Relocation - Guide - India - New Delhi

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Diwan-i-Am at the Red Fort in Delhi, India | Photo: iStock Photo | July 2015


Relocation Field Guide for World Bank Group Staff & Families
WORLD BANK GROUP Global Mobility Services
1776 G Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20006
Phone: +1 (202) 473 2445


2017 Global Mobility Services

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


The World Bank Group, through HR Global Mobility Services (HRDGM), provides this guide for
information purposes only. The content within this guide and all other information is developed and
maintained by the WBG HR Global Mobility Services Team. This guide is intended for use by WBG Staff
and/or their spouse/domestic partners only. You may not, except with expressed written permission
from WBG HR Global Mobility Services, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you
transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of physical or electronic retrieval system. For
more information please contact WBG HR Global Mobility Services Team.

This content contains data, advice, opinions, and statements from various third party resources. The
World Bank Group does not represent or endorse or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any advice,
opinion, statement, or other information provided by such third party resources. The boundaries,
colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in the materials do not imply any
judgment on the part of the World Bank Group concerning the legal status of any territory or the
endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions
expressed in the materials are those of the various authors of the materials and are not those of the
World Bank Group, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent. Reliance upon
any such opinion, advice, statement, or other information shall also be at your own risk. The World
Bank Group shall not be liable to you or anyone else for use of any content herein, regardless of cause,
for damages resulting there from.

The list of Service Providers provided has been assembled based on information provided to HRDGM by
World Bank Group staff members. Reference to these Service Providers do not constitute or imply their
endorsement, recommendation or in consideration of future business with the World Bank Group. This
content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide relocation or legal advice to
any individual. The staff member should contact the Service Provider directly and/or seek independent
recommendations in deciding which Service Provider is best suited for the staff members needs.

Please further reference the Global Mobility Portal for additional information, checklists and resources
for your pre-assignment and relocation.

2017 Global Mobility Services

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


BEFORE YOU GO .................................................................................1

LEARN ABOUT THE COUNTRY.............................................................................................................1

COUNTRY OFFICE ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER ...................................................................................2
MEET YOUR RELOCATION CONTACTS ..................................................................................................2
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................4
FAMILY NEEDS ..................................................................................................................................4
General Education Information .....................................................................................................4

What to Look for in a School .........................................................................................................5

Moving with Children with Special Needs .......................................................................................5
Childcare ....................................................................................................................................6
Immunizations and Vaccinations ...................................................................................................7
HOUSING TIPS ..................................................................................................................................7
Factors to Consider When Looking for a New Home ........................................................................7
PRE-ASSIGNMENT VISIT.....................................................................................................................8

How to Prepare for a Pre-Assignment Visit .....................................................................................8

How to Maximize a Pre-Assignment Visit ........................................................................................8

MOVING IN .....................................................................................9
ARRIVAL PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................9
Embassy Information ...................................................................................................................9
Entry Visa ................................................................................................................................. 10
Duty Free Privileges ................................................................................................................... 10
Airport Transportation ............................................................................................................... 10

Additional Information............................................................................................................... 11
HOUSING ....................................................................................................................................... 11
EDUCATION.................................................................................................................................... 11
Academic Procedures ................................................................................................................ 12
International Schools ................................................................................................................. 12

LIVING IN ..................................................................................... 13

2017 Global Mobility Services

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

HEALTH SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 13

Medical Emergency ................................................................................................................... 13
Hospitals and Urgent Care Clinics ................................................................................................ 13
Doctors & Dentists .................................................................................................................... 13

Pharmacies............................................................................................................................... 13
Counseling Services ................................................................................................................... 15
Additional Resources ................................................................................................................. 15
SECURITY ....................................................................................................................................... 15
General Security Guidelines ........................................................................................................ 15
Security Operations Center Emergency Card................................................................................. 16
Residential Security ................................................................................................................... 17
CHILDCARE AND HOUSEHOLD STAFF................................................................................................. 17

Agencies that Locate Household Staff .......................................................................................... 17

Hiring Household Staff ............................................................................................................... 17
TRANSPORTATION/DRIVING ............................................................................................................ 18
Drivers License ......................................................................................................................... 18
Buying a Car ............................................................................................................................. 19
Car Insurance............................................................................................................................ 19
Car Rental Other Transportation & Traffic .................................................................................... 20
Commute ................................................................................................................................. 20
Car Importation ........................................................................................................................ 20
BANKING ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Local Banking ............................................................................................................................ 21

LIFESTYLE ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Shopping .................................................................................................................................. 21
Gyms ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Dining ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Spirituality ................................................................................................................................ 28
CULTURE ........................................................................................................................................ 29

Tips & Useful Numbers............................................................................................................... 30

WORKING IN .................................................................................. 30

2017 Global Mobility Services

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

SPOUSE/PARTNER SUPPORT ............................................................................................................ 30

Additional Resources ................................................................................................................. 31
Devex Career Account for Spouses/Partners ................................................................................. 31
WORK PERMITS .............................................................................................................................. 32
VOLUNTEERING/NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................................... 33

ANNEXES .......................................................................................... 33
ANNEX 1: LIST OF CONTACTS AT THE COUNTRY OFFICE ...................................................................... 33
ANNEX 2: LIST OF SUGGESTED VENDORS AND SERVICE PROVIDERS ..................................................... 34
ANNEX 3: IMPORTATION OF PETS..................................................................................................... 43
ANNEX 4: VAT REFUND .................................................................................................................... 45

2017 Global Mobility Services

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


Few countries are as well-known as India, and deservedly so. The seventh largest country by size, the second
most populous country with nearly 1.2 billion people, the world's largest democracy, and an ancient culture
that has permeated much of the globe. This is India, sub-continent that lends its name to the ocean that
bounds it to the south, and is flanked by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal to the south-west and south
east respectively. By land, India is bordered by Pakistan, China, Bhutan, Burma and Bangladesh.

India's main airport is the Indira Gandhi International Airport located some 16km (10mi) from downtown
New Delhi City, which is also the country's capital and business center. New Delhi, a 25 million people
behemoth of city, can be frenzied, calm, modern and ancient at the same time. It is a city where modern
mega malls and a spanking new metro system is juxtaposed against mausoleums of long ago rulers, historical
forts and gardens, and holy cows, often seen wandering some city streets competing for space and attention
with throngs of humanity.

The World Bank Group (WBG) IBRD country office is located in the city. The WBG office in Chennai offers
corporate financial, accounting, administrative and IT services for the WBG offices around the world.
International Finance Corporation (IFC) has offices in New Delhi and Mumbai.

Everything about India is almost astronomical. The majority of its large population of 1.2 billion80
percentare adherents of Hinduism, followed by Islam, at about 13 percent, making India home to the third
largest Muslim population in the world. Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and many other faiths flourish in
India, and while they might be small in percentage terms in the light of overall population, they are large in
absolute numbers.

India boasts one of the world's largest economies, the tenth largest, and one of the fastest growing ones at
that, and is on the cusp of becoming an industrialized economy. The country's prowess in information
technology is well known. Indian IT firms are some of the largest and most successful internationally.
However, India is faced with some trenchant economic and social challenges. Despite its overall success, India

2017 Global Mobility Services 1

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

is ranked 140th in the world in Gross Domestic Product per capita and has the highest number of absolute
poor of any country in the world.

About 75 percent of the population speak Indo-Aryan, an ethno-linguistic group that encompasses many
languages including Hindi-Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi and many other languages spoken throughout
South Asia. Dravidian languages are spoken mainly in southern India and beyond.

Without delving into too much history, it is worth noting that India traces its roots from ancient civilizations
and empires that extensively interacted with the rest of the world well before the subcontinent fell under the
sway of the British East India Company in the 18th century and later Britain. This explains why English is the
main language of business and administration in India and is considered, unofficially, an ancillary official

Indian cuisine vast in scope and variety and heavily vegetarian is world famous and available about anywhere
in the world. The cuisine is spice based, and historically, spices is one of the reasons countries far afield,
including European, sought to trade with India from way back. Trade in spices between India and Europe had
far reaching consequences. Surprisingly, one of the most important and commonly used spices in Indian
cuisine is chili pepper (mirch) that was introduced to the sub-continent by the Portuguese in the 16th

India has to be experienced to be understood and appreciated. A vast land of contrast and motion, India is
forging ahead entirely coherently. An opportunity to live and work in India should be both exhilarating and
challenging, and that is what development is all about.


