Effect of Stresses On The Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity in Concrete

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Mclterials and Structures Mat&'iaux et Constructions, 1991.

24, 15-23

Effect of stresses on the ultrasonic pulse velocity in

S A N D O R P O P O V I C S , J O H N S. P O P O V I C S
Department of Civil Engineermg, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

Since the stress-strain curve of a concrete is not linear, at least under the first loading, one would
expect that the presence of stresses would reduce the velocity of ultrasonic pulses in the concrete.
The experimental in vestigation of this expectation is the topic of this paper. Mature concrete
cylinders of different compositions were subjected to various types of compression loading
(gradually increasing load, repeated loading, etc.), and pulse velocities were measured in
various manners (with different frequencies and various paths) both in the loaded and
unloaded states. The experimental results clearly indicate that the pulse velocity in concrete is
independent of the stress level to a surprisingly large extent, that is, up to about 70% of the
compressive strength. This means, in practical terms, that stresses prevailing in the concrete of a
structure do not have to be taken into account when pulse velocity data are used for the
evaluation of the quality of concrete.

Since the stress-strain curve of a concrete is not linear, The through-transmission pulse velocities in concrete
the numerical value of its apparent modulus of elasticity were measured with a commercially available meter and
depends on the stress level at which it is measured, sets of associated transducer pairs. The tested concrete
especially during the initial loading of the concrete [1]. specimens were 4 in. x 8 in (100 m m x 200 mm) cylin-
T o put it another way, the higher the magnitude of stress ders prepared in the standard manner. The cylinders
in a concrete, the lower its apparent modulus of were kept in the mould for the first 24 h, then in the fog
elasticity. One would expect, therefore, that the pre- room at 73~ for 13 more days after which they were
sence of stresses in the concrete would also reduce the kept in air until testing. All specimens were older than 28
ultrasonic pulse velocity in it, at least under initial days when tested. The compositions of the specimens
loading. Indeed, pulse velocity measurements in non- were varied to include pastes, mortars and concretes
linearly elastic materials fulfill this expectation even (Table 1). The stresses were induced by a uniaxial
when the non-linearity is as small as in mild steels [2]. compressive machine in the standard manner. Several
Since we could not find detailed, quantitative informa- different loading and measuring methods were applied,
tion in the literature concerning this phenomenon in as described below.
concrete, we undertook a limited laboratory experiment
to see the extent of the effect of various types of applied
stresses on the pulse velocity. An additional factor in this
decision was the well established fact that microcracks
3.1 Effect of gradually increasing load
start propagating in the concrete at stresses as low as
about 25% of the ultimate load [3-5], and this may also In this test series, the pulse velocity was measured in the
reduce the pulse velocity. lateral, that is in the 4in. (10ram) direction in an
unloaded and previously untested specimen. A small
load was then applied in the longitudinal direction of the
1.1 Significance of the research
specimen, the loading was stopped, and the pulse
Since concrete in a structure is usually under stresses, it velocity was measured again. The load was then in-
seems important to establish whether these stresses creased, the loading stopped, and another pulse velocity
influence the measured pulse velocity. If they do, and m e a s u r e m e n t was taken. This process was continued
this influence is significant, then it should be taken into until specimen failure. The expectation was that a
account when interpreting ultrasonic pulse velocity data gradual decrease in pulse velocity would be observed
in concrete for compressive strength estimation or other with increasing load because of the inherent non-
purposes [6]. linearity in the stress-strain diagram of concrete and the
dependence of the pulse velocity on the modulus of
*A portion of this paper was presented in the Research in Progress
session at the Annual Convention of ACI, Atlanta, Georgia, February elasticity,
1989. Fig. 1 shows a typical result of such testing of concrete,

0025-5432/91 9 RILEM
16 Popovics and Popovics

Table 1 Specimen descriptions*

Specimen Type w/c ratio Mix proportions, Density Compressive Pulse velocity
No. (wt/wt) c:FA:CA* (kg m-3) * strength (MPa) ~ (m see-l) '~

