Promise Fellow Check Connect Impact Statement 1617

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Minneapolis Public Schools

Check & Connect

Promise Fellow Impact
Sept. 2016 Mar. 2017

29 Youth Served
AmeriCorps Promise Fellows

Hours of service

Improved Attendance, Behavior and

Course Performance

A 58% - Increased attendance rate

38% - Increased on-time
arrival to school
28% - Increased academic
performance (grades, GPA,
or test scores)

B 12% - Decreased out of school


Interventions 33,106 346,739

Out of School Time In School Time
Intervention Minutes Intervention Minutes

179,703 20,430
Total intervention hours with students Caring Adult Service/Leadership
Intervention Minutes Intervention Minutes
Check & Connect AmeriCorps Promise Fellows
AmeriCorps Promise Fellows expand and complement the broader
Minneapolis Public School District dropout prevention efforts, broadening the
strategy into 26 MPS schools.
The majority of students served live in poverty, a proportion of these students may
be identified as homeless or highly mobile, and/or receiving ELL services.
Promise Fellows create solutions that bring family, community, school, and county
support persons/programs together to remove barriers and uncover options that will
help prevent student absences and disengagement from escalating.
Through their role as mentor, advocate and case-manager, AmeriCorps Promise
Fellows provide intensive support to students, their family, and teachers through
regular contacts (at least weekly, often daily).

AmeriCorps Promise Fellows work with students in grades 6-10 to develop a

plan to keep them engaged in school and on-track for high school graduation,
drawing on a menu of research-based, data-driven activities informed by
leading research in dropout prevention.

Caring Adult supports: informal mentoring, assistance

with work completion, check-ins, etc. These activities establish
positive relationships at school- relationships that support
student engagement and protect against negative outcomes.

Service and Leadership supports:

encouraging students to be a mentor,
volunteer, or engage in service. Research
shows that these activities have a strong
impact on early indicators of dropout risk.

Out-of-School supports: after-school clubs,

activities and tutoring. Research shows that
participation in afterschool activities leads to
increased achievement, attendance, pro-social
behavior, and connection to school.

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