The World Bank

70 Lodi Estate
New Delhi 110 003, India
Postal Address: P.O. Box 416
New Delhi 110 001, India
Tel: (91-11) 2461 7241


WBG Global Mobility Services Team

Rachna Chadha
Global Mobility Specialist (India Based) for all SAR countries
5785 79363 / 91-981-085-5113

Deepa Balhara
Global Mobility Assistant (India Based)

2017 Global Mobility Services 2

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

5741 6013

Other Key Contacts

Vinita Verma
IBRD Relocation Focal Point
5785 79418

Nita De
IFC Relocation Focal Point
5741 3027 / 91-11-4111-1000

Alma Hajrovic
Regional Resource Management Officer
(202) 202-473-4109

Lisa Quinn Mcclean

Field Health Specialist
(202) 473-4695

Nilesh Jairam Korgaokar

Regional Security Advisor
5785 47715

Ignacio Alcalde
Project Manager (Shipping)
(202) 473-6878

Ursula Hubert Lawrence

Customer Service Representative (Shipping)
(202) 473-1589

Catherine M. Mathieu
Coordinator (WBFN)
(202) 473-8033

2017 Global Mobility Services 3

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


This section outlines the essential initial standard steps that apply
in the relocation process. The steps include planning for and
utilizing to the maximum the pre-assignment visit, taking care of
health needs and arranging for health support while away if
needed, taking necessary steps to ensure family needs including
finding schools for children are addressed, and making sure travel
papers and entry visas are in order, where necessary. The
information in this section applies to relocation to all destinations. Other sections: Moving In, Living In, and
Working In, are country specific.


Family comes first. If you are moving with family, the most
pressing things on your mind may include childcare and
finding suitable schools for your children. A child's education
is of utmost concern when relocating to another country.
Logical questions you should consider are below:

-How will it be different from the school your child is leaving?

-How can you help your child adjust to the new setting and
ensure that your child has the best possible learning
opportunities abroad?

-Will your child fit into the next school system, regardless of whether your child moves on or returns home?


Here are pointers to help a staff member make informed choices regarding his/her child's education:

Begin by knowing your child. Understand personality, academic ability, learning styles, and preferred
school environment.
Always aim to find 'best fit' education for your child.
Consider long-term educational goals. This is especially important if your child is attending high school.
Obtain accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information about the schools available at the duty station.
It is inevitable that in some locations the choice of schooling would be limited. In other locations, the
local public school system may provide good quality education, for example, in the United
States. However, international schools are specifically established to serve the needs of a transitional
population. They vary in size, curricula, subjects offered, quality of school, and sporting activities and
facilities. International schools are more welcoming as the community is bound by the common
experience of being expatriates. International schools have similar rituals and structures like
International Day, active parent involvement, and a culturally diverse student body. Accreditation is a

2017 Global Mobility Services 4

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

good indicator of the quality of education you can expect for your child. Accreditation indicates that a
school is serious about its development as an educational institution.


A staff member should do the following before selecting a school:

Decide on the type of curriculum that will best suit his/her child.
When visiting the school, ask questions about the academic program and extra-curricular activities.

Ask himself/herself:

What attracts him/her to this course of study?

What is special or unique about this school's academic program?
What is the school known forscience program or music?
Conversely, is there anything s/he believes s/he will need to compensate for programs that are not
offered at the school?


Moving with children is a challenge. Relocating with a child who is either highly gifted or developmentally
delayed is more challenging. Just because a staff member has a child with special needs, it does not mean
that s/he should not accept an overseas assignment. It requires that s/he determines if s/he can get the
support needed in the host country. These are factors for a staff member to consider as s/he looks at schools
and other support services:

Can the school provide the child with the learning support or challenge that s/he needs?
If the staff member is relocating from a country with efficient public services and support, consider that
s/he may have to rely on the private sector. If s/he has to rely on the private sector, check on how much
this will cost. Which sector would be able to best support the needs of the child?
Identify what other out-of-school support the staff member might need and who are the service
providers in the host country?
It is also important to understand host country attitudes, especially towards disability. How will the child
be perceived?
The host country may want the child to be assessed locally.
Translations of the child's assessment results may be needed.
Other intervention plans or recordswith translation, if neededmay be useful.

For assistance or queries, please reach out to the Global Mobility Team ( click


In case of conflict between this guidance and the applicable staff rule, the staff rule prevails.

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Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


An important consideration for relocating families is childcare options. Your needs will vary depending on the
age and stage of your children. You must decide on the level of support you would require and the options
available in the new country.

In many locations of the World Bank Group, the only childcare option is a local nanny. If that is the case at the
new location, you must remember to do the following:

Inquire about local hiring practices. How do most expatriates hire their nannies?
Articulate his/her expectations of childcare clearly during the interview.
Understand what local child care practices are. For example, in some countries, the staff member's
children may be dealt with leniently in their absence. The nanny may never say "No" to the child or may
not ask the child to clean up after them for instance.
Ensure that the nanny undergoes a pre-employment medical check.
Not presume that the standards of hygiene and safety they are used to are the same as those of the local
nanny. The staff member must explain what standards they expect and get the nanny to repeat her
understanding of what was discussed.
Ensure that there is a clear understanding of what discipline procedures are acceptable.

Depending on the new location, the staff member may find additional childcare options such as:

Child care centersFull-time care for children throughout the year. Some offer part-time care and some, but
not all, offer care for children under the age of two. Child care centers generally refer to a specific learning
style or philosophy and have different levels of programs to stimulate and challenge the children.

Preschools, nursery schools, and pre-kindergarten programsearly childhood programs are usually for
children between ages two and five. Some schools also offer academic programs in summer.

Before and after school programsProvide child care and activities for children between ages five and
twelve. Some programs are on-site at schools and others provide transportation to off-site locations. In some
countries, these may be available only outside of school and the staff member will be responsible for

Summer day campsOffer learning activities, sports, art, and music. The staff member should check on local

The most important consideration when selecting childcare is reliability and safety. In the final analysis, the
staff member should make sure that s/he is comfortable leaving the child with his/her choice of childcare.

For assistance or queries, click here.

Note: In case of conflict between this guidance and the applicable staff rule, the staff rule prevails.


Staff with questions about travel immunizations can contact HSD's Travel Health Advisory service at +1(202)
458 1869 or To find information about outbreaks, infectious diseases, and other

2017 Global Mobility Services 6

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

health risks, you can see the Travel Health Risks page. Additionally, HSD has a contract in place with a
preferred vendor to provide country-specific health reports, handle emergency evacuations, and generate a
list of vetted medical facilities in the duty location. It is strongly advised that staff schedule a customized
health briefing with the appointed Regional/Country Medical Advisor for the assigned duty location, as listed
under "Key Contacts."


Visit the Field Health Services section on the Health Services Department (HSD) website to review current
policies and updates regarding travel to this destination.


An immediate and common concern regarding international relocation

is where you will live. Spending time and effort to identify suitable
housing is advisable. Consider the following factors when looking for a
new home.

Study the local rental market and local definitions of types of rental
properties. Thorough research prior to your pre-assignment trip will
help you identify suitable options. You may ask about renting
procedures in the country and the parameters of the relationship
between you and your real estate agent, for example, defining finder's
fee and exclusive broker inventory or multiple listing systems.

At some country locations, you may be required to pay up to one year's rent in advance and/or a deposit
equal to several months' rent.


The big picture of his/her life in the new location. For example, if his/her spouse's office is on the other side
of the city, how long would it take to cross the city? Where will their children be attending school?

Finding the right home that s/he will be happy living in. A staff member must remember that his/her home is
his/her refuge and anchor. This may require him/her to make a financial investment that is higher than the
anticipated budget, but it could make a difference in his/her assignment satisfaction.

Moving in quickly and making the house feel like home with familiar items. This will help ease the transition.
This is particularly important for younger children.

Locationa staff member must pay careful attention to the type of neighborhood s/he lives in. For example,
would s/he like to be near other expatriates or would s/he like to live where most host country nationals
live? Would it be convenient for his/her children to have their friends over? If s/he travels a lot, will his/her
spouse and family feel safe in the area?

2017 Global Mobility Services 7

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Flexibilitya staff member must not expect to find a replica of the home s/he left behind. However, s/he
needs to know what the 'must-haves' are in his/her family home. For example, would s/he need two
bathrooms? Would s/he need a dedicated work area?

