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J Appl Physiol 92: 19431952, 2002.

First published January 11, 2002; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00393.2000.

Determinants of exercise performance in normal men

with externally imposed expiratory flow limitation


5 6 7 1,6
Fondazione Don Gnocchi, I-50020 Pozzolatico; 6Clinica Medica III, Universita` di Firenze,
I-50134 Firenze; 2Centro di Bioingegneria, Fondazione Don Gnocchi e Politecnico, I-20148 Milano;
Dipartimento di Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, 32 I-20133 Milano, Italy; 4University of
Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland; 5Westmead Hospital, NSW-2145 Sydney, Australia;
Meakins-Christie Laboratories, Montreal Chest Institute, McGill University Health Centre,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2X 2P4; and 8Department of Respiratory Medicine,
Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, 01-138 Warsaw, Poland
Received 17 May 2000; accepted in final form 11 December 2001

Iandelli, Iacopo, Andrea Aliverti, Bengt Kayser, Raf- culty in breathing do not approach maximal levels (16,
faele Dellaca`, Stephen J. Cala, Roberto Duranti, Susan 19, 34), although the respiratory muscles may become
Kelly, Giorgio Scano, Pawel Sliwinski, Sheng Yan, Pe- fatigued (7, 15, 34). On the other hand, when expira-
ter T. Macklem, and Antonio Pedotti. Determinants of tory flow is limited by a Starling resistor during exer-
exercise performance in normal men with externally imposed
cise, severe dyspnea develops in normal subjects,
expiratory flow limitation. J Appl Physiol 92: 19431952, 2002.
First published January 11, 2002; 10.1152/japplphysiol.00393. which seriously impairs exercise performance (16). The
2000.To understand how externally applied expiratory flow purpose of the present study was to find out why and
limitation (EFL) leads to impaired exercise performance and how externally applied expiratory flow limitation
dyspnea, we studied six healthy males during control incremen- (EFLe) leads to such difficulty in breathing with result-
tal exercise to exhaustion (C) and with EFL at 1. We mea- ing impairment of exercise performance.
sured volume at the mouth (Vm), esophageal, gastric and trans- One possibility is dynamic hyperinflation (DH),
diaphragmatic (Pdi) pressures, maximal exercise power (W max) which has often been implicated as a cause of dyspnea
and the difference () in Borg scale ratings of breathlessness and impaired exercise performance in airway obstruc-
between C and EFL exercise. Optoelectronic plethysmography tion (4, 6, 9, 25, 26, 28, 38). Another is the pressure
measured chest wall and lung volume (VL). From Campbell
developed by respiratory muscles. This was proposed
diagrams, we measured alveolar (PA) and expiratory muscle
(Pmus) pressures, and from Pdi and abdominal motion, an in a landmark, but frequently forgotten, paper in 1971
index of diaphragmatic power (W di). Four subjects hyperin- by Potter et al. (30) who discovered a relationship
flated and two did not. EFL limited performance equally to 65% between expiratory pressures and difficulty in breath-
W max with Borg 910 in both. At EFL W max, inspiratory time ing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
(TI) was 0.66s 0.08, expiratory time (TE) 2.12 0.26 s, Pmus Data supporting the hypothesis that expiratory pres-
40 cmH2O and VL-Vm 488.7 74.1 ml. From PA and VL, sures cause dyspnea during EFLe exercise have been
we calculated compressed gas volume (VC) 163.0 4.6 ml. presented by Kayser et al. (16). However, neither study
The difference, VL-Vm-VC (estimated blood volume shift) measured operating lung volumes (VL) on a breath-by-
was 326 ml 66 or 7.2 ml/cmH2O PA. The high Pmus and long breath basis and thus could not assess the role of DH in
TE mimicked a Valsalva maneuver from which the short TI did
producing dyspnea and exercise limitation. Potter et al.
not allow recovery. Multiple stepwise linear regression revealed
that the difference between C and EFL Pmus accounted for suggested that high expiratory pressures might impair
70.3% of the variance in Borg. W di added 12.5%. We conclude venous return (30). Thus they implicated circulatory
that high expiratory pressures cause severe dyspnea and the factors in exercise impairment. Montes de Oca et al.
possibility of adverse circulatory events, both of which would (23) also suggested a link between breathing mechan-
impair exercise performance. ics and exercise performance in COPD. They found
dyspnea; respiratory muscles; dynamic hyperinflation; venti- that maximal O2 pulse was the best predictor of max-
lation; blood volume shifts imal O2 uptake in severe COPD and that inspiratory
pleural pressures (Ppl), in turn, were good predictors of
O2 pulse.
IN HEALTHY HUMANS, EXERCISE PERFORMANCE is not usually To assess the contributions of DH, respiratory pres-
limited by breathlessness. Borg scale rankings of diffi- sure swings, and circulatory factors to breathing sen-

