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Questions number 45-47 refer to the following letter

August 6, 2013
The Personal Manager
Ardian Hotel
PO. BOX 32098
Jl. Ahmad Yani no. 900

Dear Sir,
I am ..(45) for the position as Public Relation Officer advertised in
Riau Post on August 10, 2013, since I have always been interested in that
I am 25 years old and I graduated from STP Bandung 3 years ago.
Enjoying meeting and (46) to people, I have been working with Astra
Public Relation for 2 years.
To provide you with my particulars, I enclose my curriculum vitae, a
recent photograph, academic record and a letter of reference from my
previous .(47).
I am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to
hearing from you.

Your faithfully


45. a. apply
b. applying
c. applied
d. applies
46. a. had told
b. talks
c. talking
d. has told
47. a. employer
b. employment
c. employs
d. employing
Questions number 48-50 refer to the following letter

Taylor, Inc
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham NC27708

Dear Human Resources Director

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylors new
computer center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as
an entry-level (48) at the center.
I understand that Taylor produces both in house and customer .
(49). I am a fresh graduate of Devry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with
an associates Degree computer science. In addition to having taken a broad
range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the collages
computer center where I (50) train computer users on new systems.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my
education and experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home
address, at (9191) 233-1552 or at


Raymond Krick

48. a. programmer
b. program
c. programs
d. programme
49. a. document
b. documentation
c. documents
d. is documentation
50. a. has helped
b. have helped
c. had helped
d. helped
Questions number 45-47 refer to the following letter

68 Samsudin street
Cooparoo 4151
January 2, 2012
Phone 072489623
The state manager
PO BOX 4001

Dear sir/madam

Im applying for the position of assistant store-man/women advertised in

the courier of January 2012. I have (45) in this field of work over a
number of year and I (46) a training for computerized stock control

I believe that my knowledge, experience in stock control and handling

system, public contact, piping and plumbing materials make me very
suitable for the position

..(47) of my resume and references are attached. I am available for an

interview at your convenience

Your faithfully


45. a. experience.
b. experiment
c. experiences
d. experimentation
46. a. had completed
b. has completed
c. have completed.
d. completed
47. a. copy
b. copying
c. copies.
d. copied

Questions number 45-46 refer to the following announcement

Henry and Heather Hound

Have Donated the Book

A Drop of Water
By. Walter Wick

In Your Honor to the

Hickory Elementary School Library

Here is a copy of the bookplate, which will .(45) inside your

book. Our students will be using and .(46) this gift for years to

45. a. be placed.
b. placed
c. places
d. place
46. a. enjoy
b. enjoyed
c. enjoying
d. enjoys

Questions number 45-47 refer to the following announcement

The Omnicable Company representatives said yesterday that John A Kaspar, Its president
and chief operating officer, would .(45) on April 30. the announcement added to
speculation that the worlds third- ..(46) cable television system could be bought
within a few weeks. Mr. Kaspar, 62, said he ..(47) after more than 22 years for personal

45. a. resign
b. resigns
c. be resign
d. have resigned
46. a. large
b. largest
c. is largest
d. was large
47. a. was leaving
b. is leaving
c. leave
d. left

Questions number 45-46 refer to the following announcement

Attention !
To all departments.
Todays meeting will be re- (45) by the manager. Just
(46) all the final report

45. a. schedule
b. scheduling
c. schedules
d. scheduled
46. a. prepared
b. prepare
c. preparing
d. prepares

Questions number 49-50 refer to the following memo

To : All employees
From : Simon Gonzales
Personal officer
Date : May 15, 2012
Sub : Company Travel
Effective June 1 all personnel traveling on company business must use the most
.(49) means possible. No flight under five hours can be booked in business class. No
flights regardless of duration can be ..(50) in first class.
49. a. economical
b. economics
c. economically
d. economic
50. a. book
b. booking
c. booked / reserved
d. books

Questions number 49-50 refer to the following memo

From : Mr. A. Busse

Sent : 10:15 am. Monday, April 10, 2012
To : Sales Staff
CC : Mr. D. Off and Ms. R. Fowler
Subject : Annual Meeting
I am ..(49) to remind you that our annual meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18. I
want every one to be ready with ideas, strategies, and sales forecast for next year. I will
be out of town attending a conference on the new products of LCD projectors in Osaka,
Wednesday and Thursday. Remember that next Monday .(50). Therefore, should you
have something urgent to discuss, please see me on Friday, April 14
Thank you

49. a. writes
b. writing
c. wrote
d. written
50. a. was a holiday
b. is a holiday
c. have a holiday
d. has a holiday

Questions number 49-50 refer to the following memo

To : Ramadhan, Ir
Engineering Department
From : Director
Date : August 7
Subject : Elena, Japan Engineering
Dr. Elena will be (49) our company on Monday, September 8. I would like you to
prepare a program for her. She will (50) in the morning before noon.
Please start with lunch and then show your department

49. a. visited
b. visits
c. visit
d. visiting
50. a. arrive
b. arrived
c. arrives
d. arriving

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