The accompanying spouse's preference. The staff member may let the accompanying spouse/partner have
the ultimate say on which house to rent since it is often s/he who will spend the bulk of time there. This is
especially important in locations where accompanying spouses/partners are not allowed to seek paid

The staff member may contact the UN regional security advisor or security champion in the respective
country office to carry out a security assessment of the property before signing the lease. S/he may make this
part of his/her negotiations if improvements have to be made for security reasons.


A well-planned and researched pre-assignment visit is one of the keys to a successful relocation. To ease
moving in, the Bank allows a pre-relocation visit during which you can make arrangements. Prioritize and
focus on first things first such as housing, schools, and commuting arrangements.


You may include the following actions as you plan your


-Schedule appointments in advance with realtors, schools,

and colleagues

-Research various neighborhoods, school year calendars,

and registration deadlines

-Create a list of 'must-haves' for your new home

-Know priorities and the timeline by which you must make



You may include the following actions to make the most of your visit:

Give your real estate agent specific information to make searching more efficient and you receive reports
for properties most suitable for your needs. Ask your agent to tour various neighborhoods with you so
you have an idea of where expatriates commonly live. However, this approach is only a mere report of
listings of neighborhoods. Once you have toured the area you will be able to make a better informed
Arrange school visits if you are relocating with children. It is advisable not to visit more than three
schools in one day. Research each school and bring specific questions about enrollment deadlines,

2017 Global Mobility Services 8

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

curriculum, extracurricular activities, and language support. If your child has special needs or requests,
inquire about services available to you.
Visit properties near your preferred schools.
As you search for places to live, remember to ask about proximity to hospitals, pharmacies, public
transportation, supermarkets, etc.
Short-list properties of interest and revisit these properties. Bring a camera or notepad to remember
places you like as well as areas you prefer to avoid. Once you find a property of interest, contact the
security advisor to coordinate a home inspection for any recommendations for improvement before
signing the lease or agreeing to purchase.
Ask staff for tips regarding lease negotiation. Seek legal counsel to check the lease before signing, ensure
a diplomatic clause is included, and complete other legal formalities.
Explore local grocery stores, cafes, health facilities, and department stores that sell furniture and
appliances. Include time to map out places of recreation.
Meet with a recruiter who can advise your spouse or partner about the local employment market.
Ask colleagues about their medical insurance plans to make an informed decision between Aetna and
Cigna, if an administrator change option is available.


Please review the topics below to learn about embassy information, visas, airports, and more.


Please consult the nearest Indian embassy or consulate for complete and up-to-date information on visa and
entry requirements.

Embassy of India
2107 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

2017 Global Mobility Services 9

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Tel: (202) 939-7000

Fax: (202) 265-4351
Hours: 9:30 am 6:00 pm


Please contact Monica Bhatnagar(WB)/Nita De (IFC), at the Country Office in New Delhi (see Annex 1 for
contact details), for the latest visa-related updates who will then send a fax to the concerned Indian Embassy
office. The Country Office requires the IRS's full name, nationality, date of birth, passport number, and the
passport date and place of issue and expiry.

As Internationally recruited staff (IRS), you can enter India on a multiple entry official (O category) visa on
their United Nations Laissez Passer (UNLP). On the visa application form, tick the box marked "Official" or, in
its absence, the box marked 'Entry', or just fill in the word ENTRY in the box marked "Other." You will then
receive an X visa, which will be converted in an O visa upon arrival in India. All accompanying family members
should submit visa applications for a multiple entry dependent (X category) visa along with staff, even if
planning to join later.

As locally recruited staff (LRS), you can enter India on a multiple entry Employment (E category) visa on your
national passport. Tick the box marked 'Employment' on the visa application form. Contact Monica
Bhatnagar(WB)/Nita De (IFC) in the Travel Unit to help with registration upon arrival. Register E visas and X
visas for dependents at the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO). This usually takes 4-5 hours, and
staff and dependents have to be present. The Country Office will provide the required documentation,
transportation, and a staff member to accompany them. The applicants will receive a registration booklet,
which is their resident permit in India and should be carried with their passport at all times.

LRS are not entitled to a Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) White ID card. They will not be entitled to the
privileges of IRS, who have to follow other procedures to obtain a resident permit and visa extension.


IRS are allowed to import duty-free personal and household effects and one vehicle within four months of
arrival in India. Keep both Gita Kapoor and Vijay Juneja(WB).Nita De (IFC) copied on all correspondence with
freight forwarders regarding your shipment. Address the air and sea shipment to yourself, with your name
and job title, at office address.


For the World Bank, the office provides a car for one month once the Relocated Staff and will pick up at the
airport upon arrival in the country.

For IFC, the office provides the office cars for the first month and will pick up staff on arrival, depending on
the availability.

2017 Global Mobility Services 10

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


See Annex 3 for Information on Importation of Pets

See Annex 4 for Information on VAT Refund


International Bank staff houses, depending on family size and authorized rental ceilings, typically come with a
living room, dining room, kitchen, guest room/study, master bedroom, and one or more children's bedrooms.

Sandhya Krishnan, Program Assistant (WB) /Deepa Balhara, Mobility Coordinator (IFC), can arrange pre-
assignment trips to New Delhi and assist staff members with these details, based on itinerary details, number
of school-going children, house type and location preferences.

Locating a House

For World Bank, The General Services Section provides staff with a list of agents/realtors) and a list of houses,
if any, being vacated by Bank staff that may be available for renting. It also assists in house assessments,
electrical load, water storage and pumping equipment, fixtures and fittings, gas and telephone connection
and any repairs required for negotiations with the landlord.

Moving In

While taking over or handing over the possession of the house, verify any inventory lists provided by the
owner. Note electric and water meter readings. Appoint security guards once you move into a house. Please
refer to the Security section of this document and/or contact Sandhya Krishnan (/Nita Defor further details
on hiring and costs reimbursed by the Bank.

See Annex 2 for List of Suggested Vendors and Service Providers

Install a smoke detector in the kitchen and a fire extinguisher (5 Kg) near the main electric panel or near a
security guard post for quick access. Some vendors of safety equipment are:

CEASEFIRE Industries Ltd. Fire Equipment Engineers Real Value Safety Consultants

69/2 A, Shivaji Marg, Moti Nagar 46A, Kilokari ring Road, Ashram
D-67, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Crossing New Delhi 110014
Area, Phase-1 New Delhi 110015 Contact Person: Mr. Rajeev Singh
New Delhi 110020 Contact Person: Mr. Vineet Tel: 4282-8010/11/12
Tel: 4163-6358 / 4052-1412 Mehrotra Cell: 981 022-2585
Tel: 0515-4466 / 2516-4466
Cell: 981 007-4830 / 989 197-4830


2017 Global Mobility Services 11

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

While choosing a school overseas, it is important to keep in mind the type of education your children have
had, and where they will be moving to at the end of your assignment. Please contact Global Mobility Services
Team if you would like to discuss this issue further.


The academic year for international schools generally runs from late August to early June, or early August to
late May, depending on the school.

New Delhi offers a number of schools offering quality education for children of foreigners. Children of
working expats must obtain student visas prior to attending school. New Delhi offers several international
based schools. The American, British and French School are the most highly recommended options. The
American school is typically oversubscribed; it upholds a reputation of offering excellent teachers and a good
mix of international students.


Schools preferred by staff of diplomatic missions/international organizations are:

The American Embassy School

Chandragupta Marg
New Delhi 110021, India
Tel: +91 11 2688-8854
The American Embassy School (AES) is viewed as an excellent school. It is oversubscribed, so obtaining a
place can be difficult, particularly in the elementary school. The school does not provide a great level of
support for children with learning difficulties.

The British School

Dr. P. Jose Rizal Marg
New Delhi-110021, India
Tel: +91 11 2410-2183 / 2467-8524

Ecole Francaise de Delhi (The French School)

2 Aurangzeb Road
New Delhi-110 011, India
Tel: +91 11 3041-0090
Fax: +91 11 3041-0099

2017 Global Mobility Services 12

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


Visit the Health Services Department (HSD) website to review current policies and updates regarding travel to
this destination. Additionally, HSD has a contract in place with a preferred vendor to provide country-specific
health reports, and handle emergency evacuations. It is strongly advised that staff schedule a customized
health briefing with the appointed Regional/Country Medical Advisor for the duty location as listed under
"Key Contacts."


