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Learning Objectives:

* Teachers will demonstrate their understanding by designing a front page for their canvas course
and adding a calendar with assignments due for each month.
*By the end of the professional development session, teachers will be able to create an
assessment using GoFormative tool and deliver to one of their classes.
NETs-Teacher Standards Addressed: 1d, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 5a, 5b, 5c, and 5d
Materials needed: Teacher devices, Internet, Evaluation Survey
Location & Time: My room, 4th period PLC Time (55 minutes plus survey time about 10
Promotional Materials: Email
Step-by-Step Instructional Process:
At the beginning of this professional development session, I will ask teachers to open their
canvas course, and I will show the one-to-one process of how to set up a front page for their
canvas course. Teachers can listen or follow along the process with their own devices. As we
work through each step, teachers will have the opportunity to practice each skill and ask
questions that may arise. Once we have finished the presentation, teachers will work on their
own homepage on their own time (for about 15 minutes). We will come together again and
began discussion on GoFormative. A similar process will take place. I will show how to set up a
GoFormative on the projector and teachers will have the option of following along with their
devices. At the end of the session, teachers will be separated into two groups and they will create
their own GoFormative for one of their classes. We will share these with our own devices and
make sure they work for future classroom use. Once we have finished our GoFormative
presentations, teachers will ask any questions about either section and complete a survey.
Teachers will complete this survey anonymously at the end of the session reflecting on what was
learned and what could be better for next time.

Assessment/Evaluation Method(s): Survey at the end of PLC that teachers will complete.
Teachers will take a survey using Google Docs in an anonymous matter to provide feedback on
professional development and whether they are willing to try it. The survey is derived form the
Knight textbook and can be found on page 222.
Survey link:

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