Tenses Table Update 2017

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TENSES WITH VERB (To tell the activities)


Hanya memberi tahu apa yang terjadi di masa lalu Hanya memberitahu kebiasaan sehari-hari dan fakta umum Hanya memberitahu rencana, apa yang akan terjadi
di masa depan
DID (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) V1? DO (I/you/they/we) V1? DOES (he/she/it) V1? WILL (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) V1?
Pattern (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) V2 (I/you/they/we) V1 (he/she/it) V-s/-es (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WILL V1
(I/you/they/we/he/she/it) DIDNt V1 (I/you/they/we) DONt V1 (he/she/it) DOESNt V1 (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WONt V1
Did you have a lot of work yesterday? Do they always wear slippers? Does she always ask for help? Will we pass the final test?
Examples I had a lot of work to do yesterday They always wear slippers She always asks for help We will pass the test
I didnt have time to relax yesterday They dont wear shoes at home She doesnt know anything We wont fail this time
Memberi tahu aktifitas yang sedang dilakukan ketika hal Memberitahu hal yang sedang dilakukan atau hal yang masih dilakukan Memberitahu hal yang akan terjadi dalam kurun
lain terjadi di masa lalu (belum selesai) waktu tertentu di masa depan
WAS (I/he/she/it) Ving? WERE (you/they/we) Ving? AM I Ving? ARE (you/they/we)Ving? IS (he/she/it) Ving? WILL (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) be Ving?
Pattern (I/he/she/it) WAS Ving (you/they/we) WERE Ving I AM Ving (you/they/we) ARE Ving (he/she/it) IS Ving (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WILL be Ving
(I/he/she/it) WASNt Ving (you/they/we) WERENT Ving I AM NOT Ving (you/they/we) ARENt Ving (he/she/it) ISNT Ving (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WONt be Ving
Was he working when ? Were you studying when ? Am I dreaming now? Are we doing well? Is she having a test now? Will they be performing tonight?
Examples He was working when We were studying when ? Im struggling for We are doing pretty well She is having a final test They will be performing at Cultural Park
He wasnt sleeping when We were not chatting when .. Im not buying a lie We arent messing up She is not cheating They wont be performing the folk dance
PERFECT Memberitahu alasan atas apa yang terjadi di masa lalu Memberitahu alasan atas apa yang terjadi di masa sekarang Memberitahu alasan dari apa yang akan terjadi di
SIMPLE (Action: past) (Result: past) (Action: past) (Result: present) masa depan. (Action: future) (Result: future)
HAD (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) V3? HAVE (I/you/they/we) V3? HAS (he/she/it) V3? WILL (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HAVE V3?
Pattern (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HAD V3 (I/you/they/we) HAVE V3 (he/she/it) HAS V3 (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WILL HAVE V3
(I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HADNt V3 (I/you/they/we) HAVENt V3 (he/she/it) HASNt V3 (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WONt HAVE V3
Had you had an experience before ? Have we arrived yet? Has it begun? Will she have finished the report by tomorrow?
Examples I had had an experience before We have arrived earlier than usual The movie has begun with the trailer She will have finished the report by tomorrow
I hadnt had any job experience before I joined his company We havent found the place to stay yet It hasnt shown the story yet She wont have delayed to finish it
PERFECT Memberitahu alasan yang sedang terjadi dimasa lalu yang Memberitahu hal lamanya/jangka waktu aktivitas yang dimulai dari dahulu Memberitahu hal yang akan telah dicapai dalam
CONT. mengakibatkan hal lain terjadi dan masih dilakukan sampai sekarang kurun waktu tertentu dan masih akan berlangsung
HAD (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) BEEN Ving HAVE (I/you/they/we) BEEN Ving? HAS (he/she/it) BEEN Ving? WILL (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HAVE BEEN Ving?
Pattern (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HAD BEEN Ving (I/you/they/we) HAVE BEEN Ving (he/she/it) HAS BEEN Ving (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WILL HAVE BEEN Ving
(I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HADNt BEEN Ving (I/you/they/we) HAVENt BEEN Ving (he/she/it) HASNt BEEN Ving (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WONt HAVE BEEN Ving
How long had you been waiting for me yesterday? How long have you been cooking? Has she been staying up all night? How long have you been working here this year?
Examples I had been waiting for 2 hours before you arrived Ive been cooking for more than 1 hour She has been watching tv Ill have been working here for 3 years
I hadnt been doing anything while waiting for you I havent been cooking for a long time She hasnt been sleeping well for I wont have been doing well without my seniors
(To tell the situation-Adj, place-Adv. Of Place and status-Noun )
SIMPLE Memberitahu keadaan, tempat dan status di masa lalu Memberitahu keadaan, tempat dan status di masa kini Memberitahu keadaan, tempat dan status di masa depan
WAS (I/she/he/it) ? WERE (you/they/we) ? AM I ? ARE (you/they/we) ? IS (he/she/it) ? WILL (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) BE ?
Pattern (I/she/he/it) WAS (you/they/we) I AM (you/they/we) ARE (he/she/it) IS (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WILL BE
(I/she/he/it) WASNt (you/they/we) IM not (you/they/we) ARENt (he/she/it) ISNt (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WONt BE
Was he late yesterday? Were we on the right seat? Am I right? Are they scientists? I she at home? Will we it be sold out?
Examples He was late for 30 We were on the right seat Im sure They are scientists She is at office now It will be sold out
He wasnt ready We were not lost Im not nervous They are not interns She isnt at home It wont be
PERFECT Memberitahu keadaan, tempat dan status, yang Memberitahu keadaan, tempat dan status, yang mempengaruhi hal lain di Memberitahu keadaan, tempat dan status yang
SIMPLE mempengaruhi hal lain di masa lalu, masa kini mempengaruhi hal lain di masa depan
HAD (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) BEEN ? HAVE (I/you/they/we) BEEN ...? HAS (he/she/it) BEEN ...? WILL (I/you/they/
(I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HAD BEEN (I/you/they/we) HAVE BEEN ... (he/she/it) HAS BEEN ... we/he/she/it) HAVE BEEN ...?
(I/you/they/we/he/she/it) HADNt BEEN (I/you/they/we) HAVENt BEEN ... (he/she/it) HASNt BEEN ... (I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WILL HAVE BEEN ...
(I/you/they/we/he/she/it) WONt HAVE BEEN ...
Where had you been last semester? How long have you been there? Has he been the CEO all this time? Will they have been taught well?
Examples I had been ill Ive been here just couple minutes He has been the CEO all this time They will have been taught well
I hadnt been able to join the class I havent been here for so long He hasnt only been a janitor They wont have been forgotten

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