In the event of a medical emergency, first seek local care, and then contact the Medical Emergency Response
Coordinator for your Country Office; the MERC cards can be downloaded or printed form this site: merccards.


Check with Country Office staff or HSD for recommendations of local providers.


Check with Country Office staff or HSD for recommendations of local providers.


WBG has an arrangement with CVS Caremark to coordinate a supply of regular prescription medications
prescribed by a U.S. licensed physician through the diplomatic pouch. The Medical Insurance Plan (MIP) has
a separate out-of-pocket limit for prescription drugs obtained through the U.S.-based "in-network" pharmacy
network. Outside the U.S., prescription drug costs are counted toward the total medical stop-loss. Please
contact Global Mobility Services or HSD for more information.

The ability to have your mail order prescriptions filled via CVS Caremark Mail Order and sent to you via the
Banks diplomatic pouch is available to you. You can routinely obtain up to a 90 day supply of prescription
drugs when prescribed by a US licensed physician for a period of not more than 12 months (on an exception
basis, up to a 6 month supply of prescription drugs for travel may be provided with special confirmation-
please contact your benefits team for more information on this). Most prescription drugs can be shipped via
the diplomatic pouch provided they are in personalized/individual quantities. Temperature sensitive,
flammable liquid medications and over the counter medications cannot be sent via the diplomatic pouch
CVS Caremark pharmacy keeps a permanent address of record for all members. This is the address where
you wish to receive mailings and your pharmacy benefit card. An alternate address is a temporary address to
be used for each order and you will need to specify this each time you place an order.

The Bank Diplomatic mail room address should be provided as your alternate address:

Staff member name, MSN (country office Mail stop number)

3301 Pennsy Drive

2017 Global Mobility Services 13

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Landover, MD

You can order prescriptions via mail order either by phone or using

CVS Caremark Customer Care is open 24 hours, 7 days a week at 1-844-641-0412

When speaking with a Customer Care Representative:

Let the Care Rep know you are ordering medication.

Specify that you have an alternate address you need the order sent to.

Let the Care Rep know that this alternate address is NOT a change to your permanent address of record.

Order in plenty of time before the date the medication is needed.

If you require expedited shipping, let the Care Rep know this. There is an extra charge for expedited

If you need to order prior to the customary time that you would usually be refilling, let the Care Rep know
this so that we can address any extra exceptions processing which is needed.

You can order the medication the same day that you make the address change.

When ordering medication on

Order your medication as usual.

During the checkout process you will see your address of record at this time you also have the option of
adding an alternate address for this order.

Add the alternate address.

Choose a shipping method.

Proceed with the checkout process as normal.

Order in plenty of time before the date the medication is needed, approximately 10 days.

Watch your email for any status updates from CVS/Caremark and log in to read these if received.

Medications will reach the mail room for inclusion in the pouch approximately ten days from the time that
you place the order, if an active prescription from your doctor is on file when you place the order.

If your medication has no refills left, you can request that CVS/Caremark follow up with your doctor to obtain
these. Please allow extra time for your doctor to fulfill this request. You also have the option of placing your
medication on automatic renewal, meaning that CVS/Caremark will reach out to your doctor for a new

2017 Global Mobility Services 14

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

prescription automatically each time you run out of refills. This can be requested by phone or on

More info can be found on myHR here:


World Bank Group Personal & Work Stress Counseling Unit is available for confidential telephone/Skype
consultations, as well as referral to local private professionals.

Tel: +1 202 458 4457, DAMA 5220 84457

FURL: HSDCounseling


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Refer to the CDC website for updated information before

WHO's International Travel and Health: The World Health Organization (WHO) produces an annual
publication entitled "International Travel and Health." This provides information on the main health risks for
travelers. The WHO website has a profile for each country.

PAHO: Pan American Health Organization:

Shoreland Inc.'s Travel Health Online: To access information on this website you will need to register at Travel
Health Online. Registration is free.


Review the topics below to learn more about security reminders in India.


Be cautious of the pickpockets and frauds in the city.

Avoid travelling alone at night, especially in sparsely populated localities.
Use the prepaid taxi service managed by the Delhi Traffic Police.
Driving rules are not always followed, so it is wise to be careful while traveling at night.
Take detours if you hear of rallies, demonstrations, roadblocks, or curfews.
Avoid places that have recently witnessed political, religious or ethnic tension.
Travel with extreme caution in the northeastern states of Manipur, Nagaland, Assam and Tripura.
Women should be careful with handbags and jewelry.
Do not carry large sums of cash. Be careful when you pay bills.
Do not accept food and drink from strangers or leave drinks unattended at a table.
Ignore beggars and street children.
Move to the nearest safe place such as an international hotel or police post/station if you are

2017 Global Mobility Services 15

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Petty crimes are more common in buses and trains, but do not leave personal belongings, bags or
hand luggage unattended, even inside the hotels, conference rooms, banks, or offices.


2017 Global Mobility Services 16

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


Important factors in mitigating the threat of residential crime are housing selection, the utilization of security
devices and procedures for identifying unknown visitors and reporting incidents.

Apartments, duplexes, and single family residences in restricted access communities are usually more secure.
Many incidents occur simply because residents fail to properly secure existing window and door locks. All
family members and household staff must be familiar with proper procedures for admitting unknown visitors
and maintenance personnel, the proper utilization of security devices and reporting incidents and suspicious

The Bank reimburses staff for the services of a 24-hour watchman at the staff member's premises. Additional
guards can be kept at the staff member's personal cost. It is advisable to hire the security guard through a
security services agency, whose charges include wages, medical, social security benefits and reliever costs.
For more information on residential security providers, contact Sandhya Krishnan /Nita De.


Explore the topics below to learn about childcare and household assistance.


The organizations can assist international staff in locating household help are:

American Women's Association

Office Hours: Wed-Fri, 9:00 am 1:00 pm
Tel: +91 11 2419-8509
Fax: +91 11 2419-8058

Domesteq Service Solutions Pvt., Ltd.

100 Friends Colony East
New Delhi 110065
Tel: 91 11 465-14338
New Delhi Expat
D-58, Malcha Marg
New Delhi
Tel: 4198-0770/1


It is relatively easy to find people looking for employment in New Delhi. When hiring household staff and a
driver, ask other expatriates or colleagues to recommend someone, or use the organizations above. For
security reasons, only hire someone with references.

2017 Global Mobility Services 17

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Lock up all valuables and money. Train your staff in the way you prefer them to work, even those that have
worked for other international staff. Make a contract and have your copy signed by the employee. Have the
employee sign a receipt for each salary payment received. Domestic service is unregulated in New Delhi.
However, the employer is expected to give one day off per week, pay health expenses and an annual bonus
equivalent to a month's salary. A bonus of 15 days' to one month's wages for each completed year of service
is also paid at the end of employment.


Wear seat belts. Do not use mobile phones while driving. There are no child car seat laws. Local law requires
that motorcyclists wear helmets. Motorcycles and motor scooters are often driven erratically. Accidents are
common in India. Be prepared for heavy traffic with overloaded trucks and buses, scooters, pedestrians,
bullock and camel carts, horse or elephant riders en route to weddings, and free-roaming livestock. If a driver
hits a pedestrian or a cow, the vehicle and its occupants are at a very likely risk of being attacked by passers-

Road accidents and fatalities are caused by a number of factors such as driver's fault, mechanical defects in
the vehicles, fault of pedestrians, bad roads, bad weather, cattle, fallen trees, etc. Other factors that
contribute to road accidents are increase in the number of vehicles, road rage, increase in population,
heterogeneous traffic, modern high speed vehicles, increase in road space, etc.


Staff members are encouraged to apply for a local driver's license.

The following forms can be collected from Sandhya Krishnan /Nita De. Please indicate your residence address
on the forms as C/o The World Bank, 70 Lodi Estate, New Delhi:

Form 1 for Medical Examination to be certified by a Registered Medical Practitioner;

Form 4 Application for License to Drive a Motor Vehicle; or,
Form 9 - Application for Renewal of Driver's License (for those who already have a local driving
and/or international driving license)

The following documents are also required:

Two photographs affixed on the above forms please note that the Medical Officer should affix his
signature over the photograph in such a manner that part of his signature is upon the photograph
and part on the certificate
A photocopy of your UNLP and national passport please carry these two passports when you visit
the Transport Authority for issuance of driving license
A photocopy and original driver's license issued in the U.S. or International Driving License, for
verification by the Transport Department
A photocopy of ID Card issued by the MEA, GOI
Letter from the Bank confirming your local residence contact address as C/o The World Bank, 70 Lodi
Estate, New Delhi to be issued by General Services

2017 Global Mobility Services 18

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

As soon as the above documents are ready, please forward these to Reception and the office will arrange for
a driver to take you to the Transport Authority for issuing the driver's license.


