. You will be eligible for more visa points with recent relevant experience.

Again the description of your duties will sort this out. The assessors are
experienced in interpreting the qualifications from different countries.

Ian Thew said on January 26, 2010 at 4:47 am

Hello Ian,

Can you advise? I currently hold a HNC in Civil Engineering which is

accredited under the Sydney Accord. This only entiltles me to the status
Engineering Technologist. My migration agent (The Emigration Group) has
advised me to try to get Professional Engineer status via the CDR route. My
specialism is Asset Management and Pavement Design. I have downloaded
the booklet from Engineers Australia, however, in such a snobby profession
I have concerns that Asset Management and Pavement Design may not be
regarded as highly as highway or structures design, although having looked at
various recruitment sites there appears to be a need for these skills at
present. Have you heard from or advised anyone in this field who has gone
down this route? if so were they succesful and can you offer any gems of



ianlittle said on January 26, 2010 at 11:26 am

Ian Unless the migration agency can give you some examples of success I
would not try this route.

I am noy optimistic it will work. If you can get enough points as a technologist
why bother trying a harder route? In the end it will not affect the jobs you
will be able to get once you land in Australia. If there are a lot of jobs, why
not not try to get a job and be sponsored for a temporary visa and sort things
out after 12 months in Australia.

Asset management is pretty sexy so do not put yourself down. Remember

Engineers Australia are looking for engineering competencies which is how
you go about the work you do in an engineering sense.

Giuseppe said on February 2, 2010 at 10:00 am

Hi Ian,

This website is great and it help me through my CDR. I am now writing my

summary table and I am really struggling with the PE1.4 element which says
Broad educational background and/or general knowledge necessary to
understand the place of engineering in society. Iam not sure whats the right
interpretation of this statement and howw I can relate it to my narratives.
Thank you in advance for your help on this matter.

ianlittle said on February 2, 2010 at 10:21 am

Giuseppe This is a very fluffy concept. One part of this, the general
education background, is showing your engineering course provided subjects
such as management ,economic, and non-engineering components. We are
not just technical boffins who respond to request to do thinks. We are
expected to have a knowledge of our society and be pro-active in using our
skills to improve society. A clear example is in the area of pollution reduction.
Engineers play an essential role in designing solutions. In designing
infrastructure engineers have a direct affect on society. They must consider
the impact of the areas in which they are building facilities. Another example
is being able to apply technology in different areas I know of a company
which developed a lightweight walking frame for old people using the disgn
tools for designing offshore gas platform structures.

OK, back to your narrative. Look for an example where your have used your
broader general knowledge to influence a design, solve a problem or
iinfluence your engineering decision making. A very simple example would be
to consider local weather conditions, or influnce of pests such as native
animals or insects.

ianlittle said on February 6, 2010 at 10:20 am

John I would expect you would be able to gain accreditation as an

engineering technologist through Engineers Australia. Your best path to being
a professional engineer may be to do a Master of Engineering Practice from
the University of Southern Queensland. You can do this by remote learning.

Maulik said on February 9, 2010 at 1:27 pm

Dear Ian
I have completed my bachelor degree in Environmental Science in India and
Master of Environment + Master of Environmental Engineering from

I want my degree to be assessed as an Environmental technologist.

I did several trainings and project works in different industries when I was in
India (Amul Dairy, Kadam Environmental Consultancy, General Motors,
Alembic Pharmaceuticals Pollution management, ETP operator,
Environmental Technician respectively).

While I was doing master degree in Australia, I undertook a thesis in cleaner

production technologies (Asia-Pacific perspective). I also have undertook a
training in Water and Wastewater Treatment plant.

Can you please guide me in making my CDR?

I cannot figure out how to put my skills as an Engineering Technologist in CER

1, 2 and 3.

ianlittle said on February 9, 2010 at 4:33 pm

Maulik -CER1 your bachelor degree project, CER2 your nasters project, CER3
your training period.

Maulik said on February 10, 2010 at 10:56 am

Thank you Ian for your precious guidance. I have started writing my CDR. This
website is helping me a lot in CDR preparation. Thank you again for your

Randy Felipe Panaligan said on February 10, 2010 at 1:15 pm

Dear Ian,

Good day, I have few question writing a CDR, I have already written 2 career
episode. The only problem I have now is my 3rd career episode.
My first two is I am able to stay in the company for more than 3 years unlike
this current job that I have. I am only 2 year and 2 months, as a Field Service
Engineer for 2 different companies.

I will need your expert advise. How will I write my CDR for my 3rd career


Randy Panaligan

ianlittle said on February 10, 2010 at 4:52 pm

Randy In all that experience you must have some special project or problem
you can write about. It is not about length of time in a job, it is about
demonstrating you understand and apply the tskills and knoeledge of a
professional engineer.

Usman Akram said on February 10, 2010 at 7:13 pm

Dear Ian,

Many thanks for the effort you guys are imparting. I have successfully
received the Assessment letter referring Professional Engineer/Electronics
Engineer. Sir, credit goes to you and Project Australia.

I have a question regarding Engineers Australia membership. Currently, I am

hired by a new telecommunication company Mobilink as a NOC Engineer.
More over, before this I havent got 3 years experience exact and now I
believe I must wait 4-6 months for my experience to pass 3 years. In this case,
do i need to send a new career episode for a new job plus employment letter?
if not then please guide me accordingly. looking forward for your advice and

One more thing do i need membership for the job hunt in Australia market?

Best wishes
ianlittle said on February 10, 2010 at 10:25 pm

Usman oCngratulations. You will be able to apply for jobs and work as a
professional engineer without being a member of Engineers Australia. Your
qualifications have been accredited for stage 1, graduate level. To become a
full member, stage 2 or chartered engineer (CPEng) you need to produce an
Engineering Practice Report (EPR). This is a major task. Go to the Engineers
Australia website and follow the links to get chartered status. In theory you
can achieve chartered status in 3 years. In practice it will take four or five
years. In Australian terms, your are a currently a graduate or trainee engineer.
Hopefully your employer is a professional development plan partner and will
assist you in achieving the experience necessary to complete your EPR.

Rathan said on February 11, 2010 at 12:24 am

According to new MODL change (February 8th 2010) How it affects CDR? Do
we need to write CDR anymore? Any comments?

ianlittle said on February 11, 2010 at 8:12 pm

Rathan Yes you will still have to have your qualifications assessed as the
first step towards any skilled migrant visa. You need to prepare a CDR if your
engineering qualification is not recognised by Engineers Australia.

johnpaul said on February 17, 2010 at 9:27 pm

Hi , Ian i hope you are doing well. I have a query with me.

I am currently pursuing masters in Advanced manufacturing technology and

would wish to know whether can i submit my CDR during my third semester
of study. Since is it mandatory to submit it during residency application
lodging process or can i do it earlier.

ianlittle said on February 18, 2010 at 4:36 am

Johnpaul As the qualification assessment is based on you undergraduate

degree, and not a post graduate qualification (your masters) it is irrelevant
whether you have completed your masters. You will be assessed on your CDR
career episodes and your base qualification.

johnpaul said on February 22, 2010 at 3:38 pm

In addition can i incorporate a study project in one of my episodes

should that be briefly explained, so as to describe them of my whole study..

ianlittle said on February 22, 2010 at 4:34 pm

Johnpaul A study project should be a good to demonstrate a range if


John said on February 23, 2010 at 12:55 pm

Hi Ian,

I was messed around by the agency i had employed to look after my ENS case.

I have since taken my files back im looking after it myself now.

I notice they have posted my typed up CRD and not the hand written part
(which they have binned)

I since called to make sure this was the correct thing to do they assured me
that Engineers Australia would not accept hand written CDRs.

Ive read the CDR outline and I think that im right on this one.



ianlittle said on February 23, 2010 at 5:38 pm

John They are correct. Would you expect a professional to send you a
handwritten document? Of course not.

john etheridge said on February 23, 2010 at 9:57 pm

hi, i am just on the begining of the cdr journey. done lots of research. i have
an unrecognised degree in product design and manufacture( the year 1998
onwards is recognised). i have been a mechanical design engineer since 1996
and want to apply as a professional engineer(Mechanical)

can I include my final year project as 1 career episode.



ianlittle said on February 24, 2010 at 4:51 am

John Yes. You have to be able to demonstrate the competencies. Do a draft

first and a draft summary.

Ahmed said on February 25, 2010 at 1:21 am


Im a Mechatronics Engineer. Engineers Australia considers Mechatronics

Engineering as a branch of Electronics Engineering, my knowledge and
experience are not only dedicated in Electronics Engineering, so how can I
deal with this?

Thanks in advance.

ianlittle said on February 25, 2010 at 11:47 am

Ahmed The definition is broad. Engineers Australia views the control

component of mechatronics to be electrical control. mechatronics can be
very mechanical and fit under mechanical. look at the definitions Go to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website and see the detailed occupation
definitions. The links are available from our FAQ blog page. Pick an
occupation that is consistent with the subjects in your course and your
engineering competencies. You need to be able to write CDRs which are
consistent with the occupation and engineering level definitions. In the end if
Engineers Australia think you have chosen the wrong occupation they will
accredit you for the occupation they see you fit (by their definition). Do not
get hung up on what you call yourself. Thje game is played under Engineers
Australia rules.

Guntur said on March 10, 2010 at 4:49 pm

Dear Ian,

Can I use my engineering education during Master of Engineering and PhD in

Engineering studies as sources of career episodes?

Thanks in advance.



ianlittle said on March 10, 2010 at 8:27 pm

Guntur Yes

Rajesh J said on March 26, 2010 at 3:23 pm

Hi Ian,

After my engineering (ECE), I did MS ( both in India) and now have nearly 2.5
years industrial experience. In CDR application form it is stated a requirement
of 3 year industrial experience. Does my masters degree add any additional
weight. Do they follow strict rule for experience duration or can I apply now??

Thanks in advance.


Rajesh J.

ianlittle said on March 26, 2010 at 4:07 pm

Rajesh J You have misunderstood something. There is no experience period
specified for qualifications assessment. You can apply now.

Nash said on April 4, 2010 at 1:25 pm

Dear Ian,

I had a doubt regarding my IELTS. What should I do if I have already received

my test report and had not directed my test center to send the results to
Engineers Australia? Can I still go to the test centre and ask them to send a
copy to EA or is it enough if I just give my test centre details and candidate

ianlittle said on April 4, 2010 at 4:44 pm

Nash Dont mess about. Do both. This is far too important to get wrong.

Ammara Khalid said on April 7, 2010 at 2:47 pm

Hi I am from Pakistan and m graduate in Bsc (Agricultural Engineering) 4

Years and then MBA (Management) please help me. I have non-recognised
Engineering qualifications. Please I am a bit confused in writing CDR. How to


Ammara Khalid

ianlittle said on April 7, 2010 at 2:55 pm

Ammara Read through all the comments and answers associated with this
topic on this site. I have addressed this many times for other people.

martin said on April 14, 2010 at 1:41 am

Dear Ian,

I am a mechanical engineer working in Oil and Gas construction.

I have written 3 episodes based on my construction experience. I
demonstrated my construction experience than my engineering knowledge.

I included my experience in pipeline and piping work and also demonstrated

my engineering skill in a SIMPLE way.

What you think about my field of experience? Is it a demandable field in


Hope u will reply soon,


ianlittle said on April 14, 2010 at 1:45 pm

Martin Your CDR must be about your mechanical engineering competencies,

that is the occupation you will be applying for assessment and a visa.

There are ample opportunities in gas pipelines in Australia, particularly in the

coal seam methane projects in Queensland.

JMT said on April 15, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Dear Ian,

Id read one query of a Civil Engineer with Quantity Surveying experience.Can

you please advise me for the following queries since Im preparing a CDR with
my Quantity Surveying experience though Im not graduate in Quantity
Surveyor, but in Civil Engineering.

1.Will the CDR with Quantity Surveying experience get approved?

2.On which category I;ve to submit my CDR?

Thanks in advance


ianlittle said on April 15, 2010 at 6:41 pm

JMT I think you will have trouble getting accreditation as a civil engineer.
See the requirements forQuantity Surveyor assessment. Note that quantity
surveyors are not assessed by Engineers Australia.

sugu said on April 22, 2010 at 12:40 am

Hi there

A quick question. I did my BE (Mech) in 1996 and work in industries until

2000. After that I joined the university as research officer (2001-2002) and
completed my M.Eng (Research). After that as lecturer from 2002 till now. I
completed my PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 2009 from Australia. EA
asked me to submit CDR for assessment. I have completed quite a number of
projects related to mechanical engineering from 2002-2009 (including master
and PhD). How should I mention in the CDR that these projects are done from
academic positions. I have employer reference from 2002 till current
(university). I plan to use my master, phd and one of my master student
research as CDR, is it possible? Please advise

ianlittle said on April 22, 2010 at 1:20 am

Sugu You include the background information in the introduction section of

each career episode report. Remember the career episode reports are not
about work experience they are narratives where you demonstrate your
engineering competence, as defined by Engineers Australia in the Skills
Assessment handbook.

martin said on April 22, 2010 at 2:06 am

Dear Ian,

Is it mandatory to attest all the experience certificate?

ianlittle said on April 22, 2010 at 5:08 pm

Martin It is only necessary to attest the experience used for your career
episode reports.
rex said on April 30, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Dear Ian,

I have beed informed by my Migration agent that the assessment body of

australia is going to revise their policies for assessment immediately. Do ypu
have any knowledge about this and if yes can you just brief it here.



ianlittle said on May 1, 2010 at 4:00 am

Rex Yes the skilled occupation list (SOL) and the points test are being
reviewed. No one knows what the outcome will be. The dates fo
implementation are being delayed (Governments find it hard to make

Ayman said on May 1, 2010 at 9:42 pm

Dear Ian,

I graduated as an electrical engineer in 2005, i worked for 2 years as a project

coordinator who prepare all the (mechanical, electrical & plumbing)
requirements for site, then I worked for 3 years as site engineer supervising
and executing (mechanical, plumbing & electrical) works.

In preparation of CDR, it should focus only in electrical or cover all 3 fields?


ianlittle said on May 1, 2010 at 11:05 pm

Ayman You are trying to get accreditation as am electrical engineer so you

should concentrate on these competencies.

Meldwyn Abad said on May 6, 2010 at 1:16 pm

Hi Ian

Im working with my narrative report for the Stage 1 Competency for

Engineers Australia. Ive done two reports, all about my engineering
employment in the Philippines as a Civil Engineer. The last report Im working
on is about the educational program I recently attended which is MSc in
Structural Engineering (part time) in UK. I hold a PR visa in Australia and
already residing for 3 months. Is it ok to make this part time course I
attended for the last report?

ianlittle said on May 6, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Meldwyn It is not a work experience report. The report is about

demonstrating engineering competencies. You do not write about your job.
You write about things you have done which demonstrate you have the
engineering competencies. So it does not matter that the engineering
competencies were attained through part time work.

Adil Aziz said on May 8, 2010 at 10:45 pm

Dear Ian,

Can you please help me out on the following points:

1. Im a graduate (Electrical) from NED Univeristy (Pakistan); I believe i will

have to apply through Non recognized qualifications

2. Are the below events enough for Reports that need to be submitted?

2.1 Currently working as sales engineer & looking into 2 big projects at the
same time.

2.2 Have worked in cogeneration company(2 months)

2.3 I have interned in Oil Refinery( 4 weeks)

2.4 Final Year Project



ianlittle said on May 8, 2010 at 11:06 pm

Adil You have a non-recognised qualification so will need to do a CDR. The

career episode reports are about demonstrating engineering competencies. I
suggest you look to write two reports about projects or specific incidents or
problems you have solved (your final year project can be one of these) and
one about one of your work experience. Select and write three outlines. Each
about ten one line points. Then work out what competencies you will be able
to demonstrate from each point. next complete the Summary Report. From
this you will see which competencies you have demonstrated many times
and which competencies you have missed. Revise you point form outline
until you are satisfied that you have covered all competencies as well as you
can. the CER about one of your jobs will provide a good opportunity to
include competencies not include in project work.

rajesh said on May 14, 2010 at 12:28 pm

hi there i have done my computer science engineering from India. I have ielts
all 6. i have completed 3 projects based on c++,,java, visual basic. I would like
to get assessed as a computer engineer. would i be eligible to get assessed as
a computer engineer

ianlittle said on May 14, 2010 at 5:34 pm

Rajesh I doubt it. You seem like a computer programmer who would be
assessed by the Australian Computer Society (ACS). Computer engineers fit
under electronics engineers. Have a look at the ASCO definition for an
electronics engineer. Follow the links from our FAQ blog page.

johnpaul said on May 21, 2010 at 6:27 am

Hi, Ian how you doing?

How do i report my IELTS score to engineers australia. I had taken that exam
back in India in sep-2008, is that valid enough to apply, since i reckon IELTS is
valid for two years.

do suggest

ianlittle said on May 21, 2010 at 10:43 am

Johnpaul Read the Engineers Australia Migration Skills Assessment booklet

and it tells you . reckoning is not really a sound approach for something so

You must arrange for an original IELTS Test Report Form (TRF) to be sent to
Engineers Australia directly from the Test Centre. The test certificate must be
less than 2 yers old on the date your application form ARRIVES at Engineers

Rohit said on May 25, 2010 at 2:35 pm

hi .i have completed instrumentation engineeringwhich is out of sol but it

is similar to electrical engineering.can i apply to engg aust as an electrical
engineeras i have done my project in plc which is a electrical engg concept.

You could apply either as an electrical or an electronics engineer. You need to

look at the ANZSCO definitions for each, and your specific experience to see
which occupation you fit closest to. You can see the ANSCO definitions on the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)web site.

Sau said on June 7, 2010 at 12:28 pm

Dear Ian, I have gone through your website and it looks really great. Indeed
you are helping needy people and aspirants like me. I wanted your suggestion
on following matter :

I am working in Oil & Gas Industry since year 1997 and placed as Senior
Planning Engineer in an Operating Company.
I did Higher National diploma in Mechanical Engineering (after 12th exams) 3
years fulltime course from India (year 1997) and got selected in Campus
Interview conducted by EPC Major in India itself.

Having worked for various departments initially, I was assigned with Project
Controls work primarily Planning, scheduling, Cost, Engineering & materials
coordination etc. In the process and having spent few years in Project
Controls, I felt necessity to undertake Engineering Graduation course due to
multidiscipline environment of Oil & Gas Projects. Hope you can understand
well because you worked for Worley Parsons !!!

Hence I started pursuing BS in Engineering & Technology degree (6

semesters/ 3 years) in Multidiscipline Engineering, which was WILP (Work
integrated learning programme) from BITS Pilani India. The selection
criteria for BS E&T was Employed persons in Engineering Industries with
minimum 2 years work experience and a Technical Diploma / B.Sc. or its
equivalent with adequate background in Mathematics. Employer consent
with suitable mentor availability will be additional requirements. Apart
from Merit List obviously.

I completed BS in year 2006. In the meantime I left India and worked for
couple of companies in SE Asia including one Engineering & Project
Management Consultancy before moving and joining Present Organization.
My total experience is now exceeding 13 years in this field.

Well, now I want to migrate to Australia with a Professional Engineer degree

accreditation. Can you help me in guiding me 1) Can I apply for Professional
Engineering accreditation 2) Can I apply Mechanical Engineering as my Major
Engineering subject. I understand there is no multiple discipline Engineering
course appearing on MODL/ SODL List. 3) Appreciate if you could also suggest
me a good Migration agent who can undertake my case professionally.