1 Cement paste 0.3 1:0:0 2092 54.6 4016

2 Cement paste 0.3 1:0:0 2092 65.9 4216
3 Cement paste 0.4 1:0:0 1954 48.0 3708
4 Cement paste 0.4 1:0:0 1927 36.5 3658
5 Mortar 0.4 1:1:0 2203 61.8 4166
6 Mortar 0.4 1:1:0 2203 65.9 3970
7 Coarse concrete 0.4 1:0:1 2313 47.7 4747
8 Coarse concrete 0.4 1:0:1 2230 50.0 4270
9 Concrete 0.5 1:0.5:0.5 2424 46.6 4597
10 Concrete 0.5 1:0.5:0.5 2395 48.9 4455
11 Concrete 0.6 1:0.5:0.5 2424 41.2 4648
12 Concrete 0.6 1:0.5:0.5 2395 48.0 4399
13 Concrete 0.65 1:0.5:0.5 2368 40.2 4288
14 Concrete 0.65 1:0.5:0.5 2395 38.4 4394

*(i) All specimens were standard 4 in. 8 in. (100 mm x 200 mm) cylinders.
*Type I cement (c) was used for all specimens. A typical concrete sand was used as fine aggregate (FA). Crushed stone with 1 in.
(25 mm) maximum particle size was used as coarse aggregate (CA).
'1 lb/cu, ft = 16.02kgm -3.
'~i psi = 0.0069 MPa.
~Pulse velocity was measured in the lateral direction (4 in./100 mm) with a frequency of 120 kHz. 1 in/p.sec = 25 400 m s -1.







0.14 I

2000 4000 6000 8000

Stress (psi}

Fig. 1 Typical compressive stress against lateral pulse velocity relationship for a concrete. The frequency is 54 kHz. The broken
line represents the conceived relationship, the continuous line is a computer approximation. 1 psi = 6.90 kPa; 1 in/
~sec = 25 400 m s-1.

It can be seen that the expectation was not fulfilled. A t This trend is shown in Fig. 1 by b r o k e n straight lines.
small stresses, up to about 25% of the compressive T h e fitted p a r a b o l a r e p r e s e n t e d by the continuous line in
strength, there is a slight increase in the lateral pulse the same figure is nothing m o r e than the c o m p u t e r ' s way
velocity. As the stress increases, the pulse velocity to indicate this trend. The s a m e trend is d e m o n s t r a t e d
remains practically constant until about 70% of the for a variety of specimens in Fig. 2. Note that this trend
ultimate stress, where there is a sudden decrease in in the m o r t a r and paste specimens is less conspicuous
velocity. In other words, the pulse velocity is, to a large than in the concrete specimens.
extent, non-responsive to existing initial load stresses. A different representation of the same data is shown
Materials and Structures 17






> X X



0 2000 4000 6000 8000 I0000
Stress (psi)

Fig. 2 Compressive stress against lateral pulse velocity relationships for different specimens (see Table 1). The frequency is 54
kHz. Paste specimens: (El) No. 2, ( 0 ) No. 3. Mortar: ( No. 5. Concrete: ( ~ ) No. 7, (m) No. 9, (El) No. l 1, (A) No, 14.1
psi = 6.90 kPa; I in//~sec = 25 400 m s- 1.

0.19 0 9 9
" h.~Q 9

~-~ 0.17 9

-~ o.16 .y x x n ~


0.14 I I I I I

0 20 40 60 80 i00
Re[. stress (~ of ultimate strength)

Fig. 3 Relative compressive stress against lateral pulse relationships for different specimens (see Table 1). The compressive
strength is taken as 100%. The frequency is 54 kHz. Paste specimens: (in) No. 2, ( 0 ) No. 3, Mortar: ( No. 5. Concrete: ( ~ ) No.
7, ( I ) No. 9, (UI) No. 11, (A) No. 14. i in//~sec = 25 400 m s- i.
18 Popovics and P o p o v i c s

