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American and black community.

According to Because of this movement, there have

B L A C K Black Lives Matter: Racialized Policing in the
United States, the term black lives matter
been responses of All Lives Matter and Blue
Lives Matter. These movements did not exist
L I V E S has become the common response to police
brutality against African Americans. It was
before people began bringing attention to
black lives following the injustices of Trayvon
Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner and many
M A T T E R others. All Lives Matter refocuses and
distracts the conversation away from the
Police Brutality is the unwarranted or systematic racism faced by blacks. All Lives
excessive and often illegal use of force against Matter silences the oppressed. It undermines
civilians by U.S. police officers, according to the movement that tries to raise awareness
Encyclopedia Britannica. Forms of police that black lives continue to be undervalued in
brutality have ranged from assault and battery comparison to white lives. Those who respond
to mayhem, torture, and murder. Harassment, with All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter find
intimidation, and verbal abuse are often black to be the problem. If there is
Fig. 2 A woman in the protest holds a sign that reads Pro- discomfort in the word black, it shows that
associated with police brutality as well. The Black isnt Anti-White.
great majority of victims subjected to police race is the problem. Therefore, the attention
first created by two black women, named to black lives is a necessity.
brutality in the United States are African Alicia Garza and Patrisse Cullors, in response
Americans, also known as blacks. As a result,
police brutality has become a catalyst for
to news about the killing of Trayvon Martin in
2012. BLM centers upon activism against

many social movements, protests, and riots racialized policing, from black poverty and When people say Black Lives Matter, it
that have taken place in America. genocide to mass incarceration. doesnt mean Blue Lives dont matter, it just
means All Lives matter, but right now the big
Although the Black Lives Matter concern is the fact that the data shows black
movement centers upon blacks, it does not folks are more vulnerable to these kinds of
mean that all lives do not matter. Black Lives incidents. This isnt a matter of us comparing
Matter is a response to police brutality and the value of lives.
policing injustices against black communities.
Singling out black lives does not in any shape
or form mean that all lives dont matter. If at

Fig. 3 Former President Barack Obama explained the need for
an Alzheimer's Disease Awareness event, it Black Lives Matter.
doesnt mean other diseases dont matter. It
Fig.1 Statistics show that blacks are 3.28 times more likely to
get killed than a white person by the police in America. simply brings attention and awareness to As long as these injustices and brutalities
Alzheimer's Disease. Same goes for BLM. The keep occurring in the United States, Black
Most recently, an international activist movement doesnt discredit any other race. It Lives will be the concern. The goal is to make
movement, better known as Black Lives just singles out the black race, to bring sure that All Lives Matter, but until then Black
Matter, was created to combat police brutality awareness to the injustices faced by the black Lives Matter will keep working to make
and systematic racism against the African race. combat these wrongs.

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