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English For All CLASS NAME: Low Intermediate

DATE: 02/23/17
Teacher(s): Catharine Pei

Lesson Objectives 1. Students will be able to recognize definite/indefinite articles also use
them appropriately in their speech.

2. Students will also be able to develop skills in listening for details

(scanning) through the listening exercise, and be able to express their
opinion based on the audio.

3. Students will be able to understand what pros and cons mean, and
be able to identify them in the reading.
Materials Whats new handouts
Worksheets for listening activity & audio file
Definite vs. Indefinite articles power point
Definite vs. Indefinite articles worksheets
Statement writing worksheets.
Procedures Note: NOTE: the numbered titles are all bold faced. All other bold-faced
words are to be written on the blackboard. Words in quotations are to
be spoken by the teacher. Materials are underlined. Include the time
allotted for each activity.

1. Warming up: What do you like about technology (Time allotted:5

minutes )
Objective:Students will be able to review the content about cleft
sentences in order to check that they understood it the previous class

Hello everyone, welcome back to class. Today we are going to moving

on to a completely new topic -- science and technology. We are going to
start our class with a little discussion here. I want you to name one thing
that you like or dont like about technology. For the purpose of review
what you learned about cleft sentence, I want you to try to express your
opinion in cleft sentence. Do you guys still remember what cleft
sentences suppose to look like?

I.e. What I like about technology is I can use my phone to look up a

word that I dont know

Transition: Good job on the cleft sentence everyone, now we are

going to explore scientific world, and see what are some new scientific

2. Whats new activity (Time allotted: 10-15 minutes)

Objective: reading & discuss the advances in science and see indefinite
and definite articles in context.

PRE-READING:Write the phrase scientific breakthrough and ask

students to define it.
Giving out the correct definition, and ask students to think about the
most important scientific breakthrough in the last 20 years. And write
the thoughts on the board.

Scientific breakthrough: a discovery or piece of technology that

significantly changes the way something is thought of or done.
i.e . The invention of iphone can be an example of scientific

WHILE READING: Pass out the activity hand out, check that students
understand following vocabulary, explain when necessary.

DNA profiling
Artificial intelligence

Have students read content out loud, ask them let them think about what
are the possible benefits and dangers and discuss. Present some
information about the scientific advances based on the reading, ask
students work individually first, then discuss with a partner.

POST READING: Students work in pairs and do activity B

Transition: Very good now that you decided what was a good idea or a
bad idea, we can change these words (good and bad) for advantage and

3. The effect of technology (Time allotted: 10-15 minutes)

Objective: Develop skills in listening for details and talking about the
effects of technology.

PRE-LISTENING: Does anybody know what GM food is? Have you

guys ever eaten any GM food before? -Let ss explaining

WHILE LISTENING Now we are going to listen to an interview that is

talking about genetic modified food.
Passing out the worksheets for listening activity. Students will be
listening to an audio recording of an interview about GM food. The
recording will be played twice, the students will be asked to only listen
for the advantages of GM food in the first time. And only listen for
disadvantages the second time. The recording will be played more times
if necessary to allow students to check their answers. Teacher will go
over the answers and discuss as a whole class.

POST LISTENING: So that was all for the GM food, can you think of
any more recent science advance that reshaped your life? What are some
positive and negative effects of it? Think about it and take a moment to
talk with your friends next to you then we will discuss

Transition: Nice job everyone, hope you all learned something new
today and had fun with all these new science and technology stuff. Now
lets move on to our grammar point for today. Today we will be
introducing definite/indefinite articles.

4. Introducing definite/indefinite articles (Time allotted: 10-20

Objectives: Learn about the rules with definite/indefinite articles and
also practice using them in the content.

The teacher will be introducing the content of definite/indefinite articles

with examples. PPT slides will be projected on the screen with rules and
examples as teaching demonstrating the grammar point. The following
content will be presenting in the PPT for exercise purpose.

Some people think cloning ______ animal is bad science.

_______ DNA profiles are a new way to fight crime.
_______ breakthrough amazed ______ science world.
Some people dont believe ______ artificial intelligence is truly
In the future there will be ______ robot that has emotions.

Teacher will have volunteers to fill out the blanks with appropriate
definite/indefinite articles. Teacher will explain that an article is not
necessary for every blank. Go over answers with the class, and ask
students say what they remember about the rules for using definite and
indefinite articles.

Transition: Very good, now it looks like you guys are getting a hang
of definite/indefinite articles. Are you ready for more exercises?

5. Exercise with definite/indefinite articles (Time allotted: 10

Objective: More practice with definite/indefinite article, enhance
students knowledge and skills about this grammar point.

Students will be working on the worksheet individually, and compare

answers with a partner. Then, the teacher will go over the answers as a
whole class and explain any unknown vocabulary if necessary.

Transition: Great job. Ok, since we still have a little bit of time left, we
are going to do a writing exercise that is based on what we have
discussed today.

6. Optional activity: Statements writing (15 - 20 minutes).

Objectives: This activity is designed to allow students practice their
writing skills, as well as brainstorming.

Passing out the statement writing worksheets, ask students to write

statements about the items that are on the list, and discuss with a partner.

Students are encouraged to write as much as they can and they are
allowed to talk with a partner while they working on the exercise.
**This activity will be assigned as homework if there wont be enough
time for it**

closing / Assessment :What did we talk about today?

Assessment Students will be assessed on their listening and speaking skills

throughout the listening practice and discussion.

Students will also be assessed on their knowledge about the grammar

point with the exercise.
Anticipated Students might have trouble to understand some of the scientific terms
Problems that appear both in the exercise and reading.

We might not be able to get to or finish the writing exercise since there
might not be enough time left for that.

Students might have trouble to catch all the details in the listening due
to their limited English skills.

There might not be a lot of participations since this is kind of a hard

topic for them to discuss.

Statement Writing Exercise

Write statements about the items below. Then discuss your ideas with a partner.

1. The most interesting new product currently in stores

2. The most exciting new computer product on the market.

3. The greatest advance in medicine

4. The most amazing invention of the twentieth century.

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