The local car market is highly dynamic as new models are introduced every few months. Staff prefer to select
from the wide range of locally manufactured vehicles available now. You are exempt from payment of VAT
(12.5%); and registration charges (approx. 5-6% of the ex-showroom price). Locally manufactured vehicles
can be sold in the local market free of taxes three years from the date of registration. If you relocate from
New Delhi before that period, the vehicle can be sold within the diplomatic community or to privileged staff
of the UN free of taxes, or to a non-privileged person on payment of taxes. Once the pro forma invoice is
available, the General Services will need 10-15 working days to obtain prior MEA approval for purchase.
Documents are processed by Gita Kapoor (WB)/Nita De (IFC). Do not pay VAT if you purchase a vehicle from
Haryana, as VAT is exempted.

Buying and selling secondhand cars

It is possible to find a gently used vehicle from April through August, when the most staff relocations
occur. The Country Office provides a vehicle with a driver during the first 30 days of relocation. MEA
approvals will be processed by Gita Kapoor/Nita De.

Availability of spare parts

Some of the imported vehicles that can be serviced in New Delhi include Toyota (Camry, Prado, Land Cruiser
and Fortuner), Honda (CVZ, Accord), Suzuki, Hyundai, GM, Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volkswagen.


As IRS, you are exempted from the payment of road tax and registration fees for one vehicle. All registration
formalities will be completed by WB General Services. For IFC, please contact Nita De. The following
documents are required to apply to the MEA for car registration.

For imported vehicles:

Form 19 (to be completed by Gita Kapoor)

Copy of Exemption Certificate (available from Gita Kapoor)
Bill of Landing
Vendor's/Manufacturer's Invoice
High Sea Sales Agreement (in case a vehicle is purchased through a company that imports bulk
quantities of vehicles, e.g. Toyota (Prado & Camry) or Honda (Accord) etc.)
Form 21 Sale Certificate
Form 22 Certificate of compliance with pollution standards
Bill of Entry
Certificate of Insurance
Copy of prior approval from MEA for purchase of vehicle (available from Gita Kapoor).

For locally manufactured vehicles:

2017 Global Mobility Services 19

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Form 19 (to be completed by Gita Kapoor)

Vehicle Sales invoice (for registration purposes)
Tax Invoice (retain this to claim VAT refund)
Manufacturer's invoice for sale of vehicle to the dealer
Form 21 Sales Certificate
Form 22 Certificate of compliance with pollution standards
Certificate of Insurance
Copy of prior approval from MEA for purchase of vehicle (available from Gita Kapoor)

After the MEA's approval, the documents are forwarded to the Department of Transport for registration. The
vehicle has to be physically presented to the authority for half a day in the morning.

IRS are free to insure their vehicle with an insurance company of their choice (insurance options are provided
by the car dealer). World Bank Group vehicles are insured with one of the five GOI owned companies,
including National Insurance. Contact Mr. Dinesh Jirwan (Tel: +91 9868801702) for more information.
Another car insurance company is HDFC Ergo: Contact Person: Mr. Amit Sachin (Tel.: +91 971309344).


Taxis: Never take an unregistered or unmarked taxi off the street. When in doubt, go to the nearest
reputable hotel and have the concierge call a taxi for you. Travel only in taxis with running meters, or agree
to a price before you leave. Make sure the driver knows how to get to your intended destination. If he does
not, have the concierges explain. Taxis driven by female drivers are also available by Ride Secure Cabs Pvt. Ltd
(Tel: 0931 225-2621 / 0921 232-2621).

Hire Cars: There are many car hire companies that lease drivers. Make sure you have a contract in writing
before you make any undertaking. Your hotel will assist you in this.

Metro System: The Delhi Metro Service is now the second rapid transit system in India. It is quick, effective,
and modern, but can be overcrowded during peak hours.

Buses: Public buses are poorly maintained and overloaded and are best avoided.


An average commute from the Country Office to the expat residence is more than 45 minutes.


Government regulations on the duty-free import and tax exemption on purchases of locally manufactured
vehicles change frequently. Check the current status with Vijay Juneja(WB)/Nita De (IFC) before finalizing any

You can import a right hand drive, EURO IV or pre-owned or new vehicle duty-free as long as it is ordered
upon relocation, gets GOI and MEA approval, and arrives in India within the three-month deadline. It can be
sold duty-free in the local market four years from the date of registration. If the staff member finishes his

2017 Global Mobility Services 20

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

assignment before four years, it can be sold within the diplomatic community/to UN privileged staff, or re-

Vendors generally quote 2-3 months for delivery. Processing various approvals (GOI approvals for duty-free
purchase, customs clearance, and vehicle registration) can take another six weeks.


Explore to learn about banking in India.


The Country Office has arrangements with two international banks Bank of America (BOA) and Citibank.
Bank of America has an extension counter located at The World Bank Group's Main Building, and account
opening forms are available with Sandhya Krishnan (WB)/Anita Paruthi (IFC). A Citibank representative assists
staff on visits. Accounts may be opened with either bank.

Banking hours for the BOA Extension Counter are 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, Monday to Friday, and 11:00 am to
12 Noon on Saturdays. BOA issues ATM cards through HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation)
Bank on request to staff against their salary accounts. ATM card credit limit details may be obtained from

There is a Citibank drop box available at the World Bank Group office reception for deposits, and money can
be withdrawn at their ATMs available throughout Delhi. The Country Office has installed an ATM machine in
its Main Building.


Delhi the capital city of India is a cosmopolitan city and a medley of all Indian cultures. In some ways, Delhi is
the microcosm of India, economically as well as politically. The city does have a rich historical past as
evidenced by the cultural landmarks across the city.

Delhi has successfully fused the modern, the not-so-ancient, and the ancient Indian traditions and values. Old
Delhi is on display by way of some traditions and even architecture, and the New Delhi, increasingly modern
and westernized, is asserting itself with displays of material wealth. The old is, for instance, represented by
the sounds of Qawwalis of Nizamuddin Shrine, Gurbanis of Bangla Sahib and Aartis of Chattarpur Mandir,
while the new clamors for attention through loud and blaring music from pubs and discotheques across the



Below is a list of shopping malls in New Delhi:

Ansal Plaza
Hudco Palace
Andrews Ganj

2017 Global Mobility Services 21

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Khel Gaon Marg

New Delhi 110049
Tel: 2625-866 / 2071 / 2061
Week days: 1:00 am 8:30 pm; Weekend: 11:00 9:30 pm

Select Citywalk
A-3, District Centre, Saket,
New Delhi 110017
Tel: 011 4211 4211

Ambience Mall
Delhi-Gurgaon border,
NH 8, Harjan Basti, Sector 17,

DLF City Center

Mehrauli Gurgaon Road
Gurgaon 122002
Tel: + 91 124 238-6296-97

Spice World
I-2, Sector 25A
Noida 201301
Tel: + 91 120 436-6400

DLF Promenade
3, Nelson Mandela Marg, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi 110071
Tel: (011) 46104466, (011) 46609036
Opposite Jawaharlal Nehru University

Gold Souk
Block-C, Sector-43, Sushant Lok, Phase-I
Gurgaon 133002
Tel: + 91 124 431-7700
Fax: + 91 124 257-7776

Eros Mall (Plot No. 10)

Shivaji Palace, District Center
Raja Garden, Rajouri
New Delhi 110027
Tel: 4505-5400 / 2544-4101

2017 Global Mobility Services 22

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


American Community Support Association

Gate B, Chandragupta Marg, Channakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Sports facilities: gym, swimming, tennis, bowling

Club Olympus
Hyatt Regency Delhi, Bhikaiji Cama Place, Ring Road, New Delhi 110607
Sports facilities: gym, swimming, tennis, aerobics, yoga

Delhi Golf Club

Dr.Zakir Hussain Road, New Delhi 110003
Sport facilities: golf, gym, swimming

Shangri-la Health Club

Shangri-la 's Eros Hotel New Delhi, 19 Ashoka Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001
Sport facilities: gym, swimming, aerobics, yoga

Spa Oasis at the Grand

The Grand New Delhi, Vasant Kunj Phase II, Nelson Mandela Road, New Delhi 110070
Sport facilities: gym, swimming, yoga


India is a magical paradise for people who love food. Eating Indian food is an elaborate function. India is a
land of diversified food culture because of religious, geographical and cultural verities. Moreover history of
the country has great influence in its food.

