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Thriving in Academe is a joint project of NEA and the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
( For more information, contact the editor, Douglas Robertson ( at
Florida International University or Mary Ellen Flannery ( at NEA.

Feedback without Overload

To learn well, students need to use their learning and receive high
quality feedback. But who has time to give a lot of great feedback?!?
Explore how to super-charge the students learning environment
with productive feedback without burning out.

BY DOUGLAS L. Good teaching is creating good learning systems

Florida International A while ago, I examined hundreds of studies and stories about how college teachers think
University about their work as teachers, and I discovered a pattern. We college teachers tend to focus
on what to teach, and on ourselves as the master learner. We want to know our stuff, and
we want to share that knowledge, usually by telling students about it or demonstrating it.

After some time, if we continue to develop as teachers, we realize teaching is not just
about disseminating content; it is most fundamentally about facilitating learning, some-
thing very different. If learning is to occur, the learners, the students, need to do it. This
understanding leads to our focus on the learners and how they learn.

If we continue to develop as teachers, we realize that what we need to focus on is not just
separate elements (first, the teacher; then, the students), we need to concentrate on creat-
ing learning systems of which we and the students are parts. Learning systems function to
support learning whether we are there or not. Indeed, we are an important part. For one
thing, we are the initial designer or creator of what becomes a dynamic learning system.
But we are just a part. This perspective focusing on learning systemshas the optimal
potential to facilitate high quality learning for the most students, and I discovered that it
characterizes the best teachers.


Meet Douglas Robertson

Douglas L.
Robertson is Dean
of Undergraduate
Education at Florida
International Univer-
sity, a public, research
university in Miami,
Florida (52,000 students, 7th largest
nationally). Dr. Robertson started or
transformed five university teaching
centers and has served as director
of three. He has written or co-edited
seven books on change and faculty
development, most recently co-
editing with Kay Gillespie, A Guide
to Faculty Development, 2nd ed.
He has served on editorial boards
of numerous scholarly journals
related to college teaching. He
taught his first college course in
1971, and has a received several
teaching awards along the way.
Good learning systems EXEMPLARY NIFS INVOLVE
are rich with feedback FEEDBACK FROM ANY
Let us turn to the role of feedback in learn- SOURCE OTHER THAN and get a chance to use their new under-
ing systems. In order to learn, students need THE TEACHER THAT standing, all right after their initial use of
to use their new knowledge and reflect on the knowledge.
what happens when they use it.
Different theoretical perspectives have dif- OF THEIR LEARNING AND The press is on to teach
ferent words for this phenomenoncontin- more in less time.
gencies, consequences, feedbackbut it is
all the same thing. The learner uses their Throw into the mix a recessionary eco-
knowledge, and they see what happens. have students use their new knowledge nomic environment that presses for us to
frequently and get feedback on the quality teach ever larger enrollment courses and
The teacher in a good learning systema of their learning, reflect on that feedback, more of them. A rule of thumb is that in
good coursedevelops mechanisms that


arly in my complete that task each time did not allow for plain and discuss their face other students and
career, I was week. As the weeks me to comment on the reflection paper (5 min- represent their work.
committed to passed and the piles of papers. I explained that utes for the pairing). Also, they met and inter-
requiring students to unprocessed reflection I would read all of the The student received acted meaningfully with
write short reflection papers grew, my guilt papers carefully and direct feedback from another student each
papers about each mounted exponentially. look for patterns of their partner. In the large week and expanded
assigned reading. As It was not a good situa- responses. At the class group, they received my their peer learning net-
my class sizes grew, I tion. Finally, I tried meeting, when the feedback. Not only did work. This was not just
remained committed to something new. I began papers were due, the they receive feedback a compromise, it was
providing written feed- the semester by explain- students would pair from multiple sources, better. I did not need to
back myself. My load ing the value of writing with someone whom but an accountability do it all. I was sold.
became so overwhelm- reflection papers. But I they did not know, and dimension was added
ing that I could not would confess that each person would ex- because they had to


