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Drugs & The Nervous System Inquiry Research Lab

Name: _Michael Duncan______________________________________ Date:


Got to the following website & investigate!

What is the drug you have chosen to research and why?

Ecstasy, Methamphetamines and LSD


Cited Sources, Data & Findings:

(Author, Title of Article, Website for each)

1. Esctasy______________________________________________________________________

Mimics serotonin and taken through the serotonin transports.
- Alters transporter and confuses the transporter causing it to work
- These results in serotonin to come out of the cell and drift away and
it can be slightly addictive.

2. _Methamphetamines

- It is similar to dopamine neurotransmitters.

- Meth forces dopamine out and similarly reverses the transporting
- Some of the excess dopamine is gets out and bind to the cell.
- It can be highly addictive.

3. ___LSD_______________________________________________________________________

- Acts also like serotonin with a resemblance

- There are two types of Serotonin each for a specific function
- LSD can either excite or inhibit particles.
Answer to Original Question:

- Include data/findings from all sources

- Complete sentences, paragraph format

LSD, Ecstasy and Methamphetamines all share a similarity with the involvement of
the functions of the brain and with that there are going to be many side outcomes.
Drugs in general serve a purpose whether itd be to either excite or relax the brain
in turn relaxing the body. Ecstasy and Meth both reverse the transporter and can
really change the process of how the brain is able to fully function. These drugs can
be addictive depending; meth is the most addictive since it is able to force
dopamine out. LSD and Ecstasy have a similarity with serotonin it is just how the
ways of each get in the brain since with LSD, there are two types which mimics with
serotonin, bit with LSD it can either inhibit or excite. Ecstasy on the other hand can
either drift away or get trapped in the receptors which over stimulated the cell
making it slightly addictive. These three drugs serve as a way to strain and separate
transporters from their jobs which depending on the person could be their intention
but there is a thin line between obsession and addiction and they can often overlap
into each other. Naturally it is best to try and avoid some of these drugs since they
can have multiple effects when they are used an excessive amount and can end
with long term problems that most likely cannot be reversed.

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