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Anna Atkinson

Dr. Gault


28 November 2016

Pedagogical Sequence

Preparatory Activities:

1. Lucy Locket
a. The teacher will sing the song and have students keep the steady beat
b. Students will listen again and copy the teachers movements (Shoulder,
head, shoulder, stomach).
c. The teacher will have the students listen again with movements but ask the
students to pay attention to the relationship between the movement and the
melody. (Where were our hands at the beginning? When the melody
went higher, where did we move our hands? When the melody went
lower, where did we move our hands?)
d. The students will learn the song by echoing the teacher.
2. Recognizing La
a. Echo sing phrases with Sol and Mi
b. Hum Lucy Locket and have students recognize, then sing with words.
c. Tell students that the song starts on Sol, ask them which direction it goes
from there. (If the song starts on Sol, does it go higher or Lower?) Label
it as a mystery note because students have not learned La yet.
d. Sing patterns on Loo with and without the new notes, have students
touch their nose when they hear the new mystery note.

Presentation Sequence:

1. Aural:
a. Students will echo sing phrases using Sol and Mi. The teacher will add in
phrases using La with La on a neutral syllable.
b. Teacher will sing Lucy Locket on a neutral syllable and have students
recognize the song.
c. The teacher will have the students sing Lucy Locket with Solfege and
Mystery syllable (sol sol, loo loo, sol sol, mi mi)
d. The teacher will introduce the mystery syllable as La.
e. Students will sing the song using La instead of Loo
f. The teacher will demonstrate the new handsign and have students echo
sing various patterns using La Sol and Mi
2. Visual:
a. The students will sing Lucy Locket using Solfege
b. The teacher will have the students put La Sol and Mi on the staff. The
teacher will put Sol on the middle line. The teacher will say raise your
hand if you can tell me where Mi goes on the staff if this is Sol. The
teacher will have someone write the answer up on the board and then
remind students that Mi likes to be just below Sol. If Sol is on a space, Mi
is on the space just below it. The teacher will then explain that La likes to
be really close to Sol. When Sol is on a space, La is on the line directly
above it. When Sol is on a line, La is on the space directly above it.
c. The teacher will ask students where La would go if Sol were on the 3rd
space and where La would go if Sol were on the 2nd line.
d. The teacher will ask the students to put Lucy Locket on the staff given Sol
e. The teacher will show some patterns on the board and have the students
sing them on Solfege with handsigns.

Practice Activities:
1. Sight-Reading
a. Students will echo sing La Sol and Mi.
b. Students will sing Lucy Locket
c. The teacher will review La Sol and Mi on the staff and have students sing
some notated patterns.
d. The teacher will write Bounce High, Bounce Low on the board, using
notation, and have the students sight read on Solfege.
e. Students will learn Bounce High Bounce Low with words
2. Sing Back
a. Students will echo sing using La Sol and Mi
b. Students will sing Lucy Locket
c. Students will take turns writing different patterns using La Sol and Mi on
the board
d. The class will sing the patterns back in their heads
e. One student will volunteer to sing the pattern out loud while the other
students sing it back in their heads.

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