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Jason Westenskow

Math 1210


Throughout this semester, I was always amazed by how much math and calculus was in everyday
situations. The problems surrounding Trax and Front Runner I found very useful and have caught myself
looking back at my notes to answer random questions that I now can apply calculus to and solve. I think
Calculus is a very useful tool. I believe all math is useful. Working in the automotive industry I find
myself showing customers how to calculate the circumference of a wheelltire that is calibrated for a given
speed, and how changing that circumference changes how fast you're really going regardless of what the
speedometer says to help them understand how changing to aftermarket tire sizes aren't always the best
idea. To me related rates problems and any problem involving change seem like very common types of
problems you would encounter within the engineering field. Optimization I found very interesting.
Difficult to wrap my head around at first, but after a few problems I seemed to have got it. Optimization I
think would be something used quite frequently in the engineering field. Especially when determining
what the most cost effective way to build an object to hold a certain volume. Though I leamed a lot of
new concepts in this class, I'm still trying to figure out how to better apply some of them in the real world.
Salt Lake Communi Colleqe Math 1210 S 2017
Pipe line Project

The U.S. Interior Secretary recently approved drilling of natural gas wells near Vernal, Utah. Your
company has begun drilling and established a high-producing well on BLM ground. They now need to
build a pipeline to get the natural gas to their refinery. While running the line directly to the refinery will
be the least amount of pipe and shortest distance, it would require running the line across private ground
and paying a right-of -way fee. There is a mountain directly east of the well that must be drilled through to
run the pipeline due East. Your company can build the pipeline around the private ground by going 8
miles directly west and then 15 miles South and finally 32 miles East to the refinery (see figure). Cost for
materials, labor and fees to run the pipeline across BLM ground is $300,000 per mile.
Cost of drilling through the existing mountain would be a one-time cost of $4,200,000 on top of the
normal costs ($300,000 per mile) of the pipeline itself. Also, the BLM will require an environmental
impact study before allowing you to drill through the mountain. Cost for the study is estimated to be
$150,000 and will delay the project by 5 months costing the company another $75,000 per month. For any
pipeline run across private ground, your company incurs an additional $90,000 per mile cost for right-of-
way fees.

Your company has asked you to do the following:

-Determine the cost of running the pipeline strictly on BLM ground with two different routes. One going
around from the West, and one from the East.
-Determine the cost of running the pipeline from the shortest distance across the private land to BLM
land, and then to the refinery. And the cost to run the pipeline the most direct route to the refinery across
private land.
-Determine the cost function for the pipeline for the configuration involving running from the well across
the private ground at some angle and intersecting the BLM ground to the south and then running East to
the refinery. Use this function to find the optimal way to run the pipeline to minimizethe cost. Determine
the length of the pipe that runs across private land and how far from the refinery it starts running on BLM
land. Determine the angle at which your optimal path leaves the well.
3mi BLM Ground
Private Ground

32 miles, BLM Ground

The first option of routing the pipeline to the West would prevent any additional right-of-way fees and
would maintain current timeline, however it is the longest route.

-Cost of running pipeline strictly on BLM ground to the West:

55 total miles. $300,000 per mile C(x) = 55(300,000) : $16,500,000
3 rni
BLM Ground
Private Ground

32 miles, BLM Ground

The second option of heading East would require a one-time $4,200,000 drilling fee on top of the
$300,000 cost per mile. The BLM will also require an environmental impact study before allowing any
drilling through the mountain, which would cost approximately S150,000 and will delay the project by 5
months, costing the company an additional $75,000 per month.

-Cost of drilling through the mountain to the East and heading South:
39 total miles. $4,200,000 fee. $150,000 environmental study. 5 x $75,000 delay
C(x) = 39(300,000) + 4,200,000 + 150,000 + 5(75,000) : $16,425,000
3 mil
BLM Ground
Private Ground

32 miles, BLM Ground

The third option is to take the most direct route to the refinery across the private land at $390,000

-Cost of most direct route:

y -: ,llot
! 28.302 miles.
C (x) : 28.302(390,000) : $11,037,780
3 rni
BLM Ground
E- rivate Ground

32 miles, BLM Ground

The fourth option is to run the pipe line straight across the adjacent private land which will be an
additional $90,000 per mile for 15 miles, and the standard $300,000 for the remaining 24 miles.

-Cost of crossing private land to BLM land:

15 miles at $390,000, and 24 miles at $300,000
C(*): 15(390,000) + 24(300,000): $13,050,000
3 mil
BLM Ground
:o a
rivate G

32 miles, BLM Ground

The fifth option is to cut through the private land at an angle to minimize total distance while minimizing
costs of the pipe line.

-Cost to cut diagonally across private land to BLM land:

v-rlw tan(g) - J1
C (x) - 390,00 0(225 * xz)z + 300,00 0(2a * x)
C' (x) : . 5 (3 90,000) (zzs + xr)Gil fz O+ 3 0 0,0 00 (_ 1)

C'(x) = i.95,00 0(ZzS + *\-*(Zx) _300,000

c'(x) =W- 3oo,ooo :o

_ 300,000
!225 * x2
390,000x = 300,00 OJffi
225 * xz

(+)' : 225 * xz

2 25*x2 L5.2Lx2
9 =9(ZZS+xr) L5.21x2 =Z0ZS*9x2
6.27x2 = 2025 c 2O2S
6.2L x = tl3260BT

x = 18.058 y= 23.475 0 = 50.29 degrees

9 = 39.72 degrees
c(r) = 396,966123.475)+ 300,000(5.942) = $10,937,850

The fifth option is the most cost beneficial. By branching offthe drilling site a139.7 degrees for 23.475
miles until intersecting the BLM land at a 140.3 degree angle and running the pipeline the last 5.942 miles ,., '-
to the refinery, the project will have minimal costs and won't be impeded by envimnmental surveys for
drilling or additional costs associated with drilling. This will allow the project to maintain any set
schedule while minimizing total overall costs.

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