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Warm up (15 minutes)

1 laps around building

10 Box jumps

10 Burpees

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Push-Ups

15 Hollow to Superman


Lower body

-4 sets of 10 (2 sets with each leg) States with kettle

bells (4 minutes)

-Kettle Bell Swings 2 sets of 15 (2 minutes)

-MB Squats to Press 3 sets of 10 (4 minutes)

-RDLs 3 sets of 10 (4 minutes)

-Dumbbell Single Leg Heel Raises 4 sets of 10 (2

each leg) (2 minutes)

Upper body

-Triceps Dips on bench 3 sets of 12 (4 minutes)

- Triceps Extensions on bench 3 sets of 10

-Barbell Shrugs 2 sets of 12 (3 minutes)

-Dumbbell Seated shoulder Press 3 sets of 10

-Medicine ball push-ups 3 sets of 10 (2-3 minutes)


-MB V-Ups 2 sets of 15

-MB side to side tap- 3 sets of 20

-Side Plank 1 minute hold on each side

-1-Minute Center Plank


-20 MB lunges

-40 Toe taps on MB

-20 MB vertical arm passes


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