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the

Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: A. Aliverti, payment of page charges. The article must therefore be hereby
Dipartimento di Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza L. da marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734
Vinci, 32 I-20133 Milano, Italy (E-mail: solely to indicate this fact. 8750-7587/02 $5.00 Copyright 2002 the American Physiological Society 1943

Table 1. Subdivisions of lung volume, FEV1, and anthropometric characteristics of the subjects
Subject TLC, liters VC, liters FRC, liters RV, liters FEV1, liters Ht, m Wt, kg

BK 7.0 5.2 4.3 1.8 4.3 1.74 70

PS 6.0 4.6 3.2 1.4 3.4 1.74 71
SY 6.3 4.7 2.9 1.6 3.5 1.70 60
II 7.7 5.7 3.58 2.0 4.4 1.84 94
MF 7.5 5.5 3.25 2.0 4.8 1.79 71
SC 8.2 6.0 4.1 2.2 4.1 1.80 80
Mean SE 7.1 0.3 5.3 0.2 3.6 0.2 1.8 0.1 4.1 0.2 1.77 0.02 74.3 4.7
Letters in left column are subjects initials. TLC, total lung capacity; VC, compressed gas volume; FRC, functional residual capacity; RV,
residual volume; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; Ht, height; Wt, weight.

sation and exercise performance in normal subjects continuously during exercise by ultrasound and found that
with EFLe, we used pressure measurements combined the area was well maintained even in the presence of DH.
with optoelectronic plethysmography to measure breath- Gastric (Pga) and esophageal pressures (Pes) were mea-
by-breath absolute chest wall volume (Vcw) changes sured by standard balloon-tipped catheters connected to
pressure transducers and used as indexes of abdominal (Pab)
during incremental exercise on a cycle ergometer (1, 8).
and pleural pressures (Ppl). Mouth pressure (Pm) was mea-
We also measured the difference between volume ex- sured by a tube connecting the mouthpiece to a pressure
pired at the mouth and the volume change of the transducer. Transpulmonary pressure was taken as the dif-
thorax1 and assumed that this difference was due to ference of Pm and Pes (Pm Pes), transdiaphragmatic
the volume of compressed gas and liquid shifts from pressure (Pdi) as the difference of Pga and Pes (Pga Pes),
thorax to extremities. Specifically, we tested the hy- and chest wall elastic recoil pressure (Pcw) as the difference
pothesis of Potter et al. (30) that high expiratory pres- of Ppl and atmospheric pressure (Pb) during relaxation. For
sures caused difficulties in breathing, circulatory ef- the three chest wall compartments, Ppl Pb was taken as
fects, and exercise performance. the pressure difference across RCp and Pab Pb for RCa and
abdomen (1, 36). Flow was measured by a pneumotachy-
METHODS graph attached to the mouthpiece, and its integral was used
to measure tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency (f),
Subjects. We studied six healthy normal men aged 36.2 minute ventilation (V E), inspiratory time (TI), expiratory
3.6 yr with anthropometric characteristics shown in Table 1. time (TE), duty cycle (TI/Ttot) and mean inspiratory flow
Subjects were all laboratory personnel trained in respiratory (VT/TI). Mean flows of the chest wall compartments between
maneuvers. Chest wall kinematics were measured by opto- zero flow points were calculated as their volume changes
electronic plethysmography as previously described (8). divided by TI or TE. Vab/TI was used as an index of dia-
Eighty-nine reflective markers were placed front and back phragmatic shortening velocity and Pdi (Vab/TI) as an in-
over the chest wall from clavicles to pubis. Each marker was dex of diaphragmatic power (W di) (1).
tracked in 3D by four video cameras, two in front of the Protocol. Each subject was studied on two occasions. On
subject and two behind. A parallel-processing computer inte- both, lung and chest wall relaxation pressure-volume curves
grated the motion of each marker and, by using Gausss were measured by having the subjects breathe into total lung
theorem, calculated the Vcw and its compartments. We used capacity and then relax and breathe out passively through a
the three-compartment chest wall model of Ward et al. (36) to high resistance to functional residual capacity (FRC). These
measure volumes of the lung-apposed or pulmonary rib cage maneuvers were repeated until the relaxation curves were
(RCp), the diaphragm-apposed or abdominal rib cage (RCa) reproducible, Pm finished at zero, and Pdi was zero through-
and the abdomen. The transverse markers at the level of the out. From these data, we obtained the elastic recoil pressure
xiphisternum separated RCp from RCa, whereas the mark-
of the lung as transpulmonary pressure, of the chest wall as
ers along the costal margin separated RCa from abdomen.
chest wall elastic recoil pressure, of RCp (Prc,p Ppl Pb),
The sum of the volume of each compartment equalled Vcw:
of RCa (Prc,a Pab Pb), and of abdomen (Pab Pb) as
Vcw Vrc,p Vrc,a Vab, where Vrc,p, Vrc,a, and Vab are
functions of VL, Vcw, Vrc,p, Vrc,a, and Vab, respectively.
the volumes of the RCp, RCa, and abdomen, respectively.
After obtaining these data, we stimulated the phrenic nerves
Changes in Vcw were assumed to equal changes in lung gas
with single shocks, bilaterally, transcutaneously with the
volume (VL), plus the volume of any blood shifts from thorax
airway closed at relaxed FRC both sub- and supramaximally
to extremities (VB): Vcw VL VB. Changes in VL were
and measured the resulting rib cage distortions as a function
taken as the sum of the volume of gas expired at the mouth
of Pdi (1). This was done to measure the restoring forces
(Vm) plus the volume of gas compressed (VC): VL Vm
resulting from rib cage distortion, if any existed, during
VC. Thus Vcw Vm VC VB Vrc,p Vrc,a Vab.
EFLe exercise (1). The subjects then performed an incremen-
We were concerned that if EFLe exercise induced sufficient
tal exercise test either to determine maximum power output
DH, the area of apposition of diaphragm to rib cage might max) under control conditions or to measure exercise per-
disappear, converting a two-compartment rib cage to a single (W
compartment. Therefore, we monitored the upper border of formance when exhaling through a Starling resistor that
the area of apposition (i.e., the border between RCp and RCa) limited expiratory flow to 1 l/s, thereby simulating COPD.
During exercise, subjects breathed through a mouthpiece and
pneumotachygraph, which was attached to a Hans Rudolph
We define thorax as did Roussos (32) as the volume of the chest valve, which separated inspiratory and expiratory flow. Flow
wall and thus the sum of rib cage and abdominal volumes. This is in limitation was achieved by putting the Starling resistor on
keeping with the ancient Greek usage of the word thorax. the expiratory port of the valve. A 2-l jar was placed parallel

