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EDUC 386 Documentation: Extra-Curricular Event

Name of event: Webber Middle School Girls Basketball

Date of event: February 2, 2017

Time you were there: 3:30-4:45

Summation: Webber Middle School girls were playing Preston Middle school during this game. It was a tight
game up until the fourth quarter where Preston Girls were able to come out ahead. During this
game I was able to see the different coaching styles, the different types of girls playing, and the
different athletic abilities between each of the different teams. I was also able to see the low
numbers in parent attendance and high amount of participation/support from the teachers. I
walked in just as the game started and was able to watch the entire game.

What did you learn?

While being at this game I had learned a lot about the differences within each of the teams and the parents.
Where I went to school the stands were packed whether it was a middle school or high school game. When I
walked into Webber's gym I was shocked to see the stands were not as full as they are in a small town.
Once I sat down and annalyzed why I realized not every parent is able to get off work early to go watch
their kid. In small towns any type of extra-curricular activity has full support of the town. In a large town
like Fort Collins I realized not every parent is able to take off work and not every parent wants to come
watch their kid play in sports. During this time I realized how important teacher support is. While some
students have their parents their other students look for that one teacher in the crowd at every game. I
found it amazing how much some students rely on their teachers for support and guidance in things other
than in the classroom.

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