order to optimize learning, students should generous collection of active learning tech- After a specified time, typically about 10
spend as much time using their knowledge niques that do not necessarily require the minutes, the class re-convenes and shares
(and working with feedback) as they do ac- teacher to be providing the feedback, but in- insights or observations that came out of
quiring it in the first place. stead generate useful student-to-student the interaction.
feedback. Providing students with a little
But how can we possibly provide that critical An even shorter version is the Pause Tech-
initial training in giving useful instructional
feedback when there are so many students nique, which involves simply stopping in a
feedback is a good practice. A simple
and so many courses? presentation every 15 minutes or so and
Google search of active learning will yield
having students share their notes with each
a large number of examples of NIFs that
other, and then moving on. The research on
The answer is NIFs: use student-to-student feedback effectively.
the efficacy of this quick student-to-student
Non-teacher One classic example is the Think-Pair- interaction is impressive.
Instructional Feedback Share technique. The teacher poses a gen-
A large cadre of small group techniques,
erative question and gives the students a
NIFs are information from any source other such as Cooperative Learning and Team-
than the teacher that students can use to Based Learning, also are excellent ways to
understand the quality of their learning and generate productive student-to-student NIFs.
ideally how to improve its quality. A LARGE BODY OF ACTIVE
With the warp speed development of social
When you think of all of the possible ele-
LEARNING TECHNIQUES media options, a whole new frontier of
ments in a learning system, how many of NOW EXISTS THAT DO NOT electronic tools and environments provide
them could be a good source of learning NECESSARILY REQUIRE exciting new options for generating stu-
feedback for students, or a NIF? THE TEACHER TO dent-to-student feedback. Twitter, Face-
book, learning management systems, wikis,
PROVIDE THE FEEDBACK and blogs are now conventional, and by the
Students as NIFs BUT INSTEAD GENERATE time this article is published, a new tool
Students can provide useful feedback to PRODUCTIVE NIFS. may already be ascendant. Students live in
these environments, and teachers need to
other students in both face-to-face and elec-
be able to go there.
tronic environments. One of Chickerings specified amount of time to write their an-
and Gamsons famous seven principles of swers. Then students pair up and discuss
good practice in undergraduate education their answers. I always require Computer-based instruc-
involves promoting productive student-to-
student interaction. Anothe focuses on en-
students to pair up every time with an tional programs as NIFs
unfamiliar person, so that they can expand Speaking of electronic environments, an-
couraging active learning, and still another their networks. At the halfway point, I
involves providing timely feedback. All other NIF source comprises various com-
announce that the partners who did not
three come together in what has become a start should now explain their response. puter-based instructional tools. MERLOT


n the 1970s, Larry pedagogical system called together for the entire se-
Michelson was a man- Team Based Learning mester, not transient small
agement professor at (TBL), which allows a single groups. Accountability
has either thought about, or
the University of Oklahoma instructor to use active (feedback) is embedded for
been asked about, virtually
when, because of budget learning in large enrollment both individuals and teams.
every possible issue. For ex-
cuts, his class sizes sud- courses. TBL is backward Each major unit includes in-
ample, the expected ques-
denly went from the 40s to designed and includes the dividual study, readiness as-
tion, how do you evaluate
the 140s. His colleagues told careful clarification of surance (individual test,
individual performance in a
him his active learning tech- learning objectives, learning team test, written appeals,
team context? His re-
niques would have to go. activities supporting those and instructor feedback),
sponses are often data-
But he knew they worked. learning objectives, and as- and application activities.
based, and TBL is an
So over the next 30-plus sessment procedures of Heavy emphasis is on the
excellent example of the
years, Michelson created progress toward the learn- application activities, or use
scholarship of teaching and
and refined a highly effec- ing outcomes. TBL involves of material. Over the
tive and well-documented forming teams that function decades, Larry Michelson


