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Duration: 45 minutes

December 10, 2009



1. This paper consists of 30 items.
2. You must answer each item on the answer sheet provided.
3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A),(B), (C),
(D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice
is best.
Sample Item
What is the MOST common method used by governments to collect
population data?
(A)Census Sample Answer
(B)Interview A B C D
(D) Statistics
The best answer is Census, so answer space (A) has been shaded.
Copyright 2009 Sociology Unit: Department of History; Wolmers Trust
High School for Girls.
1. Demography can BEST be described as the study of
(A)International migration and under population
(B)Mortality and implications for development
(C)The prevention of overpopulation in a society
(D) The levels and trends in population size and its components

2. A population pyramid is used to show

(A)Rapid population growth
(B)Dependency ratio of a population
(C)Net migration of a population
(D) A populations age and sex

3. To which of the following does the term natural increase refer?

(A)The deficit of births over deaths in a given country for a particular
(B)The surplus of births over deaths in a given country for a particular
(C)The number of deaths per one thousand population in a given year
(D) The number of deaths of infants under one year of age per one
thousand lives in a given year

4. Which of the following is a set of population control measures?

(A)Infant mortality, urbanization, birth control
(B)Urbanization, social mobility, population change
(C)Birth control, education, legislation
(D) Industrialization, socialization, stratification

5. In a Caribbean territory of 240, 000, there are twice as many

dependents as workers. The dependency ratio in this territory is
(A)15: 65
(B)80 : 160
(C)200: 100
(D) 240: 100

6. Which of the following are indicators of the Human Development

(A)Health, Birth Rate, Gross Domestic Product
(B)Life Expectancy, Gross Domestic Product, Education
(C)Education, Lifestyle, Dependency Ratio
(D) Migration, Life Expectancy, Infant Mortality Rate.
7. The relationship between core and the periphery can BEST be
described as one where the periphery
(A)Supplies raw materials to the core
(B)Provides finished products to the core
(C)Is independent of the core
(D) Produces a number of cores

8. Which of the following population measures can be expressed by a

negative value?
(A)Infant mortality rate
(B)Natural increase
(C)Life expectancy
(D) Natural decrease

9. Which of the following statements about Marxs theory of population

growth is TRUE?
(A)Misery and suffering are inevitable for most people.
(B)Industrialization creates social and economic problems.
(C)A reorganization of society will eliminate poverty and other social
(D) Undesirable races should not be allowed

10. Which of the following are the MOST likely consequences of large
scale outward migration from the Caribbean?
I. Brain drain
II. Improved standard of living
III. Less strain on resources
IV. Increased dependency ratio
(A)I and IV only
(B)I, II and III only
(C)I, III and IV only
(D) I, II, III and IV

11. One of the reasons for the prevalence of crime in society is that
criminal behavior is learnt. The MAIN proponent of this thesis is
(A)T. Hirschi
(B)A. Cohen
(C)H. Becker
(D) E. H. Sutherland

12. According to the Interactionist perspective on crime, moral

entrepreneurs are certain groups in society who devise laws
(A)Based on value consensus
(B)To suit their own needs
(C)Based on norms of society
(D) To benefit society

13. Which theory is associated with the view that a deviant act only
becomes deviant when society reacts to it?
(A)Conflict theory
(B)Labeling theory
(C)Differential opportunity theory
(D) Functionalist theory

14. Some Caribbean youth turn to drug trafficking to realize their

goals. R.K Merton would view this phenomenon as
(D) Ritualism

15. The family, education and religion function as a mean of social

control by
I. Instilling the norms and values of society
II. Strengthening the norms and values of society
III. Applying formal sanctions to reinforce the norms and values of
IV. Applying informal sanctions to reinforce the norms and values of
(A)I. and II only
(B)II and III only
(C)I, II and III only
(D) I, II and IV only

16. The BEST definition for the term white collar crime is crime
committed by
(A)Any person in the course of his or her occupation
(B)Persons who are above the statutory age limit
(C)Adults of high social status in the course of their occupations
(D) Drug bosses cooperating with each other

17. Which of the following are examples of corporate crimes?

(A)Tax evasion and embezzlement
(B)Unsafe workplaces and defective merchandise
(C)Civil bribery and price fixing
(D) Environmental terrorism and money laundering

18. Which of the following areas are MOST likely to record a higher
crime rate?
I. Village
II. City
III. Town
IV. Ghetto
(A)I and II only
(B)I and III only
(C)II, III and IV only
(D) I, II, III and IV

19. Social order is MOST necessary for social

(D) Movement

Statement A The Statement below relates to Items 20 and

In a small country, X, of population 2 million, there were 200,000
births in the year 2000, of which 800 babies died before the age of
20. The crude birth rate for 2000 is
(A)2 per 1000
(B)10 per 1000
(C)20 per 1000
(D) 100 per 1000
21. What was the rate of infant mortality in 2000?
(A)1 per 1000
(B)2 per 1000
(C)4 per 1000
(D) 8 per 1000

Statement B The Statement below refers to item 22

In the same small country, X, of the 2 million population in the year

2000, there were 3,200 non infant deaths as well as the 800 infant

22. Which is true of country X?

(A)The population may be expected to decrease in the next 5 years
(B)There were fewer births than deaths for that year
(C)Medical facilities for infants were very poor
(D) There was a net natural population increase

23. Which of these statements about life expectancy are true?

(i) It is higher in more developed countries
(ii) In most countries, men outlive women
(iii) Life expectancy indicates patterns of internal migration
(iv) It is related to the factors such as health, education and martial
(A)(i) and (iii) only
(B)(ii) and (iv) only
(C)(i), (ii) and (iii) only
(D) (i) and (iv) only

24. Which set of factors is directly related to population change?

(A)Births, morbidity, urbanization
(B)Births, deaths, migration
(C)Morbidity, mortality, health
(D) Morbidity, death, health

25. Which is the most accurate statement of dependency ratio?

(A)Ratio of working population to dependents
(B)Ratio of dependents to working population
(C)Difference between working population and dependents
(D) Difference between dependents and working population

26. In a country of 12,000,000, there are 2.5 million children under

the age of 15, and 9 million people between the ages of 15 and 64. The
rest of the population are elderly and do not work, because they are
either incapacitated or retired.
What is the dependency ratio of this country?
(D) 75:100

27. Which Caribbean island is most likely to suffer from depopulation

as a result of negative net migration?
(B)Cayman Islands
(C)St Vincent
(D) Montserrat

28. According to Sutherlands Differential Association Theory,

deviance is determined
(A)According to the social context in which the act is performed
(B)According to its functions for society
(C)By the elite groups in society
(D) Through prolonged association with significant others, thereby
becoming influenced by them

29. According to Durkheim, deviance

(A)Is defined according to the social context in which the act is
(B)Performs several useful functions for society
(C)Is defined by the powerful groups in society
(D) Is always a crime

30. According to Mertons Strain Theory, this term refers to the

situation in which someone drops out of society and rejects both the
goals and the means to achieve them
(D) Ritualism

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