J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002


Fig. 1. Example of flow volume loops

during maximal expiratory flow limita-
tion (EFL) exercise (B) and at the same
workload during control exercise (A) in
a hyperinflator. Also shown are loops
during quiet breathing at rest. Vol-
umes were measured by optoelectronic
plethysmography so that the decrease
in volume before end inspiration (insp)
and the increase in volume before end
expiration (exp) are due to gas com-
pressibility and liquid shifts. FRC,
functional residual capacity.

with the Starling resistor, which acted as a capacitance so Differences between volume expired at the mouth and
that, at the beginning of expiration, flow was somewhat optoelectronic plethysmographic volumes were evaluated by
greater than 1 l/s, whereas at the end it was somewhat less plotting the integral of flow at the mouth against the Vcw
(34a). Flow-volume loops during maximal EFLe exercise and measured optoelectronically. From measured values of PA,
during control exercise at the same workload are shown in the operating VL measured plethysmographically, and sepa-
Fig. 1. rately measured subdivisions of VL, we calculated VC from
After 3 min of spontaneous breathing, subjects began Boyles law. We subtracted this volume from the difference
pedalling on a cycle ergometer. After starting at zero load, between plethysmographic and integrated flow volumes to
workload was increased in 25-W steps every 4 min until obtain the VB during exercise: VB Vcw Vm VC.
exhaustion. Data were gathered during the last 40 s of each Statistical analysis. To obtain determinants of EFLe exer-
workload, including the subjects subjective assessment cise performance compared with normal exercise, we used
of breathing difficulty using a 10-point Borg scale. We ran- the difference between Borg scale ratings of breathing effort
domized the order in which these two exercise tests were at the same exercise workload with and without EFLe
performed. W max for both control and EFLe exercise was (Borg) as the dependent variable. We tested a wide variety
defined as the highest level of exercise that could be sus- of tentative, predictive, independent variables comprising
tained for 4 min. various inspiratory and expiratory pressures, breathing pat-
Data analysis. During quiet breathing and control and tern indexes, the chest wall and its compartmental volumes,
flow-limited exercise, we measured end-expiratory and end- and power output of the diaphragm. Pressures and powers
inspiratory Vrc,p, Vrc,a, Vab, and Vcw at each workload. All developed by muscles were obtained from the companion
volumes reported, except when otherwise specified, are the paper (2). Linear correlation coefficients were obtained for all
ensemble averages over the last 40 s of each run. of the tentative independent variables. Those with P
Campbell diagrams containing the static deflation pres- 0.0002 (r2 42.0) were retained for further analysis. We then
sure-volume curve of the lung, the relaxation pressure-vol- developed a model and performed a multiple stepwise linear
ume curve of the chest wall, and dynamic pressure-volume regression analysis to obtain the parameters that best pre-
loops during exercise were used to calculate alveolar pres- dicted flow-limited exercise performance.
sure (PA) and the pressures developed by the expiratory Significance of differences between control and Starl-
muscles (Pmus). Pressures developed by rib cage and abdom- ing runs was performed by the nonparametric Wilcoxon
inal muscles were calculated as the distance between dy- matched-pairs test.
namic and static relaxation pressure-volume loops for RCp
and abdomen, respectively, as previously reported (1, 36). We RESULTS
estimated velocity of shortening of rib cage muscles and
abdominal muscles as Vrc,p/TI and Vab/TE, respectively, Volume displacements and exercise workload. Dur-
and calculated power as the product of pressure and flow, as ing the flow-limited run, four subjects hyperinflated
we had done previously and reported in detail in the com- dynamically at the highest EFLe workload, whereas
panion paper (1, 2).
To measure rib cage distortion, we first plotted Vrc,p vs.
the remaining two subjects did not. We have analyzed
Vrc,a during relaxation at different VL to obtain the undis- these two subjects, called euvolumics, separately from
torted configuration of the rib cage. Distortion was then the other four. Exercise workload appeared to be
measured as the perpendicular distance between a given equally impaired in both groups, as shown in Table 2.
configuration after phrenic stimulation and the relaxation Mean volume displacements SE, as a function of
line and expressed as a percent of Vrc,p (10, 18). exercise workload in these two groups, are shown in
J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002

