G 12 Argumentessay 2

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Destiny Betley

English IV


G12 Argument Essay #2

Is it possible to live in a world that is perfect in everyones view? In the the novel, Brave

New World by Aldous Huxley, the fertilizing and the birth of humans are entirely different than

what we see in our world. The way they are trained, ranked and planned. They think they are

living in a perfect world, but they are not. Their lives are being controlled. My claim is that not

everyone agrees with what is right and what is wrong, everyone has different ideas of perfection.

In the novel, the World Controllers sought to perfect the world. The worlds stable now.

People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they cant get. Theyre

well off; theyre safe; theyre never ill; theyre not afraid of death; theyre blissfully ignorant of

passion and old age; theyre plagued with no mothers or fathers; theyve got no wives, or

children, or lovers to feel strongly about; theyre conditioned that they practically cant help

behaving as they ought to behave. And if anything should go wrong, theres soma (Huxley

220). This is their idea of a perfect world, where there is no strong feelings. No strong feeling

about people like: mothers, fathers, wives, lovers, children, etc. They don't have those feeling

because in that world there isnt any of those relationships. They took away all these

relationships so you cant feel strong emotions towards them. They dont want them to feel

strong emotions especially negative ones, like if they end up abandoning them or they pass away.
In the World Controllers view of a perfect world, there isnt pain or pity felt for another person

because they dont have any relationship or bond with them. Any if anything doesnt go as the

World Controllers planned, there is always soma that can take away their negative emotions.

The World Controllers failed trying to make a perfect world. The perfect world doesnt

exist. In the Controllers view, that's just their vision of perfection. Others have different

opinions on perfection, like John and Bernard. They were both outcasts and saw something that

everyone else didnt. John calls this false happiness because this isnt real happiness. They

tried to make a suffering free world; but, all they are doing is taking over. They are controlling

their emotions: social class, abilities, etc. They are failing at perfecting the world because they

are not having people choose and experience real life. In the book, they basically choose

everyones future and trained them. Life should be full of options and choices that individuals

have to make. The world they are living in isn't perfect.

The world that the novel painted wasnt perfect. It was perfect in most of their eyes, they

didnt see any problems with the way they were living, but people who werent in that world and

wasnt manipulated like they were, thought what they were doing was wrong. People have

different opinions and different views; but, that is what makes us human. But a perfect world

really cant exist, no matter how much we vision it. Our vision of perfection isnt perfection to

another person. We can make the world a better place and fix many problems but we cant make

it perfect.

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