Thanks a Lot in advance.

ianlittle said on June 7, 2010 at 12:40 pm

Sau The only engineering occupation I can see you fitting is as an

Professional Engineer (nec) = not elsewhere classified. You have skills and
experience which are in demand and you should not have any trouble getting
a job in Queensland or Western Australia. You will need to wait and see what
happens with the new guidelines to be published soon. Another possibility
may be engineering manager. Engineers Australia could take the general post
graduate qualification plus your three years basic qualification as equivalent
to a 4 year Australian degree. I suggest you send an email to Engineers
Australia and ask them. The contact details are on their website. If you make
an application as a mechanical engineer and Engineers Australia think you fit
better in another occupation they will either give you accreditation as
another occupation or ask for more details. They will not simply throw out
your application so you have to pay more money to apply again. Seeking
employer sponsorship may be your best path.

ianlittle said on June 24, 2010 at 4:00 pm

Naga It does not matter what people in different countries call you. Look at
the ASCO occupation definition. This is what Engineers Australia will use to
assess you. You are clearly an electronics engineer.

Naga said on June 25, 2010 at 10:57 am

Ian Little, I am new to this website. Really appreciated your service,

In Short,

I have completed my Electronics Engineering degree. I have 12 years

experience in embedded software (writing Firmware using Assembly and C)
in different countries. All my experience letters shows different different
designations for example,
Indian Company shows Software Engineer, Korean Company Shows Sr.
Technical Engineer, and USA Company shows Sr. Programmer Analyst
(Embedded Systems).

However, my role is to design and develop Software and Firmware for Digital
boards (Ex. Board Support Package, Device Drivers, and Interrupt

My question is Am I eligible for Engineering Assessment or IT professional


ianlittle said on July 8, 2010 at 8:27 am

Singh -You may well be a technologist, but certainly not an engineering

technologist. You need to look at medical related occupations.

Shyam said on July 17, 2010 at 6:37 pm

Hi its shyam. I have just simple question. Do i need to subbmit IELTS score to
get access if i have studied 1- 2 years of course in Australia.

ianlittle said on July 18, 2010 at 8:07 am


rex said on July 29, 2010 at 1:41 pm

Hi Ian ,

Wher are you? No posts from the last month.

Joe said on August 5, 2010 at 4:13 pm

hi Ian.

have completed my Electrical and telecommunication Engineering degree

and I got my Qualification validated from Greenwich university in UK but my
study was in Egypt. do I still have to do the CDR or I cant apply for
Washington accord ??

ianlittle said on August 7, 2010 at 4:58 pm

Joe You will need to do a CDR as you have not studied in a university in a
Washington Accord signatory country. Accreditation by Engineers Australia is
the only accreditation that is recognised.

ianlittle said on August 7, 2010 at 4:58 pm

Hi Rex I have had a holiday

elaine said on August 10, 2010 at 12:02 am

hi ian,

I am an agricultural engineer from india.

one of the projects i want to include in the cdr is some research work i did in
the food industry,.. the problem is that it is related to agricultural science and
not agricultural engineering . Can i still use it and try to explain the
engineering concepts related to the equipment i used?

ianlittle said on August 10, 2010 at 7:54 pm

Elaine The CDR has to demonstrate how you have employed engineering
competencies in the episode. It is not enough to just write about agricultural
engineering done by others. Write down about ten one line points of things
you are thinking of writing about. Then mark which competencies you can
demonstrate. If there are not enough. Lokk for another topic.

saghir said on September 7, 2010 at 4:39 am

Dear Ian,

This is in reference of my comments made on 29th july 2009. My CDR got

approved and I applied for visa, now waiting of my medical to come. All the
documentation has been completed. I would like to thank you for your
guidance and support which ultimaltely made my CDR got approved by
engineers austraila.

You are doing a humanitarian work, God bless you. Ian, please inform me
what sort of books are available that can help engineers getting job easily in


CDR Writing Style for Engineers Australia An Example

A competency demonstration report (CDR) requires migrant engineers

applying to Engineers Australia to write three career episode reports (CERs).
Here is an example of writing style for a career episode report (CER). This
example is taken from Engineers Australia website.

The purpose of the CDR is to demonstrate:

how you have applied your engineering knowledge and skills;

that such application meets the competency standards of the relevant

occupational category in Australia.

Your CER is to be printed on A4 sheets, in English, in narrative form, using the

first person singular and should describe the specific contributions you have
This example is taken from the Engineers Australia Handbook Chartered
Status A HANDBOOK FOR APPLICANTS. You can download an electronic copy
of this handbook from the Engineers Australia website.



(For additional example CERs please refer to

Professional Engineer

Career Episode Title: Switch Board Upgrade Acme Widgets Competency

Element Claimed

Dates of Career Episode: 25.02.98 3.10.98

The project consisted of upgrading the main switchboard for the Acme
Widget Company. It was my responsibility to determine the total power
requirements for the new plant, calculate the power consumption of the
existing plant and determine the maximum available power supplied through
an existing board and the 11kV/415V transformer.After analysing the
available information, I deduced that at least three alternatives for powering
the new plant existed. A separate 11kV feeder could be brought onto the site
to energise a new transformer and main board, the existing main board could
be replaced with a new board or the existing main board could be upgraded.
The last two options required the feeder cables to the main board to be
Technically, all three options were acceptable, although the first two allowed
for a greater flexibility for expansion in future years.I prepared estimates for
each of the options. The client engineer indicated that minimising the capital
cost of the plant was of a higher priority than enhanced flexibility for
expansion. On this basis, I issued a written recommendation indicating that,
although other technical solutions existed, the upgrading of the main board
involved the lowest capital cost and still provided the new plant with
sufficient power requirements. The client accepted this option.I selected and
sized power cables using Powerpack software. I simulated the limits in
current-carrying capacity and length of runs on the basis of voltage drop
using this tool. I also performed simulation of the maximum number of cables
that could be installed on a single cable ladder and in underground
conduits.For the PLC system I applied a functional specification already in use
by our Company. A subsection of this specification listed requirements of a
Factory Acceptable Test (FAT) to be conducted at the configuration
suppliers premises. I designed this test, the aim of which was to provide
the consulting engineer with a reasonable confidence in the PLC software
before it was installed and commissioned on-site. In a controlled
environment and using the same PLC system hardware configuration to be
installed on-site, various input signals were generated through a test rig to
simulate field instruments. PLC outputs were recorded to verify the intended
operation of the PLC program, as specified in the functional specification.

During the test, a number of problems surfaced with the configuration. The
client engineer was present at the test and, after consultation with him, I
gave recommendations and directions to the PLC programmer to overcome
perceived problems and improve operation of the plant. E3.1 Determines
engineering requirementsC2.3 Implements planning and design
processC2.4 -

Reviews the design to achieve acceptance

Signature of Candidate:

Candidates Verifier/s Name:

Engineering Qualifications: (or Engineers Australia Membership Number)

I verify that the above narrative is a true account of the candidates own work


The elements claimed in the above example are for a chartered status
application. The competency elements for qualifications assessment for
migration are given in the Migration Skills Assessment Handbook.

Members of Engineers Australia are able to access further examples of CERs

from the Engineers Australia website :

Skip to comment form

ianlittle said on March 12, 2009 at 11:07 am

Tauseef I am afraid an average is not good enough. You must have 6 or

more in all categories. So you have to repeat the test and get 6 or more in the

rehan said on January 7, 2009 at 4:45 am


i have done my B-Tech in Mrchanical Technology(2 years) from Universiy Of

Engineering and Technology Lahore,Pakistan in 2005, previously i have
completed my Associate Diploma in Mechanical Technology (3years).I have
more than 8 years after diploma. i need help for recognition of my degree.

I have confusion in choosing the category that either in Professional Engineer

or Mechanical Associate.
I need to apply in skill migration, please guide.

Rehan Idrees

ianlittle said on January 7, 2009 at 10:11 am

Rehan If your B-Tech is equivalent to a 4 year engineering degree, which I

suspect it is, you should apply as a professional engineer. You will need to do
a competency demonstration report (CDR) with 3 career episodes. If
Engineers Australia do not accept your qualification or CDR as equivalent to a
professional engineer they will advise you of the recognition level as an
engineering technologist or engineering associate. The levels are explained in
Section A.2 of the Migration Skills Assessment booklet available from the
Engineers Australia website.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site has the
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells you the
eligibility requirements for each occupation category.

Go to the ASRI website

Once you have selected your occupation code you need to go to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website to obtain a fuller description of
typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

I am running a series of blog articles on writing career episodes (CERs). Go

back to our home page and register to be kept informed.

Srini said on February 15, 2009 at 11:39 pm

I am a civil engineer with a relevant experience of 3.5 years. i am in the initial
process of applying for skilled migrant visa. I have cleared my IELTS in
Academic module with 7.5, 6, 6.5, 6.5 in the respective facets.

Please clarify it to me

a) if i can use this (academic module) for the visa process or i have to write
the IELTS again in the General Training Module.

b) Is it for sure that IELTS general training module with 7 in each facet shall
only be useful to get a job there in australia.

Please reply..thanks a lot.

ianlittle said on February 16, 2009 at 1:42 am

Srini The academic IELTS test is a higher level than the general test. You will
not have to repeat the test. It is not essential to have an IELTS of 7 in all
facets. There are some areas where it may be required. Experience shows
that the better your English is, the easier it will be for you to get a job.

My personal view is that a level of IELTS 7 should be the minimum.

Work hard on your English as you prepare to migrate . Project Australi: Land
that Engineering Job in Australia provides many useful tips on how you can
do this and learn the Australian engineering language..

Srini said on February 16, 2009 at 2:42 am


Please tell the ideal requirements of preparing a CDR in terms of number of

words and/or pages per episode.


ianlittle said on February 16, 2009 at 8:32 am

Srini The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on
the format and length of the career episode reports. Read this from cover to
cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the Engineers
Australia website :

As a guide, each CER should be made up of:

Introduction: 50 words

Background: 200 500 words

Personal engineering activity: 500 1000 words

Summary: 50 100 words

Srini said on February 16, 2009 at 8:01 pm

Dear Madam,

Thank you very much for your comments

Aakash said on February 19, 2009 at 9:13 pm

I have done my Bachelors of Engineering (4 yrs) in Electronics &

Telecommunication.Currently I have been working in a Steel Manufacturing
Industries (Electrical & Automation section).Have taken IELTS academic
module (overall 7.0,S=6.5/R=8.0,W=7.0,L=7.0).Im going to university of New
South Wales on student visa this july.Well, My work-experience is only 8
months now, which will be 12 months or 1 yr. in the month of july.So, should
I apply for skill assessment now so that I would be able to apply for PR after I
reach Australia in July ( On student Visa )??

I came up with this thought because I want to secure a PR visa before they
change the rules again. Moreover a PR visa will allow me to be regarded as a
local student in the University hence giving me less fee benefits.

PS: Correct me where Im wrong. Any comments or suggestions welcomed.

Thank you.

ianlittle said on February 19, 2009 at 10:08 pm

Aakash Check with a migration agent, but as I see it whatever you are
studying will not help you towards visa points for two years. Also, you do not
qualify for work experience points. (see DIAC Booklet 6.)

I agree with your thinking. It will be easier for you to do your CDRs now while
all is fresh in your mind and you can get the work experience episodes
validated easily.

Olayinka Jolayemi-Owolewa said on March 9, 2009 at 9:11 pm

I am a B.ENG degree holder in Mechanical Engineering from one of the

Nigerian universities.I am about embarking on immigrating to Australia but I
need my Nigerian qualification to be assessed.When I mailed migration
skilled assessment team on what to do so as to have my overseas
qualification assessed,I was told I will have to write a competency
demonstration report,continuing professional development as well as three
career episode reports.Please I need you to clarify this to me.Is CDR different
from the CER writting?If yes,please give clues as to how I can write good CDR
and CERs.I also need clues as to how the continuing professional
development should look like.I was also told I would submit a copy of my
transcript and testamur.For the transcript,no problem but I seem not to
know what they mean by testamur.Please clarify a of these to me as I am
hurriedly in need of this details so as to enable me have my overseas degree
assessed as soon as possible.Thanks in advance.Hope to hear from you

ianlittle said on March 9, 2009 at 9:15 pm

Olayinka First off you need the guidelines.

The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on the

format and length of the career episode reports. Read this from cover to
cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the Engineers
Australia website :

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site has the
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells you the
eligibility requirements for each occupation category.

Go to the ASRI website

Once you have selected your occupation code you need to go to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website to obtain a fuller description of
typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

A Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) is a collection of documents.

Three CERs are part of the CDR. Go to this blog.

There are a number of blog articles in the Qualifications Assessment section

of the blog.

The continuing professional development (CPD) is only a list of courses,

training, professional engineering events and self learning activities you have
done since completing your engineering undergraduate course. A 3 column
table would work with the date, the activity and the number of hours of CPD
you are claiming for eaqch activity.

A testamur is a certificate or official letter which is official eveidence of

having completed a course or training. Your university degree is a testamur.

I am running a series of blog articles on writing career episodes (CERs). Go

back to our home page and register to be kept informed.

Tauseef said on March 12, 2009 at 3:21 am

Sir I want to know if have my IELTS score L= 6 , R=6 , W=5.5 and speaking 6.5
( Academic ) and commulative 6 then can I apply for Visa of not?

Kindly help ..

Govind said on March 12, 2009 at 11:24 am


I have done Diploma in Tool & Die making and had applied for Skilled worker
visa and had my my medical almost, due to address changes, I missed the due
date. Subsequently I enhanced my qualification to BSc in Information
Systems. Though I continued my profession in Mechanical Engineering and
am currently working in USA for Caterpillar as Senior Engineer in Mechanical
field. I have around 13 years of experience and one my mechanical design has
been applied for patent. Can I get my competency evaluated for Professional
engineer with a Bachelors degree in other field. My diploma is considered as
equivalent to Diploma in Mech. Eng.

your guidance appreciated.


ianlittle said on March 12, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Govind As you have non-recognised qualifications it is all about

competencies. For assessment you need to prepare a CDR to demonstrate:

how you have applied your engineering knowledge and skills

that such application meets the competency standards of the relevant

occupational category in Australia.

If you have very good engineering experience, demonstrated by your

competencies, you may be assessed as an engineer.
If you apply for a professional engineer assessment, and are not considered
adequate, you will get an engineering technologist accreditation (provvided
you meet those competencies) without having to do a separate application.

Download the Migration Skills Assessment Handbook from the Engineers

Australia website :

Govind said on March 13, 2009 at 2:21 am

Thank you very much for the well explained response.

Tauseef said on March 13, 2009 at 3:34 am

Thanks for your response

Onething more I wanna ask you , Currently Engineering category is in critical

listfor how long it would be in critical list?

If I file up my case in May than is it possible get assessment in short time?

Many thanks in advance.


ianlittle said on March 13, 2009 at 4:10 am

Tauseef I really have no idea how the government will react. t may depend
on your engineering discipline. i think your Englisj level is a bigger concern.

Raed said on March 14, 2009 at 2:00 am


I would like to thank you for your great efforts.

I am a telecom engineer, graduated 2 years ago from egypt and currently

working in Saudi Arabia.
My story is that i have a Bsc in electronics and telecommunications but
frankly our work atmosphere is not that strong. Unfortunately in Saudi our
engineering skills is not that highly appriciated. I mean our work experience
dosent really srike others as professional engineers. However, i am only here
to save money for my future plans. and migration is a big part of it. So, if i
applied for a professional engineer and they granted me to lets say a lower
level. Is it possible that after arriving to Australia to change the category. I
plan to obtain a master degree in a relevant field, would that count?

Another thing, I tend to talk and obviously write alot, during my CDR i am
surprised that instead of the 1000 recommended word per episode, i wrote
maybe 5000. Is that an up or a down ?

Finally, My academic IELTS expires at May. Do i have to retake it. I got an

overall of 7.5 (3 7s and 8.5 in Listening) and is it good enough. Also if i had to
retake wont u think that a general exam would be easier to miantain higher
scores or should i stick to the academic

Thanks alot in advance

ianlittle said on March 14, 2009 at 2:55 am

Raed Yes you do write a lot ! A 5,000 word episode report is a problem. An
important writing skill is to be concise. Your episode reports must be within
the limits stated by Engineers Australia; the body of a CER is 500 -1000 words.

If you migrate as a technologist you can be reassessed in Australia. It may not

be necessary to do more study. Do not pay to do more study without being
certain of how it wll help you. With good work experience you can write
better career episode reports and obtain accreditation.

You have to have taken your IELTS test within 2 years of making your
application for assessment to Engineers Australia.

The general test should be easier and enable you to get hiogher scores.

Karthik said on March 15, 2009 at 5:07 am

I am an Electronic engineering graduate with 4+ yrs of work experience and
have started the australian migration process ; with my wife being the main
applicant .As I am the secondary applicant I would like to know whether my
skills need to be accessed or do I need to take any kind of license inorder to
work in Australia?

Your help on this would be highly appreciated

ianlittle said on March 15, 2009 at 6:05 am

Kathik I cannot advise you on migration matters. Talk to a migration agent.

You will not need a licence to practice in Australia. In Queensland you will
need to be registered if you are to take responsibility and approving designs.
It will greatly help your chances of getting a job if you have your
qualifications assessed by Engineers Australia. Australian employers are
worried about the quality of qualifications from some overseas countries. If
you can show Engineers Australia accreditation, it removes that concern.

Ali said on March 17, 2009 at 12:11 am

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a 34 years old electronic engineer with over 8 years of experience in

industrial automation and process control mainly in oil ans gas industry in
Iran. I would appreciate if you could advise me how can i get more detail
information regarding the assessment process and the application procedure
and a sample of engineering CDR as a guide and reference.

Thank you in advance.


ianlittle said on March 17, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Ali The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site has
the Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells you
the eligibility requirements for each occupation category.

Go to the ASRI website

Once you have selected your occupation code you need to go to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website to obtain a fuller description of
typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on the

format and length of the career episode reports. Read this from cover to
cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the Engineers
Australia website :

Go to the Qualifications Assessment page on the tribus lingua blog for

information on CDR writing.

Narendra said on March 17, 2009 at 10:40 pm

Dear sir

I am narendra Patel from Ahmedabad.I have passed BE(Mechanical) in 1999.

I have worked as a lecturer from January2001 to May 2007 in engineering

college.Presently My Master of engg in continue anf to be completed in
July2009.can I apply for General skill migration?

ianlittle said on March 18, 2009 at 4:27 pm

Narendra University lecturers are not on the MODL or any other of the lists.
As you have no engineering experience you will struggle to convince
assessors you are an engineer. Even if you did manage to get a visa, how
would youget a job in the current climate? Effectively you are an old
graduate competing against Australians with good English.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site has the
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells you the
eligibility requirements for each occupation category.

Go to the ASRI website

Have a look at the occupations you think you can demonstrate you have the
qualifications and work experience. Note that Engineers Australia assesses
you on your undergraduate qualification.

Talk to a migration agent. They may have different ideas.

Amjad said on March 20, 2009 at 1:20 am

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a 32 years old B_TECH (Hons) electronic in 2007 with over 8 years of

experience in Telecommunication Pakistan. I would appreciate if you could
advise me how can i get more detail information regarding the assessment
process and the application procedure and a sample of engineering CDR as a
guide and reference.

Thank you in advance.

Amjad Ali Ansari

ianlittle said on March 20, 2009 at 11:02 am

Amjad You need to read Booklet 6: General Skilled Migration, which is

available online from the booklets section of the Department of Immigration
and Citizenship (DIAC) website.
The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site also has
the Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells you
the eligibility requirements for each occupation category.

Go to the ASRI website

Once you have selected your occupation code you need to go to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website to obtain a fuller description of
typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on the

format and length of the career episode reports. Read this from cover to
cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the Engineers
Australia website :

There are no examples of CDRs available officially. Go to the Qualifications

Assessment page on the tribus lingua blog for information on CDR writing.