max during control and flow-limited run

Table 2. W not abdominal displacement. The contribution of RCp
to this increase was greater than that of RCa. Flow
W max,S/
Subject max,C, W
W max,S, W
W max,C, %
limitation in the euvolumics produced very little
change in exercise volume displacements. Euvolumics
BK, h 275 175 63.6 end-expiratory Vcw were, if anything, surprisingly less
PS, e 200 125 62.5
SY, e 150 100 66.7 during flow-limited exercise. In contrast, the hyperin-
II, h 175 100 57.1 flators had a normal decrease in end-expiratory Vcw
MF, h 150 125 83.3 until they reached an exercise workload of 37.5% W max.
SC, h 200 125 62.5
Then at 50% Wmax, end-expiratory Vcw increased, but
Mean SE 191.7 19.0 125.0 11.2 66.0 3.7
not above FRC (0.0 on the ordinate). Finally at the
max, exercise maxi-
Letters in left column are subjects initials. W maximal EFLe workload (65% W max), hyperinflators
mal workload; C, control run; S, flow-limited run; h, hyperinflator; e, were able to achieve an end-expiratory volume that
exceeded FRC by 850 ml. All chest wall compart-
ments contributed to this increase, but only end-expi-
Fig. 2. Figure 2A is the results in the hyperinflators, ratory Vrc,p and Vrc,a were greater than their volumes
and Fig. 2B is the euvolumics. In both exercise runs at FRC. It is notable that, despite the lack of an effect
and in both groups, the progressive increase in end- of severe flow limitation on volume displacements in
inspiratory volume with exercise workload was due the euvolumics, maximal exercise performance was
almost entirely to an increase in Vrc,p and Vrc,a. There impaired to the same extent as the hyperinflators at
was little or no increase in end-inspiratory Vab. The 65% W max. In all subjects, exercise was terminated by
hyperinflators (but not the euvolumics) increased end- intense difficulty in breathing when Borg scale ratings
inspiratory volume and approached total lung capacity reached 9 or 10.
at the highest EFLe workload compared with control. Breathing pattern. In Fig. 3, the breathing pattern is
Again, this was due to an increase in rib cage volume, shown as measured by integration of flow at the mouth.

Fig. 2. Mean SE volumes of the chest wall and its compartments during control (circles) and flow-limited
(triangles) exercise. Closed symbols are end expiration, and open symbols are end inspiration. A: hyperinflators. B:
euvolumics. CW, chest wall; RCp, lung-apposed rib cage; RCa, diaphragm-apposed rib cage; AB, abdominal volume;
QB, quiet breathing. Abscissa is exercise workload as a percentage of maximum control. Far right triangles in each
diagram represent maximal EFL exercise.

J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002


Fig. 3. Mean SE values of ventilatory parameters

during control (F) exercise (6 subjects) and during flow-
limited exercise. E, Hyperinflators; , euvolumics. Or-
dinates are as in Fig. 1.

