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ARTICLE CRITIQUE Mercy Killing "Euthanasia"

In his 2014 article about Mercy Killing "Euthanasia", Ambassador Amado Tolentino
clearly defined the Mercy Killing "Euthanasia" as "the act or practice or of killing out of mercy".
It is technically existing in four categories: passive, active, voluntary, and involuntary. Passive is
the act of removing all treatments and forms of life support intended to prolong life or cure
illness, and allowing the patient to die of natural causes. Active consist of all outside force and
hastening the death with the use of drugs or other tools. When the patient is fully competent and
capable of making life or death decision on his or her own, it is a voluntary euthanasia. If the
decision is made for the patient, due to him or her being rendered incapable of his sentient
conclusion, it is labeled as involuntary euthanasia.
No matter which side of the argument you are coming from, the truth is euthanasia is the
killing of a life. Simply put, even if the intent is not the same, euthanasia is still the murder of a
human being. Many would argue that all life should be cherished no matter how big or
insignificant they are. With that point being made patients who consider euthanasia are throwing
their valuable lives away.
Literally, euthanasia means good death but the controversy surrounding it is just the
opposite. In active euthanasia the immediate cause of death is not the patients disease but
something that is done to the patient to cause his or her death. Because, active euthanasia
destroys another persons life it is wrong and immoral to perform it. If we change the law and
accept active euthanasia, we will not be able to keep it under control since, mistakes and abuses
cannot be entirely eliminated. In todays medical world knowledge is imperfect and science is
constantly improving, therefore, there are cases where disease is being misdiagnosed or studies
are being done for new findings of cure. Furthermore, there is a difference between killing
people who ask for death under appropriate circumstances, and killing people without their clear
knowledge of understanding because of drugs, or feeling guilty by imposing social and financial
burden of care. Moreover, active euthanasia corrupts the social role of the physician as a healer.
For the reason, physicians should distance themselves from euthanasia to maintain confidence in
people and trust in medicine as healing profession. For this reasons medical legislation should
not legalize active euthanasia.
When physicians pushed to decide who has a good reason to end their life, they must
also consider a possibility of potential outcome of a mistake. We cannot do whatever to our lives,
since they are not our own, no human being has the right to take innocent human life. Exodus
20:13 " Thou shall not kill" is still a command not a suggestion, that's why euthanasia is immoral
and contrary to God's law.

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