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Lesson Plan C.O.R.

Date 02 06 2017

Topic : Money/Currency

Objectives Materials/Equipment Needed

Students will be able to recognize and name Whats the Weather poster
American currency. Letter to Anitah Student Response handout
They will give exact change when practicing Johns Daily Routine card set
Pictures of money
They will be able to ask and answer the questions:
Real coins set
What is the currency in _____?
How much is this?
How much change do you have? v=abuAXaYWCig
Play Money set
Individual whiteboards and markers.
Count the Money worksheet

Time Business Items

Welcome to Class! Take role and welcome students.
Check the weather for today, yesterday, and tomorrow.

Writing and Speaking Review Activity: With partner share letter to Anitah (homework). Invite one
person to share his/her letter with the class.
Listening Review Activity: Hand out Johns Daily Activities picture cards to groups of three. Have
groups assemble the picture cards in order as the story is read. Check for accuracy.

35` Teaching/Learning Activities

Introduce money. Draw students attention to the pictures on the wall/board as each currency is
Introduce the vocabulary and practice pronunciation.
currency, money The currency of the US is the dollar. What is the currency in Chile? What is
the currency in Mexico? What is the currency in China? What is the currency in Brazil? What is
the currency in Mongolia?
dollar, bill One dollar bill. Five dollar bill. Ten dollar bill. Twenty dollar bill.
5 cents, coin(s), penny, nickel, dime, quarter This is a penny. This is 0.01 cent. This is a
nickel. This is 0.05 cents. This is a dime. This is 0.10 cents. This is a quarter. This is twenty-five
cents. These are coins.
Explain a coin toss - refer to Superbowl.

heads, tails, exact change Do you have exact change?
Break students into pairs (1 head and 1 tail)
Have them practice How much is this? with different coins amounts.
Vocabulary: How much is this? How much change do you have?
10 Show the video until they finish explaining US currency. Pause the video.
Then explain the guessing game. Give to each one of them a white board and a marker.
Unpause the video and have them write the right amount in numbers

5 Summary/Conclusion:
Briefly review the pictures of money on the board, calling them by name ask how much is this?

Next Time (Preview)

Shopping at the supermarket

No assignments

Just in Contingency Plans

Count the Money worksheet practice

After Teacher Self-Evaluation

Allison: I thought we had a great lesson on money. American coins can be confusing because
the sizing is not intuitive, so we spent the most time on that trying to decipher which coins
were which. I went over my planned time :( which meant that Paula didnt have as much time
as we had planned for her portion of the lesson. We should have split up the review activities
at the beginning of the lesson so that we shared the total class time a bit better. We were
recorded today, so I will email Dr. Tanner and let him know I was in error to take so much time.
We will continue practicing with money tomorrow.

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