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Persuasive Writing Rubric

Catherine Steinke- EDUC 338

Students will chose a controversial topic (that is appropriate) and write a persuasive essay about it. The standards used will be
English Language Arts standards CCS 6.4 (writing an introduction, conclusion, and transitions), 6.1 a-e (constructing reasons and
counter-arguments), and 6.5 (using correct grammar and punctuation) for middle schoolers.
Distinguished Proficient Basic Unsatisfactory
Introduction The claim/thesis is The claim/thesis The claim/thesis is The claim/thesis is
clearly written. The is clearly not clear or missing.
essay uses questions/a written. incomplete.
personal story to hook
the reader.
Arguments/Reaso The essay includes 3 The essay The essay includes Essay includes little to no
ns or more clear reasons includes 3 or less than 3 reasons reasons and is unclear or
and a counter- more reasons. and may be unconnected to the
argument. unclear. claim.
Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion Conclusion restates Conclusion does not
summarizes all summarizes all the claim/thesis. restate the claim/thesis
reasons, restates the reasons and or conclusion is missing.
claim/thesis, and restates the
includes a call to claim/thesis.
Structure/Transitio All paragraphs are All paragraphs One or more Essay is not written in
ns more than 4 sentences are at least 4 or paragraphs are less paragraph form/all
long. The essay flows more sentences than 4 sentences paragraphs are less than
perfectly and includes long. The essay long. Essay is 4 sentences long. Essay
transitions for every includes missing at least is missing more than one
reason/conclusion/exa transitions for one transition. transitions.
mple. every
Spelling/Grammar The story has correct There are few There are several There are many spelling,
spelling, grammar, and spelling, spelling, grammar, grammar, and
punctuation. Less than grammar, and and punctuation punctuation mistakes.
3 mistakes. punctuation mistakes. Mistakes Mistakes make reading
mistakes. interrupt the flow of difficult and hard to
Mistakes do not the essay. understand.
interrupt the
flow of the

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