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Open letter to Ms Coates (Head Teacher of Sacred Heart School) friend of mine) were there to inform the students

inform the students that the school had

decided not to celebrate Black History Month. We got petitions signed and
from Joseph Desire Semana (Sacred Heart Head Boy 06/07) some students wanted to be leaders in the school and took petitions so
that they could petition inside. Just like we expected many students didn’t
RE: Black History Month know what the school had done (except for those who had petitioned last
year) and I doubt that many parents knew either because they would have
protested before now. Many people would have protested, as it is so racist
Dear Ms Coates, and wrong.
Greetings. The reason for having Black History Month is because it’s the Seeing how strongly the students felt, the more I came to see them, the
only time in the whole year Black Africans, Afro-Caribbeans and Asians in more excited they got. Even to the extent that some would even come out
Britain are appreciated for their contribution in the building of Great Britain. before school began to sign in, saying how racist the school is being,
One of the main reasons we have this month is because not only is Black having a student even come to me and take the petitions out of my hand
History not taught in the curriculum, but also lack of knowledge breeds so that the whole year 9-football team could sign. When I saw that, I was
ignorance and most importantly the lack of racial and cultural knowledge filled with such happiness and I just knew that students want this.
breeds the worst of ignorances, which results in prejudice and racial I care strongly about the students of Sacred Heart. My efforts to get
hatred. Therefore it is essential in a society so diverse and multicultural the school to celebrate Black History Month are because it would be
that we enrich each other of the Black African, Afro-Caribbean and Asian a substantial benefit to the school. We are asking the school to hold a
cultures that live in Britain because they are the most over looked and Black History Month assembly in October. I would be happy to come into
given the worst of stereotypes. the school and work with a group of students to prepare a presentation.
It is important to learn that Black History is not something separate What we are doing should not be seen as a threat. It is not. Therefore it is
from British History, because for 100s of years Black and Asian ridiculous that I have been victimised by Mr Cefai kicking me off the visit to
people have played a substantial role in creating the society we live Thailand and that he is threatening other students who are petitioning.
in. That is why international day/week can’t be a substitute for Black
I would like to finish by saying that, I love Sacred Heart school, love
History Month.
the teachers (some, not all) and I love the students because I
I first raised the issue of Back History Month when I was Head Boy in one understand what it is like to be a student at that school and how hard
of the meetings with you. I addressed the issue why the school doesn’t it is to succeed without losing who you are in the process.
celebrate Black History Month. The Head Girl instantly jumped in and
There have been many times when I felt that I should give up, but
joined me in asking why we don’t any longer celebrate Black History
knowing how many people are behind the petition, remembering
Month. The room became quieter and the air tighter as you started to tell
students coming to greet me so that they could sign because they
us the schools reason. Neither me, the Head Girl and the Deputy Head
heard about what was happening, having students take my petitions
boy and girl could agree with what we were hearing. You had begun by
to get all the pages signed, having an ovation from my college
saying that white student’s grades were failing and in school where there
politics class and seeing the excitement in the eyes of the sacred
are small minorities of them they need all the help with their self-esteem
heart students as they tell me how much they care about celebrating
and confidence. I was outraged and angry with this because however
back Black History Month.
much I tried to make sense of what you said, I couldn’t – it’s their history
too. It’s because of all this and more that I can’t stop; I won’t stop till
Black History Month is recognised by the school, a school, which is
I’ve also since found out that year 9 students that year did their own
still vary much carried in my heart.
petition and they handed it in, with no response.
Yours sincerely
With the help of my friends in the Movement For Justice, we developed a
petition for anyone to sign, to help show the school that the community Joseph Desire Semana
and most importantly students want to celebrate Black History Month. On
the first day that the school opened, me and Gavin Yearwood (a great 30/09/07

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