The four plots are of V E, VT, f, and TI/Ttot. During flow limitation resulted in a progressive drop in TI/Ttot
control exercise, the data for all six subjects were to a value of 23%, which was similar for both groups.
averaged. During EFLe exercise, the data for the eu- Table 3 gives the values for VT/TI, TI, TE, and f at the
volumics were analyzed separately from those for the maximal workload achievable during the flow-limited
hyperinflators. V E tended to be less during flow-limited run and at the same workload during control exercise.
exercise, and this difference became greater as exercise Although the effects of flow limitation on f were vari-
workload increased. At zero workload, EFLe V E was
able and the mean values not significantly different,

97% of control zero workload VE but was only 88% at the effects on mean inspiratory flow and TI were sys-
the maximal EFLe workload. VT was increased during tematic. Mean inspiratory flow increased by an aver-
flow-limited exercise until the last exercise workload, age of 65%, TI was reduced by nearly 50%, and TE
when it became equal to the control VT in the euvolu- increased by 30%.
mics and less than control in the hyperinflators. The f Pressure-volume relationships. Figure 4 shows
was less than control during all flow-limited exercise Campbell diagrams with examples of dynamic pres-
workloads in the euvolumics. This was also true for the
sure-volume curves at the maximal levels of EFLe
hyperinflators at the workloads less than the maxi-
exercise in a euvolumic (Fig. 4A) and a hyperinflator
mum achieved with flow limitation, but during the last
workload there was a brisk increase in f in this group. (Fig. 4B). The left heavy line in Fig. 4, A and B, is the
Because VT was higher and f less during EFLe exer- static pressure-volume curve of the lung, and the right
cise, alveolar ventilation might have been preserved heavy line is the relaxation curve of the chest wall. A
despite the reduced V E. Therefore, we calculated alve- loop during quiet breathing is also shown encircling
olar ventilation on the basis of an assumed anatomical the static pressure-volume curve of the lung with end-
dead space equal in milliliters to body weight in expiration at FRC. Note the large transpulmonary
pounds. At workloads higher than 0 W, alveolar venti- pressure swings during exercise, amounting to 7080
lation was decreased on average by 9%. For a given cmH2O. As pointed out above, the euvolumic was able
CO2 production, this would result in an 11% increase to decrease VL normally well below FRC during EFLe
in arterial PCO2 over that during control exercise (4.5 exercise, while end-expiratory volume remained sta-
Torr). ble. The hyperinflators end-expiratory VL was above
During control exercise, TI/Ttot increased gradually FRC and showed a progressive increase over the four
with exercise workload from 40 to 48%. In contrast, breaths illustrated.
J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002

Table 3. Ventilatory parameters

VT/TI, l/s TI, s TE, s f, min1

Subject C S C S C S C S

BK 2.00 4.20 1.30 0.42 1.80 1.60 19.30 29.90

PS 1.60 2.70 1.20 0.87 1.50 2.30 22.20 18.70
SY 2.00 3.40 1.20 0.68 1.50 3.10 22.10 15.80
II 1.70 2.80 1.20 0.87 1.70 2.50 21.10 18.00
MF 1.80 2.50 1.10 0.48 1.50 1.50 22.70 30.90
SC 2.00 2.70 1.50 0.64 1.80 1.70 18.60 26.10
Mean SE 1.85 0.07 3.05 0.26 1.25 0.06 0.66 0.08 1.63 0.06 2.12 0.26 21.00 0.69 23.23 2.67
P 0.0033 0.002 NS NS
Letters in left column are subjects initials. VT/TI, mean inspiratory flow; TI and TE, inspiratory and expiratory time, respectively; f,
breathing frequency; NS, not significant.

A prominent feature of both traces is the markedly producing a clockwise loop so that the volume change
increased expiratory PA. Although inspiratory PA was of the chest wall was greater than the volume expired
remarkably low between 20 and 30 cmH2O, expira- at the mouth in all subjects. During inspiration, the
tory PA exceeded 50 cmH2O in both individuals. Evi- differences were small. From the operating VL mea-
dently, when expiratory flow is markedly limited, normal sured optoelectronically and from PA, we estimated VC
subjects develop greater pressures in a futile attempt to and subtracted this from the total volume difference to
increase flow. This is demonstrated by the values of obtain VB. By dividing VB by PA, we estimated the
Pmus given by the horizontal distance between the chest amount of blood shifted per unit change in PA. These
wall relaxation curve and the dynamic expiratory loops data are shown in Table 4.
that reached 50 cmH2O in both subjects. The small Rib cage distortion. During both control and EFLe
increase in volume toward the end of expiration accom- exercise, rib cage distortions were small and generally
panying the sudden decrease in PA is largely due to gas within 1%. Because the pressure cost of such distor-
decompression. These two examples are the highest val- tions is small (10, 18), we ignored them.
ues of expiratory pressure that we measured. There was Determinants of breathing sensation. Figure 6 shows
considerable between-individual variation with maxi- the Borg scale rankings of breathing effort. The closed
mum values of PA ranging from 27 to 59 cmH2O. circles are the means SE for all six subjects as a
Gas compression and blood volume shifts. The differ- function of workload during the control runs. The open
ences between volumes measured by optoelectronic squares give the results for EFLe exercise in the hy-
plethysmography and those measured by integration of perinflators and the closed triangles the results in the
flow at the mouth during maximal EFLe exercise are euvolumics. Breathing sensation did not limit control
shown in Fig. 5. Each panel is the ensemble average of exercise; the Borg scale rating reached a value of only
the last few breaths during the run in a given subject. 4 (range: 26) at W max. In contrast, as we previously
During the control run at the same level of exercise, the observed (16) during flow-limited exercise, performance
two volume traces moved along the line of identity and was impaired because of intense difficulty in breathing;
no differences were detectable. By contrast, in EFLe the mean Borg scale ranking at the end of exercise was
exercise, expiratory plethysmographic volumes led the 9.3 (range: 910), and the subjects on average were only
volume of gas expired at the mouth systematically, able to exercise to 65% of control W max.