Another special effect of Indian food is its spices and it rightly known as the 'home of spice'. There is no other
country in the world that produces as many kinds of spices as India does. And there are such potent spices
that even if they are required are very minimal quantities in a dish, their influence on the taste and aroma
will be substantial.

Delhi is also synonymous with the omnipresent tandoori chicken and tandoori roti, which, when freshly
prepared from the tandoor, makes a delicious meal.


Butter Chicken originated at the Moti Mahal, Darya Ganj in the 1950s. The restaurant was famous for its
Tandoori Chicken. The cooks there would recycle the chicken juices that were left over by adding butter and
tomato. Once, be it by chance or by design, this sauce was tossed around with pieces of Tandoori Chicken.
And the rest is history. Butter Chicken was born and soon set tongues drooling the world over. Butter

2017 Global Mobility Services 23

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Chicken is creamy with thick, red tomato gravy. It tastes slightly sweet. The sauce percolates into the chicken
pieces, making them soft and juicy. This melt-in-the-mouth dish tastes best with tandoori roti or naan.



186, Sarojini Nagar Market ; Ph: 011-24673340


2017 Global Mobility Services 24

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

N-19, Connaught Circus; Ph: 011-23312092, 23736485, 23752416


3,Club Road Mkt,

North West Avenue,
Punjabi Bagh ( West) ; Ph: 011 - 25111487, 25178334

DHABA (Rajouri Garden)

Hotel Mughal Palace, A-5, Vishal Enclave, Rajouri Garden

Ph: 011 - 25155839 / 25420302-4


2017 Global Mobility Services 25

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Hotel Taj Mahal, 1, Mansingh Road

Ph: 011 - 23026162


5, Anand Lok Market, Siri Ford Road, Opp. Gargi College

Ph: 011 -26251069


12, Hauz Khas Village, Near Deer Park ; Ph: 011 - 26853857, 26852227



2017 Global Mobility Services 26

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Ashoka Road
Ph: 011-23387499


The Sheraton Hotel, Saket ; Ph: 011-26521122


Ashoka Hotel, Chanakaya Puri

Ph : 011-26888242 Ext.-1456
(Outlets all over Delhi)

2017 Global Mobility Services 27

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


The religious places of Delhi reflect the secularism of the country. Religious destinations in this city are not
limited to any particular faith or religion. Infact, there will be hardly any religion in Delhi which does not have
its own place of worship. If there are numerous temples in the city, there are also a large number of
mosques, churches as well as gurdwaras. Many places of worship in this city are believed to have mystical
powers and have become famous for being a spiritual wonder.
Along with being sacred and revered, the pilgrimages in Delhi are architecturally magnificent and historically
significant. Be it the soothing silence of the Lotus Temple or the architectural beauty of the Akshardham
Temple, the worship places in the city continue to mesmerize their visitors. Infact, many people come here
especially for the purpose of visiting its numerous temples, mosques, churches and gurdwaras. A trip to Delhi
without a visit to its various pilgrim destinations is incomplete.

Some of the famous places of worship in the capital city of India are:

Temples in Delhi

Chattarpur Mandir

Akshardham Mandir

Gauri Shanker Temple

Hanuman Mandir

Isckon Temple

Kali Bari Mandir

Kalkaji Temple

Sheetla Devi Temple

Lakshmi Narayan Temple

Lotus Temple

Sri Digambar Jain Lal Mandir

Sai Baba Mandir

Delhi Mosques & Dargahs

Dargah of Nizamuddin Auliya

Jama Masjid Delhi

Moth Ki Masjid

Chiragh-I-Delhi Dargah

2017 Global Mobility Services 28

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Delhi Gurudwaras

Gurdwara Rakab Ganj

Gurdwara Sis Ganj

Gurdwara Bangla Sahib

Gurdwara Majnu ka Tila

Gurdwara Nanak Piao

Churches in Delhi

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

Cathedral Church of the Redemption

St. James Church



Indian Cultures and Manners

India is a diverse, sophisticated, increasingly modern industrial nation that is nonetheless still navigating
strains of diversity in cultures, languages, religion and ways of life.

The standard Indian greeting is "namaste" (na-mas-TAY); placing both hands together with a slight bow is a
sign of respect and appreciation of the other. Public displays of affection are generally disapproved and
should be avoided.

A handshake among men is normal. Foreigners, including women, are at liberty to offer a handshake to
acculturated Indians, especially men. Back patting among men is common, a sign of friendship. Traditional
Indian women are reticent to shake hands with the opposite sex. It is not advisable to get too close to the
other; space between people is the norm. Indians highly value personal space. Touching someone's head is
not allowed.

Indian "no" and "yes" gestures are sui generis. A smile and a backward movement of the head indicates
"no" ; a figure 8 head movement means "yes." A wave of a hand for "hello" in other cultures indicates "no"
or "get lost" to Indians.

In general, use of the left hand is uncommon and looked askance upon. Using the left hand to offer anything
may result in rejection. Rule of thumb: the right hand is appropriate for eating and much else.

Indians as other cultures take religion seriously. Be deferential to religious buildings, shrines, images, and
people at prayer. Remove shoes and leave them at the door (socks are acceptable and protect your feet from
burning-hot stone ground) when entering a temple or mosque.

2017 Global Mobility Services 29

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Indians tend to dress conservatively. Women dress modestly and cover their legs and shoulders. Trousers
pass muster, but shorts and short skirts are considered rude. Men should not expose their upper body in
public and should avoid shorts (considered a sign of low status) away from beach areas. These rules apply in
temples and mosques. Head covering, with a cap or cloth, is necessary when entering a dargah (Sufi shrine)
or Sikh gurudwara; women are required to cover their limbs. Men should dress fittingly. Caps and cloth
covering are available, often free, for visitors.

Source: -etiquette


Based on feedback from interviews conducted by the Global Mobility Services unit with staff on previous long
assignments to India, below is a list of tips.


A pre-assignment visit is essential. Use it to ask staff about the right neighborhoods and fair market prices for

Live as close to the office as possible.
Consult with your colleagues at the Country Office about the rights of tenants and landlords.
Expect to pay high rents if you want to live in affluent areas.
Homes are normally rented without any furniture, equipment or appliances; occupants are expected to
purchase and install everything.

Infrastructure: Electricity cuts, limited water availability, unknown traffic rules, bad quality repairs; heavy
traffic congestion and pollution.

Recreation: New Delhi has an active social and cultural scene. But it has few open-air cafes, little sports to
offer on the weekends, and the infrastructure around Delhi does not allow for quick day trips out of town.

Culture: There is an active intellectual and cultural scene, and people are generally very pleasant and

Climate: It is very hot for six months of the year.

Health: The quality of medical services is good and relatively cheap. But insurance coverage is cumbersome
as responses from the insurance company are often not timely. This often results in staff simply not claiming


2017 Global Mobility Services 30

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Spouses of World Bank employees assigned to work in India may enter and reside in India as dependents of
work permit holders for as long as the work permit holder is authorized to work in India.

If a spouse wishes to work in India, he or she must go through the same work authorization process as any
other spouse of a work permit holder in India, or convert the dependent visa to an employment (E) visa. To
be eligible for an employment visa, spouses must have an employment offer from an Indian organization that
can sponsor the work permit application. He or she must also meet the minimum salary criterion of US
$25,000 per annum, among other requirements applicable to this employment category.

Global Mobility Services has procured information directly from an immigration law firm for India. Please
reference the Fragomen Immigration Compliance Report hosted on the Global Mobility Services country
pages for more information.


World Bank Family Network has a "Members Abroad" community to connect Bank spouses and partners in
the field. Register directly with WBFN.

Devex provides career development services to a broad stream of international development professionals in
locations all over the globe. Global Mobility Services holds a corporate membership that allows spouses and
partners a free individual professional membership to enable professional networking, an exclusive job
board, career advice, etc. To join, please contact your appointed Global Mobility Services Specialist for India.


