Annual Campaign TNMP Dowson Edwards Groeneveld Law Macdougall

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CLIENT: The New Mom Project (TNMP)
Re: Summary of Needs, Case for Support and Outcome
CAMPAIG Annual Campaign, 3 Year Fundraising Plan
To: Gwen Broda
CC: Ibrahim Inayatali
From: Chelsea Dowson
Alex MacDougall
Holly Groeneveld
Colleen Edwards
Sarah Law
Date: February 9, 2017

Introduction to The New Mom Project

In Toronto approximately 30% of children live in poverty. Low-income

mothers struggle to create safe and healthy sleeping environments for their
children. The financial burden to provide basic necessities often leave
parents unable to do so at all. In Toronto, the infant mortality rate is
unfortunately very high. For every 1000 live births in Toronto, 6.4 children
die. This exceptionally high rate is most commonly the result of unsafe
sleeping environments for the infant, heightening their risk for suffocation
and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

The New Mom Project was developed to address the staggering high
child mortality rates in Toronto. TNMP has adopted the Finnish baby box
model, which for over 75 years has provided every new mom an essential
sleeping box that has been filled with new born basic necessities. By
partnering with local community services and medical practitioners, TNMP
provides essential baby supplies and baby sleeping boxes to low income
moms and families in Toronto. TNMP has recently established partnership
with The Baby Box Co. which provides TNMP with boxes that function as a
safe cradle for their clients at no cost. Another partnership that they have
secured is with a marketing company, UM Marketing, which supplies TNMP
with all the diapers that they need. TNMP has also been able to motivate the
local community and have received a huge and continuous supply of in-kind
donations. These items are used to fill the boxes so that every mother has a
few essential clothing and physical items for their child. Although most items
are currently being donated, TNMP works hard to provide each mom with a
new car seat. These car seats are the only item that they purchase and do so
with the money they raise through various fundraising events and some one-
time cash donations. TNMP has recently moved in to a new office space and

would love to grow their capacity as well as expand their services that they
provide to their clients, such as including strollers with the boxes and
providing educational programming for moms and families.

Goals and Projects

TNMP currently has a very limited number of expenses. The contents of

the Baby Box are primarily gifts in kind baby clothes, diapers, and blankets.
The only item included in the box that is purchased by TNMP are new car
seats. The baby boxes are currently the only programming TNMP provides.
They hope to soon be able to include strollers in the boxes. And eventually
be able to provide educational programing for moms and families.

Levels of Goals
For survival, TNMP must continue to be able to provide baby boxes to their
clients. A website and cell phone are required to communicate with clients
and donors.
Baby Box Program
Car Seats 6
Cell Phone 1
Office Supplies 260.00
Website 100.00

Total $7

Continuation as Is
TNMP currently distributes 80 Baby Boxes per year, to moms based on a
referral program. Maintenance of the program requires the purchase of car
seats, continued receipt of gifts in kind from individuals and corporations.
Baby Box Program
Car Seats 6 399.20
Mail Chimp 144.00
Volunteer Recognition 100.00
Rent and Utilities 17 400.00
Insurance 1 500.00
Cell Phone 1 200.00
Office Supplies 260.00
Website 100.00

Total $ 27

Modest Growth
Modest growth for TNMP requires continuation of the Baby Box Program, with
the addition of the purchase of strollers with each box.
Baby Box Program
Car Seats 6 399.20
Strollers 8 000.00
Mail Chimp 144.00
Volunteer Recognition 100.00
Rent and Utilities 17 400.00
Insurance 1 500.00
Cell Phone 1 200.00
Office Supplies 260.00
Website 100.00

Total $ 35

TNMP would like to one day be able to provide educational programing in
addition to the baby boxes. In this budget it is listed as Baby & Me

Baby Box Program

Car Seats 6 399.20
Strollers 8 000.00
Mail Chimp 72.00 *
Volunteer Recognition 50.00 *
Rent and Utilities 5 220.00 **
Insurance 450.00 **
Cell Phone 360.00 **
Office Supplies 78.00 **
Website 50.00 *
Fundraising 10 500.00 ***
Coordinator P-T
Program Coordinator 10 500.00 **