Fig. 4. Campbell diagrams at the high-

est EFL exercise workload in a euvolu-
mic (A) and a hyperinflator (B). Vcw,
absolute chest wall volume; Pes, esoph-
ageal pressure. The heavy line with a
negative slope is the quasi-static defla-
tion pressure-volume curve of the lung
from total lung capacity to FRC. The
heavy line with the positive slope is the
quasi-static relaxation pressure-volume
curve of the chest wall. The large loops
are the pressure-volume relationships
during exercise. The narrow ellipse is
the loop during QB. The minimum vol-
ume on this loop is at FRC. Alveolar
pressure at any point in time is the hor-
izontal distance from a dynamic loop to
the static pressure-volume curve of the
lung. Pressure developed by the respira-
tory muscles at any point in time is the
horizontal distance from a dynamic loop
to the chest wall relaxation curve.

J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002


Fig. 5. Instantaneous changes in volume of gas measured at the mouth (Vm) and that measured plethysmo-
graphically (Vcw) during control and flow-limited exercise in each subject. The data are ensemble averages of
several breaths during the last 20 s of the highest level of exercise achieved with EFL. Control breaths follow the
line of identity; loops during flow-limited exercise are clockwise; Vcw leads Vm, and expiratory Vcw are
systematically greater than expiratory Vm. Letters in top left of each panel are subjects initials.

There was no difference in breathing sensation be- abdominal muscles (2) and the global differences in Pmus
tween the euvolumics and the hyperinflators at higher (Pmus) measured from Campbell diagrams (P
workloads, although the hyperinflators tended to have 0.00001, r2 0.703). Next were ventilatory parameters
higher rankings at lower exercise levels before they reflecting the prolonged TE and shortened TI (TI/Ttot:
hyperinflated. The degree of exercise limitation in both P 0.00001, r2 0.519; VT/TI: P 0.00001, r2 0.513).
averaged 65% of control W max (range: 5783). Thus Finally, parameters reflecting central inspiratory drive
both groups had the same degree of exercise impair- were important. These were the change in Pdi (Pdi; P
ment. Hyperinflation did not impair exercise perfor- 0.00001, r2 0.503) and fold changes in W di (W
di; P
mance in the euvolumics. 0.0002, r 0.420). Indexes of hyperinflation, such as

The parameters that correlated best with Borg were changes in end-expiratory and end-inspiratory Vcw, were
the changes in Pmus developed by the rib cage and either nonsignificant or had r2 values of 0.370.
From these preliminary linear regressions, we con-
structed a model using Pmus, VT/TI, and W di as
Table 4. Gas compression and blood volume shifts
independent variables. Multiple stepwise linear regres-
VL (pl-sp), Vblood/PA, sion analysis revealed that this model accounted for
Subject ml Vcomp, ml Vblood, ml ml/cmH2O 82.8% of the variance in Borg. Of that value, 70.3% was
accounted for by Pmus, and W di added an additional
BK 499 197 302 7
PS 520 132 388 8 12.5%. VT/TI was rejected. No other model tested ac-
SY 410 87 323 8.2 counted for as much of the variance in Borg as these two
II 792 195 597 11.9 variables. W di turned out to be more important than
MF 233 119 114 4.2
SC 478 248 230 3.9
other variables that were better correlated with Borg
Mean SE 488.7 74.1 163.0 24.6 325.7 66.3 7.2 1.2 because it was the least well correlated with Pmus.
Letters in left column are subjects initials. VL (pl-sp), difference
between volume of gas measured at the mouth (sp) and volume
change of the chest wall (pl); Vcomp, volume change due to gas
compression; Vblood, volume of blood shifts from trunk to extremi-
Critique of methods. The introduction of optoelec-
ties [VL (pl-sp) Vcomp]; Vblood/PA, amount of blood shifted for tronic plethysmography solves the difficult problem of
unit increase in alveolar pressure (PA). tracking absolute VL changes on a breath-by-breath
J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002

