Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Powerpoint Presentation

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Emotional and

Behavioral Disorders
Maria Martin and April Paulino
ED 326: Intro to Exceptional Children
Professor Smith
What are emotional and behavioral disorders?
Disabilities characterized by behavioral or emotional responses
DSM-IV: A recurrent pattern of negative, defiant, disobedient, and hostile
behaviors towards authority figures
Losing temper
Arguing with adults
Actively defying or refusing to comply with rules
Deliberately does things to annoy people
Angry and resentful
Touchy or easily annoyed behaviors
What are emotional and behavioral disorders?
Federal Government: Uses the term emotional disturbance

A condition exhibiting one or more of the following

characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked
degree that adversely affects a childs educational
performance (pg. 231).
Causes and Prevention
3 general causes: biology, home and Determine which specific
community, and school behaviors may cause problems in
the future
Biology Be aware if children act outside of
Inherited from parents
Can come from prenatal exposure their age group
Home and Community Signs of external disorder in
Socioeconomic status young children: antisocial
Parenting Style behavior, set fires, cruel to
School animals, and highly aggressive
Classroom management
Teacher interaction
Externalizing Behaviors: behaviors that Internalizing behaviors: behaviors that
are directed outwards are directed towards the self

Violates basic rights of others Exhibits anti-social behaviors

Has tantrums depressed

Hostile and argues anorexic

Threatens physical harm to people or bulimic


Ignores teachers reprimands Socially withdrawn

Steals: causes property loss or damage Panics

Excessive worries
Externalizing Behaviors

Hyperactivity: ADHD

Aggression: bullying, physical violence

Delinquency: committing violence

Internalizing Behaviors
Depression: experience of guilt,
self-blame, feelings of rejection
Anxiety: intense anxiety upon
separation from family, friends, or
familiar environments
Anorexia or bulimia: common eating
disorders that occur during students
teenage years, specifically among
3 types of strategies to reduce the prevalence of the disorder:
Medical Management: prevents the condition or eliminates the
Reducing overrepresentation: dont stereotype
School-based intervention: development of three-tiered model of
positive behavior
In the Classroom
Classroom Management Instructional Accommodations

Present opportunities for students to Build positive relationship

respond Use proactive approaches to clarify
Allow opportunities for students to make expectations and performance
decisions Teach relevant skills such as hand raising
Have students complete quick and easy Use systematic screening tools
tasks before presenting a challenging task Teach empathy, social skills, and problem
High interaction with students solving strategies
Provide instructional tasks at students Understand that academics can be
instructional level frustrating and difficult for students
Positive feedback and behavior praise
Technology Tools and Apps
Class Dojo
Classroom profile
Point system based upon good and bad behavior
Moody Monster Manor
Focused towards young children
Assists them in dealing with different emotions in different circumstances
Increases attention and releases stress
Uses a combination of music, movement, and geometric shapes

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