Baby & Me Programs

Classes (2x10 weeks) 4 500.00

Mail Chimp 72.00 *

Volunteer Recognition 50.00 *
Rent and Utilities 12 180.00 **
Insurance 1050.00 **
Cell Phone 840.00 **
Office Supplies 182.00 **
Website 50.00 *
Fundraising 14 500.00 ***
Coordinator P-T
Program Coordinator 24 500.00 **

Total $99
* assuming equal use of item/service per program
** proportional distribution, assuming Baby Box programs would
utilize 30% of resources and time, and Baby & Me Programs would
utilize 70%
***proportional based on fundraising requirements for each program;
Baby Box: 42%, Baby & Me: 58%

Case for Support

The New Mom Project does not have a formal case for support. Using
the information found on their website, details gathered from TNMPs Trillium
Seed Grant Application, as well as information provided by the CEO, Gwen
Broda, we are able to assess the need and capacity of TNMP. However, we
advise that the charity should form a case for support document that can
communicate TNMPs programming, clients, impact and needs. It can be
used as a basis to develop presentations, grant proposals, marketing
information, and be distributed to donors or prospects to increase their
knowledge of and affinity to TNMP. Having a case for support will helpful in
establishing organizational consistency when discussing need, desired
outcomes, and capacity of TNMP.

TNMP currently provides its clients with a baby box, donated by The
Baby Box Co. The boxes function as a crib, are fitted with a mattress, and is a
safe sleeping space for the baby. The boxes are filled with donations of
clothing and other baby essentials that are in-kind donations from local
community members, and diapers donated by UM Marketing. The clients who
receive the boxes are from low income families and tend to be refugees and
single mothers. These families rely on the support of TNMP to provide their
newborn child a safe, nurturing environment and reduce the risk of sudden

infant death syndrome (SIDS) from co-sleeping with parents or siblings, or

sleeping in other arrangements. The New Mom Project is well-researched and
is able to provide statistical insight into the urgency of their service. TNMP
secured a Trillium Grant for conducting a survey of 100 of their clients to
further develop an understanding of their client base, as well as address the
needs of these families.

In the two years the New Mom Project has been serving the
community, they have noticed a need that they currently do not have the
capacity to fill. The New Mom Project wants to fill a need for education
amongst new mothers. They want to provide educational programming about
safe sleep and creating positive trusting relationships with their community
health care providers. The need to develop programing for new moms and
families is urgent. TNMP programming would then extend to the Baby Box
Program and what we will refer to as Baby & Me Programs. The activity-
based costing model (seen in the Goals and Projects section of this
document) will allocate funding across these two programs, based on size
and complexity.

Does the NPO Excite Donors?


TNMP communicates story primarily through imagery and brief

descriptions. The current subjects include: Gwen and her son, TNMP
workspace, volunteers, and other moms and their children. The use of story
is a successful way to engage donors as well as beneficiaries and it helps to
strengthen brand identity. However, TNMP fails to leverage storytelling to its
full potential.

The home page on their website does an effective job of describing in

detail what the charity does and the population it serves. However, it
appears that their website is used solely as an informational tool. Based on
best practice, the art of storytelling is an important tool to engage and
motivate donors to take action. There are no personalized stories or
testimonials about specific beneficiaries. There are only two visible forms of
storytelling. Firstly, in the About Us section, there is a brief story about
Gwens inspiration to start TNMP, which is based on the Finnish Baby Box
Model. Secondly, TNMP uses story through imagery. Other than a brief
caption, there is no written piece to complement the pictures. We understand
that this is in part due to the fact that TNMP provides a confidential service
and the beneficiaries might be reluctant to share their experience with the

A suggestion to improve their storytelling ability would be to focus in

on the story of one. For example, NMP should include a testimony, on the

homepage of their website, of one particular beneficiary. The story should be

emotional and uplifting and there should be a complementary photo. The
photo should be of good quality and focus in on one subject such as the
mother in needs child, and have the child staring into the camera. Its easier
for a donor to compare him/herself to and sympathize with one mother,
rather than a bunch of unrecognizable faces. Another suggestion would be to
synchronize messaging and imagery on all social platforms. By successfully
utilizing story, TNMP can help the audience better understand the need of
this service and the struggle of a low-income mother. You never know what a
child will go on to accomplish when he/she is given the tools to succeed.