that tracheobronchial compression is not required to

impair exercise performance, limitation of exercise by
breathlessness, and CO2 retention (2, 16). Similar re-
sults have been reported by Wood and Bryan (37) in
normal subjects exercising at depth and by others in
the absence of any flow limitation at all; adding high
external inspiratory and expiratory resistances is suf-
ficient (11, 29).
In our experiments, in contrast to pathophysiological
flow limitation, no benefit in terms of increased flow
was obtained by DH. This may be a reason why two
subjects remained euvolumic and the other four sub-
jects only hyperinflated toward the end of flow-limited
Factors limiting exercise performance. In our exper-
iments, exercise performance was limited by severe
dyspnea. In every case, Borg scale ratings reached
910, confirming our earlier report (16). In the pres-
ence of EFL, DH has been strongly implicated as a
cause of breathlessness and impairment of exercise
performance (4, 9, 25, 26, 28, 38). A number of factors
may be involved, including shortening of diaphrag-
matic fiber length, threshold load (9, 21, 22), progres-
Fig. 6. Mean SE Borg scale ratings as a function of exercise
workload (abscissa) expressed as percent control of maximal work
sive decrease of inspiratory capacity to a value lower
rate. F, Control exercise; E, flow-limited exercise, hyperinflators; , than the desired VT (4, 5, 6, 10, 26, 28, 38), a decrease
flow-limited exercise, euvolumics. The difference between the two in V E (4, 5), and a decrease in lung compliance, which
curves (control and flow-limited exercise) was taken as the depen- increases the elastic work of breathing.
dent variable for regression analysis of determinants of exercise There is not uniform agreement that DH is the
principle factor causing exercise limitation. Noseda et
al. (24) found that an index of central inspiratory drive,
basis. In addition, we used the difference between this peak inspiratory flow, was the best predictor of dys-
volume measurement and the volume expired at the pnea during exercise in COPD. Because we only stud-
mouth during a single breath to calculate VC and the ied two euvolumics and four hyperinflators, generali-
volume of liquid shifted from the thorax to the extrem- zations and statistical comparisons between these two
ities. This assumes that this volume difference can groups are not meaningful. However, our data in eu-
only be due to gas compression and/or liquid shifts to volumics show that EFLe does not necessarily lead to
the extremities. That the liquid displaced is blood DH, although exercise was terminated by breathless-
seems reasonable as shifts of extravascular fluid of the ness equal in degree to that experienced by hyperinfla-
magnitude we measured are unlikely. The blood could tors with the same impairment of performance. In the
come from the lung, rib cage, or abdomen, and the other four subjects, DH reduced inspiratory reserve
shifts must be to the extremities because liquid dis- volume almost to zero, but it was a relatively late
placements from one thoracic compartment to an- occurrence, developing only near the end of EFLe ex-
other (e.g., from lung to rib cage or abdomen) would ercise (Fig. 2) after Borg scale ratings had significantly
not be detected by measurement of Vcw. Shifts from increased (Fig. 5). Thus, in our experiments, DH did
rib cage to abdomen could not be distinguished from not lead to impaired exercise performance in two sub-
isovolume maneuvers produced by respiratory mus- jects and did not contribute to the dyspnea experienced
cle contraction. by the other four until they reached the highest EFLe
EFLe mimics EFL due to dynamic compression of exercise level. This makes us suspect that its role may
intrathoracic airways in that flow becomes indepen- be overemphasized.
dent of driving pressure. There was significant volume Montes de Oca et al. (23) and Potter et al. (30)
dependence of expiratory flow during each expiration specifically linked the mechanics of breathing to circu-
because the jar in parallel with the resistor acted as a latory factors during exercise in COPD with the impli-
capacitance. Nevertheless, EFLe produced by the Star- cation that the link between abnormal mechanics of
ling resistor does not lead to dynamic compression of breathing and impaired exercise performance may be
intrathoracic airways as occurs in physiological EFL. via the circulation rather than a malfunctioning ven-
Presumably, if VL had decreased to the point where the tilatory pump per se.
maximal expiratory flow was 1 l/s, dynamic compres- There is considerable evidence that energy supplies
sion of intrathoracic airways would have occurred and to locomotor muscles are inadequate at maximal exer-
Pm would have fallen to zero. This was not observed. cise workloads in both healthy subjects and patients
Thus any feedback evoked by dynamic compression with COPD (3, 31, 33) when there is competition be-
was absent in our subjects. However, our data show tween respiratory and locomotor muscles for the avail-
J Appl Physiol VOL 92 MAY 2002

