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Endang Tri Wahyuni, Khairuddin Djawad, Nurelly Waspodo

Departement of Dermatovenereology Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University / Wahidin

Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar

Scabies is a human skin infestation caused by the penetration of the obligate
human parasitic mite Sarcoptes scabiei var.hominis into the epidermis. The
classic manifestation of scabies is generalized itching that is more intense at
night. The skin findings include papules, nodules, burrows, and
vesiculopustules and the most common location are the interdigital space,
wrist, and abdomen. Atypical presentation in infants often involve the face,
scalp, palm, and soles.
It was reported a case of scabies in infant six months old with clinical findings
include erythematous macules, erythematous papules, nodule, erosion and
excoriated. The distributin of the lesion involved the whole body area including
scalp, face, neck, trunk, extremities, palms and soles. Treatment with
permethrin 5% gave good result.

Key word : Atypical scabies, permethrin 5%, infant

IJDV Vol.1 No.1 2012

INTRODUCTION one week to the patient got clinical

Scabies is a skin eruption caused by
flea infestation and sensitization of
Sarcoptes scabiei variety hominis and
manifest as a popular lesions, pustules, A male infant aged six months to
vesicles, and sometimes crusting and come to the clinic of dermatovenereology
erosion as well as tunnels that gray is RSWS with his mother, from the
accompanied with symptoms of itching alloanamnesis (from mother) is known to
was found in the cracks and folds.1,2 have a complaint that the baby have patch
Infections caused by direct skin contact, and reddish rash on the head, face and
mite transmission via clothing, bedding entire body are accompanied by intense
and towels but it rare.3, 4, 5It is estimated itching that is marked with the child
that more than 300 million people world frequent scratching and crying. This has
wide infected with scabies mites. Scabies been experienced since three months ago.
can affect all social groups and econo- Itching is felt at any time. The same
mics.5 complaint is also found in the child's
Scabies has spread throughout the mother. It have treated with powder and
world particularly in tropical and ointment (name unknown drugs) but gave
subtropical area.6 Disease progression is no improvement.
influenced by several factors: the econo- Either patient's general condition,
mic level, density and hygiene in a skin lesions found on the scalp, face,
community is very complex. Very dense torso, extremities superior et inferior right
housing as a factor believed to contribute and left, palms, and soles. Skin lesions
the most to the spread of scabies. Low showed erythematous macules, papules,
economic level also raises the problem of erythematous papules, nodules, erosions
poor nutritional status and therefore and excoriation.
contributes to the individual's immune (Figure 1)Investigations conducted in
system.7 this case the skin scrapings. Before the
The most common symptoms of a skin specimens scraped, it spilled with
more intense form of pruritus is felt in the emersi oil, then scraped with a scalpel.
evening accompanied papular.7,8 Spots Results scrapings placed over the object
and pruritus caused by slow type glass, then covered with glass cover, and
hypersensitivity reaction to the mites, eggs examined under a microscope. Exami-
and faecal material. Predilection site in nation results in skin lesions found
men are generally on fingers, wrist flexors, Sarcoptes scabiei mites, eggs and skibala.
elbows, buttocks, ankles, periareolar area, (Figure 2). The patient subsequently
antekubiti fossa, anterior fold of axilla, diagnosed as scabies and given treatment
waist, genitalia and low abdomen.7, 8 in the form of permethrin 5% and cetirizine
Sometimes scabies provide syrup. After one week the patient showed
atypical clinical picture, where it can cause clinical improvement, and the lesions
difficulty diagnose than the form classic.9 appear as macular hyperpigmentation.
Scabies in infants and young children can (figure 3)
be a picture of skin lesions vesicles,
pustules, or nodul.10 Location of lesions in Picture of patient
infants may occur on the head, face , alms
and soles of the feet, where the location is
very rare in adult people.5, 11
Here is reported a case of scabies in
an infant aged six months and given
treatment with permethrin 5% and after

