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Zoroaster taught that good and evil were opposite forces and that it was a

person's duty to make a choice between the two. The two paths are of asha or
righteousness and of druj, the lie. Good is represented by Ahura Mazda and evil
by Angra Mainyu. The Zoroastrian holy book, called the Avesta, was written in
the Avestan language, which is closely related to Vedic Sanskrit.

The Qissa-i Sanjan is a tale of the journey of the Parsis to India from Iran. It says
they fled for reasons of religious freedom and they were allowed to settle in India
thanks to the goodwill of a local Hindu prince. However, the Parsi community had
to abide by three rules: they had to speak the local language, follow local
marriage customs, and not carry any weapons. After showing the many
similarities between their faith and local beliefs, the early community was granted
a plot of land on which to build a fire temple.

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