Only your work experience after you have completed your degree will be
relevant for demonstrating the competencies as a professional engineer

ranen saha said on March 20, 2009 at 6:01 pm

Dear sir,

Take my heartiest greetings!!!!!! i had completed my BSC in CIVIL from BUET

and have 2 years experience.. i worked as a civil works supervisor in a
Telecom vendor for seven months and then switched to
Telenor(Grameenphone) as system engineer(Civil Works,Optical Fiber)
working for last 1.5 year.i got 6 in ielts individually.I would like to know
wheather i am elligible for PR in australia.Should i need to complete any
special courses which will help me to cope with aus..environment.Pls give me
some suggestion as a i am being frustrated day by day thinking of future life.

ianlittle said on March 20, 2009 at 8:19 pm

Ranen Read my response to Amjad above.

Do the Engineers Migrate Australia Course, that gives you practically

everything you need to know.

Biju said on March 25, 2009 at 7:36 pm


I am graduate engineer in Electronics with 10 years of overall experience. I

have had work experience in both as an Engineer and a Sales and Marketing
Professional. Although my last 3-4 years of experience has been as an
Engineer, i am confident that i would qualify.

Once after immigration, is there a hard and fast rule that i need to work as a
techie (since that has been the basis of all my scores) or can i opt for Sales
and Marketing (since thats the immediate career goal that i have)?

Any help on this is much appreciated.

ianlittle said on March 25, 2009 at 8:31 pm

Biju There is no requirement to work in the occupation you have selected

to apply for your visa. After all, you may not be able to get a job in that
occupation. Only about 30% of migrants get a job similar to that which they
had in their home country. Another 30% fail to get a related job. many of
these will return to their homeland. Do not underestimate how hard you will
have to work to get a job in Australia,even in good times. That is why I have
prepared the Project Australia course.

Daniel said on March 26, 2009 at 12:45 am

Dears ;
i am a Computer And Systems Engineers , i got my Bsc in engineersing from
Egypt , also i passed Ielts exam with scores L=9 ,R= 7.5 ,S=7 , W=7 , i have 3
years and 9 months of work experience in the Telecommunications field as a
Network Operation Center Engineer , my career episodes could indicate that
clearly in addition to some very specific Electronics work , so i would like to
know if i can apply for Engineers Australia as an Electronic Engineer to get the
opportunity for priority processing ? is it any possibility that they will assess
my job as Electronic engineer based on my work experience rather than a
computer and systems engineer based on my qualifications ?

ianlittle said on March 26, 2009 at 5:05 pm

Daniel This depends on the particular subjects you took in your course. For
Engineers Australia to assess you as an engineer you will have to write a CDR
to show competencies that demonstrate you meet the ASCO definition of an
electronics engineer. It looks to me that your telecommuniccations work may
look more in the ICT area. You need to look closely at the complete
occupation definitions.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides more detailed

descriptions of typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

You application for occupation assessment must be totally consistent. Your

CV, your qualifications and your CDR must all show you are an electronics
engineer, or if you are applying to ACS as a systems engineer they must meet
that occupation description. There is no mix and match solution. Try selecting
three career episodes and make notes. Then check how well this matches the
occupation description.

Daniel said on March 26, 2009 at 7:24 pm

thanks ianlittle for your reply,

So , could you please tell me if there is any possible way to benefit from the
priority processing based on my qualification ? i mean what is the best,
fastest and shortest way to take ?



ianlittle said on March 26, 2009 at 8:04 pm

Daniel The fastest way is to find an occupation on the MODL
occupations/occupations-in-demand.htm you fit. A sponsored 457 visa is the
most realistic option. Find a company to offer you a job. Do not rush at the
moment. There is very little hiring going on at the moment anywhere.
Realistically you may be best to wait the 6 months or so until you meet the
experience requirement as a computer engineer.

mohamed dualeh said on March 28, 2009 at 8:11 pm

why i cant see my post and no reply so far??

happy said on March 29, 2009 at 1:17 am

I am a chemical engineer and working as Sr. Process Engineer from 2 years .

Can u send me some examples or format of CDRs of my field . What topics
can i choose for better results. my email id is .I will be
thankfull to u

ianlittle said on March 29, 2009 at 9:45 am

mohamed I do not know. We did have some problems with the blog site
last week. Please try again.

ianlittle said on March 29, 2009 at 9:54 am

Happy Sorry I have no CDR examples. There are four sources of experience
for your career episodes:

your undergraduate experience, in particular your project work

particular tasks or projects in your work

your general engineering work

specific problems you have solved

Projectss and problem solving provide good material to demonstrate

engineering competencies. CDRs are all about what you have done.

mohamed said on March 30, 2009 at 2:43 am


I want to apply for immigration visa to australia under the professionals

catagory,i need your assisment to give me a guide if my qualifications and
work experience match that catagory please

mohamed said on March 30, 2009 at 2:44 am

I am 32 years ,I graduated 8 years go in 2001 ,I studied Bachelor of Science in

Electrical engineering majoring in Electronics from Ajman University of
science and technology in United Arab Emirates.after that I worked as
Electronic Technician in a goverment company in UAE,I was working as an
engineer but my title was that for a technician,after that i workd in a private
contracting company specialized in manufactuing water treatment plants,my
job title was Electrical Engineer but my job was more into electronics like
instrumentation and control systems related to the treatment plants

mohamed said on March 30, 2009 at 2:45 am

and currently I am working for an OIL and GAS goverment company for the
past 1 and half year,but again my job title is INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN
although i am doing all the job that is required from an engineer.

I have take IELTS test in last december and i got L:6.5 R:7 S:7.7 W:6.5 but its
not directed to the AUSTRALIA ENGINEERS.
so my enquiry is will my career description is enough to pass skills

mohamed said on March 30, 2009 at 2:51 am

Note: how to check if the university that i graduated from is accredited in

australia,worth mentioning that i corresponded an accrediation body in
united states that accredited my B.SC to 4 year bachelor course,the name of

Alex Spatarel said on March 30, 2009 at 3:19 am

DIAC is giving processing priority only to applicants with occupations on the

Critical Skills List (CSL). There are only 9 engineering occupations on the list:
Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Mining and Aircraft
Maintenance (Mechanical and Avionics). If you are not specialised in one of
those occupations, will will have a very long time to wait for the visa,
considering that the Department has also capped the intake.

If you need immigration advice, you can write to me on ; I am a registered Migration Agent (MARN 0427447)

ianlittle said on March 30, 2009 at 9:23 am

Mohamed For the IELTS test, all you need is the general test. There is no
special IELTS test for Engineers Australia. AEI-NOOSR will asses your
qualification at a cost of $450. If you are living in Australia the state Overseas
Qualifications Units (OQUs) will assess qualifications as a free service.
However the only assessment that matters is the assessment by Engineers
Australia. Dont waste your time or money trying anywhere else for
assessment. You have two issues you need to think about : (1) getting your
qualifications assessed as a professional engineer, and (2) getting an
engineering job in Australia. With your work experience the jobs you are
likel;y to get are as an engineering technologist. In the instrument and
controls engineering field their is not a great difference between the
technologists and engineering occupations.
For assessment you need to prepare a CDR with three career episode reports
that show you have the skills and abilities of a professional electrical engineer.
What you job title has been is not helpful but not necessarily fatal. You need
to write about the tasks you nave done which show you have engineering
understanding attitudes and skills.

The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site has the
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells you the
eligibility requirements for each occupation category.

Go to the ASRI website

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides more detailed

descriptions of typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on

assessment requirements, competency demonstration reports (CDRs), and
the format and length of the career episode reports (CERs). Read this from
cover to cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the
Engineers Australia website :

The trick in writing a CDR is to demonstrate you have the competencies of

your chosen occupation and level as they are defined by the ASCO definition
for occupation, and by the level defined by Engineers Australia. Study these
thoroughly before you start writing.

mohamed said on March 30, 2009 at 10:21 am


thanks alot dear and sorry for the multi post.i will go through the websites
u gave and certainly come back in case i got an enquiry,one more ,how to
check if my academic qualifications are recognised in australia will the AE also
assess it along with my CDR?

ianlittle said on March 30, 2009 at 2:07 pm

Mohamed Yes Engineers Australia assess your competency by assessing

both your qualifications and your CDR

Amrit said on March 30, 2009 at 2:19 pm

i have taken academic test in ielts and score 7. IS it necessary to take general
test again to demostrate CDR. or academic test will be enough.

ianlittle said on March 30, 2009 at 5:27 pm

Amrit- Well done. The academic test is a higher level than the general test. It
will be more than enough.

Misa said on March 30, 2009 at 11:33 pm

Dear Ian,

Ive got my BEng in Telecoms from a university in Russia and my MEng in

IT&T in Australia.

I intend to apply for a permanent visa under a Labour Agreement. I found

some information on the website unclear and want to ask you for your help.

In the Visa Application Checklist

workers/la/employee-checklist.htm, the requirement for Character is

(Tick box) A police good conduct/character certificate for each person aged
16 years or over included in the application, for each country, including
Australia, lived in for more than 12 months over the past 10 years. However,
on the page Character and penal clearance requirements it said

Everyone who wishes to enter Australia must be assessed against the

character requirements and If you are applying outside Australia, you do
not have to provide this information when you apply. You will be advised
when it is required.

If you are applying in Australia, you should provide this information with your

Q1: Do I have to provide police certificates when I apply? I will be applying

outside Australia.

Also, one of the requirements for qualifications and experience stated in the
Visa Application Checklist is

(Tick box) Certified copies of all qualifications and work references.

(Tick box) If applicable, evidence that the qualifications are recognised in
Australia. If this is required, it must be provided with the application at the
time it is lodged.

Q2: In what case it is applicable? I am not sure if I need to have my skills

assessed by an skills assessing authority (EngAus) to have my qualifications
recognised in Australia. Skills Assessment take so much time and efforts.

Q3: I am not too sure about how ones age is determined. As it is said on the
website, the age is determined by the day of making your applcation. Is
that the day when you lodge your application or the day when your
application is processed?

For example, my DOB is 02/08/1974 and I lodge my application on

30/07/2009 (e.g. online). What is my age then: 34 or 35? How many points I
will be awarded: 25 or 20?



Amrit said on March 31, 2009 at 2:06 pm

Respected, i am preparing my career episode, Is it necessary that each
episode be more than 5 pages ,, or it should be written accordingly as in skill
assessment booklet, ie the number of words in each topic..

ianlittle said on March 31, 2009 at 4:06 pm

Misa All these questions relate to visa processing. As such, I am not

permitted to provide advice. I can only comment on qualifications
assessment. Talk a a licenced migration agent.

ianlittle said on March 31, 2009 at 5:32 pm

Amrit Use the number of words as the guide. Less is better than more. You
do not have a lot of words to play with so you must not waste them with
irrelevant detail. With every sentence you write, ask this question Do
these words tell about something I have done personally; actions which show
I have applied a competency unit and demonstrated a role of my chosen

rajesh said on April 1, 2009 at 6:18 pm

hi, I have done my electrical and electronics engineering from a reputed

college in Inida. I have 3.11 years experience in IT working with engineering
applications and sofware development. Will I be eligible for skills assesment
and what i need to do or what documents i require to clear the qualifications
assesment. Kindly help.

ianlittle said on April 1, 2009 at 8:15 pm

Rajesh The Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site

has a Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) page. This page tells
you the eligibility requirements for each occupation.

Go to the Australia Computer Society site to see the assessment criteria in

the ACS Guidelines..

Your qualifications and work experience do not seem to match. I do not like
your chances of success for a couple of years at least. You may also need to
do some IT training as well.

rajesh said on April 1, 2009 at 8:27 pm

Thanks for your reply. I am working in software development on engineering

side involving bit of my electronic skills too. is it not suffice?

I have done lot of IT Certifications too. I am IBM certified in software

engineering. Will that help if i apply Australia Computer Society ??

SAM said on April 2, 2009 at 5:56 am

Hi, was wandering if you can clarify some things for me. I am an electronic
engineer and recently completed my MBA in Tech. I work at a security
camera installation company as an electronic engineer. HOwever i have only
worked at this place for two years. HOw many years of experience does one
require to be eligible for PR and can my designation be an electronics
engineer since i only work in a installation company and not a manufacturing

ianlittle said on April 2, 2009 at 4:46 pm

Rajesh You may be able to demonstrate the competencies of an electronics

engineer. You need to look at the detailed description on the Australian
Bureau of Statistics web site.

All the IT courses should help you get recognition for prior learning (RPL)
from ACS. You need to read all the information and make your own decision
on which occupation suits your situation best. It is a mix of work experience,
qualifications and what type of visa you are eligible for. At this point in time
you need an occupation on the critical skills list to have any chance.

ianlittle said on April 2, 2009 at 4:54 pm

Sam I can only comment on qualifications assessment, not on visa matters
such as elegibility for PR. There is no work experience requirement for
qualifications assessment of engineering occupations by Engineers Australia.
However you probably need at least one year of work experience to be able
to prepare a CDR for assessment. The type of company is not important. It is
the work you do. You need to demonstrate you are doing things engineers do
that you have the competencies as defined by Engineers Australia in the
Migration Skills Assessment handbook.

The Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on

assessment requirements, competency demonstration reports (CDRs), and
the format and length of the career episode reports (CERs). Read this from
cover to cover. Download the handbook from the Engineers Australia
website :

Amrit said on April 3, 2009 at 1:47 pm

Out of 3 career episode, is it possible to write two of them about the projects
that i have done during my 7th and 8th semester. Since i have only one year
experience on my related field( electronics engineer) i am being unable to
write 2 career episode from my company. In the seventh semester i had done
a project on optical fiber and this project does not come under the course
syllabus(i.e. there is no marking of this project, this is just an extra project i
have done).

Deepak said on April 3, 2009 at 10:02 pm


i m a graduate (B.Tech) in Electronics and communication engineering in

2005.. but i dont have any work experience. right not i m doin pilot training in
NSW. i would like to settle here in australia.. wat are my chances of getting
job with by B.Tech degree?

M.A.Zahedi said on April 4, 2009 at 12:28 am

Hi! Ian Little

Thanks for your Replies in this blog. I have completed my Under graduation in
Computer and Communication Engineering (4 Yr) . Before that I completed
Diploma In Electronics (3 Year). I have done some Projects on Electronics
related field when I was perusing this diploma and done some project works
in under graduate course also. Can I write those project works in Career
Episode both done in Diploma and B.Sc Engg. Pls help me in this regard.

ianlittle said on April 4, 2009 at 3:28 pm

Deepak If you are so out of touch with what is happening in the worls at the
moments, I would say your chances are nil. You wouuld be competing against
graduates and would need to be applying now.

ianlittle said on April 4, 2009 at 3:30 pm

Anirit Yes if you can demonstrate you hav e electronic competencies in

these activities.

ianlittle said on April 4, 2009 at 3:33 pm

Zahedi The diploma episodes would not demonstrate engineering

competencies. Read the Skilled Migration Assessment competencies. You
must demonstrate professional engineering competencies not engineering
technologist competencies.

K.S. VISHNU said on April 5, 2009 at 7:28 pm

Hi Ianlittle, I am electronics graduate having done 4-year (1979 1983)

engineering degree while working. Earlier I did diploma (1971 -1975) in
Electronics (4-year diploma). At present I am working on 457 visa and
preparing to apply for skill assessment to get PR. I still remember many
episodes of my career and can clearly describe them for the CDR preparation.
However my question is it required that some one should sign them to certify
the episodes.
ianlittle said on April 6, 2009 at 8:49 am

Vishnu You either have not read the requirements or do not understand
them. The requirements are clear. Read and follow the instructions. The
Migration Skills Assessment Handbook provides specific details on
assessment requirements, competency demonstration reports (CDRs), and
the format and length of the career episode reports (CERs). Read this from
cover to cover before you start writing. Download the handbook from the
Engineers Australia website :

Make sure your episodes dmeonstrate professional engineering

competetencies. Take them from your experience after completing your

midhun said on April 7, 2009 at 7:16 pm

Hi Ianlittle, i am a BE Mechanical enginnering graduate from anna university,

india. I intends to work in australia. How can i get engineering assessment.i
have doubt because india comes under organisations holding provisional

so please help me, by which way assessment is possible. whether CDR or

assesment by washington accord.

ianlittle said on April 7, 2009 at 8:31 pm

Midhum You have a non recognised qualification and will need to do a CDR
as India is only in the process of becoming a Wasshington Accord signatory.

Raheel said on April 14, 2009 at 4:41 am

I dd my bachelors in mechanical engineering after 12 year of education which

is called Higher secondary school certificate. HSSC

I need to know do i have to send the HSSC certificate & transcripts along with
my bachelors degree & transcripts to Engineer Australia for the CDR
assesment ? or only bachelors degree & transcripts will be enough ?
ianlittle said on April 15, 2009 at 12:03 pm

Raheel Only send your bachelor degree transcript. Engineers Australia will
know the requirements to get into the course.

rahul said on April 18, 2009 at 4:21 am

Hi. Ianlittle,

Its nice to know that some1 out of nowhere is helping people with their
aussie immigration concerns..Thanks for the effort..

I am in process of preparing my application for Aussie PR. I have to do

assesment first and Qs regarding that. I have done BE engineering in
Insustrial Electronics and then 2 years back I did MS in TelecomNetworks
from USA. Given that I am post grad from US and BS from India I dont think I

qualify for washington Accord. I am assuming I have to write a CDR. Is that

right ?

Also I dont see any mention of Engineering for telecom personel hence I am
assumin I should apply under Engineering:Electronics engg.

As far as my proffesional bckgnd I worked in India for 4 years in telecom as an

engineer (project consultant) and almost last 2 yrs in telecom networks. Also
I think my occupation qualification shd be that of proffessional engg. My
assumptions are true? If not suggest what you feel right. Thanks in advance.

ianlittle said on April 18, 2009 at 6:01 pm

Rahul I agree with you on all points. As your undergraduate degre is from
India you will need to do a CDR.

As a telecommunications engineer you will ned to apply as an electronics

engineer. See the full ASCO definition.
It is not about the jobs you have done, it is about the competencies you can
demonstrate. It certainly looks like you should be able to meet the
professional engineer requirements.

Sairam said on April 20, 2009 at 5:24 pm


Iam Sairam,iam planning to migrate to australia, iam confused in drafting my

career episodes because i did my BTech in Electronics & Communications,
presently and iam working as a QA engineer (Testing) with Virtusa India.

Please help me

1) How to perpare my career episodes

2) How to releate my graduation in Electronics & Communications with the

QA job iam doing now.

ianlittle said on April 20, 2009 at 6:37 pm

Sairam You should be able to get a career episode out of tour final year
project. You need to look at any electronic & communications engineering
tasks you have done and deal with them as mini projects. If you are doing
general QA tasks you probably will struggle to obtain a positive assessment.
You are not in a good position to get a job in Australia with your lack of
engineering experience. if you are looking at migration as a way to change
career path you could be very disappointed.

Aravinda said on April 28, 2009 at 9:45 pm


Thanks a lot for your great blog post!

I am a Software Engineer by profession and have 1 year full time work

experience after graduation. I thought of migrating to Australia under 176
Visa Category as my family members are in Melbourne.
I did a 4 year full time engineering degree ( B.Sc Engineering (Hon) specialized
in Computer Engineering). My degree cannot be validated against Sydney or
Washinton Accord and there for I have to write a CDR.

Your answer to following topics will be greatly appreciated

1) Can Engineers Australia Assess Software Engineers Skill Under

Engineering Technologist As there is no any exact matching category
I will be categorized under Engineer Engineering Technologists (NEC)
(Not Elsewhere Classified) ASCO code 2128-79.

2) Can I include my undergraduate final year project work I did to support my


* The project Included heavy use of engineering theories and mathematics

with an advance research background.

