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TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Remember to write the ODU honor pledge at the end of this table.

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name: Kayla S

Name of the tool Google Docs

Where to access this Through Gmail account

tool (web address)

Brief instructions of Log onto gmail account and the hit the square button in corner, then click google drive and
how to use the tool it will bring you to a list of options such as google docs, google sheets, and slides

Ideas for how the tool SOL 10.6- students will write their paper and gather ideas on a specific topic and then each
can be used in PK-12 student will be able to use comments to edit their paper on spelling errors and on things
where they should be deleted or something added in.
SOL 3.8- Can use google docs and go to insert a picture of VA for example and label the
regions and the students will recognize that people and regions cannot produce everything
they want, they specialize in what they do best and where they can trade from in different
parts of VA.
SOL 2.1-Students will use google docs to explain to each other how to use scientific
investigation, reasoning, and logic. SO they will be given a topic to investigate and they will
come up with a hypothesis, observations, predictions, and a conclusion.

Positives and Positives- 1) being able to edit at any time 2) you can see who did what work 3)When you
challenges of using make your account you have the options of using google docs/ sheets/slides. 4) being able to
the tool use it on your mobile device
Negatives- 1) You can't do animations 2) Making an account and having an email to create
3) other people would have to use gmail to connect and share ideas on same page.

Peer Megan

Name of the tool Box

Where to access this

tool (web address)

Brief instructions of Log onto website and sign in / create an account

how to use the tool Can make word document or power point
once you upload you can share the file and it gives you a link & then your peers can edit it
once you share with the,

Ideas for how the tool -High school english they can all write their own paper then share their papers with their
can be used in PK-12 peers for them to edit/revise it for them
-Math spread sheet and sent out different data and then the students would answer those
questions (6th grade)
-Each group has a different topic in science and then shared with their group on what each
one wrote on. (3rd grade).
TLED 430 Module 3
Collaborative Assignment

Positives and Positives- 1)You can access it through your computer/laptop/ or mobile device. 2) you can
challenges of using use word docs/ power points. 3) you can look up what you created at home then upload it in
the tool a new area. 4) Can let people edit at the same time
Negatives/Challenges- 1) You have to create an account with an email 2) Have to have the
link to access the document. 3)Website is down / if it is having technical difficulties (you
wont have a lesson plan for that day if you cant access the page).

Peer Jessica

Name of the tool Debate Graph

Where to access this

tool (web address)

Brief instructions of GO to website- Log in information and hit create an account. Requires name information
how to use the tool and your email address. Once filled out sends a confirmation email then you log in. Click
view , you can create a graph, document, timeline, bubble graph. You name your idea and
then under that you can type 500 characters such as an idea. Ex: Name then i like cats In
the right hand corner of the page it says community and they would click that and the tab
drops down and you can add people through their email address or their user handle these
people are added and can add their information to your thing as you go. To add to the graph
click button at the bottom that says add new idea and you can enter your new information

Ideas for how the tool 1st grade SOL 1.9- Students can make bubble map with title of the book and then add
can be used in PK-12 bubbles to add details such as characters and small details in the story.
11th grade- European exploration- students can brainstorm on what happened during that
time and how they got along and use a bubble map or time line of the events that happened.
9th grade- Persuasive writing students can you outline format and then can write their
papers and then they can add their peers to the page that way they can all drop their papers
there and edit them together.

Positives and 1) Positives- 1)when map is edited the student who owns that work will get an email being
challenges of using notified that it was edited. 2) not everyone has to be on the website at the same time so
the tool that way schedules don't conflict. 3)There are many different formats- graphs, pages,
outlines, and calendars, one student can be in outline form and another student can be
bubble map form they can still view the same info in either of those tools in case they
understand one better than the other. 4) Not only students can add or make changes but
the students have the ability to leave comments in the below area listed comments.
2) Negatives - 1) website can be difficult to navigate, can be difficult for younger children
2) you have to enter email address or user handle to add people to your map so that
information would have to be shared prior to doing the assignment 3) each topic only lets
you use 500 characters which might not be enough depending on the topic being used.

From this ODU webpage copy the Honor

Pledge below to make the promise that you have met online as instructed in a face-to-face
virtual environment (e.g. Skype or Google Hangouts) to complete this assignment.

Honor Pledge
TLED 430 Module 3
Collaborative Assignment

I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will

refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception, such as
cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic
community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the
Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

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