in Fig. 3. Here, the pulse velocity is plotted against the This test was also performed on paste specimens. A
stress in percentage relative to the compressive strength. typical response is shown in Fig. 5. Note that the
The generally non-responsive behaviour of pulse response to repeated loading is more uniform in pastes,
velocity to applied initial stresses is evident in all but again there does not seem to be any obvious trend
specimens, contrary to the expectation. In order to other than minor random changes.
investigate this phenomenon more fully, further tests In other words, the observed behaviour of pulse
were performed. velocity in concrete under a repeated small load is not
exactly as was expected. In fact, the behaviour under
small repetitive loads was similar to that of continuous
3.2 Effect of repetitive loading loading. To see the effect of higher stresses, further
The pulse velocity was measured in the lateral direction experiments were performed.
in the specimen before loading as before. The specimen
was then loaded to 33% of its estimated ultimate
3.3 Effect of incremental loading
compressive strength. The loading was stopped, kept at
that level, and the lateral pulse velocity was measured The pulse velocity was measured prior to loading in the
again. The load was then released, and the velocity was lateral direction in a previously untested specimen, as
measured. The specimen was then loaded again to 33% before. It was then loaded to a certain level. The loading
of ultimate strength, the loading stopped, and the was stopped, kept at that level, and the pulse velocity
velocity was measured. The process continued in this was measured again. Then load was then released and
cyclic fashion was termed 'repetitive loading'. The the velocity was measured. The specimen was then
expectation was that the pulse velocity would initially loaded again to a higher level, the loading stopped, and
decrease with the onset of the first load but then level out the velocity was measured. The load then was released
and decrease only slightly, if at all, upon the repeated and the pulse velocity was measured. The process was
removal and reapplication of equal loads. The slight continued in this cyclic fashion, that is with increasing
decrease would be expected because of additional repetitive loading, until the failure of the specimen. The
microcrack propagation caused by load repetition. expectation was that the pulse velocity would gradually
Typical results for a concrete specimen, shown in Fig. decrease with increasing loads, due to increased micro-
4, reveal a behaviour comparable to that of the con- crack propagation, as described before. In addition, we
tinuously loaded specimens; that is, a slight increase in expected that the pulse velocity in the just-unloaded
pulse velocity is noted after the initial load but then state would be noticeably higher than that of the
remains constant at this increased velocity value. previously loaded state because of the closing of some of
Moreover, this behaviour is observed in both the loaded the microcracks with unloading.
and unloaded state upon the further action of the Results for a concrete specimen are presented in Fig.
repetitive loads. Further tests on a variety of concretes 6. These again show an increase in pulse velocity after
showed the same behaviour. the first loading. After that, the velocities remain



:i 0.17

"7 0 16


m 0.15

0.14 9 , 9 , , 9 , 9

0 33 0 33 0 33 0 33 0 33 0
[~el. stress (% of ultimate strength)

Fig. 4 Typical effect of the repetition of low level compressive loading on lateral pulse velocity in concrete. The frequency is
54 kHz. I in//xsec = 25 400 m s- ~.
Materials and Structures 19




._.q 0 . 1 7


2 0.15

0 33 0 33 0 33 0 33 0 33 0
Rel. stress (% of ultimote strength}

Fig. 5 Typical effect of the repetition of low-level compressive loading on lateral pulse velocity in hardened cement paste. The
frequency is 54 kHz. 1 in//xsec = 25 400 m s -t.




>, 0 . 1 7



0 21.3 0 28.4 0 42.6 0 62.9 o
i~el. stress l%ofultimete strength}

Fig. 6 Typical effect of incremental compressive loading on lateral pulse velocity in concrete. The frequency is 54 kHz.
1 in//zsec = 25 400 m s -~.

practically constant at this increased level, especially in two different frequencies, namely 54 and 120kHz.
the unloaded state. Other tests on different concretes The specimen was then gradually loaded, and the
showed the same behaviour. loading stopped at various load levels while pulse
The ultrasonic pulse velocity response to incremental velocities were measured. The results for concrete can
loading in a paste specimen is shown in Fig. 7. Again, the be seen in Fig. 8. The velocity of the 54 kHz pulses is
response of the paste specimen is less conspicuous. regularly higher. This confirms an earlier finding that the
However, the non-responsiveness of the specimen is still pulse velocity in concrete is a function of the frequency
evident until very high loads are achieved, as observed used; that is, concrete is a dispersive material [7].
before. Nevertheless, the same non-responsiveness, i.e. little
Although these results show a partial agreement with change in pulse velocity under applied stress, is evident
the expectations, further experiments were performed for each frequency.
in an attempt to clarify the nature of pulse propagation The test was also performed on paste specimens.
in concrete. Typical results are also shown in Fig. 8. Note again the
non-responsiveness of pulse velocity under load for both
frequencies, although the differences of readings be-
3.4 Frequency response to loading tween the frequencies are much less for these specimens.
The pulse velocity was measured in the lateral direction Next the frequency response to repetitive loading was
in the specimen before loading, as before, with checked. The repetitive loading procedure was dupli-
20 Popovics and Popovics



>~ 0 . 1 7

~= 0 . 1 6

0 28.6 0 37.7 0 56.5 0 75.4 0
Rel. stress {% 0f ultimate strength)

Fig. 7 Typical effect of incremental compressive loading on lateral pulse velocity in hardened cement paste. The frequency is
54 kHz. lin//zsec = 25 400 m s -1.