able energy supplies. At maximal exercise in trained performance in COPD where control experiments can-
normal subjects, respiratory muscles consume about not be performed in the same subject. In developing a
15% of total body O2 consumption and take a similar model for the multiple stepwise linear regression, we
percentage of the cardiac output (13, 14). If one applies chose an index of expiratory muscle recruitment,
this concept to COPD where the oxygen cost of breath- Pmus (e.g., Fig. 4), VT/TI as a reflection of increased
ing is about an order of magnitude greater than normal shortening velocity of of inspiratory muscles (2) and
(20), the competition becomes much more severe so thus their loss of force-generating ability and the in-
that as much as 50% of the O2 consumption and cardiac crease in W di as an index of central drive (2). Analysis
output may go to the respiratory muscles (3). Richard- showed that Pmus accounted for 70.3% of the vari-
son et al. (31) reported that the mass specific O2 con- ability in Borg and W di for an additional 12.5%.
sumption of the quadriceps muscle in COPD was much VT/TI was rejected. We conclude that Pmus was an
greater when it was the only muscle exercising than it important contributor to dyspnea during EFLe exer-
was at maximal whole body exercise. Thus, if energy cise. The contribution of central inspiratory drive is in
supplies are adequate, locomotor muscles can perform agreement with the importance of peak inspiratory
more work. It appears that there are some patients flow found by Noseda et al. in COPD (24).
with COPD in whom exercise may be limited by energy Relevance to COPD. It is uncertain how relevant our
supplies that are insufficient to meet demands. studies are to COPD. Although we have produced three
Blood volume shifts and respiratory pressure swings. major pathophysiological features of COPD in normal
The high expiratory pressures we measured during subjects, namely dyspnea, exercise limitation, and CO2
EFLe exercise caused gas compression and what we retention, the fact that the sensation induced by dy-
assume to be VB averaging 325.7 ml from the thorax to namic compression of intrathoracic airways (38), which
the extremities (Table 4). Although we are unable to may inhibit expiratory muscle recruitment (27), does
determine how much was displaced from the abdomen not occur with the Starling resistor may have contrib-
and how much from the lung, only a small fraction uted to the high expiratory pressures we measured.
displaced from the pulmonary capillaries could effect Such pressures have rarely been reported in COPD, yet
distribution of ventilation-to-perfusion ratios because both Potter et al. (30) and Dodd et al. (12) reported a
pulmonary capillary VB is only 220 ml during exer- mean peak expiratory pressure at maximal exercise in
cise (35). This might increase alveolar dead space and COPD of 22 cmH2O with large between-individual
could be a factor in the CO2 retention that occurs (34a). variations. In 6 of 12 patients studied by Potter et al.
These blood shifts show that expiratory pressure (30), EEVL increased by 50% of resting VT, and there
swings have circulatory effects in addition to their was no decrease in inspiratory capacity. Similarly,
effects on respiratory sensation (16). They did not occur Calverley (personal communication) found no DH dur-
during normal exercise (Fig. 5) and are therefore a ing incremental exercise in 8 of 20 COPD patients.
specific and significant effect of high expiratory pres- These findings suggest that the individual response to
sure.The reasons for the increased pressures are two- EFL exercise in COPD is heterogenous but similar to
fold (2). The enforced slowing of expiratory flow de- what we found in normal subjects. Some patients hy-
creased expiratory muscle velocity of shortening that, perinflate whereas others do not. There is a large
for a given degree of activation, increases force devel- between-individual difference in the degree of expira-
opment according to the muscles force-velocity rela- tory pressure produced, which in some patients is ex-
tionship (30). In addition, we found that both inspira- cessive. Perhaps the relevance of our model to COPD
tory and expiratory muscle power were increased may be to generate testable hypotheses. Our laborato-
during EFL exercise compared with control (2), sug- rys studies (16) suggest that high expiratory presures
gesting that there was an increase in central drive might be a factor limiting exercise in COPD. If so, it
probably secondary to CO2 retention (2, 16). might be possible by appropriate physiotherapy to
Potter et al. (30) thought that the high PA during train patients to derecruit expiratory muscles during
exhaustive exercise in COPD might impede venous exercise and improve performance.
return and could impose a limitation on the cardiovas-
cular response to exercise in patients producing a sit- Supported by the Breath Project (Biomed 2 Programme) and The
Respiratory Health Network Centres of Excellence, funded by The
uation similar to a Valsalva maneuver. Our data show Medical Research Council of Canada.
that, during EFL exercise, TE averaged 2 s whereas
TI was only 0.7 s. (Table 3). These data combined
with the pressures confirm the presence of a Valsalva-
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