Endang Tri Wahyuni Atypical Scabies In Infant

Scabies is an infestation of human
skin caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei
hominis variants. These mites are obligate
parasites in humans and occupy the
tunnels in the epidermis of human skin.11
Scabies can affect men and women,
at all ages, all ethnicities and all socio
economic levels.8,12 Scabies can be
spread through direct contact with an
infested individual, but may also occur
through the transmission of bedding and
Figure 1 skin lesion on head, face, chest, abdomen,
clothing, where the mites can survive
genitalia, trunk, palm, and soles with erythematous outside the human skin up to three days.5,
macule, erythematous papules, nodule, erotion, and Transmission of scabies that lasted
excoriation. through the close and direct contact long
enough can occur when live and sleep
Microscopic examination together, especially the kids who got a
mite infestation of his mother.1This is
consistent with the case where the patient
is a transmission from the mother who is
also infested with the mite Sarcoptes
a b scabiei.
The incubation period of classical scabies
is about three weeks.Initial symptom of
scabies is usually only include itching
before clinical symptom.7,11After early
c exposure to scabies mites, it may take six
to eight weeks to then clinic
manifestation.5Pruritus due to scabies low
Figure 2 Microscopic result from skin scraping, a. type hypersensitivity reaction to the mites,
Egg, b. Mite sarcoptes scabiei, c. Scibala
eggs, and mite feces (skibala) .10The skin
Picture post treatment lesions of an erythematous papules and
nodules, there scale, and sometimes it
seems that there is excoriation on the
sidelines of the volar wrist finger, the
lateral part of the palm of the hand, elbow,
axilla, scrotum, penis, labia, and areola
mammae in women. Diffuse erythematous
eruption on the body is the result of a
hypersensitivity reaction to mite antigen.
Pathognomonic lesions in the form of a
thin tunnel, such as yarn, with a length of
1-10 mm, and the tunnel is caused by
movement of the mite in the stratum
corneum.5 Complaints of itching and red
spots on the case has been experienced
over the past three months.
Figure 3 Control picture after one week

IJDV Vol.1 No.1 2012

Occasionally scabies picture gives hatch after four days and the larvae will
an unusual shape making it difficult to move to the surface of the skin and
diagnose than classic.9 Clinical develop into adult form. After two weeks of
manifestation of scabies in infants are females and males will copulated, and
different from scabies in adult.13 The after she was pregnant female will dig a
atypical clinical picture in infants, indicated tunnel back in the stratum corneum.5 Male
bythe involvement ofthe head, palms, mites will then die after copulation.7
soles, and axilla, where the location is very Permethrin has been used as a first
rare in adult people.9, 11Skin lesions in choice treatment of scabies in patients
infants who are exposed to scabies may older than two months.16, 17 Permethrin is a
include vesicles, pustules or nodul.10, synthetic pyrethroid which is a neurotoxin
Lesions in children are usually more and is a good.11 skabisidal agent is highly
inflammatory than in adult.14This is effective, minimally absorbed and minimal
consistent with cases where there are skin toxicity.16 Permethrin cream 5% was
lesions throughout the body, from head, applied to the entire body, starting from
face, body, superior and inferior the neck to down.10 Permethrin application
extremities, palms and feet, in the form of in infants and in children younger than five
erythematous macules, papules, ery- years, basting should also cover the head,
thematous papules and nodules with neck and entire body.5, 10,11 Cream rinse
erosion and excoriatio. after 8-14 hours. Providing one-time
Diagnosis of scabies in children can permethrin 5% on the entire body can
be suspected if there are clinical usually heal, but if it is still necessary or if
symptoms of pruritus, papules or papulo new lesions appear giving the
vesicular eruption of the tunnel and the recommended one to two weeks after. 10,
distribution spesific pattern.11Definite 16
Several studies have shown that
diagnosis of scabiesis made by permethrin gave greater cure rate,
identification of mites, oreggs, ormite feces reducing the pruritus and adverse effects
(skibala) on microscopic examination. were smaller when compared with
This examination is performed by lindane.15 Study by Strong and Johstone
dripping mineral oil above the tunnel and states that permethrin is more effective
then made scraping longitudinally using than krotamiton, lindane and oral
as calpel number 15 along the tunnel, and ivermectin.18 Patients should be informed
arranged so as not to cause bleeding, skin that itching may persist for up to four
scrapings and then placed over the object weeks after therapy. The itching can be
glass and examined under microscop.5, treated with antihistamin.8, 15 patients in
Skin lesions are ideal for scraping is a this case given permethrin 5% is applied
papule lesions that are new and the starting from the head, face and entire
tunnel.11Results of skin scrapings in this body and are also given an antihistamine
case found the eggs, mites, and skibala, to relieve the itch.
therefore the diagnosis is established as Jin SP, et al from Korea report the
scabies. case of scabies in a two-month-old infant
Sarcoptes scabiei is an obligate with symptoms of itching and skin lesions
ectoparasite that belongs to a group are erythematous macules, papules,
arthropoda.7 Mite life cycle begins when nodules, vesicles and pustules over the
adult mites dig tunnels in human skin and body. The patient was treated with lindane
reproduction.12 Females will dig a tunnel and there are no side effects. The reason
under the skin surface and left the two to is because in korea is not available
three eggs per day of grains in the stratum permetrin.19
corneum during six weeks, it is this that
causes papules on skin.7 Eggs will then

Endang Tri Wahyuni Atypical Scabies In Infant

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