@ @



~_ 0.16

0.15 v

0.14 I | l I I

0 2000 4000 6000 8000

Stress {psi )

Fig. 8 Compressive stress against lateral pulse velocity relationships at two frequencies: ( 0 , @) 54 kHz; (D, D) 120 kHz.
1 in//xsec = 25 400 m s-l; 1 psi = 6.90 kPa.

cated with the difference that pulse velocity readings 3.5 Rotational measurements
with two frequencies, namely 54 and 120 kHz, were
performed. The results for a typical concrete specimen Since the non-responsiveness of ultrasonic pulse velocity
are shown in Fig. 9. Again, the velocity of 54 kHz to stresses in concrete seems genuine, the question came
pulses is regularly higher. Also, constant pulse-velocity up, in an attempt to find an explanation for this
behaviour is seen under repetitive stress for either unexpected behaviour, whether the internal crack
frequency. The same procedure was repeated for paste propagation caused by stresses in the concrete has
specimens. Again, only constant pulse-velocity be- something to do with it. A f t e r all, cracks propagate
haviour was evident. under stresses in a random m a n n e r , with new cracks
M a t e r i a l s and Structures 21



'CJ 0 . 1 7



0 33 0 33 0 33 0 33 0 33 0
Rel. stress (% of ultimate strength)

Fig. 9 Effect of the repetition of low-level compressive loading on lateral pulse velocity in concrete (specimen No. 11) at two
frequencies: solid bars 54 kHz, shaded bars 120 kHz. 1 in//xsec = 25 400 m s- L.




1.94 % 1.90 % 13I % 2.07 % 1.41% ~ C.V values

=L 0 . 1 8
c (_I_] ave.


0.16 #9 mid 60 ~
# 9 m i d 120 ~
0.15 # 9 mid 180 ~

0 33 0 50 0
Rel. stress (%0fultimote strength)

Fig. 10 Effect of the direction of velocity measurement on lateral pulse velocity in concrete (specimen No. 9) under incremental
compressive load. The frequency is 54 kHz. 1 in/p.sec = 25 400 m s -1.

opening up while others close. Thus, it is conceivable M o r e specifically, the initial lateral pulse velocity of
that they also influence the pulse velocity randomly an unloaded specimen was measured at a specific pair of
along a given path in concrete, overwhelming the effect points. The transducer pair was then rotated 60 ~ and
of the decreasing modulus of elasticity. m e a s u r e m e n t was taken. The transducers were rotated
The approach to find an answer to this question was another 60 ~ and measurement was taken again. Finally,
experimental, as follows: instead of measuring the pulse the transducers were rotated another 60 ~ which gave the
velocity after each loading or unloading in the same pair original sound-path, and the pulse velocity was mea-
of spots on the specimen, i.e. along the same path, sured. These readings are referred to as rotational
measurements were made along several different paths, measurements. The four velocities obtained were aver-
and the obtained velocities were averaged. Thus, the aged to represent the pulse velocity related to the initial
effect of stresses on the pulse velocity should emerge condition.
more clearly from these results since the averaging Subsequently, the specimen was loaded to about 33%
eliminates the random effect of the crack propagation. of the estimated compressive strength, the loading was
22 Popovics and P o p o v i c s