3) Can I include the work experience I gained during my internship? I worked

as a software developer for 6 months

4) When writing the CDR do I have to put the sub section of each career
episode in the same order

E.g. ET1.1, ET 1.2, ET 1.3 .. ET 2.1 etc

Or can I put the relevant index numbers at places where I have supporting
information in the sub section (meaning that sometimes the order ET 1.1 ET
1.2 will not be preserved)

5) Note that when writing career episode most of the subsection overlaps
and If I write a small text to support each and every sub section my CDR will
reach over 5000 words. The booklet is bit miss leading, when it comes to
word count. Please Let me know how many words there should be for
each career episode?

6) Do I have to write some evidence to support each and individual

subsection in each career episod
Thanks in advance.


ianlittle said on April 29, 2009 at 11:13 am

Aravinda Software engineers are assessed by the Australian Computer

Society. You need to look at their requirements

A final year project is a good source for a career episode and is acceptable.

Career episodes from work experience must be post graduation.

You write each career episoe as a story I think it is best to number the
paragraphs in each career episode and put the references to competencies
wherever they come up. The Summary Staement provide the cross
referencing to pull the whole CDR together.

STICK TO THE WORD COUNT.You will find that easier by wirting a story of
what you have done.

Do not expect to cover every point in detail. After all you do not expect to get
100% in every examination. The CDR is to demonstrate through your actions
you have engineering competencies at the level you are applying for.

Giri said on May 9, 2009 at 10:37 am

Hello Ian

Would like to apply for PR Am already work visa (457) and working in
Australia for 13 months. What is the process to apply for a PR?

Some of my friends told me that I need to apply for an assessment with IEA
and others told me that I dont require. I am confused and want your opinion.

I hold a PhD and have published in Intl Journals will that be ok if can
substitute the CDR episodes with these pubs.?
Is there any reliable website where I can assess myself whether to write a
CDR or not.

Thanks and regards

ianlittle said on May 9, 2009 at 7:00 pm

Giri Go to the FAQ page and read the answer to question 1 that gives you
the links you need to assess your situation.

Srinath said on May 11, 2009 at 1:11 pm


I am a BE Mechanical graduate with 4 years of experience.

Is consultant required for submiting my CDR?? What is the likely chance of

CDR getting approved if i prepare on my own & submit it. I have taken my
IELTS & awaiting for results.

Thanks & Regards,


ianlittle said on May 11, 2009 at 4:27 pm

Srinath Many engineers have successfully completed their CDR without a

consultant. The Migration Skills Assessnebt Handbook provides a lot of
information. Study it in detail.

Marius Radu said on May 17, 2009 at 5:05 am


Very nice of you to help others like that!

Can you help me too with this:

I applied to Engineers Australia back in 2007.

I didnt know back then that the projects I give as example have any influence
on my ASCO code outcome.

I applied for visa when I got my ASCO code from Engineers Australia but
failed because of lack of experience.

Now I want to apply again for visa, I got my IELTS with more then 7 at each.

But in the background of world crisis and Critical Skills List I was thinking of
reapplying and giving example of projects in my CDR that would fit a job
description on the Critical Skills List.(because according to my recent
experience I do fit one of those demanded jobs)

Do you think I have chances to change my ASCO code according to the

projects I provide?

Thank you!


ianlittle said on May 17, 2009 at 5:54 pm

Marius Certainly if you were accredited as an engineering technician you

could apply for recognition as a professional engineer based on experience
you have gained since your last application. You need to be aware that the
assessors will look at you previous application. They will be suspicious of any
changes to your CV from your previous application.

Engineers Australia would not have failed you because of lack of experience.
Assessment is competency based. You would have failed because you did not
demonstrate you have the competencies for the occupation level you were
applying for. Your CDR must demonstrate you have the competencies of a
professional engineer as they are defined in the Skills Assessment Handbook
and the technical skills for the occupation as defined for ASCO code by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics.

maryam said on May 21, 2009 at 6:47 pm

I have done my Bachelor for four years in Natural resource Engineering in

Tehran unuversity,Iran.I think it is equavalent to Agricultural Engineer.Am I
right?I have confused in choosing the category of engineers.I want to apply
for skill migration.Could you please help me.

ianlittle said on May 21, 2009 at 9:30 pm

Maryam have a look at the agricultural engineer ASCO code 2129-13

This does not appear on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Employer
Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL). This is form 1121i from the
Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship web site. This page
tells you the eligibility requirements for each occupation category

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website provides more detailed

descriptions of typical tasks for your chosen occupation.

Have a look at occupations such as agricultural scientist or adviser to see if

they suit your type of work.

maryam said on May 25, 2009 at 9:29 am

Thanks for your useful information.I searched the website.My major is

natural resource-Environmental work experience is related to
civil and environmental engineering.I have worked in the field such as design
of landfills,waste water treatment .The exact name of my degree is
natural resource-Environmental engineer.I am really confused because
my degree is engineering but I don not know this is equivalent to which of
your occupations?I like to send my degree for assessment .could you please
help me.

ianlittle said on May 25, 2009 at 4:07 pm

Maryam Sorry I gave some false information last time with a wrong ASCO
code. Agricultural engineer occupation ASCO code is 2129-13

You can make a choice to be assessed as an environmental or agricultural

engineer or as an environmental oragricultural scientist sceintist. This is ASCO
code 2114-79 Environmental and Agricultural Science Professionals nec. For
agricultural engineer the ASCO code is 2129-13. Yes it is confusing because
there is overlap between agriculture and environmental.

Factors to consider are: the subjects you did in your university course, the
nature of your work, and the points you get for the occupation you nominate
towards a skilled migrant visa for the occupation and work experience
components. I suggest you talk this over with a migration agent.

ham said on May 29, 2009 at 6:10 pm

I am a mechanical engineer by profession, can you please email me some cdr

report sample and career epidose with respect to mechanical design
engineer to my email address

thanks & regards

ianlittle said on May 29, 2009 at 7:20 pm

Ham No. We will not do this. Part of the process is demonstrating report
writing skills. If you have UK qualifications you should be able to get
qualifications through the Washington Accord.

jagadeesh kumar said on May 30, 2009 at 4:05 am

i am an electrical engineer having one year experience in the same field.

i want to apply for pr visa. i am preparing CDR also. How long it will take to
get skills assessment from engineers australia and how long lit will take to get
pr visa

ianlittle said on May 30, 2009 at 9:19 am

Jagadeesh I really have no idea, ask a migration agent. Overall it normally

takes 18 24 months to get from the start to landing in Australia. So buy the
Project Australia Pack and plan your own Project Australia.

Rami said on June 7, 2009 at 1:08 am


I have a Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (Communications

Concentration) from UAE University in 2002. The engineering program in UAE
University is accredited from ABET since 1998.

I checked the ABET web site and they say that Engineering programs outside
USA are accredited as substantially equivalent to the programs in the USA.

I have been told that I still need to do CDR for my engineering degree, even
though, ABET is a member of Washington ACCORD. Can you please confirm if
I still need to do the CDR. ?

Also, after graduation I have joined an international control valves company

specialized in severe service control valves applications for Oil & Gas and
Power fields. I was part of a special on job training program in Europe for 18
months. After that I came to the regional office in Dubai to work as an Area
Manager for Oil & Gas projects.

If I have to do the CDR, should I apply as an electrical engineer knowing that

all my experience in the last 6 years is mainly in the control valves for Oil &
Gas and it is not related to electrical engineering? It is mainly a combination
of Instrumentation, Mechanical and petroleum engineering. Also, currently
as an area manager there is a great deal of Marketing and sales experience
compared to the real engineering. However, selling such a special product
you need to have a strong technical and application background as I am
supposed to do technical seminars and training as part of my job.

I have already done the IELTS exam and scored an average of 7.

I have been told by an immigration agent that I should apply as an

Engineering Manager. Can you please advise ?

ianlittle said on June 7, 2009 at 5:55 pm

Rami You have to meet Engineers Australia requirements for qualifications

assessment to mihrate to Australia. If you read their Migration Skills
Assessment booklet it is obvious that there is no mention of ABET and that
the UAE is not a menber of Washington Accord. You will have to do a CDR. Go
to the tribus lingua FAQ page and read all the references given there. To me
it looks like you should pitch yourself as an instrumentation engineer. This
occupation does not have a defined ASCO code but fits best within electrical
engineering. You need to have a good look at the occupation and tasks for
the occupations you are considering, on the Australian Bureau of Statistics
web site. Personally I do not think you could pass yourself off as a manager.

It does not matter what you are supposed to do in your job or you job title.
Every salesman is called a manager so they can try and get into customers at
manager level. It is what you have done to be able to demonstrate the
competencies of a professional engineer or manager. Compare the
competencies of both and assess how well you can demonstrate the
competencies of either.

Rami said on June 8, 2009 at 1:14 am

Thanks for the response. Please note that the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET) is representing in Washington Accord.
See this link:

You can also check the ABET website :

showing the equivelent Engineering programs outside USA including UAE
University Engineering College.

I agree with you that I can not pass as an Engineering Manager, as I can not
show the required experince in my current role and experince

My Degree was in Electrical Engineering with concentaration in

Communications which is not obviously related to Instrumentations and
control.. So do you confirm that I can prepare the CDR as instrumentation
engineer where I can show my competencies, even if my degree is in
Communications ?

ianlittle said on June 8, 2009 at 4:35 am

Rami The real test is is your course , including institute and year listed on
the Washington Accord site ? The Engineers Australia rules are (which you
can in read the Migration Skills Assessment booklet) that to be eligible under
the Washington Accord you must have a degree from an Washington Accord
accredited course completed in the country of a Washington Accord
signatory. The UAE is not a signatory. ABET is about accreditation for the USA,
not for Australia.

There is overlap between electronic, electrical, instrumentation and

communications engineering. It depends on the detail of subjects in your
course and the nature of your work experience. I do not have enough detail
to give you a clear direction. You may align better applying as an electronics
engineer. I do not think it is all that important in this case, because of the
overlap The most important thing is that your career episode reports are
consistent with your work experience and your university course.
Accreditation is about demonstrating the competencies of your selected

Farhan said on June 8, 2009 at 9:06 am


I am a graduate electrican engineer with 12 years of experiance out of these

12 i have three years of work experiance in UK and 3 in USA, I am currently
working in USA. Wanted to know that will i need IELTS for applying to IEA
with CDR or not, will my work expreriance of UK and USA exempt me from
taking IELTS for applying to IEA? thanks in adavance,


ianlittle said on June 8, 2009 at 11:58 am

Farhan You will need an IELTS test if English is not the language of the
country on your passport.

Nisarg said on June 8, 2009 at 4:07 pm


i completed by Bachelor of Engineering in Mechatronics, from India. I am also

about to finish my masters degree from University of Sydney. I understand
that I will have to assess my degree as a professional engineer, please advise
me on should i get my degree assessed as Electronics or Mechanical engineer.
Also, I have no work experience, and most of my project works have been
purely academic. Would this pose any problems in getting my degree
assessed ?



ianlittle said on June 8, 2009 at 4:59 pm

Nisarg You qualifications are assessed on your undergraduate qualifications.

Provided your masters projects are relevant tp your nominated occupation
you should be able to demonstrate professional engineering competencies.
You could fit as a mechanical, electrical or electronic engineer depending on
the particular subjects you have done and the nature of your projects. I
suggest you compare your projects experience against the detailed subjects
you have studied in your course and the definitions and tasks of these
different occupations on th3e ABS site. Think about which occupation you
can write the best career episodes for to match one of the occupations.

Phanta said on June 9, 2009 at 6:20 pm


Im about to sent my CDR to Engineers Australia; here are my questions:

1) Do I have to send the ORIGINAL copy of my degree transcript to them?

2) According to their instructions I have to send an original copy of my

IELTS certificate to them; in this case how do they going to track it as Im

sending my CDR NOT with the IELTS certificate?



Phanta said on June 9, 2009 at 10:17 pm

I know that the assessment fee of CDR is Aus$ 450. Can you please tell me
what is the visa application fee?

Very Best Regards,


Phanta said on June 10, 2009 at 1:38 pm

Hi ianlittle,
I think my one of my questions need some corrections with its wordings, so
let me repeat it.

According to their instructions I have to send an original copy of my

IELTS certificate to Engineers Australia through the test centre; in this case
how do they going to track my IELTS certificate as the certificate & CDR are
sending seperately. What should I do in order to let them know that I have
send my IELTS certificate to them?

Please advice.


Very Best Regards,


ianlittle said on June 10, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Phanta Do not send your IELTS test certificate anywhere. Read the
instructions in the Migration Skills Assessment booklet and follow them word
for word. Have some one who has completed the application process check
everything for you. The main reason for delays in processing is because
applications are incomplete.

Do not send any original supporting documents, including your degree

transcript, to Engineers Australia. Section D 1 tells you which documents are
to be certified copies.

See section D1 Original English language test (IELTS) result You must
arrange for this to be forwarded directly to Engineers Australia from the Test

You need to provide the IELTS test centre with details so the IELTS test centre
can send the IELTS test result to Engineers Australia.
Go to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website to find out the
cost of a visa application.

Ambreen said on June 10, 2009 at 4:17 pm

Hi ianlittle

I have done BSc EE (Telecommunications). I have around 5 years of work

experience in a hardware software company as a software engineer. My
major contribution in all projects has been in the telecom domain. I have
been the telecom expert on almost all projects i have worked on. I would like
to know if i should apply through Engineers Australia as an Engineering
Technologist (nec) or though ACS?

Thanks and Best Regards

ianlittle said on June 10, 2009 at 6:17 pm

Ambreen You could fit as an electronic engineer depending on the nature

of the software engineering. Why not an electronics technologist as telecoms
is included inthe electronics definition? I suggest you compare your projects
experience against the detailed subjects you have studied in your course and
the definitions and tasks of the different possible occupations on th3e ABS
site. Think about which occupation you can write the best career episodes for
to match one of the occupations. You need to look closely ar the ACS
requirements because your base qualification is not as a computer
professional. You also need to consider your software speciality. Is it on the
MODL? It seems to me you are telecoms engineer trained and probably have
sufficient telecoms experience to be accredited as an electronics
(telecommunications) engineer failing that as an elctronics (telecons)
engineering technologist.

Phanta said on June 10, 2009 at 6:48 pm

Hi ianlittle,
Thank you very much for the support, I really appreciate your kind co-

Thanks again.

Very Best Regards.


Gautam said on June 13, 2009 at 7:56 pm

Hi Ian Little, I found most of your answers informative and useful. Thanks a

Im a Mechanical Engineer (B Tech) with 8+ years of experience. I started my

career with Machine tool design as my main domain after which seeking
good career opportunities I switched over to Engineering service and working
on various CAD packages. Im looking forward for immigrating to Australia
based on my current work experience. I have few questions for you:

1. What are the prospects for CAD/CAM design in Australia?

2. Should I be show casing more on my Machine design experienceIm

working on the CAD domain for the last 3.5 years?

3. If at all I seek jobs on CAD domain what kind of emphasis should be given
for while preparing the career episodes??

ianlittle said on June 14, 2009 at 6:02 pm

Gautam Quite frankly all areas are down at the moment, particularly the
motor industry and manufacturing. But it is expected that the shortages of
the past will re-emerge when things pick up. Australia has failed to train
enough engineers for years. I think your design experience is the thing to
highlight. CAD is just a tool. The real skill si the ability to design machines.

Amit said on June 26, 2009 at 1:03 am

I have done my B.E in Instrumentation from Mumbai University and have 2.5
yrs of experience in samefield.CAn i use Electronics as my MODL?? Also i
have had a gap on 1 year after this and i ma working in different area now as
a consultant which is not in instrumentation field. Please let me know can i
access my skills as Electronics engg..

ianlittle said on June 26, 2009 at 3:20 am

Amit As there is no defined occupation of instrument engineer in the ASCO

system, you should be abl;e to apply as an electronics engineer. For
accreditation the gap in work experience in your occupation is not a problem.
It is what you have done that is important, not the number of years
experience. Follow the referenced sites on our FAQ page and look at the
occupation description and tasks for an electronic engineer and the
competencies for a professional engineer. Your must be able to demonstrate
the competencies of your occupation at the level of a professional engineer
in your CDR.

Amit said on June 27, 2009 at 1:21 am

Hi Ian little,

Thanks for ur quick responseI was confused about another thing.should i

use MODL as

Electronics Engg.(2125-13) or Engineering Professionals not elsewhere


Do instrumentation enggs. use electronics engg. as MODL??

Also is it necessary that all points mentioned on the ABS website for
electronics engg. should be covered in CDR?

ianlittle said on June 27, 2009 at 1:30 am

Amit You really mean the occupation you nominate for your visa
application. Obviously you want to try and fit within an occupation which is
on the CSL (these must be on the MODL) to obtain priority for visa

Some instrument engineers do work that is process control and mechanically

oriented, engaged in things such as pressure and flow measurement,
pneumatics and control valves. If you are in that line of work you will
probably not be able to obtain accreditation as an electronics engineer but
you could fit within mechamical engineering (similar to mechatronics
engineers). However, if you are working with distributed control systems and
PLCs, you could fit as an electronics engineer. As Engineering Professionals
(not elsewhere classified) (2129-79) is not on the MODL. that would not be
my first choice. Depending on their specific education and arears of practice I
would expect instrument engineers to be either electrical, mechanical or
electronic. some may even be chemical (process) engineers. This is because
they will have a degree in one of these disciplines and will have, through
work experience, become instrument engineers.

You certainly need to address all professional engineer competencies given in

Appendices in the Migration Skills Assessment booklet. You address these in
the context of your occupation as defined by the ABS. You will need to
address enough of the skills to demonstrate electronics engineer skills and

I suggest that you go to the Engineers Australia website and submit your
question directly to them.

Sam said on June 27, 2009 at 1:30 am

Hi I am Sam,

Can we use MODL as Manager

ianlittle said on June 27, 2009 at 8:58 am

Sam You can choose any occupation you believe you meet the
qualifications, experience and can demonstrate the competencies for. Got to
our MODL, CSL, SOL and ENSOL Australian Migration Lists blog and follow
the link to the skills recognition site. This will show you the requirements for
the different occupations.

If you are an engineer you can consider the occupation of engineering

manager. See the Migration Skills Assessment booklet.

Raad said on July 3, 2009 at 12:24 am

Dear Ian:

This blog is providing great help and guidance to the people who want to get
thier skills assessed from EA.

I did my bachelors in mechanical engineering and have over 8 years of

experience in maintenance of turbo machinery.

1. What will be your advise if i write one of my career episode based on re-
building activities of a gas turbine. Do you think will it make it ?

2. what are the prospects in australia for a mechanical maintenance engineer

in the field of turbo-machinery?

ianlittle said on July 3, 2009 at 6:46 am

Raad If you do a CER on the rebuilding of a machine you need to

demonstrate engineering competencies. Things like application of
engineering judgement and application of engineering skills. This will need to
include something like using analysis to assess and fix a particular problem. It
would need to be more than a routine rebuild. CERs about solving problems
provide a good source for CERs.

There are a number of LNG plants being planned for construction in the next
two or three years. These facilities and the plants feeding gas to them will
provide great opportunities for rotating machinery engineers.

Phanta said on July 3, 2009 at 9:36 pm

Hi ianlittle,

Im from Sri Lanka & I sent my application & CDR together with all other
documents to Engineers Australia (I have a BSc Engineer degree)on 23rd June
2009. Here are my questions:.

1) Do they inform us once they receive my application?

2) If so how long does it take?

Thank you.



ianlittle said on July 3, 2009 at 10:00 pm

Phanta Engineers Australia are processing a high number of applications at

the moment so the process is taking longer than normal. You will be sent
acknowledgement of your application this may take 2 3 weeks The
processing will take 12 weeks or more.