Spouses/partners can also explore Career Development Services through DEVEX. Global Mobility has
partnered with DEVEX to provide DEVEX Career Accounts to WBG spouses and partners at no charge, to help
build or advance their international development career, connect to development jobs, career advice and

2017 Global Mobility Services 31

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Sign up now at


Spouses of World Bank employees assigned to work in India may enter and reside in India as dependents of
work permit holders for as long as the work permit holder is authorized to work in India.

If a spouse wishes to work in India, he or she must go through the same work authorization process as any
other spouse of a work permit holder in India, or convert the dependent visa to an employment (E) visa. To

2017 Global Mobility Services 32

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

be eligible for an employment visa, spouses must have an employment offer from an Indian organization that
can sponsor the work permit application. He or she must also meet the minimum salary criterion of US
$25,000 per annum, among other requirements applicable to this employment category.

Global Mobility Services has procured information directly from an immigration law firm for India. Please
reference the Fragomen Immigration Compliance Report hosted on the Global Mobility Services country
pages for more information.


World Bank Family Network has a "Members Abroad" community to connect Bank spouses and partners in
the field. Register directly with WBFN.

Devex provides career development services to a broad stream of international development professionals in
locations all over the globe. Global Mobility Services holds a corporate membership that allows spouses and
partners a free individual professional membership to enable professional networking, an exclusive job
board, career advice, etc. To join, please contact your appointed Global Mobility Services Specialist for India
as per Section 1.c.

Employment opportunities are quite limited in New Delhi. Some factors that influence spousal employment
include: work permit issues; a high level of competition with Indian nationals; the language barrier and
licensing issues that prohibit hiring of foreign-trained professionals. However, despite the all the challenges,
India is growing quickly and real job opportunities do exist.

Permits Foundation assists spouses and partners of international staff with the process and regulations of
obtaining a work permit.

Depending on their specific needs, some UN agencies employ spouses as national consultants, generally
through short-term contracts. This is often a case of luck and opportunity arising at the same time.

There is no real tradition of volunteering in India, but many international expat groups in New Delhi do look
for volunteers to fill essential and interesting roles.

Volunteering Resources

Volunteer Match



Housing Sandhya Krishnan (Ext. 79251)

2017 Global Mobility Services 33

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Shipment related services Gita Kapoor (Ext. 313)

Procurement of Atul Khurana (Ext. 315)


Visa/Travel related Monica Bhatnagar (Ext. 387)


Bank Account Opening Sandhya Krishnan (Ext. 79251)

IT Mukesh Magoon (Ext. 201)


New Delhi Office Human Nira Anand (Ext. 281)


Lillian Krishen (Ext. 285)


Shipment / Vehicle / Visa Nita De (Extn 3027)

IT services / Pankaj Avlash (1012)


Bank Account opening Ankita Paruthi (3064)

Human Resources Sushil Mahajan (6036)



2017 Global Mobility Services 34

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Ever-Rest A-128 Contractor for all Mr. Saha, 7 days open

types of Electrical. 9810334931
Enterprises Mohammadpur Plumbing work
Market, Near
Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi.

Onyx Engineers Lodhi Road Market Dealer for Inverter Mr. Sanjay Sharma Contact any time




Vendor Name Address Description Contact Details Weekly Off

Mehra 8-B, Khan Market Dealer for Electrical Mr. Mehra Monday
appliances such as
Delctronics New Delhi Air-conditioner, 24611666
cooking Range,
Washing Machine,
Dryer, T.V. and etc.

R.K. Vision 89, Khanna Market, Dealer for Electrical Mr. Rajesh- Monday
New Delhi appliances such as
Air-conditioner, 24601006
Refrigerator, 24698921
Cooking Range,
Washing Machine, 9811773055
Dryer, T.V and etc.

Bhartiya Vision 8,Khanna Market, Dealer for Electrical Mr. Bhim Monday
Lodhi Road, New appliances such as
Delhi Air-conditioner, 24699641
Cooking Range,
Washing Machine,
Dryer, T.V and etc.

Better Deal B-3/67, Janak Puri, Dealer for Electrical 25595091, Wednesday
Electronics Pvt. Ltd New Delhi appliances such as
Air-conditioner, 25513800

2017 Global Mobility Services 35

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Cooking Range,
Washing Machine,
Dryer, T.V and etc.

Galaxy 83, Poorvi Marg. Dealer for only Mr. Naresh Kapoor 7 Days open
International Vasant Vihar, New White
Delhi. Wehstighouse
Electronic 26156200
equipment such as
Refrigerator 9810008066
Cooking Range,
Washing machine, 9811082202
Dryer, T.V. and etc.


HONDA Company Showroom Head Office Located at Showroom: 95124-

located at H-111,, GF, Plot No. 5, Sector 41, 257055/51
Generator Sushant Shopping Kasna, Greater Noida
Head Office: 9520-
Arcade, B-Block, Sushant Industrial Development
Lok 1, Gurgaon 122002 Area, Distt, Gautam Budh 2341050-59
Nagar, 201306 (Uttar


Eureka 12/4, Mittal Company Mr. Saikia Contact any time

Building, 4th Floor, for Water filter, 9810212590
Forbes Asaf Ali road Delhi R/O System


Nishant C-2, Housing Shop for all type of Tel: 24632385

Society, N.D. S.E electrical supplies

2017 Global Mobility Services 36

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Electric Co. Part-1, Gurudwara

Road. Kotla
Mubarakpur, New

Poonaire AC & R Shop#7/8 Vikas Contractor for all Mr. Surinder 7 days open
Servic. Nagar, New Delhi. types of
installation, repair, 9811051911
service of electrical

Delhi Electric Khanna Market, Shop of all types of Tel: 24698902, Monday
Company Lodhi Road, New electrical supplies
Delhi 24621423



Galaxy telecom C-16 LSC-1, Basment C Block Tel:9818074222

Market, Vasant Vihar

Music Comer C-25, Vasant Vihar Main Mkt. Tel: 011-26141992

N.N. Communication 11, E-block, Vasant Vihar Tel: 9811222270

Osaba Emporium 56, Basant Lok Vasant Vihar. Tel: 26146130

Sumsung Digital Plaza Shop No. 4, Basant Lok, Vasant Tel:46039911

Vihar, New Delhi


Rakson Electronics Shop No. 18, A-block Market,- Tel: 9818775070/26147165

Poorvi Marg. Vasant Vihar, New

N.N. Communication 11, E Block, Vasant Vihar. Tel : 9811222270

2017 Global Mobility Services 37

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


Jagdish Store,39, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar- III, New Delhi Tel: 42291100

Fab India Oversea Pvt. Ltd, 14 N Block Market, Greater Kailash 1, New Delhi Tel: 29232183,84-85

Seasons Furnishings Limited, Eros Corporate Tower, Ground Floor, Opposite Inter-continetal Hotel, Nehru
Place, New Delhi-110019 Tel: 41802233

Home Saaz, J44, Central Market, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. Tel: 29845100 / 29838721/22

Sita Fabrics, D-37, Central Market, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. Tel: 41750253-54 / 29837562

Images International, 43-A, L. G. F. , Amrit Nagar, South Extension, Part-1, New Delhi, 110 003,

(INDIA), Tel:+(91)-(11)24656111 / 24644040 http://www.

R.R. Dcor Private Limited, Regd office: D-45(Basement),Pamposh Enclave, G.K-1, New Delhi & Warehouse:
A-47, First Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-1, New Delhi.

