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Activity 15: Self-Management System (10 points)

Students will develop a self-management system for one of the following areas:
Following Instructions
Using appropriate behaviors in the lunchroom
Increase answer questions in class
Using appropriate social skills in Physical Education class

You may base this on one of your case-study students.

Student #7: emotionally disturbed
Provide a brief description the inappropriate behavior: Talking to other students while teaching is going
Provide a brief description of the appropriate behavior you would like to see or have increase: Not talking to other
students and paying attention/ not cursing
Provide a brief description of the self-management system in use (the technique, where, when, how, describe it):
Sticker chart (stickers are based on her interests)
Provide an example of the system you would utilize (create the system; this is just practice and does not have to be
in great detail) :

Every time student #7 is not talking while teaching is occurring and is paying attention, she will get a sticker on
her sticker chart in the subject area in which she was paying attention. At the end of the day both student #7 and
the teacher will sign off on the last box so both are aware of why or why she got a sticker or did not get a sticker.

Every time student #7 does not curse through the entire subject, she will get a sticker on her sticker chart in the
subject area in which she successfully exhibited proper behavior. At the end of the day both student #7 and the
teacher will sign off on the last box so both are aware of why or why she got a sticker or did not get a sticker.
Paying Attention/Not Talking to Peers While Learning

Day of the Math ELA Science Social Specials Signature

Week Studies
Monday MS


Tuesday MS


Wednesday MS


Thursday MS


Friday MS

Using Proper Language

Day of the Math ELA Science Social Specials Signature

Week Studies
Monday MS


Tuesday MS


Wednesday MS


Thursday MS


Friday MS


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