Founded in 2014, TNMP is a newer organization with very little data.

However, there is an abundance of scholarly information about the Finnish
Baby Box model which TNMP is modeled after. The little data they do have is
not available on their website or other social platforms. Their financial data is
limited other than whats presented on the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA)
website and its safe to assume that the average constituent wont be going
to the trouble to investigate TNMPs financials through the CRA.

Its in the benefit of the charity to provide financials because it

promotes trust and transparency. Constituents are more likely to give if they
can follow the impact of their giving. Being a new and small organization, Its
understandable that TNMP has limited capacity to create detailed financial
statements, especially considering that most donations are in-kind and their
expenses are very low. According to the 2015 financials found on the CRA
website, TNMP had zero expenses. As the charity continues to expand and
add programming, the need for public accessibility to their financials will
grow. For now, a simplified budget that uses an Activity Based Costing model
should be provided on their websites homepage. This costing model
connects the efforts of the organization with tangible results and shows the
true costs of running each program by incorporating overhead into
programing costs.

Next, other than the fact that TNMP has helped over 1000 families
since 2014, there is no quantifiable information to express the impact baby
boxes have had for the low-income and marginalized families that use their
services. Statistics are important because they deepen the donors grasp of
how the organizations programming is beneficial to the GTA. Also, having
data on past results is key to creating reliable benchmarks for future growth.
Until The New Mom Project initiates research to quantify their impact and
success, they could use published facts and stats from scholarly articles
reviewing the success of the Finnish Baby Box.


The New Mom Projects successes are demonstrated through their

beneficiaries. The moms are relieved from the financial burden of all the
costs associated with a new baby and the children are given the necessities
to get them off to a nurturing start. However, due to limited information and
the lack of beneficiary testimonials, the impact of their success is not on
display. Its hard to conceptualize all of the good this charity does without
having a way to measure it, whether that be through story or statistics.


The New Mom Project has a dedicated founder and a core group of 4
volunteers. Everything that this charity does is volunteer run, which goes to
show how much the public values this service. The volunteers and the Board
of Directors are comprised of working moms who selflessly offer their service
during their limited free time. The majority of the baby box contents are in-
kind donations from the community. According to Gwen, the charity receives
approximately 20 garbage bags of clothing, 3 cribs, 3 swings, and an
assortment of toys and blankets each week. The majority of cash donations
come from third-party run events. Gwen has very little information on donor
demographics - she believes that most learn about the charity through her
website. TNMP also recognizes over 20 corporate sponsors on their website
under the Partners tab which includes the likes of Starbucks, Loblaws, and
Peek Freans as well as local Toronto businesses. Most of this information was
provided by Gwen, and is not found on the website.

Superlatives & Structure

The holistic approach taken by The New Mom Project, the incredibly
dedicated volunteers, and the fact that people feel so compelled to give with
little information and without a solicitation, is what sets TNMP apart. In terms
of product, the most comparable organization is the for-profit company, The
Baby Box Co., which operates in Canada, the U.S. and in various locations
across the world. To purchase a baby box from this company, it costs roughly
$100 to $300 Canadian dollars depending on the chosen box. The fact that
The New Mom Project is solely volunteer run, incurs almost no expenses, and
has helped serve almost 1,500 families since its inception about 3 years ago,
TNMP is built to last.