You should have sent your application by courier or registered post. These
applications are too important to just put in a letterbox and hope

Raul said on July 6, 2009 at 12:01 pm

I am an Electronics Engineer. I have been working as an instructor in a

university. I teach major subjects in Bachelor of Science in Electronics and
Communications Engineering. I also have some projects in the said
department which I think may be helpful in my prepation of the CDR.

Is my experience as an instructor in the College of Engineering be qualified in

the assessment of Engineers Australia?

Your reply will be very much appreciated. Thank you.

ianlittle said on July 6, 2009 at 3:45 pm

Raul For accreditation you have to demonstrate the professional

engineering competencies. you should be able to demonstrate these through
activities such as research projects. I suggest you look at the competencies,
then select three CER topics from your experience. For each topic write about
ten items , each only one line, summarising engineering activities. Then
compare what you have written against the professional engineering
competencies. You will probably find that you have missed some
competencies. Have a think about other things you ahve missed and how you
can include the full set of competencies.

Phanta said on July 14, 2009 at 7:55 pm

Hi ianlittle,

in the checklist they provided in the MigrationSkillsAssessmentBooklet there

is a one called;

Certified evidence of registration under the relevant licensing authority in

the country in which you are practising [if necessary].

Can you please explain me what is this?

Thank you!

ianlittle said on July 14, 2009 at 8:34 pm

Phanta In some countries, such as Canada and the USA, and also in
Queensland Australia, you need to be registered to practice as a professional
engineer. If you have a similar licence or registration in any state or country
you have worked, Engineers Australia would like you to send a certified copy
of the registration certificate. A certied copy is one signed by an approved
person. The people who can do this are listed in the Migration Skills
Assessment booklet.

Mike said on July 16, 2009 at 4:48 am

I have lodged my application under CDR category exactly a month ago via
courier, but still waiting for acknowlegement. How long does it normally
takes to get their acknowledgment ?

My Career episodes have exceeded the words limits of 2000 words. Will i be
asked to condense it ?

ianlittle said on July 16, 2009 at 6:40 pm

Mike I reckon you are more likely to have you CDR downgraded or rejected
rather than being asked to condense it. How silly are you not to follow the
instructions? Engineers Australia have that many applications they are not
going to mess around with one from some one who does not understand the
guidelines. Response time to applications are slowing judging by comments i
have seen. Last week I saw a comment that an application for an occupation
on the CSL list took more than 12 months. Dont pack your suitcase.

lamcha said on July 23, 2009 at 3:46 pm


I have a 4 year bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering.

I have been involved in 2 projects where I had to perform Mechanical

Engineering related tasks.

I was given the responsibility for managing another project where there was
hardly any Mechanical Engineering related tasks involved, but it was more to
do with managing of the total project. Specifically it was a project for the
design and implementation of a floodlighting system for a outdoor sports

If I am to apply to be recognized as a professional Mechanical Engineer, can

use this project for my third carrer episode?

Thx & rgds.


ianlittle said on July 23, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Iamcha I think you could use the project management experience to

demonstrste all the associated management compentencies. Use the other
two episodes to demonstrate you have mechanical engineering
competencies. Remember your CERs do not have to be about different jobs
you have done. You may be able to pick out more than one CER out of one of
your mechanical engineering jobs. Look for problems you have solved or
mistakes you have made and fixed. These are great sources to show you can
apply engineering knowledge and skills. Write outlines for all three CERs
before you start writing in detail. Then complete the summary. You will find
you have missed competencies. Go back and think about how you can
demonstarte missing competencies and fill in the gaps. when you summary
looks OK, then write the detail of the CERs.

lamcha said on July 28, 2009 at 5:12 pm


Thank you for your response and advice.

Do I have to nominate the occupation (and hence produce a CDR for skills
assessment) that I have been involved in for at least 12 of the last 24 months
or can it also be an occupation done before my current occupation (covering
a period of less than 12 months of the last 24) and a CDR produced for skills
assessed for that occupation.

My current occupation (for 14 months of the last 24) matches the skills levels
of Industrial Engineer whereas my experiences from the earlier occupation
would fit the skills required for a Mechanical Engineer.

Hope you could guide me with regards to the above also.

Thx & rgds.


ianlittle said on July 28, 2009 at 5:57 pm

Lamcha Select your occupation after assessing how well you can
demonstrate competencies to get your qualifications accredited, and the
most points you get in the points test. You should have enough work
experience in either occupation to write a credible CDR. It is likely to be
easier to get accreditation based on your undergraduate degree. If your
degree is mechanical apply as a mechanical, if it is industrial, apply as an

Phanta said on July 29, 2009 at 2:05 pm

Hi ianlittle,

I have a BSc. Eng degree & I prepare my CDR (I followed the guide lines
provided at their website) & sent to Engineers Australia on June 22nd. So far I
did not receive a letter or receipt from them so I still do not know whether
they receive my CDR or not. But I received a receipt which says that the
National Bank of Australia received the fee I paid to Engineers Australia. (Aus
$ 450)

Shall I wait for their response? Please advice me!




ianlittle said on July 29, 2009 at 5:28 pm

Phanta Just wait You know they have your application. It will probably
take 2 -3 months.

Puneet Bali said on August 9, 2009 at 6:52 pm

Hi Ian,

I am planning to file immigration for Australia under skilled migration. I have

done 3 years Diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering & then
through lateral entry did B.Tech (3 years) in Electronics & Instrumentation
Engg. I have done almost 5 projects in my course work. My work experience
is in category Sales & marketing been selling Automation solutions to
process plants & now into selling IT/ Software services. I am bit confused
about nomination of my skills -if i should apply under Engineers category or
Sales & Marketing category. What I could gather from Engineers Australia is
that Skill assessment is meant to assess the qualification primarily. 3 Projects
meant to be submitted as per CDR norms may be a part of course or while at
job. Please let me know if i can go ahead with nomination under Engineers by
submitting any of 3 projects I did as a part of my course work.


Puneet Bali

ianlittle said on August 9, 2009 at 7:25 pm

Puneet Your understanding is correct. Skill Assessment is totally about

testing whether a person with a non-accredited qualification has
competencies equivalent to a person with an equivalent engineering
occupation. In your sales work you could have used engineering skills in
developing engineering solutions for customers. Qualifications assessment is
about getting a qualification assessed for an occupation that gives you the
best opportunity to obtain a visa in that occupation. At the moment it is an
occupation on the Critical Skills List if you are applying for general skille
migration. It is complex so it is important that you find out as much as you
can and talk to a registerd migration agent for Australia.

Ahsan said on August 16, 2009 at 5:49 pm

I am mechanical engineer but i have experience in Industrial/Production

engineer which are both dont lie in MODL so i ve to apply for 2126-11. so any
guide if i can ve something out of my experience which is mechanical one
my experience is project management ( planning scheduling controling,
budgeting etc) of manufacturing n assembly activities

ianlittle said on August 16, 2009 at 8:58 pm

Ahsan Have a look at the detail in the ASCO occupation definition on the
Australian Bureau of Statistics site. 2126-13 is production engineer. there are
only a limited number of job definitions in the ASCO definitions. You have to
pick an occupation which is closest to yours. By closest means contains a
range of similar engineering skills. For example plant engineer is similar to
mechanical engineer in many respects. You have to pick what you can from
the definitions to demonstrate competencies. It is not what you have been
called or what your job title is it is the competencies you can demonstrate.

Usman Akram said on August 19, 2009 at 1:25 am

Hi Ian,

I am in a phase of writing Cdr, for this I thought to ask you that can i include
my final year Bsc Electrical Engineering project as my career episode. For this
what I suppose to write in summary paragraph and the title of position
occupied, please suggest.

ianlittle said on August 19, 2009 at 2:00 am

Usman position occupied is final year BSc Engineering project. In the

summary write about te major engineering things you learnt through you
involvement in the project.

Usman Akram said on August 19, 2009 at 9:12 pm

Thanks for guiding me.

Usman Akram said on August 20, 2009 at 1:50 am

Hi Ian,
Would in my academic like I mentioned earlier in final year Bsc Electrical
Engineering project, the organization chat is necessary?

ianlittle said on August 22, 2009 at 6:40 am

Usman It is asked for, so give it. All simple. It may only show your
department head, supervisor and any other members in your group if it was a
group project. At all times follow the instructions to the letter. Do not give
the assessors any reason to knock you back by not having an incomplete CDR.

Usman Akram said on August 22, 2009 at 10:03 pm

Thanks for your support.

Zeeshan said on August 23, 2009 at 1:31 pm

hi ian.. thank you .. your answers are really helpful.. i also need to ask a small
thing.. in the above example of a CER it shows a candidates verifiers name
and his signature.. who would that be??? coz i dont have any work
experience, i just finished my masters studies in biomedical engineering. and
there is no gap between my bachelors and masters..

ianlittle said on August 23, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Zeeshan The verifier is the person who is managing you. If you are a
student, it is the Head of the faculty or the supervisor or your project..

bhavesh said on September 9, 2009 at 2:51 am

hi, i have done my diploma in electrical engg. after 10 th standard. Then i

have joined power sector. During a job i have done my graduation in
electrical engg. from institution of engineers india. I have more than 2 years
of experience after graduation.would i eligible for australia PR immigration
and assessed by i.e.australia as a proffessional engineers. please guide me

ianlittle said on September 9, 2009 at 6:03 pm

Bhavesh You should be elegible as an engineering associate, but not as a
professional engineer. Got oFAQ pageur and follow the links to get all the
information you need.

Usman Akram said on September 10, 2009 at 11:21 am

Hi Ian,

Many thanks for your advice. It really helped me a lot in writing complete
CDR. I have a question regarding compiling of CDR. Do I need to arrange the
printed CDR in a booklet form or just arrange the CDR by the separated titles?

ianlittle said on September 10, 2009 at 6:19 pm

Usman Just keep the CERs as three separate documents. Label them Clearly
CER1, CER2 and CER3. Make sure you have all pages named and numbered in
a footer. Try the drop test. If you dropped all the pagesf your complete CDR
and they scattered all over the floor, can someone else easily pick them all up
and put them back in order. The instructions specifcally tell you not to bind
the CER. Engineers Australia like to pull the CDR apart !!.

JP said on September 21, 2009 at 1:51 am

Dear Ianlittle, Im very surprised for the job you do on this blog. I want to say
thanks like many others and I hope you can give me a hand:

Im a Chilean guy, 32 years old, married and dad of a little girl. Im an

Engineer with a 5 years career at the Pontifical Catholic University, but I think
my degree only exist here in Chile, and is literaly translate as Constructor
Engineer, maybe could be Builder Engineer?. Also during 2008, I completed a
one year Diploma (Operational Management). I have 7+ years experience but
my best job until now, has been the Plant Engineer in an industrial
manufactur plant, during almost 2 years. To obtain that work, I worked as
part of the construction team for the construction of this new plant, and
finally the Plant Manager did offers me the possition to continue working
with them.
So, my question is, due to my recent experience could be aplying for a
Production or Plant Engineer 2126-13 and complete my 3 CDRs based on
that experience and different projects that I managed.

My concern is because the occupation mentioned gives 60 point in contrast

to my previous degree, for that case I found a match at the Unit Group 1191
Building and Construction Managers but those give only 50 points.

Ianlittle, thanks in advance!

ianlittle said on September 21, 2009 at 2:48 pm

JP Have you considered Engineer Building and Engineering

Professionals not elsewhere classified 2129-79 I think you could write CERs
around this. It is also consistent with your qualifications. I doubt if you can
succeed as a production engineer becuase that is not you base training
qualification. You will only succedd if you can demonstrate that parts of the
competencies in your building qualification are relevant to production

Phanta said on September 22, 2009 at 8:55 pm

Hi ianlittle,

I sent my CDR to Engineers Australia on 23rd of June 2009. But I still didnt
get the result. What should I do now? Please advice!




ianlittle said on September 22, 2009 at 9:32 pm

Phanta Be patient and wait. Engineers Australia have a long backlog at the
JP said on September 23, 2009 at 5:29 am

Ianlittle, thanks for your advise.

I can validate my experience as a Plant Engineer better than a Production

Eng.(both are involves in the description) based on my primary degree and
my Diploma I think I can support 3 cases on were I develop projects that a
Plant Engineer does.

About Management and Planning of manufacturing activities is the weak

side of my resume, but I believe I have some to tell about it

Now, taking account your comment, when you suggest 2129-79 I read about
it on the ASCO, and at the end, the descrption mention 3 occupations I feel
my degree doesnt match with it. These three occupations are like a guide o
my qualification should be one off the 3??

Occupations in this group include:

Armament Engineer (Defence Force)

Instrument Engineer (Defence Force)

Product Design Engineer

Thank you.

ianlittle said on September 23, 2009 at 8:07 am

JP As you hace noticed the number of engineer occupations in the ASCO

code list is small. This means that all the different specialities have to fit
under one of the few categories that there are, or go under the catch all
2129-79 category. The occupations listed are not part of building or
construction and are not a consistent group, so your qualifications and
experience will not necessarily match. This is a group for people like yourself
with qualification having general engineering competencies, from a course
not available in Australia, but do not fit into one of the few ASCO categories.
Remember in the CDR you only need to demonstrate competency at a
graduate level. That does not have to be at a very sophisticated or complex
level. mangement at a graduate leve is more being organised nd being able to
plan your activities and co-ordinate with others.

Phanta said on September 23, 2009 at 12:35 pm

Hi ianlittle,


I really appreciate what you are doing to help & guide the people like us
regarding this subject.




Hammad said on September 24, 2009 at 6:01 pm

Hi Ian,

1. How important it is to stick to the given word limit for each of the 4
sections of the CER? Do the assessors actually count the words? The problem
I am facing is that there is a huge number of competency elements to be
proven and the given word limit is too small for all the elements to fit in.

2. Is it advisable to claim a competency element in the Background section of

the career episode, or all elements should be claimed within the Personal
Engineering Activity section, which is the key assessable component, as per
IEAust official documentation?

3. Could you please elaborate what is meant by a statement of your duties

(provide an official duty statement where available)?


ianlittle said on September 24, 2009 at 9:09 pm


1 It is very important to stay within the word limits. Engineers Australia will
not count the words but they can see the number of pages. Part of the
challenge is to be able to assess what is important and what is not. Look at
each sentence and ask yourself- What element of a competency does this
demonstrate? if you cannot answer this, delete the sentence. Do not try and
address every element individually, address the overall competency. The
elements should be considered as typical of the sorts of activities within a
competency. Remember no one is expected to get 100% in an exam. Cover
what is important.

2 Do not have any competencies in the background.

3 If you have a formal written job description for any job you have had,
include it. If you have not had a formal job description list,in dot form, the
tasks you were expected to do. Such as:

perform calculations to size equipment

- prepare damage reports and recommend repairs

- prepare project estimates.

dipak said on September 29, 2009 at 4:23 pm

I have engineering degree in production , but last 17 years working on EPC

projects n last 12 years on OIL & GAS projects . My experience is in contracts
/ procurement of various equipments. Can this experience be considered as a
Mechanical Engineering qualification from AE.

ianlittle said on September 29, 2009 at 6:29 pm

Dipak Unlikely, unless you can demonstrate engineering competencies
through involvement in technical evaluation, specification, designing
modifications and/or applying engineering skills. If it was purely commercial
and contractual work no chance.

dipak said on September 30, 2009 at 4:21 pm

Thanks Ian . I do have extensive involvement in technical bid evaluation ,

selection of equipment and resolution of pre/post purhcase order
engineering issue . Hope i can demonstrate that thru CDR.


Raad said on October 4, 2009 at 5:58 pm

Its over 3.5 months since i sent my application to Engineers Australia under
CDR category but still no acknowlegement or response has been given from
EA. Pleae advise if i have to send them an email to update my status ?

ianlittle said on October 4, 2009 at 7:39 pm

Raad Only contact EA if you have not received acknowledgement of your

application. Processing time are long at the moment.

Orion said on October 6, 2009 at 3:51 am


I just finished my BSc in Electronic Engineers (4 years of study) and a BSc in


As a student, i worked as an Associate Engineer. Only now im being offered a

position as a Professional Engineer (at the same company).

My question is: Is my work experience (Associate Engineer) going to be a

problem for the assessement for a Professional Engineer?


ianlittle said on October 6, 2009 at 12:54 pm

Orion No probelm. It does not help for qualifications assessemnt or for visa
application as it is not relevant because it is before you have gained your
qualification. It will help you get a job in Australia though.

Raad said on October 6, 2009 at 2:32 pm

Dear Ian:

I just recieved a reply from EA via Email confirming my successfull assessment

as an Engineer. They have sent me a letter of recognition on September 14,
2009 which i still to recieve at home.

Orion said on October 7, 2009 at 1:40 am

Thanks Ian youre a real pro.

Another thing, since I havent gained yet any experience as a Proffesional

Engineer (only Associate), what should I write as carreer episodes on my

Thanks again,


ianlittle said on October 7, 2009 at 2:51 am

Orion Your final year project is a good topic. You have to display the
competencies of a professional engineer. You do not have to have
engineering experience. Hopefully you have done some jobs (projects) which
you used the engineering competencies. something that went wrong where
you had to analyse the cuase and evelop a solution are very good for CERs.

Orion said on October 7, 2009 at 9:33 pm

Ian, thanks. Im truely greatful for all your help ;-)


Orion said on October 8, 2009 at 12:45 am

Hi again.. just 2 more question please:

1.The CER attached contains about 500 words. The Migration Skill
Assessment Booklet says spesifically that each nerrative should contain a
minimum of 1000 words. Is the attached CER a good reference? if not, where
is it possible to get a good example of a nerrative?

2. The attached CER contains a Competency Element Claimed column. Yet

it is not clear to me what do the Letters & figures stand for (E3.1 , C2.3,). I
checked the Summay Statements, and did not find any match for these
figures. Can you say how to fill this column?

Thanks (again)


ianlittle said on October 9, 2009 at 12:10 am

Orion Sorry for causing confusion. This example is for application for
chartered status. It is only an example of the style of writing you must use in
a CER. Notice that it is a simple narrative style written in the first person
using the terminology of engineering competencies. It is not an example of a

The letters relate to the competency elements which are listed in the
Summary. For this example you would need to cross check against the
Engineers Australia handbook for chatered engineer. The competencies from
the CER Summary would be:

PE2.1 Ability to undertake problem identification, formulation, and solution

PE2.4 Proficiency in engineering design

ET2.5 Ability to ensure reliable operation

You should be able to find these in Section C of the Migration Skills

Assessment booklet. I can see there are parts of other competency elements
which could be claimed here.

My apologies for the confusion. I did not want to change the Enginerrs
Australia example.

Orion said on October 10, 2009 at 8:04 am

Thank Ian.

One last thing (I hope),

The Migration Skills Assessment Booklet says that I have to rpovide employer
reference letters. But does not state what should be included in such a letter.