Tel:41731107 / 41601108 / 3258022

R.S. Decorators, Spl in Furnishers, Drapery, Upholstery works, chick blinds, Roman Balloon and etc. B -5/70,
First floor, Safdarung Enclave, New Delhi-110029 Tel:26163680, Mobile: 9818765752 / 9811642024


Paramijit Singh & Co., 140, Arjun Nagar, Kotla Manufacturer: Can make any type of furniture from
Mubarakpur, New Delhi. Mr. Paramijit, the catalogue. Does not have any showroom

Diamon Foam & Furnitures, K-4, Lajpat Nagar-II, Near Retail Showroom
Reliance Web World, Basement, Lajpat Nagar, New

2017 Global Mobility Services 38

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Delhi- 110 024 Tel: 41725166

Usha Sriram Furniture, S-28, Green Park, Near Ever Retail Showroom
Green Restaurant, New Delhi. Tel: 25621480

Wood Art India Pvt. Ltd., 9/56, Industrial Area Kirti Retail Showroom
Nagar, New Delhi 110015, Tel 25172220, 25172221

Kala Mandir Wooden Furniture, Shop NO.21, Retail Showroom (

D.D.A.L.S.C., Furniture Block Kirti Nagar, new Delhi-
110015, Tel: 25417787 , 25417438

Furniturewala, Mansarover Building, Sultanpur, Retail Showroom (

Mehruli-Gurgaon Road, New Delhi 110 030
Tel:26802409 / 2410 / 2411

The Ebony Gautier, K5-K9, Sector 18, Noida Retail Showroom


Gurgaon Home Centre, Lifestyle International Pvt. Retail Showroom

Ltd, MGF Plaza Mall, Megrauli Gurgaon Road,
Gurgaon 122 002 (

Tel: 0124-4112200


PORTACABIN, S-30, Yashwant Place, Chanakyapuri,

New Delhi, 24103031, 26874189,
Mobile:9873170891, 9873160891, 9873160892

Paramjit Singh &Co., 14 , Arjun Nagar, Kotla Can make any type of guard house. Do not have any
Mubarakpur, New Delhi. Mr. Paramjit, Tel: showroom

Ever-Rest Enterprises, A-128, Mohammadpur Can make any type of guard house. Do not have any
Market, Near Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi. Mr. showroom
Saha, Tel: 9810334931

2017 Global Mobility Services 39

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


H.R. Enterprises Contractor for all types of day to Mr. Hari Om Kaushik
day maintenance of Electrical, 9871006361, Mr. Rahul Bhatnagar
Plumbing, Sanitary work and etc. - 9971010874

Ever-Rest Enterprises Contractor for all types of day to Mr. Saha - 9810334931
day maintenance of Electrical,
Plumbing, Sanitary work and etc.

Poonaire AC&R Service Contractor for all types of Mr. Surinder- 9811051911
installation, repair, service of
electrical appliance


Faber Cooking Range Faber Heatkraft For Installation & AMC of Tel: 42895541
Industries Ltd., 108, 1st Faber Cooking Range
Floor, Deepshikha
Building 8 Rajendra
Place, New Delhi

LG Products LG Electronic India Pvt For Installation & AMC of After Sales Services
Ltd, Plot No 51, Surajpur LG Products, such as Helpline : 0120-2560960,
Kasna Road, Greater Refrigerator, Washing Call CentreL 39010909
Noida -201306(UP) machine, Air-
conditioners, dryer and

Samsung Products For Installation & AMC of SAMSUNG HELPLINE:

Samsung Products, such
as Refrigerator, Washing 30308282
machine, Air-
conditioners, dryer and

IFB For Installation & AMC of HELPINE:

IFB products such as
Washing Machines. Cloth

2017 Global Mobility Services 40

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Dryer , Dish Washer, Other: 39004321


Sony Products A-31, Mohan Co- For Installation & AMC of SONY HELPLINE:
Operative Industrial SONY Products, such as
Estate, Mathura Road, Refrigerator, Washing 66006600
New Delhi 110044 cachine, Air-
conditioners, dryer and

White Westinghouse Galaxy International 83, For Installation & AMC of Mr. Chander-
Product Poorvi Marg, Vasant Westinghouse products 9811082202
Vihar, New Delhi such as Refrigerator,
Washing machine, Air-
conditioner, dryer and

Water Purifier / Reverse Eureka Forbes Limited For Installation & AMC Call Center:3988333
Osmosis Water
Purification System

Electrical Appliances Poonaire AC & R Service, Contractor for all types Mr. Surinder-
Repair/AMC Shop#7/8, Vikas Nagar, of installation, repair, 9811051911
New Delhi. service of electrical

Honda Generator Company Showroom Head of Office Located at

located at H-111, GF, Plot No. 5, Sector 41,
Sushant Shopping Kasna, Greater Noida
Arcade, B-Block, Sushant Industrial Development
Lok 1 Gurgaon Area, Distt, Gautam Budh
1220022. Tel 95124- Naga 201306 (Uttar
257055/51 Pradesh) Tel 9520-234


Ever-Rest Enterprises A-128 Mohammadpur Market, Mr. Saha 9810334931

Near Bhikaji Cama Place New

2017 Global Mobility Services 41

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


Poonaire AC & R Service Shop#7/8, Vikas Naar, New Delhi Mr. Surider - 9811051911

R. K. Vision 89, Khanna Market New Delhi Mr. Rajesh 24601660, 24698921,



13/7, Main Mathura Road Faridabad F-3/7, Okhla Industrial Area
Haryana 121003 Phase-1, New Delhi 110020
Contact Person: Ms. Aulina Mithal Contact Person: Mr Jagdish Takkar
Tel:+91-9810066981 / +91-129-4093209/ 4093200/ Tel +91-9810004080/ +91-11-26817185/ 26371618-
2277195 20
Fax:+91-129-2256046 Fax:+91-1126817186
Email: Email:
Web: Web:

M/s Writers Relocation M/s PREMIER INTERNATIONAL

34/1-7, Kherki Daula, 42 Milestone J-42, New Rajinder Nagar
National Highway -8 New Delhi 110060
Gurgaon 122001 Haryana Contact Person: Mr. Shyam Baveja
Contact person: Mr. Basil D'Souza Tel: 9811373253 / 28741542
Tel+91-9899002263 / +91-124-2626000/01/02 Fax: 28742541
Fax: +91-124-2626261 Email: /
Email: writer.del@


6 B Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi
ContactPerson : Ms Peggy Bhohi
Tel: + 91-9313436616/ +91-11-26534938/28/29
Fax: + 91 11 2653 4938

2017 Global Mobility Services 42

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

Dr. Agarwala's Pest Management Service

D-13, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi.

Tel: 011 26843148, 26928330
Tel: 98110-45129


Indian Customs regulations clearly state that "import of pets (is limited to import of dogs and cats only) up
to two pets per passenger may be allowed at one time subject to the production of the required health
certificate from the country of origin and examination of the said pets by the concerned Quarantine Officer."

The form that needs to be filled in by the pet owner and faxed to the Country Office prior to the pets' arrival
is shown below.

Unaccompanied Pet: The Country Office will require a copy of the health certificate and micro chipping
records, along with an inoculation certificate, by fax /scan at least four (4) working days prior to arrival of the
shipment as we will have to obtain a quarantine certificate from the quarantine office. The original certificate
should be sent along with the pets. The Country Office must also receive the complete details of the pet
along with a copy of Airway Bill (AWB) and flight information four (4) days prior to flight. In addition, the
original passport of the owner will be required at the time of customs clearance.

Accompanied Pet: Original health certificate and micro chipping records, along with the inoculation
certificate, need to be shown to the airline at departure and must be carried in person when boarding. For
any further assistance, please feel free to contact Sandhya Krishnan (see Annex 1 for contact details).

2017 Global Mobility Services 43

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

2017 Global Mobility Services 44

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi


2017 Global Mobility Services 45

Relocation Field Guide: India - New Delhi

According to United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act 1947, all UN organizations, including the World
Bank and their international staff, are exempt from all direct and indirect taxes. As per the current law, Value
Added Tax (VAT) has to be first paid and then reimbursement can be claimed on a quarterly basis (April to
June; July to September; October to December; and January to March).

There is no VAT on services such as air tickets, telephone, electricity etc. Refund of VAT can be claimed from
the Delhi Government for all purchases made in Delhi for personal use (this may include petrol, restaurant
bills, drinks, consumer durables or any other item).

Original bills are required for VAT refund. Each bill should be for a purchase made in Delhi above Rs.5000,
excluding tax. The. bills must have a TIN number (the registration number of the vendor with the VAT

The Bank has hired the services of Vipin Uboweja for completing the formalities of VAT refunds from the
relevant department of the Government of Delhi. Vipin Uboweja would be happy to assist you in filing your
VAT claim. For this service he would charge Rs.750/ per quarter and he can be contacted as follows:

Vipin Kumar Uboweja

B-3/1, Rajouri Gardens

New Delhi - 110027
Cell: 9811100912,

Vipin Uboweja collects bills for VAT claims in the first week after the end of each quarter. The claim is filed for
all the international staff as a single application signed by the Bank, and not by individual staff. It takes about
4 to 5 weeks to get the refund from the VAT Department. The Country Office's Accounts department then
credits the refund to the staff member. Contact Subi Roy (Ext: 215) for assistance. Purchases made outside
Delhi or in Gurgaon (Haryana) are not eligible for VAT refunds in Delhi.

2017 Global Mobility Services 46

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