Due to its limited financials and the unique model of this organization,
its difficult to benchmark it against similar NPOs. However, TNMP should
consider conducting a benchmark analysis in the future; this is a useful tool
used to compare their existing performance against others and adopt

Emotional Appeal, Car Seat, $79
When a child is born, they come into our world with no fears, worries,
sadness or hate. Their first contact is with a person who loves them
unconditionally. Their mothers will spend the rest of their lives caring for
them, teaching them right from wrong, and supporting them every day.
The bond between a mother and her child is the most important and
the only focus that a new mother should have when leaving the hospital after
her baby is born. When a mother is overwhelmed with providing the basic
necessities for her child, it is the child who suffers.
By donating $79 you can help a mother bring home her baby today.

Logical Appeal, Car Seat, $79

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child states that
every child has the right to be protected from being hurt. This right should
never be denied to a child based on their familys economic status. In
Canada, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of fatalities from
preventable causes in children (Public Health Agency of Canada). Car seats
reduce the chance of fatal injury by 71% (Canadian Paediatric Society).
Therefore, it is important that that every child in Canada has access to a car
With your donation of $79, The New Mom Project can purchase a car
seat for a mom and her new baby. You can make sure that no child dies
simply because their mother couldnt afford a car seat.

Emotional Appeal, Baby & Me, $150 (current outcome does not yet exist for
Imagine you are a mother who has just given birth to her first child, a
beautiful healthy baby girl. Her name is Emma and she is perfect. Her skin is
soft against your cheek as you gently kiss her forehead. She has that perfect
newborn baby smell. Emmas piercing blue eyes look up at you as her tiny
fingers wrap tightly around your finger, never letting go. In that moment you
know that you will do everything in your power to be the best parent to her;
to nurture and protect her.
As you cradle Emma in your arms, your sweet bundle of joy, you are
overcome with excitement for what is to come but realize the journey ahead
will be challenging at times. The birth of a child is the beginning of a new
chapter in your life. There is a long journey that lays ahead for Emma and
her parents.

The Baby and Me class helps parents prepare for what is to come, to
learn about what Emmas needs will be in the upcoming weeks and further in
the future. The classes are designed to inform parents on the importance of
routine to help the child develop. Baby and Me offers parents a time to bond
with other parents as well as allowing time for your baby to bond with other
children which is crucial for a childs development.

Self-Interest Appeal, Baby & Me, $150 (current outcome does not yet exist
for TNMP)
Michele, just gave birth to Thomas, a beautiful baby boy. Michele does
not have any support at home and is unsure how to care for her baby. She is
scared that she will not be able to care for Thomas after they get home from
the hospital. Every new mom and their baby deserve to a good start. With
support and education, Michele will have the resources she needs to ensure
she and Thomas have the promising future they deserve.
The New Mom Projects Baby and Me Class would give Michele a place
to learn about nutrition, receive the support she needs, as well as find the
answers to all the questions every new mom has.
The educational classes support Michele and her baby boy through the
first 12 months with educational classes and on-call support Michele learn
how to take care of Thomas, and be confident in her new role as Thomas
Your thoughtful donation of $150.00 will be matched by an anonymous
donor, giving two new mothers, like Michele, the confidence and knowledge
to care for their babies. They will receive emotional, educational and
nutritional support giving and their new babies will have great start in life.
Every mom deserves a great start with their baby.

Logical Appeal, 24-Hour Support Hotline, $1000 (current outcome does yet
exist for TNMP)

No matter your age, every new parent has questions and should be
able to talk to someone for answers. The New Mom Hotline is a free
telephone service offered to new parents experiencing family life or
parenting challenges. We provide services to low-income and marginalized
families, Syrian refugees, and anyone in need.

This nonjudgmental service provides a listening ear, support and guidance to

parents and caregivers who are upset or troubled. The New Mom Hotline is
run by caring, knowledgeable and experienced volunteers. They will try to
help you by providing information, guidance and suggestions. With the
exception of medical and legal questions, we respond to almost any
parenting question.

Help strengthen your community by supporting parents and children in need.

Everything $1000 donation will be matched by our corporate sponsor. You
can rest assured knowing that no mom will be left in the dark.

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