Can you please guide me on this one?



ianlittle said on October 10, 2009 at 8:26 am

Orion The employer reference letter must say you have been employed as a
professional engineer and when you started and finished the employment as
a professional engineer. Legally that is all an Australian employer can provide.
Any work that requires validation for a CER must be separately validated on
your CV.

mech_india said on October 11, 2009 at 8:54 pm


I am a Mechanical Engineer and an MBA from India with over 6 years of work
experience in our family business of manufacturing engineering components.
I have worked both in the capacities of Professional Engineer and Sales &
Marketing Manager for our business. I am planning to get my engineering
assessed by EA. Kindly advise me if for writing my CDR I should concentrate
only on my technical projects undertaken in our manufacturing business or
can I also write about various product developments, Sales & Marketing
initiatives that I have carried out to win new business for our company? I am
planning to get my credentials assessed as an Engineering Manager.

ianlittle said on October 11, 2009 at 9:27 pm

Raja You must demonstrate the engineering competencies as given in the

Migration Skills Assessment Handbook. The technical side of product
development using engineering skills is good. The sales marketing initiatives
are not relevant.

srikanth_sai said on October 13, 2009 at 11:09 pm


I am a mechanical engineering graduate passed out in 2004. I have diploma in

mechanical engg prior to that. I am having 5 years of work experience as CAD
engineer. Im working on Pro/E software. My question is whether my
occupation comes under mechanical engineer or computing professional.
Please clarify me.

ianlittle said on October 14, 2009 at 1:28 am

Srikanth You look like a mechanical engineering technologist or associate to

me. It depends on what you are doing with CAD. If you are designing
applications for mechanical design or doing mechanical design ,you will
definitely be a mechanical type. If you are doing general CAD system
development with no engineering context you will be more likely to be seen
as a computing type. If you have done other computing type course, this will
strengthen you claim as an IT professional. It looks like you will have trouble

Phanta said on October 14, 2009 at 9:23 pm

Hi ianlittle,

Engineers Australia assessed my CDR & I went through it sucessfully.

Can you please tell me what is the maximum time I can wait without applying
for a visa? (I dont want my CDR result to be expired!)


ianlittle said on October 14, 2009 at 10:22 pm

Phanta You will have to ask an immigration agent about visa issues. On
second thoughts, have a look at the FAQ page on Engineers Australia site. The
assessment result does not expire , but IEAust charge a fee to update it after
a couple of years I think.

srikanth_sai said on October 14, 2009 at 11:07 pm

Hi Ian, Thanks a lot for your reply. Im having expertise in heavy engineering
& semi conductor domains. Through out my 5 years of experience I am
involved in the generation of mechanical design concepts, modelling &
creating manufacturing drawings. I provide design support for the client.
Some times I need to handle small teams to meet the deliveries to the client.
So, as per your clarification, I hopefully come under mechanical engineer.
Here I have one more question. Will there be any change in visa process for
professional engineer and engineering technologist (with respect to
immigration points).

ianlittle said on October 15, 2009 at 5:27 am

Srikanth Thats a visa question which I cannot advise on. Go to the

Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI)site and you will get the
answer. look up each occupation and the site lists the visa points. Go to our
FAQ page to find the ASRI link.

sameh said on October 17, 2009 at 9:30 pm

i am electrical pwer engineer pwer transimmision sub station operation and
maint. engineer i need to help me how can i make cdr and i have arround 20
years experince in pwer trans.400 kv to 11 kv

help me please

ianlittle said on October 18, 2009 at 10:32 am

Sameh I think the first thing you need to do is to improve your English. A
high level of English makes it easier for you to understand the engineering
competencies in the Migration Skills Asssessment Handbook, it will also mean
you can write your CERs better, write a better CV and perform better in a Job
interview. Go to our FAQ page and get the links to the appropriate web site
to provide the information you need.

shehzad said on October 21, 2009 at 6:01 am

hi Ian,

I am a mechanical engineer and have more than six years of experience in the

a) 3 years in Production Planning in Automobile Manufacturing Plant

b) 2 years in automobile dealership in Aftersales operations and warranty


c) 1 year in Furniture Industry as planning Engineer

d) 8 months as assistant manager Projects

Can i claim points under the category of mechanical engineer? and can u give
me some advice on writing my CDR


ianlittle said on October 21, 2009 at 8:56 am

Shehzad I think you will have difficulty with this experience. Go to the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website and look at the task description
for a mechanical enegineer and also download the Migration Skills
Assessment booklet. Follow the links to these from our FAQ page. The real
test is to prepare a CDR. Start by selecting three career episode reports (CER)
topics and write ten one line sentences for each. Then complete the
Summary (Yes do this at the start) by assessing the competencies you will be
able to demonstrate from each of the one line sentences when you expand
them to a full paragraph. It is not work experience or job title that count it
is how well you can demonstrate professional engineering competencies as
defined by ASCO code and Engineers Australia.

shehzad said on October 23, 2009 at 10:50 pm

Thanks for the response,i saw the task description for a mechanical engineer
and i think you are right, it will be Little difficult to write 3 career episodes(as
a mechanical engineer) with the current experience. Now I also saw the task
description of Production or Plant Engineer and Industrial Engineer and i
think it will be much easier to write the career episodes with one of these
nominated occupation, Now the questions are

1) As Mechanical is my Basic Degree, can i choose Production or Industrial as

the nominated occupation?and what is the effect of this on the assessment?

2) Industrial is not in the current critical skill list that means the process will
be delayed and can you give an idea by how many months?

3) If you are not successful in the assessment process can you relauch your
application if yes then how many times?

I will be thankful if you can answer my queries.


ianlittle said on October 24, 2009 at 10:15 am

Shehzad You should be able to have a reasonable chance with occupations
with many of the same basic skills. Factors which will help are the specific
subjects you did during your course and your project work. Another thing
that would help is any post graduate courses or training related to production
or industrial engineering. This can include some self education. This would
need to be included in your professional development statement. I cannot
advise (legally) on visa matters. See our blog web page link on visa processing

shijo said on October 29, 2009 at 3:41 pm

Hi ian

I have completed by bachelors in electronics and communication, and now I

have completed my masters in telecommunication (where my majority
subjects are networking) and also did a Graduate diploma in
networking(awaiting results)

I am in a stage to prepare my cdr and I was thinking of the putting two

projects from my bachelors and a project from my masters,

so can I apply as an electronics professional??

can i put networking based project?

And will IELTS (general) with 7 in each be enough?

ianlittle said on October 29, 2009 at 5:43 pm

Shijo Yes, yes

Adeel said on October 30, 2009 at 12:12 am

Dear brothers,

I am writing my career episodes for CDR these days. I have a query regarding
the Personal Workplace Activity section.
The professional projects I am presenting in my CDR requires more amount
of data to be included than mentioned in the MSA booklet. As per the
booklet we can only include 1000 words in personal workplace activity
section whereas 02 of my career episodes contains around 2000 words (5 A4
size pages) in the personal workplace activity sections. Is there as strist
restriction regarding the word count for a CDR episode? Please guide.

ianlittle said on October 30, 2009 at 6:08 am

Adeel Yes there is. Part of the test is to be able to write concise English.
Look at every sentence and ask yourself which competency that sentence
demonstrates. If you cannot link a sentence to a competency, delete it. Most
sentences should start with I I calculated, I assessed, I designed, I
planned.take out all the things about the companies and how everyone
appreciated your efforts. Stick with the facts. Each CER should be around ten
paragraphs of about ten lines. About six or so sentences in each paragraph.

shijo said on October 30, 2009 at 1:56 pm

Thanks Ian,

wanted to get it more clear from you before I proceed into it, the two project
from my bachelors will present my electronics skill but the project option
that I have from my masters is one of the electronics project but that is a very
small n simple project compared to my bachelors, so will that do?

Or else, I have done a project in network design for a school and clinic but
it would be totally computing field, so will this project be outside the
boundaries of electronics professional??

would need your help further when I get into writing this..


ianlittle said on October 30, 2009 at 3:35 pm

Shijo You have to work this out by asessing the competencies from each
CER you write. Do an outline first for all 3 CERs, then the summary. That will
tell you if you have coveredall the competencies. It is not the lengh of the
CER, it is the competencies you can demonstrate.

Waqas said on October 31, 2009 at 7:49 pm

Hi Ian,

i would like to know the font & font size for writing the CDR.Any
recommendations regarding the Header,Footer and Paragraph settings?



ianlittle said on November 1, 2009 at 12:13 am

Waqas Use font styles you would normally use in a technical report.
Something like Arial 10 point. Put the page numbering your name and the cer
number in the footer, such as:

Waqas CER No 1 Page 1 of 5 October 2009

Put the CEr title in the header.

Bfeor you send off youur CDR apply the drop test. You should be able to drop
your CDR on the floor and have a stranger pick it up and put all the pages
back in order. This needs every page of ebery documenet to be numbered
and include the document title.

Adeel said on November 12, 2009 at 6:15 am

Hi brothers, My query is regarding the Employer Reference Letter that I

have to provide with my Career episodes related to my Professional projects
( For CDR Assessment )
Query: Should I ask for a normal Experience Certificate from the Ericsson
/Warid or the Assessment team requires any specific Reference letter

Normally the Experience Letter provided by the Employer contains

information about the Employee Name, Fathers Name, National ID card
number, Status of employement (permanant/contractual), Official
Designition and Duration of Employement on the Companys letter haad.

Kindly support

Adeel You need a specific reference letter for any period you have used for
a career episode report. For other experience a reference letter will do.

tintin78 said on November 13, 2009 at 12:00 am

hi lan,

Thanks a lot for your help.

I am a B.Tech electrical engineer and have 5 years experience in the the

following Industries

a) 2 years in Electrical Design in material handling deptt of Automobile


b) 3 years in Electrical design engineering in Material Handling Deptt of Heavy

mechinery industry(2006-present)

I am in a stage to prepare my CDR and I was thinking of the putting one

project from Automobile Idustry and 2 projects from Heavy Mechinery
Industry.But, I am confused about the documents I need to show in support
of the first project.Do i need a project specific reference letter from the
employers or in my case just 2 employers reference letters will be needed for
my entire 3 career episodes.
another query is, I was doing my B.Sc in Economics(1998-2000) between my
Higher Secondary(1997) and my B.Tech engg (2000-2004), but not completed
the course.How should I put this period in CDR? Will it have an negative
impact on my CDR?

thanks once again,


tintin The years spent studying economics should be included in your CV

which is included in your CDR. It will not have a negative impact.

If the experienc is in two departments of the same company a single

reference is enough provided it addresses the career episode periods.

Microbeck said on November 13, 2009 at 9:05 pm

Hi there,

First of all I really want to appreciate the work that you are doing for so many
people. I read quite a few entries above and was amazed by your responses.
Hope I can also get some good feedback from you.

I am an Electronics and Communication Engineer by education (B.Tech ECE

Finished 2005). However straight after my B.Tech I got into the IT sector and
now I have more than 4 years of IT experience. All 4 years were in SAP
technology which is listed in MODL and CSL and last 2.5 years were working
in Australia on 457 visa.

I am almost certain that ACS (Australian Computer Society) wont access

before I have at least 6 years of work experience.

Second option is Engineers Australia which I am not really sure about if they
will recognize my Electronics degree despite me having all my experience in
IT and not pursuing my electronics skills by any means. I can still write my
CDR with 3 career episodes related to electronics and communication work I
did during my engineering. Would that help?
Will Engineers Australia object on me working in IT but getting myself
accessed as an Electronics Engineer.

OR will it be problem when I apply for my PR as assessment will be for

Electronics but I will claim experience points for my IT experience.

Many thanks for your help and guidance,


Beck Engineers Australia only assess your engineering competency based

on your CDR. You do not have to demonstrate engineering work experience.
All the assessment is about is demonstrating you have the competencies of a
graduate engineer from an Australian university. They have no work

As you note the problem you will have is you will have no occupation work
experience as an engineer to get those points towards a visa.

Go to the ACS site (links from our FAQ page) and look in detail at their
requirements for qualifications. This takes into consideration the subjects you
have done during your electronics and communications degree. You may
have sufficient computer type subjects to be assessed as equivalent to a
computer engineer.

tintin78 said on November 25, 2009 at 12:50 am

hi Lan,

thank you very much for your kind support.I am an indian and preparing my
CDR which I am going to send from berlin,Germany.If I get my documents
certified from India(by a doctor) and send them along with CDR,will it be
allright?If not, please let me know where I should go in Berlin for it.

thanks once again for your time !!!

See clause 5 of section A of the Engineers Australia Migration Skills
Assessment booklet for a list of the classes of persons authorised to certify
documents. Doctors are not on the list! so that will not work. So find a
person, such as a lawyer, on this list. Look for an Australian Embassy or Trade
mission in Berlin if you cannot find one of the other classess of people. It is
very important to get the certification correct. Follow the rules to the word.
Do not make any assumptions. IKL

Emmanuel said on November 30, 2009 at 6:42 am

Hi Ian!

I just want to ask if there was a specified format to be used in writing my CPD?

Thank you!


Emmanuel There is no specified format. The only guidance is less than a

page. If you go to Engineers Australia web site have a look at the chartered
status instructions regarding CPD for some guidance on what to write about.

ianlittle said on December 1, 2009 at 7:48 pm

Juanito This is not unusual. The additional information required for areas of
experience used in CERs will have to be included in your CV.

tintin78 said on December 2, 2009 at 6:30 am

Thanks a ton for your response!!!

Adeel khan said on December 12, 2009 at 11:01 am

Currently I am studying two years Master of Electrical engineering

studies(double major) at University of Wollongong NSW Australia. I have
completed 4 years Bachelor degree from Pakistan. I have no experience. I
have done three months internship while I was doing Bachelor degree in
Pakistan. Can I prepare two episode of my CDR using my final years Bachelor
degree projects. Can I prepare one episode of my CDR using my Master study
in Australia Or Can I prepare one episode of my CDR from my three month
internship in pakistan. I appreciate your response.

ianlittle said on December 12, 2009 at 1:57 pm

Adeel You can do whatever enables you to demonstrate all the engineering
competencies. To work out which is best, do outlines of about 10 single lines
(each about an engineering action) for each career episode report topic. Then
assess the competencies each report will demonstrate. Next complete the
summary report. If you do this before you start writing the details, it will help
you work out where you are repeating competencies and where there are
competencies missing.

abhishek said on December 13, 2009 at 4:46 am


I have done engineering in Mechanical from India. But the experience which i
have is in Information technology in retail domain of 4 years. I have applied
my soft skills which i learnt during college and operations knowledge also. I
know my engineering subjects and work dont match but i need help from you
in terms of how to show in CDR my co relation between subjects and
experience. In IELTS i have scored above 7 in all fields. Also i have 2 years of
marketing experience where i managed around 2000 people under me in
parallel with my work.

Kindly let me knw as how to write CDR as i am totally confused as how to




ianlittle said on December 13, 2009 at 5:23 am

Abhishek Your case highlights a major problem with the Australian
immigration assessment system. Capable people with varied experience find
it difficult to establish their occupation. I think it would be worthwhile
looking at either management or computer technology occupations. Go to
our FAQ page and follow the links. In particular go to the Australian Bireau of
Statistics (ABS) website to see the detailed occupation descriptions. Dont
forget you need current relevant (in you nominated occupation) work
experience to get points toward a general skilled migrant visa.

Your work experience does not need to match qualification you need to be
able to show in your CERs thst you have the engineering competencies in
your nominated occupation. Do a test run. Select three topics and do outlines
(ten single line points) for each and assess the competencies each CER will
demonstrate. Complete the Summary Statement before you start writing the
detail CERs. This will help you make sure you are not demonstrating one
competency several times and missing out on others. Remember to look at
both the Engineers Australia competencies and the occupation requirements
as listed in the Australian Burea of Statistics (ABS) definition for the

saqib said on December 16, 2009 at 4:04 pm


i really appreciate your sincere efforts for bringing solutions . i wish to ask
you that , do i need to submitt my original documnets or photocopy along
with the CDR ? i am applying outside the australia , what would be the fee
package for assessment of my skills .

your prompt response shall be highly appreciated.

ianlittle said on December 16, 2009 at 5:00 pm

Saqid Submit certified copies. See part5 of section A of the Engineers

Australia Migration Skills Assessment booklet. Note that every single page
has to be signed. The Engineers Australia website has the current application

Juanito said on December 16, 2009 at 7:45 pm

Hi all,

I am planning to apply for skills assessment.

So, my question is related to one of the documents required for my

application: Employer Reference letter(s). I am wondering which information
should be provided in this kind of letter. In fact, the company where I am
working provides a standard letter and I cant ask to incorporate further
information such as description of work duties, etc. It includes only name, ID,
date of recruitment, and the title (ENGINEER).

Your output will be greatly appreciated.


Taoufik said on December 16, 2009 at 7:50 pm

What is a good ASCO for a VAS/IN engineer ?

thanks in advance

fahd said on December 20, 2009 at 12:47 pm


I am a chemical engineer. I got my degree back in early 2006 and after that I
worked in a fertilizer industry for exact three year. First of those three years
was spent in training while the remaining two I spent as a regular employee
of the company. Now I wana ask if I can include that one year training as an
experince in my CDR? Because in order to apply for professional engineer you
need to have 3 yrs of experience.
Then I came to norway in August 2009 to do masters from Norwegian
university of science and technology, which will be completed in 2011. Does
this give me any edge if I apply for immigration? Should I include it my career
episode when I write my CDR?

My IELTS result was 8.0 which I took last year.

Thanx in advance for your help.


Fahad Saleem

fahd said on December 20, 2009 at 1:09 pm


Just one more thing. Can I use my training period as a career episode? I am
thinking about the three episodes as being 1) my B.Sc final year design
project 2) my first year of professional training 3) 2 yrs of further workwill
that work?


Fahad Saleem

ianlittle said on December 20, 2009 at 7:08 pm

Fahd- You do not need 3 years experience for skills recognition, all you need
is the equivalent of an Australian 4 year degree and be able to write a CDR
that demonstrates the professional engineering ciompetencies. All the
epeisodes are post graduation so they should be OK, if they demonstrate the
required competencies. The masters does not really help, but can be a source
for a CER. With such good English you should have no problems.

fahd said on December 23, 2009 at 1:13 am

thanx ianill start working on CDR and would ask if i have any problems
Joynal said on December 25, 2009 at 4:13 pm

Hi Ian thanks for your effort. I am a civil engineer currently working in Dubai
(2+ Exp). I would like to know that in CDR booklet EA asked for employer
reference letter. In case of academic certificate they have written certified
copy however, for employer reference letter they didnt mentioned
certified. My question is that, do I need to send original one or attested copy?
Please give me solution. I m stuck for this confusion.

Thanks i anticipation.

ianlittle said on December 25, 2009 at 5:20 pm

Joynal I am not sure. I would think an attested copy would be fine. Any
copies must be current, not validated at some time in the past. i would send
an email to Engineers Australia to confirm. They have an email address on
their website.

Emmanuel said on December 27, 2009 at 12:10 am

Dear Ian,

I have read samples of CERs in the internet in which they claimed they were
positively assessed in which diagrams, graphs were included in order for
them to expain well their competencies. So, is it also possible to include the
same format in my CER since I think the topic Ive made also need to include
those kind of things to explain it well.

Thank you for your response.

ianlittle said on December 27, 2009 at 3:59 pm

Emmanuel You can, but I would not recommend including diagrams and
graphs. Engineers Australia are interested in the engineering competencies
and processes you have used not in the actual results. Your CERs are about
what you have thought about and done, not so much how the details of the
results. For example you could write: I plotted the machine performance
test results and observed unexpected variations. I analysed possible causes
and concluded there was an error in one of the inputs. This was corrected
and the test repeated. This time the performance was within specification.
This demonstrates a number of engineering competencies which you may
miss if you included a graph of the results.

Mark said on January 6, 2010 at 11:49 am

I am currently preparing my CDR for Engineering Manager. I have the

necessary competencies, but will struggle with references. All relevant
experience is with my current employer, and to obtain a reference, I will
need to explain my plans which could put my position in jeopardy. I could ask
my client, but again they have links into my company and may leak the plans
back. Is it absolutely perative to proide a reference?



ianlittle said on January 6, 2010 at 1:47 pm

Mark An alternative could be to make statutory declarations signed by a JP.