stopped, and the rotational measurements repeated. range of stress, up to about 70% of the ultimate load.
The load was then released and the rotational measure- Beyond this point of loading, the pulse velocity reduces
ments were again conducted. The specimen was then drastically because the cracking becomes much more
reloaded to about 50% of the compressive strength and severe.
the rotational measurement of the pulse velocity was
repeated as earlier. Since the rotational readings were
supposed to negate the effect of the random openings 5. CONCLUSIONS
and closings of microcracks, a gradual decrease in the The pulse velocity seems to increase slightly in gradually
average pulse velocity with increasing loading was loaded concrete specimens at low stresses, and then with
expected as well as higher pulse velocities upon un- further stress increases it remains constant up to about
loading. 70% of the compressive strength. After this it decreases
The results for a typical concrete specimen are shown rapidly. That is, the pulse velocity is independent of the
in Fig. 10. In order to help evaluate the results, the
stress level in the concrete to a surprisingly large extent,
coefficient of variation and average for the rotational
despite the well-established reduction of the apparent
readings of each loading state are included in the figure. modulus of elasticity with increasing stress, especially
Since these coefficients of variation of rotational during first loading. This means, in practical terms, that
measurements are greater than the random error of stresses prevailing in the concrete of a structure do not
measurements of our pulse meter, one can say that the have to be taken into account when pulse velocity data
pulse velocity is direction-sensitive in concrete.
are used for the evaluation of the quality of concrete.
It can be seen that the average velocities for each A hypothetical explanation for this unexpected non-
loading state show no decreasing pattern, only fairly responsiveness of pulse velocity in concrete is the
constant velocities. In addition, there is practically no following: the microcracks developing in the concrete
difference between loaded and unloaded states despite
during the loading do reduce the apparent modulus of
the rotation. Other concrete specimens showed the elasticity of the concrete, but cannot influence the pulse
same pattern. The response of the paste specimen was velocity directly because they are too narrow for the
more uniform and less direction-sensitive than that of
pulses used to produce any effect.
the concrete specimens. However, no specimen display-
The conspicuous differences betwen the behaviour of
ed a regular pattern of behaviour concerning the effect
ultrasonic pulses in concrete and that in hardened paste
of the applied stress on the averaged pulse velocity. confirm again the major role of the aggregate in
Therefore, all the evidence presented suggests that
controlling pulse behaviour.
the randomness of crack propagation in concrete under
load is not a factor in the non-responsiveness of pulse
velocity to stresses in concrete. REFERENCES
I. Popovics, S., 'A numerical approach to the complete
4. A HYPOTHESIS FOR NON-RESPONSIVENESS stress-strain curve of concrete', Cement Concr. Res. 3
(5) (1973) 583-599.
A hypothetical explanation for this non-responsiveness
2. Szilard, J. and Haynes, R., 'Ultrasonic detection of hyd-
is described below. rogen embrittlement in free-cutting mild steel', Br. J.
The pulse velocity of the concrete increases during the N D T 2 2 (3) (1980) 128-136.
early phase of loading, say up to 30% of the compressive 3. Brandtzaeg, A., 'Failure of a material composed of non-
strength, because the energy resulting from the applied isotropic elements', Det Kgl. Norske Videnskabers
compressive stress consolidates the specimen and in- Selskabs Skrifter (Trondjem) Nr. 3 (1927).
creases its density. Past this level of loading, the 4. Hsu, T. T. C., Slate, F. O., Sturman, G. M. and Winter, G.
concrete specimen does not consolidate further because 'Microcracking of plain concrete and the shape of the
the energy is used for the creation and propagation of stress-strain curve', A C I J . Proc. 60 (2) (1963) 209-224.
microcracks. These microcracks reduce the apparent 5. Popovics, S., 'The fracture mechanism of concrete: how
modulus of elasticity of the concrete, and thus they much do we know', J. Engng Mech. Div., Proc. A S C E
EM3 (1969) 531-544.
ought to reduce the pulse velocity as well. Nevertheless,
6. Idem, 'Present state of the determination of concrete
they do not do so because the widths of these micro- strength by pulse velocity in America, ll Cemento,
cracks are so small relative to the wavelength of the Anno 83~ (July-September 1986) 117-128.
ultrasound used that the pulses cannot 'see' them, so the 7. Popovics, S. and Popovics, J., 'The behavior of ultrasonic
pulse velocity is not influenced directly by them. Conse- pulses in concrete', Cement Concr. Res. 2 (2) (1990)
quently the velocity remains constant across a wide 259-270.
Materials and Structures 23

RESUMI~ ment rdp~t( etc.) et on a mesurd les vitesses d'impulsion de

diff&entes manibres (frgquences diff&entes et trac&
Influence des contraintes sur la vitesse de transmission varids) d la lois en ~tat de chargement et de d~charge-
des ultrasons dans le b~ton ment. Les r&ultats exp&imentaux montrent clairement
que la vitesse d'impulsion dans le b~ton est ind~pendante
Etant donn6 que la courbe contrainte/ddformation d'un
du niveau de contrainte d u n degrd (tonnamment impor-
b6ton n'est pas lin6aire, tout au moins lors du premier
tant, soit jusqu'a environ 70% de la r~sistance fi la
chargement, on pourrait s'attendre dce que la prdsence de
compression, ce qui signifie dans la pratique qu'il n'y a
contraintes r6duise la vitesse des ultrasons clans le b6ton.
pas lieu de tenir compte des contraintes exerc&s dans une
Cet article ddcrit une dtude exp6rimentale de cette
structure en b6ton quand on se sert de l'auscultation
supposition. On a soumis des cylindres de b6ton durci de
dynamique pour ~valuer la qualitd du b(ton.
compositions diverses ~ diff&ents types de chargement en
compression (charge en augmentation croissante, charge-

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