(Multimedia Educational Resource for
Learning and Online Teaching at www. I ISSUES TO CONSIDER is a free, easy to navigate site
that contains thousands of learning objects,
CHALLENGING quality of the feedback
by doing it all them-
YOUR selves, ironically the out-
many of which are interactive. The learning
ASSUMPTIONS come for students is
objects are blind reviewed and rated by ex-
AND MAKING often lousy feedback.
perts and, in a separate display, also by CHANGE Third, when teachers
users. MERLOT learning objects have been know they are providing
If I dont provide the
lousy feedback they can
integrated with some learning management feedback, students may have a lot of time and
feel guilty and become
not learn anything or dont know where to
systems such as Blackboard and can be defensive. In response,
may learn the wrong begin.
the students can get
easily inserted into the course shell. In ad- thing.
chippy. Off we go on neg- Resistance to change is
dition, the Khan Academy is a remarkable I have four comments ative communication spi- natural. So the fact you
about this common con- rals. As the teacher- are ready to try some-
resource for mastery learning web-based cern. First, it is legitimate. student dynamics become thing new means that
systems (, which Care must be taken to increasingly dysfunc- you are already through
have the feedback, what- tional, the quality of the the first phaserealizing
realizes the Personalized System of Instruc-
ever the source, be of the learning environment de- you have to change. Con-
tion (PSI) envisioned in the 1960s by Fred highest possible quality. clines dramatically. gratulations!
Keller. Web-based tutorials that relate to all The teacher needs to pro-
Finally, when you exam- The best way to proceed
vide instructions to the
or part of a course are also often available ine the research about is to try a mini-experi-
feedback sources where
active learning and using ment and assess the
through textbook publishers. possible. For example, if
feedback sources other results. Try something
the feedback is from
than the teacher, you find that is fail-safe. In other
peers, then provide some
abundant support for words, if it does not
initial structure and direc-
Outside experts as NIFs tion to students by per-
these practices. It appears work, the failure does not
that when done properly, have huge consequences.
haps discussing the
I used to require students to identify suc- students really do learn Forget about fail-proof.
purpose of the feedback
cessful people in their area of interest and more with multiple If you have a center for
and how it can best real-
to ask these experts a series of questions sources of feedback. Even teaching and learning
ize that purpose. Rubrics
a practice as simple as the center on your campus,
to conduct an informational interview. I re- may help.
pause technique (stop- consult with these faculty
alized I was missing a good opportunity for Second, if teachers are ping the teachers presen- development profession-
the students to receive feedback. So I the primary source of tation every 15 minutes als to get ideas and some
added to the assignment the requirement feedback for students, or so for students to pair assistance with assessing
teachers who feel over- up and compare notes)
that students develop a short written state- the outcomes. At many
whelmed often reduce has documented statisti-
ment on their current plan to advance in campuses, faculty devel-
the frequency, richness, cally significant gains in
their interest area and send it to the expert opment centers exist, but
and immediacy of the learning over the conven- somehow faculty still do
in advance of their meeting for discussion feedback because they tional continuous lecture. not know about these
at the meeting. The procedure provided ex- feel they simply have no
How do I get started? Im wonderful resources.
choice. When teachers
cellent feedback to the student on their un- used to lecturing. I dont
choose to maintain the
derstanding of the professional area and
how to prepare and advance in it.
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
Scholar databases Fink, D. (2003). Significant learning experi- Robertson, D. (2001). Beyond learner-centered-
ences: An integrated approach to designing ness: Close encounters of the systemocentric
as NIFs college courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. kind. Journal of Faculty Development, 18(1), 7-
Finally, scholarly research data also can Keller, F. (1968). Goodbye teacher Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis, 1, 79-89. Robertson, D. (2000). Professors in space and
provide generative feedback regarding stu-
time: Four utilities of a new metaphor and de-
dents knowledge. For example, students can Khan Academy website, http://www.khanacad-
velopmental model for professors-as-teachers.
be asked to write a brief statement of their
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching,
understanding of a topic and then Michaelsen, L.; Bauman-Knight, A.; & Fink, D. 11(1), 117-132.
assigned to go to searchable scholarly data- (2003). Team-based learning: A transformative
Robertson, D. (1999). Professors perspectives
use of small groups in college teaching. Ster-
bases to see what the research shows. Does on their teaching: A new construct and devel-
ling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
the research support their understanding or opmental model. Innovative Higher Educa-
Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning tion, 23(4), 271-294.
not? If so, to what extent? and Online Teaching, MERLOT website,
Are there missing nuances in the students Team-based learning website,
understanding? Important learning results Robertson, D. (2003). Making time, making
from this feedback. change: Avoiding overload in college teaching.


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