Send Engineers Australia an email to check with them.

johnthegr8 said on January 7, 2010 at 7:21 pm

Hello Ian,

I read all of the forums above but it seems none of of those got the same
scenario that i faced right now. basically Im a BSElectronics and
communication Engineer Grad and im been working already for almost 10
yrs but unfortunately non of these work experience fits my Educational
attainment except one though, but on this one i just got 1.5 years experience
as a Product Engineer in a Semiconductor Manufacturing company. now my
questions is:
1. Can I use my 1.5 yr experience since this one fits my BSECE qualification?

2. is it possible to write about electronic related project experience during my

college days?

3. is there any way I can write down my past and present work experiences
even though is not relevant to my Electronic Engineer qualifications? or is
there by any chance that this experiences might be acredited?

Thank you very much in advance.


ianlittle said on January 7, 2010 at 7:25 pm

John Qualifications assessment is based on being able to demonstrate

professional engineering competencies, nothing to do with the number of
years experience. Having relevant experience just provides more
opportunities to demonstrate competencies. You should be able to develop
three career episode reports (CERs) from your course work and your 1.5
years as a product engineer. Work experience that is not relevant is, by its
very definition, not relevant.

If yoiiu have no recent relvant work experience this will affect the points for a
general skilled migration visa.

Haris said on January 12, 2010 at 12:30 am

Hi ianlittle,

I am really glad to see someone helping out people with their PR problems I
have got one as well. I found 2 or 3 posts slightly related to my problem, but
to confirm it further I am posting here. I would really appreciate if you can
help out.

I earned BS(Computer Engineering) from overseas, and just finished

ME(Computer Science & Engineering) (Usually known as Masters by Research
in Computer Science and Engineering). I am planning to assess my undergrad
as Electronics Engineer since I have done courses from both
electronics/electrical and computer science (it will put my PR application on

First, I am wondering whether it is fine to assess it as Electronics Engineer I

can write 3 episodes related to Electronics Engineering in CDR which I did in
my undergrad. Second, whether ME(Computer Science and Engineering) will
be considered closely related to my nominated skill occupation (which will be
Electronics Engineer) as required by DIAC.

Thanks heaps for your time.



ianlittle said on January 12, 2010 at 9:02 am

Haris Go to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website and have a

look at the occupation descriptions (yoiu can follow the limks from our FAQ
blog page. The devil is in the detail. It is important that your episodes are
related to the hardware, but can included emnedded software development
rather than in a pure IT related area such as C++, SAP or similar software. I
doubt if your masters studies will count as relevant work experience (for
GSM visa points) because it is education rather than working in a job. You
need to talk to a registered migration agent to clarify this.

Orion said on January 14, 2010 at 4:09 am

Hello Ian,

I have sent a complete CDR to Engineers Australia via registered post at the
begining of December. Until now I havent recieved a receipt from them, nor
was I charged by my credit card. Should I worry that my CDR isnt attended at


ianlittle said on January 14, 2010 at 4:30 am

Orion Be patient and wait . It could take a month to reach Engineers

Australia. There will also be delays due to the holiday period.

Emmanuel said on January 15, 2010 at 5:34 am

Hello Ian,

Im on the process of making my CV. Based on the migration skills assessment

book, CV should not be more than 3 A4 pages but Ive already exceeded the
limit pages and if Im going to follow the allowed number of page, Im afraid
that some of the important items and contents of my personal details will not
be included. Is it ok if I exceeded more than 3 pages? Thanks.



ianlittle said on January 15, 2010 at 6:43 am

Emmanuel Sorry for missing your query 4 pages maximum if you have
more than 10 years work experience. You must be able to pick out what is
really important for the job you are applying for. It is an important skill to be
able to express yourself concisely. Throw out the less important parts and
emphasize your important attributes. Keep it to 3 pages. Anything longer will
be thrown out without being read.

Fransiscus Herry said on January 15, 2010 at 9:10 pm

Dear Ianlittle,

When you said that no recent relevant work experience will affect the points
for a general skill migration visa, are you saying that although i get a positive
result as Mechanical Engineer from Australia Engineers, i could not claim the
60 points because i do not a relevant expereince as a mechanical engineer?

Or you are referring to the additional 10 points toward recent relevant work

would you please to explain this to me. Thank you.

ianlittle said on January 15, 2010 at 11:33 pm

Franciscus Sorry for the late responnse. Somehow your comment got lost.

I meant the 10 additional points for recent relevant work experiemce. Your
60 points are fine.

stephen coaker said on January 22, 2010 at 2:13 am


I have a b-tech national diploma in engineering and have 13 years working in

the engineering field. Just confused if you I need to apply for a professional
visa or a do I need to carry out a CER?


ianlittle said on January 22, 2010 at 8:57 am

Stephen The first step in obtaining a visa is to have your qualifications

assessed by the relevant Australian authority. For engineering this is
Engineers Australia. Get yourself a copy of their Migration Skills Assessment
handbook. You may qualify under the Sydney Accord and not need to do a
CDR. Go to our FAQ page and follow the links to get all the information you

Shailendra said on January 28, 2010 at 9:02 pm

I have done BE(Electronics) and also applied for Migration skills assessment
for Australia. I am asked to send CPD to Engineers Australia. But I do not have
any idea about Continuing Professional Development(CPD), can you please
provide me a sample document, so that I can write my own details to prepare
a well-mannered CPD to be send to EA. I have also scored 6.5 Bands in IELTS

Thank you.

ianlittle said on January 28, 2010 at 11:44 pm

Shailendra Go to the Engineers Australia website and look at the

requirements for CPD for Chartered Engineers. This gives a wider description
of the sorts of activities taht are included in continueing professional
development. It also provide a tabule format. This is not as daunting as it
seems. It only requires you to note down in less than a page, any courses, self
learning (such as reading technical articles and standards) conferences and
attendance at professional body meeting you have attended since graduating.
Concentrate on events of the last three years unless there is some major
events such as a post graduate degree such as a masters.

Emmanuel said on February 2, 2010 at 4:12 am

Hi Ianne. Im currently on the process of doing my CER. Is it possible that the

sub elements of a competency element were not just included on a single
paragraph? For example, the competency element PE 1.1 have 4 sub
elements. It is possible that 1st sub element was found on the first paragraph,
2nd sub element can be found on the 3rd paragraph, 3rd sub element was
written on the 5th paragraph while the 4th sub elements was included on the
2nd paragraph. Thank you!

ianlittle said on February 2, 2010 at 8:56 am

Emmanuel It is highly likely that the elements will be distributed across mor
than one paragraph. You are not required to address all sub-elements. In
writing you should try and gather the parts together. This a communications
skill the assessors will be looking for.

Shaheen said on February 3, 2010 at 3:59 pm

Hi ianlittle.

I am an instrumentation and control engineer and been working on DCS and

PLCs for three years. Since Instrumentation is not listed under the SOL can
you tell me under which category can I apply.

ianlittle said on February 3, 2010 at 4:53 pm

Shaheen It will depend on your qualifications, but you will fit under
electronics engineer, but you could also fit under electrical if you qualification
is electrical engineer.

salman said on February 21, 2010 at 4:16 pm


I would be 40 in June 2010. If I apply for the immigration before June 2010,
would I be awarded 20 points or 15 points.



ianlittle said on February 21, 2010 at 5:14 pm

Salman If you apply before June 2010, you will be 39, therefore eligible for
the points of a 39 year old.

Julin Carrera said on February 22, 2010 at 1:26 am

Hi Ian,

Ive started writting the 3 episodes in my CDR.

Im appliying to the Engineer Manager category.

Ive seen 8 different elements of competency in the Skills Assessment

booklet, with as many as 9 bullet points after each one.

The booklet mentions the need to have all competency elements assessed
within the 3 episodes.

Does that mean I need to assess all the bullet points or is it enough to
identify each one of the 8 elements of competency?

Thanks a lot for your help,


ianlittle said on February 22, 2010 at 3:22 am

Julian The instructions state specifically that you should not try and address
every sub-element (bullet point). But you need to address each element in
enough detail to be able to reasonably claim it. The number of sub elements
you need to cover will depend on how well you cover the particular individual
sub elements. I suggest you will need to cover at least half in reasonable
detail. It is really a normal exam approach. Look for better than an average
50% coverage.

Rehmat said on March 2, 2010 at 5:07 am

Dear Ian

I had applied for the qualification assessment of Electrical Engineer to

Engineers Australia about 3 and half months before now I received a
response that my qualifcation degree which is named as Electrial Engineer
doesnot support for the assessment of Electrical Engineer however it
supports for electronics engineer or instrumentation engineer ASCO 2129-79.
My two career episodes would meet the requirement of instrument engineer
while in one there is a slight defficiency of engineering activities. Now I am
asked that if you wish to proceed with as instrument engineer prepare one
career episode clearly relating the instrumentation engineering activities or
prepare 3 new episodes for electronics engineer.

Now I am confused because Instrument Engineer is not yet on MODL. Though

it is really ridiculous that there are a lot of vacancies announced as
instrument engineer or electircal & instrument or I&C engineer in their
industry but asco and engineers australia are not aware of these disciplines.
It shows a quite big gap between industry and engineers australia and Asco. I
have my previous experience on embedded systems and control but this not
reflected on resume, can I prepare that stuff which is not available on my
resume but on my one experience certificate embedded system & control is
mentioned .I am working control systems like DCS and PLCs also could it be
related with electronics engineer. Plz guide me how to proceed further.

I would like to thank you for your help during my cdr preparation previously
though my comments are not available on this blog now.

Kind Regards,


ianlittle said on March 2, 2010 at 5:28 pm

Rehmat Read and accept the rules. There is no point in fighting them.
Instrument and mechatronics engineers are covered within the definition of
electronics engineers. Go to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) site and
read the ASCO definitions (follow the links from aur FAQ blog page).
Electronics engineers are on the MODL, so as an instrument engineer you are
included. Study and follow the Australian rules. If you are not prepared to
adapt to Australian ways do not bother proceeding with a visa application as
you will spend all your energy fighting ridiculous rules. What your are
showing is intolerance. Engineers Australia are trying to help you and you are
ridiculing them. Read the definitions and try to understand them.

Rewrite your resume to include experience relevant to the Australian

definition for an instrument engineer.
Australia is different, you must adapt to succeed.

Ahmed said on March 4, 2010 at 7:37 am


I ve written much just to make it clear and to deliver a view of the exact

As Engineers, our main task or responsibility is to design.

I am a Mechatronics Engineer, I consider my self as a Mechatronic system

designer since Ive studied all the necessary courses to become a designer, at
university and by self studying. To be a designer was the main reason that I
decided to study Engineering.

After facing the practical life in our countries, I mean in Egypt; my country
and currently working and living in Turkey, I found that there is no Design
opportunities in these countries and what have been available to me since I
graduated were maintenance and service jobs.

For example, I worked for BMW and other Multinational companies, in Egypt
the BMWs factory doesnt design cars it only assembles, but the R & D
department is in Germany. (I worked as a Workshop Team Leader in the
service center)

As a result I couldnt find any design jobs either in Egypt or in Turkey.

Would this affect my assessment process or the perspective from which

Engineers Australia will be looking at me from?

Thanks in advance.

And special thanks for your efforts to help people achieve thier aims.

Best Regards

ianlittle said on March 4, 2010 at 11:12 am

Ahmed Apologies for the slow response. In a maintenance area people

often have complex problem solving and tasks requiring engineering
decisions to make modifications to fix design problems. These are very good
things to write about ib CERs. Remember, it is not about your job, it is about
demonstrating your engineering competencies.

Hamid Rezvani said on March 6, 2010 at 1:52 am

Im a mechanical engineer with MSc degree from Iran and have near to 10
years work experiences as a designer and project manager. I have prepared
three carrier episodes for assessment. They are nearly long each of them has
2000 words and my summary is in six pages. My experiences are so technical
and I have to explain them in detail to describe my main duties. Is 6-page
summary statement true or false?

In addition, my IELTS is in academic module and it will be expired in three

months later. Does it produce any problem for me?

Thanks for your kindness and useful information.

I am so grateful if you answer to my questions.


ianlittle said on March 6, 2010 at 4:00 pm

Hamid You must keep within the word limits. The summary statement
should be 2 pages maximum. Preparing CERs is not a technical test. Do not
provide technical detail. Look at each sentence. If it does not show how you
have used an engineering competency cross it out. The CERs must readI did
this, I did that, I analysed, I designed, I used an engineering competency.

An academic IELTS is not a problem. It is a higher leveel than the standard

test. You will have to get your application in before your IELTS expires, or you
will need to do another test.
Hamid said on March 6, 2010 at 9:26 pm

Im happy considering information you stated for IELTS expire date.

Regarding summary statement, I have seen summary with three pages. I

accept writing briefly is better but sometimes is so hard. I have to omit some
of unessential statements.

Whats your opinion about 2000 words for my career episodes?

Is it possible to have a sample check for our CDRS before dispatching?

ianlittle said on March 7, 2010 at 10:16 am

Hamid A 2000 word report will be throwm out. STICK TO THE WORD LIMIT.
Check through your three CER report and do a brief summary. Delete as
many repeats of competencies as yoiu can. Try to cover each competemcy.

Hamid said on March 8, 2010 at 12:27 am

But 2000 words is in accodance to word limit. But I agree with you I have to
write briefly. Each carrer episide is relevant to 3 to 4 years projects and
accept that wirting my duties as a project manager and designer briefly is so
hard . I have explained my detailed tasks as a designer an project manajer
and have omitted lots of daily tasks.

ianlittle said on March 8, 2010 at 4:49 pm

Hamid A CER is not about writng about the tasks you do. You mast write
about you demomstrate the engineering competencies. You will do many
things on a job which are not relevant to the professional engineering

ianlittle said on March 8, 2010 at 6:59 pm

Ahmed Absolutely. You need three separate tale to tell.

Samih said on March 11, 2010 at 4:39 am

Ive graduated from Aerospace Engineering dprt. I am working as Mechanical
Engineer, under the title: After Sales Coordinator for Commerical Automotive.
Is it acceptable to write my CDR from both feilds? (ex. from my
undergraduates projects + current experience)?


ianlittle said on March 11, 2010 at 9:38 am

Samih No. As you are not working in the field you have qualified as you will
have great difficulty in getting a positive qualifications assessment. You will
also struggle to get a job in the aerospace field as you will not meet security

Pratik said on March 13, 2010 at 3:25 am


I am reading almost all your post relating to your advice for migrant. And
really we all migrants are thankful for your kind efforts.

Can you please suggest for

1. Is it possible to secure a job before lending to Australia as a skilled migrant?

2.Ian, I am working as Planner in KSA since last 1 year and having a total 5
years experience in Well reputed Petrochemicals Company. Can you please
suggest me ways for minimizing my transition time for getting a job in

Really appreciate your advice!


ianlittle said on March 13, 2010 at 4:23 am

Pratik It is not easy to get a job before you arrive in Austaralia. In Project
Australia I provide a ragnge of avenues for doing this. use yoour industry
contacts. As you work in a global industry you should know people and
companies with Australian links.

Dhinesh said on March 14, 2010 at 2:53 pm

I m a Civil Engineer working in Gulf (Dubai&Muscat) for the past 6+ years. I

came to know that CDR (Competency Demonstration Report) to be submitted
first for migration purpose. Please let me know some more details.

ianlittle said on March 14, 2010 at 8:16 pm

Dhinesh Go to our FAQ blog page and follow the links

Ahmed said on March 18, 2010 at 5:05 am

Hello Ianlittle,

I would like to thank you very much for your reply.

Here I have one more question; Is it possible that I write the Career Episodes
in the form of narratives (story), instead of writing I did I did just to have a
more interesting form?

Is it possible that I narrate about some breakdowns in machines and how I

could solve them ?

Thanks in advance


Ahmed said on March 18, 2010 at 5:28 am

According to some of the answers youve written above, I feel that if I wrote
about my job too and my responsiblilites which were mainly in
troubleshooting and maintenance, I would be accredited as an Engineering
Technologist not a professional engineer.
Because the description of an electronics engineers occupation is dedicated
in design which I havent find a job in, as I explained to your before, so what
do you see?

Thanks are really not enough to thank you.


ianlittle said on March 18, 2010 at 6:25 am

Ahmed Write in a narrative style. Follow the Engineers Australia guidelines.

It does not have to be a best seller. Your CDR has to show your competencies.
Breakdowns and problem solving are good sources for career episodes. make
sure you deal with developing engineering solutions. Tradesmen and
technicians fix breakdowns. Engineers analyse the reason for failures and
make modifications so they do not recur.

You have a correct understanding. In your maintenance you may have used
your engineering competencies. You do not have to be a design engineer to
use a professional engineers occupation technical skills

Yes. It sounds a good plan for your career episodes..

fahd said on March 19, 2010 at 8:40 pm

hi ian,

U r doing a real gud work.keep it up:)

I am a chemical engineer and I have work experience of 3 yrs. But I left my

job in august last year and came to norway for masters degree. I read the
immigration rules and it states that in order to be eligible for immigration my
work experience shd nt b mor than 12 months prior to the launching of my

Rigth now I am writing my CDR and I think I ll be able to dispatch it to

engineers australia in a months time. The other documents are no problem
as I already have gud IELTS score (8.0) and assembling the stuff wont take
that long. But the problem is that engineers australia may take around 4
months to respond and by that time I may not be able to meet the
requirement of my experience (not being more than 12 months old), means
even if I get my degree recognised by engineers australia I may not be able to
apply for immigration. Did I read the script right? If yes is there anything you
can suggest for me?

I ll really appreciate it.


fahd saleem

ianlittle said on March 19, 2010 at 8:54 pm

Fahd Act like a professional engineer and do not use text language in
dealing in professional matters. Your understanding seems correct. You have
fallen into a common trap where by doing study you have lowered your
chances of being eligible for immigration. Look for employer sponsorship.

Gene said on March 21, 2010 at 8:02 pm

Hi i already sent my application to Engineers Australia last December and I

received an email just the other day saying that there has been a
shortcoming in my documents. An attachment in the mail indicated that i
lacked a COVER PAGE that should contain the declaration found in page14 of
the manual.

i would like to ask if there is a standard form for this and what should
comprise the page. because i already drafted a cover page and i am quite
unsure if it will be enough.

Secondly, is a plain declaration page not enough? because i already sent it

with all the documents and they still wanted another with the cover page

Thank you,

ianlittle said on March 22, 2010 at 5:42 pm

Gene I understand your confusion. Email Engineers Australia I would agree one declaration is enough.
Maybe it is basically a table of contents listing all the documents in the CDR.

Ahmed said on March 22, 2010 at 6:54 pm

Hi Ian,

What is the way to find an employer sponsorship?

Is there a certain website for that, actually I dont know the way.

Please advise.

Your reply is much appreciated.


ianlittle said on March 22, 2010 at 7:00 pm

Ahmed Find some one to employ you. Buy Project Australia and you will
obtain many possibilities.

fahd said on March 22, 2010 at 7:40 pm

hi again,

Please refer to my earlier question. Can tell me if I shall be eligible to apply

for immigration right after the completion of my masters degree or will I have
to wait further? My degree is going to be completed in July next year. And
also what if I take my chances now, like if I send my CDR in the 1st week of
april and hope that they can approve it till july and I can apply for
immigration by the end of July. Does that sound realistic?

Thanks for your help and your advice.


Fahad Saleem

ianlittle said on March 23, 2010 at 4:50 am

Fahd There seems no reason to wait.

Ahmed said on March 23, 2010 at 5:22 am

Hi Ian,

Im afraid Ive been asking many questions, but you know that the documents,
are really confusing and most of the people ask about common things, where
it wasnt realy well explained in the booklets.

My question is concerned with two items in the check listes:

1.Certified evidence of registration under the relevant

licensing authority in the country in which you are

practising [if necessary]

Do I need to submit any document for this item? it is stated that [if
necessary], so what do you see?

2. Employer reference letter(s) [must be provided if you

have relevant work experience of 12 months or more,

or if the work experience provides a basis of a career


Is it required to provide a certified copy or the orginal employer ref. letter?

Thank very much

ianlittle said on March 23, 2010 at 2:42 pm

Ahmed If you have a license to practice in the country you are working in at
the moment (as in countries like the USA and Canada) you must provide a
copy of that license. If you do not need one, just put a note saying there is no
license required in the country you are working in.

Provide a certified copy of the original employer letter.

Edward said on March 25, 2010 at 12:08 pm

Hi.I am Edward. I graduated as Computer engr. but I am currently working in

subcon company which is testing house (wafer sorting). I am product
engineer for almost 4 years. Is there a possibilty for me to apply as engineer
in Australia? I am now 29 years old. Thanks.

ianlittle said on March 26, 2010 at 2:18 pm

Edward This should be possible as an electronics engineer. Buy Project

Australia and get all the details you need to plan a sucessful migration.

Samih said on April 4, 2010 at 7:14 am

I wonder about the skll under which my qualification shall be assessed.

I graduated from Aerospace Engineering, however, I am working as After

Sales specilaist in a commercial vehicles manufacturing company. I am hired
to undergo mechanical engineers tasks in the workshop and in managing
dealers and authorized workshops.

Recently I was promoted to the position: After Sales Manager. I am

responsible from domestic market as well as Middle easter and African

I have sound expereince but I can not find my skill under mechanical
engineers assessment scheme.
Another question is; I have 3-year expereince, am I allowed to use my
graduation project as one of the CDRs essays?

Thank you for the time and efforts.

ianlittle said on April 4, 2010 at 11:41 am

Samih You have managed to put yourself into a very difficult situation.
Ideally your qualifications, work experience and chosen occupation should
align for the best chance of success. I think you would be better looking at a
management occupation. Go to our FAQ page and follow the links to
Australian Skills Recognition Information (ASRI) and the Australian Bureau of
Statistics (ABS) websites. For some occupations the ABS site provides more
information. You may be in the Bill Gates category great experience, but
unable to fit into an Australian occupation definition.

Ahmed said on April 5, 2010 at 8:16 pm

Hi ian,

To fullfill the each competency elemet it would be impossible to stick with

the word limit requirement, the elements by themselves are more than the
word limit, what do you see?

Thanks a lot


ianlittle said on April 6, 2010 at 4:23 am

Ahmed An important part of the competency assessment is to be able to

write in a concise manner. It is essential to keep within the word limits.

The example demonstrates the writing style. It is direct and active. I

calculated the stresses in the building frame. The deflections exceeded the
limits allowed in the codes so I increased the main member sizes. This
sentence demonstrates the competencies of using calculations, assessing
results, use of codes and improving an existing design. Four competencies in
one sentence. The hardest part is thinking basics. It is about demonstrating
engineering competencies at a graduate level, not brain surgery.

Ahmed said on April 15, 2010 at 12:15 am

This is only to Thank Thank you very much for taking the time, reading,
thinking to give an answer to every body.

Your answers were very useful for me while writing my CDR, I hope it will

You will receive the price of that support in your life in the form of easiness,
progress, and success.

Thanks alot


Andro said on April 15, 2010 at 6:52 pm

Hi ian,

Is employer reference letter different from certificate of employment? i think

its a bit difficult to get a letter from previous employer especially if its 3 years
ago. beside i have known some friend that submitted certificate of
employment instead of reference letter for assessment.

Thanks a lot


ianlittle said on April 15, 2010 at 7:53 pm

Andro A certificate of employment will only say that you have been
employed by a company between specified dates for the occupation they
nominated. This may come from the human resources department. A
reference letter will have more detail and include comment on the type of
work you have doing. This will come from (or be prepared by) an engineering

martin said on April 20, 2010 at 7:54 pm

Sir, Is it mandatory to prepare a CPD along with assessment application?

ianlittle said on April 20, 2010 at 8:55 pm

Martin Yes your CPD is part of your assessment.

cenmak said on April 25, 2010 at 12:36 am


I m a Civil Engineer graduate (10+ yrs experience) and Ive scored overall
band of 6 in IELTS (L-6, R-6, W-5 & S-6). I would like to know, whether I am
eligible to apply for migration? please let me know..

ianlittle said on April 25, 2010 at 6:08 pm

Cenmak You will fail accreditation as an engineer. You need to score 6 or

more in each category of the IELTS test. You will also struggle to get a job
with such poor English.

stella said on April 27, 2010 at 5:11 pm


I intend to migrate to Australia on a 476 visa based on my masters

qualification in Chemical Engineering obtained from a recognised
University.My undergraduate qualification in the same field is from a non-
recognised university and I have 2 years experience not related to my field of
study.I intend to do a Professional year once in Australia.If I later want to
apply for PR can I use the experience I will acquire from the professional year
combined with my research work done during my masters to do a CDR.Please
umair said on May 5, 2010 at 9:46 am

i am a chemical engineer from pakistan and meet all the requirements of


but i am having difficulty in writing the 3 cdrs i was searching on internet and
found a website

they are offering a complete sample of all the 3 cdrs and summary writing in
70 UK Pounds.

i need your advice shall i buy it or not.

ianlittle said on May 5, 2010 at 10:41 am

Umair The fist page of your CDR includes a declaration that the CDR is all
your own work. Engineers Australia assessors are trained to spot applications
which are copied. There are many people to choose from so why risk your

Muhammad Owais said on May 13, 2010 at 8:52 pm

Hi guys,

My name is Owais and i am Mechanical Enginner from Pakistan. I am applying

for Skill Assessment but i m confused taking my CPD. I cant understanding
how to start and what would be the format. Is any one who help me in
viewing of CPD format.

ianlittle said on May 13, 2010 at 11:30 pm

Muhammad All you need to do is write a list of the various CPD activities
you have undertaken over the last three years. Put them in chronological
order with a brief description. You could do this in a table. If you go to the
Engineers Australia website, you can see an example for applicants for
chartered engineer. This is a bit more complicated, but shows a way of
setting CPD out. You can just do this:

. Jan 2008 attended concrete structures workshop 1 day

. Jul 2008 attended Engineers Pakistan meeting

. Aug 2008 Read new standard on steel structuresetc.

Madhav said on May 14, 2010 at 1:20 am

Hi. I m an Mechanical engineer. I want to apply for my asssesment for CDR.

Now i have total 4 years of experience, but the total exp is in Sales &
marketing. now can I submit the all 3 CDR of my acedemic.

Madhav said on May 14, 2010 at 1:36 am

Dear sir,

one more thing, my score of IELTS is Writing-6, Reading-6.5, Speaking-7 &


Now i want to know by this can i get the positive assesment.

ianlittle said on May 14, 2010 at 4:19 am

Madhav The minimum requirement is an IELTS score of 6 or more in every

element. You can tick that box. BUT you will struggle to get a job as you
need to improve your reading and writing. Poor English is the biggest barrier
to getting a job. In theory you do not need any work experience to
demonstrate you have competencies equivalent to an Australian graduate. In
practice this may not be easy. Without experience it will be hard to get a job
as employers will give preference to experienced engineers.

Madhav said on May 14, 2010 at 11:08 pm

Dear Sir,
thank you very much for your reply.

But sir my concern is to get positive assesment from Engineers Australia. Now
can I prepare whole 3 CDR of acedemic. will they accept it ?

Sir, I also would like to explain you abount my profile. I m working in

Marketing division, but it is Technical Marketing and not purely sales. I m
giving techincal as well as commercial support to front end Sales team.

Hence such experience can consider, if i get positive assessment and logged a
file ?

Thank you very much..

Best Regards,


ianlittle said on May 15, 2010 at 8:21 am

Madhav Yes Engineers Australia will accept 3 career episode reports

(CERs)based on your undergraduate experience provided they cover all the
professional engineering competencies. Provide the technical content of your
sales work entails real professional skills this will be OK for a CER. You do not
have to be a design engineer to use analytical and assessment skills

Ahsan said on May 16, 2010 at 10:13 pm


I have done telecommunications engineering from unviersity of western

sydney. I have already received my assessment as a professional engineer
(nec). I would like to have my assesmessent as an Electrical engineer as I have
worked as an Electrical Engineer for 1 year after graduation. Please advise
what should I write in my CDR.

ianlittle said on May 17, 2010 at 8:04 am

Ahsan This is a waste of time. There is no law requiring you to work in the
occupation which you have applied for a visa application. Many people
cannot get jobs in their nominated occupation. There is not a significant
difference between electrical and telecomms engineer anyway. The only
reason to apply again would be if the telecomms engineer occupation is not
in the new SOl. It looks like all engineering occupations will be retained in the
new SOL. Wait untill you see the new rules.

Madhav said on May 18, 2010 at 4:52 am

If I will add 1 CDR, from my current job profile, then will they cross-check
with my employer ?

Becoz I dont want to tell anybody in my company, untill i will be through

with the positive assessment.

Thanks a lot for your help.

It really help me to understand the rules in the most efficient way.

ianlittle said on May 18, 2010 at 5:22 am

Madhav You need each CER to be validated by your employer or a

supervising engineer.

kostas said on May 18, 2010 at 6:17 pm


Id like to ask if the introduction has to be written in bullets or in narrative

style. A second question is whether the backround could refer to
competencies of the sumary statement. Thanks a lot

ianlittle said on May 18, 2010 at 6:30 pm

Kostas Bullet points are fine and easy to read. it really will be a combination
of narrative with bullets. the background should not include competencies. It
is just background. A bit about the circumstances of the CER and the
particular experiences of the CER.

kostas said on May 18, 2010 at 10:30 pm

And one more clarification. Somewhere above you mentioned that all the
CDR should consists of 10 paragraphs or just the main body?

ianlittle said on May 19, 2010 at 2:41 pm

Kostas Just the main body

Oxbose said on May 20, 2010 at 6:05 pm


I wonder if you could help. I have been wishiting to apply for Australia for
such a long time now, I think I have disappeared up my own back side! I have
been waiting for my ocupation to come in, but even now with the new list Im
still not sure what to do. Any help will be grately appreciated.

I have BSc (Hons.) Computing Systems Analysis & Design in 1999. I worked as
a Systems Analyst for 3 years. Had a break then started with a manufatuer of
DWDM and Ethernet Telecoms equipment in the UK. I worked as a Service
desk Engineer supporting EMEA for 1.5 years. I was then promoted to
Technical Services Engineer which includes creating and giving training,
field installs, tech support, customer trials etc. I have been doing this now for
2.5 years. My questions are

Do I have a chance to apply?

If so, what occupation could I apply for, as I am a Technical Services Engineer

meaning that I provide Services to those that buy / are about to buy our
What body would assess this?

Many thanks Ox

ianlittle said on May 20, 2010 at 8:23 pm

Ox Come off it, you are not really an engineer even if that is your job title.
You are an IT professional. Your occupation will be assessed by the Australian
Computer Society. I do not like your chances as you do not seem to meet the
relevant .work experience requirement. You only have 3 years in the IT

kostas said on May 20, 2010 at 11:50 pm

Should we match our occupation to ANZSCO or ASCO list?

And as regards the reference letter of the employer verifying a certain job
experience, should it be certified by an authority?

Im interested in being competent for Professional Engineers. Thanks a lot in


ianlittle said on May 21, 2010 at 3:58 am

Kostas As the new SOL is based on ANZSCO I would think that applications
in future will be to ANZSCO. We must wait and see what is announced when
general skilled migrations applications are re-opened. Talk to a migration
agent. The Migration Skills Assessment booklet does not say the reference
letter must be certified, but 12 months or more periods of relevant
experience in your CV must be certified. All copies of original documents
must be certified.

rex said on May 21, 2010 at 4:54 am

Dear Ian,

DIAC already announced the new SOL. My question is whether they are
planning to review the point test?
ianlittle said on May 21, 2010 at 5:45 am

Rex Yes, and other things as well. What this will be is unknown. The
changes are expected to be announced in July.

kostas said on May 21, 2010 at 10:08 pm

but 12 months or more periods of relevant experience in your CV must

be , what must be? Certified? You just said that booklet doesnt say so

And an other question :If an experience was gained by a professional

individual work is this a problem?

ianlittle said on May 22, 2010 at 4:59 am

Kostas Yes certified You do not need to get reference letters certified.
You do need to get parts of you CV certified where you have more than 12
months relevat experience to your nominated occupation. I do not
understand your other question.

kostas said on May 22, 2010 at 9:57 pm

As regards the other question i clarify: If a client-private individual asked from

me to make designs and to supervise the construction of a building, then i
should have a reference letter from him? (which means that i wasnt
employed by a company or organization)

ianlittle said on May 23, 2010 at 3:44 am

Kostas Yes even though you are working as a contractor, your client is
effectively employing you.

Nadeem Raja said on May 24, 2010 at 3:52 am

Dear Maddam,

I want to know that how can we calculate our points from the Immigration
website, also is it compulsory for evey one to get and IELTS of 7 bands if
applying for immigration. As i have done Masters of Engineering
( Mechancial ) from Australia and presently for last 4 years i have been
working in my home country Pakistan. Is there any type of relaxation in the
IELTS for people like me.


ianlittle said on May 24, 2010 at 8:24 am

Nadeem No. If your English is no good you wont get a job.

Nadeem Raja said on May 26, 2010 at 7:42 pm

Dear ianlittle,

Thanks for the Informatioan. actually i want to know if i get over all 6.5 IELTS
score. then will this be enough for launching the immigration.


Nadeem Unless you are looking at accounting an IELTS of over 6 is enough

do start launching an application.

Yashar said on May 29, 2010 at 11:24 pm

Hey. I am Electrical engineer and Ive got my M.S. degree in power system.

But I worked for Nestle Water Company for 5 years as technical manager,
then my career is electronic machinery especially bottle manufacturing
machines. Also I worked with filling line in mineral water factory. In last 2
years I changed my job and I am working in a contractor company as project
manager. Our projects are foundation, tower building and wiring of power
transmission lines. I have experience in a complete 400 kV line structure. My
question is: for writing CDR which field is better? As I mentioned my
university degree is about high voltage electrical systems. But I prefer to work
in a factory as I was for 5 years that need to know electronic, pneumatic and
hydraulic systems. Could you please give me some Information about the
cities of Australia in job opportunity aspect? And about 3 episodes? Thank
you in advance. Yashar from Iran:

ianlittle said on May 30, 2010 at 12:39 pm

Yashar Apply for migration as a power electrical engineer so that your

qualifications, work experience and occupation for visa purposes are all
consistent. After you have arrived in Australia you can do any sort of work
you can get a job at. It will be best for you to write CDRs directly related to
the occupation you select for migration purposes. There will be more
opportunities in manufacturing in Victoria, but there is probaly more power
line work in Queensland or Western Australia.

kostas said on June 1, 2010 at 10:11 pm


Id like to ask you how a certified copy of identity card should be done.

My identity card is in greek-english language, so do i only have to make a

photocopy of it and just certify it in an authorised organization in Greece,
even the certification stamp is in greek?

Im interested in being qualified by Engineers of Australia. Thanks a lot.

ianlittle said on June 2, 2010 at 12:46 pm

Kostas Email Engineers Australia with a copy of you identity card and ask
them. There is an email address on their website. It sound like it would be OK
to me as the essential details will be in English. If not a dual language card
would be a waste of time.

Harinder Singh said on June 5, 2010 at 1:27 am

I am Indian qualified Electrical Engineer from Govt. Engineering college,

Bathinda (Punjab) pass out 1995. After that I remain in service. At this stage is
it possible for me to perpair CDR ?
If possible can some one guide me.


ianlittle said on June 5, 2010 at 8:49 am

Harinder You should be able to write three CERs from you current
experience. Read through all the comments on this web site and you will
receive a large amount of useful information.

Apoorva said on June 7, 2010 at 12:59 pm


I have a few questions to ask regarding the summary statement for engineers

Is it required to provided detailed explanation of the narratives or could i

simplify the same while making a statement.

i have written 3 episodes and i have letters of reference only for two
episodes. i hope this is okay

ianlittle said on June 7, 2010 at 2:19 pm

Apoorva A summary is just that it has short sentences which summarise

one or two paragraphs in a career episode report for each competency. The
summary statement is a high level outline which shows the examiners where
to find the example with all the detail in it. You must get a reference letter for
the third CER. If this is not possible you will need to get a notary public or
similar authorised person (as listed in the Engineers Australia Migration Skills
Assessment booklet)

ianlittle said on June 12, 2010 at 2:22 pm

Valen -talk to a licensed migration agent. There are some interim provisions
which may cover your case during this period. You can get more information
form the DIAC website.
Apoorva said on June 16, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Hello Ian,

This is a question regarding the employer reference letter for each of the
career episodes.

Currently i have based my first two career episodes based on the work done
at my first job. i have a combined reference letter for the entire work stint
completed at the first job.le

For career episode 3 . since i wouldnt want to get a employer reference letter.
as suggested by you. i require a public notary to do the same.

I understand that the further plan of action by me would be,

1)For career episode 3, i should get my appontment letter, promotion letter,

training certificates certified by a notary. is this sufficient .

2)In case a notary certifies my work. should i write a summary of work done
by me and this will be certified by the notary.

Iam slightly confused please help me out.

also iam a finite element analysis engineer and as per engineers australias
documentation. my area of work matches the profile of an engineering
technologist. could you also give me a lead regardiing the opportunities for
finite element simulation engineers specialising in product design

ianlittle said on June 16, 2010 at 8:41 pm

Apoorva Your plan is good. Do both parts. Although you nay be classified as
an engineering technologist you should be able to get an engineering job in
this specialist area.

Amrita said on June 21, 2010 at 11:28 am

I am an instrumentation eng from India- mumbai. Since instrumentation is
not on the SOL i need to get my degree assessed as an Elctronic eng (thts the
closest related I could find). Is it possible to apply for assesment sisce I have
qualified as Instrumentation eng My progects are also mostly automation
related which i im going to try and relate to Electronics. Would knowledge in
PLC help in the electronic assesment?

ianlittle said on June 22, 2010 at 3:36 pm

Amrita Yes and yes. You are on the right track.

Apoorva said on July 13, 2010 at 4:24 am

Hello Ian,

I have a query regarding the ASCO code for my profession.

Iam a finite element analyst who has specialised in the area of occupant
safety/seating system finite element simulations. Normally, We are called
CAE engineers ( computer aided engineers) in India, Europe and the USA.

Could you please guide me on what code i should be writing when i submit
my covering letter to EA and also in case no such code exists. how should i go
about the next step?

ianlittle said on July 14, 2010 at 8:17 am

Apoorva You need to relate your ANZSCO occupation to your degree title, if
that is possible. You may find a closer occupation in the ANZSCO classification,
The next step is to think about what you are analysing. If it is mechanical
design, determining stresses, I think you are nearest to a mechanical
engineer. Apply as whatever you think is closest. Engineers Australia will
decide what you are closest to

Usman Akram said on July 24, 2010 at 2:51 am

Dear Ian,
How are you?. I have a question that is in fact not related to the title. I am
willing to apply for membership, for that I have contacted Engineers Australia.
They told me to send a photo copy of assessment letter along with the
approved CV. The later is confusing for me as I am not getting the exact
format required by the institute. Secondly I dont find any one in my area
who is member from Engineers Australia. The only option is court, for that
how I can attain declaration statement in which statement, either along with
the CV statement or not. Can you please guide me with the format required
by Engineers australia as you are also her member.

Stay blessed.


ianlittle said on July 25, 2010 at 8:36 am

Usman In Project Australia there is the preferred format for a CV in the

style Engineers Australia will expect. You need a legal person who is
authorised to witness legal documents, sucha as a Justice of the Peace or
Commissioner fo Taking Affidavits. Another alternative is the Australian

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